Introduction Jumping rope is an aerobic exercise that requires little time, consumes a high energy level, and does not require sizeable physical space or high investments. Although there are extensive studies in the literature on its short- and medium-term benefits, long-term responses are still inconclusive.
Objective Explore the long-term effects of jump rope training on the physical health of athletes.
Methods A randomized study was conducted before the protocol of regular physical education activities. The experimental group was differentiated by practicing a specific long-term jump rope protocol. Interferences of external factors were controlled during the 12 weeks of the experiment. Data analysis, observation of changes in fitness indicators, and statistical control were discussed.
Results The mean time for a 50-meter run was 8.85s versus 9.63s before the experiment. A gain of 0.78s, representing an 8% increase over the speed. The girls’ mean value before the experiment was 9.62s versus 9.18s after the experiment. The gain of 0.44 seconds represented an increase of 4.6%. Well-being perception was improved with injuries reduction over the control group.
Conclusion Long-term jump rope training has been shown to improve fitness and reduce injuries in athletes and has the potential to become a viable option for physical education training. Evidence Level II; Therapeutic Studies - Investigating the result.
Sports; Athletes; Physical Fitness