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Conservative Approach to Type III Ulnar Club Hand: Case Report


Ulnar club hand is a rare condition of the upper limbs, for which treatment depends on the degree of morphological and functional impairment, correlating with the radiographic classification of Dobyns, Wood, and Bayne. The aim of the present study is to report a case of a 6-year-old male patient, followed up for type III ulnar club hand (total ulnar dysplasia). Despite the initial difficulty of manipulating objects and performing everyday tasks, conservative physical therapy treatment provided strength gain and development of functional skills for daily life. We conclude that patients with type III deformity can be properly managed with rehabilitation although they require outpatient follow-up until skeletal maturity is reached, as dynamic deformities and new functional limitations may lead to need for corrective surgeries.

hand deformities, congenital; musculoskeletal abnormalities; phocomelia; ulna/abnormalities; upper extremity deformities, congenital


A mão torta ulnar é uma rara afecção de membros superiores, cujo tratamento depende do grau de comprometimento morfológico e funcional, que se correlaciona com a classificação radiográfica de Dobyns, Wood e Bayne. O objetivo deste estudo é relatar um caso de um paciente de 6 anos de idade, do sexo masculino, acompanhado devido a mão torta ulnar do tipo III (aplasia total da ulna). Apesar da dificuldade inicial de manipular objetos e realizar tarefas cotidianas, o tratamento conservador fisioterapêutico propiciou o ganho de força e o desenvolvimento de habilidades funcionais para a vida diária. Concluímos que pacientes com deformidade do tipo III podem ser manejados adequadamente com reabilitação embora necessitem de seguimento ambulatorial até a maturidade esquelética, pois deformidades dinâmicas e novas limitações funcionais podem levar à necessidade de cirurgias corretivas.

anormalidades musculoesqueléticas; deformidades congênitas da mão; deformidades congênitas das extremidades superiores; focomelia; ulna/anormalidades


Ulnar club hand (UCH) is a rare congenital condition.11 Monteiro AV, Chiconelli JR. Deficiência ulnar congênita: conduta de tratamento. Rev Bras Ortop 1997;32(08):637–640 In Brazil, an incidence of 1.6% of UCH was reported.22 Pinto HB, Pais AP, Vitorio SC, Brandão R, Moreira AAD, Molinaro LR. Case Study of Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Limb in Reference Ambulatory Care Facility. Acta Ortop Bras 2018;26(05):325–327 This is one of the rarest congenital deformities of the upper limbs.22 Pinto HB, Pais AP, Vitorio SC, Brandão R, Moreira AAD, Molinaro LR. Case Study of Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Limb in Reference Ambulatory Care Facility. Acta Ortop Bras 2018;26(05):325–327

Ulnar club hand is a longitudinal failure in the formation of the ulna (phocomelia), which may be totally or partially absent.33 Swanson AB. A classification for congenital limb malformations. J Hand Surg Am 1976;1(01):8–22 It is more frequent in men, on the right side, and unilateral in 70% of cases. The incomplete form is the most common.44 Panda A, Gamanagatti S, Jana M, Gupta AK. Skeletal dysplasias: A radiographic approach and review of common non-lethal skeletal dysplasias. World J Radiol 2014;6(10):808–825

The deformity is characterized by the forearm being short and curved to the radial side, with the hand diverted in the ulnar direction.44 Panda A, Gamanagatti S, Jana M, Gupta AK. Skeletal dysplasias: A radiographic approach and review of common non-lethal skeletal dysplasias. World J Radiol 2014;6(10):808–825 Other associated abnormalities may be present.44 Panda A, Gamanagatti S, Jana M, Gupta AK. Skeletal dysplasias: A radiographic approach and review of common non-lethal skeletal dysplasias. World J Radiol 2014;6(10):808–825 The elbow function may be compromised to different degrees (from stiffness to increased mobility, with instability).11 Monteiro AV, Chiconelli JR. Deficiência ulnar congênita: conduta de tratamento. Rev Bras Ortop 1997;32(08):637–640,55 Schachinger F, Girsch W, Farr S. Soft-Tissue Distraction Prior to Single Bone Forearm Surgery in Ulnar Longitudinal Deficiency: A Report of Two Cases. J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol 2018;23(01):153–157 In older children, dislocation of the radial head may occur.11 Monteiro AV, Chiconelli JR. Deficiência ulnar congênita: conduta de tratamento. Rev Bras Ortop 1997;32(08):637–640

Dobyns, Wood, and Bayne rank this condition in four types. In type I, there is ulna hypoplasia, small ulnar deviation, radio arching, and no anlage. In type II, there is partial dysplasia of the ulna (middle or distal third), the proximal joint of the ulna with the humerus is present, there is distal anlage and dislocation of the head of the radius. In type III, total dysplasia of the ulna occurs, there is no anlage, the radio is arched, and the head of the radio is dislocated (with elbow instability). In type IV, there is radio-humeral synostosis and anlage is usually present.66 Bayne LG. Ulnar club hand (Ulnar deficiencies). In: Green DP. Operative hand surgery. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1993: 288–303

The objective of the present study is to present a case of type III UCH, in which the challenge was the choice of treatment. We discuss the elements that guide the therapeutic indication, those related to clinical follow-up, and present the functional results after 2 years of follow-up.

Case Report

A 4-year-old male patient was admitted to a specialized outpatient clinic due to malformation of the right upper limb (RUL). The diagnosis of UCH had been performed by morphological ultrasound and confirmed after birth. In addition to UCH, left testicular agenesis was diagnosed. There was a family history of type III spinal muscular atrophy (paternal). This study was approved by the CEP (CAAE:97048518.9.0000.5103).

A typical deformity of UCH associated with agenesis of the fourth and fifth chirodactyls was evident (Fig. 1). It was not possible to identify formation of fibrous or cartilaginous bar (anlage). There was important functional limitation and difficulties in manipulating objects as well as hypoesthesia at the medial edge of the third finger.

Fig. 1
Ectoscopy of the deformity. (A) Anterior face of the member. (B) Profile with bending.

Radiographs (Fig. 2) showed complete absence of ulna, dislocation of the head of the radio and centralized carpal bones. There was no glenohumeral dysplasia on the shoulder.

Fig. 2
(A) Ulnar club hand type III of Dobyns, Wood, and Bayne – Total dysplasia of the ulna and absence of 4th and 5th right chirodactyls, and their respective metacarpals with preserved joint relationship. (B) Dislocation of the radio head. (C) Absence of deformities of the proximal humerus.

Given the limitations for daily life, the patient visited our outpatient clinic, where he received indication for physical therapy treatment. The goal was to optimize fine motor activity and functional gain (such as using the cell phone, getting dressed independently and putting on shoes). The treatment was performed for 9 months (1 hour, 3 times a week) (Chart 1).

Chart 1
Physiotherapeutic procedures performed by the patient during the physiotherapy period

The result of physical therapy was measured by the goal attainment scale (GAS)77 McDougall J, Wright V. The ICF-CY and Goal Attainment Scaling: benefits of their combined use for pediatric practice. Disabil Rehabil 2009;31(16):1362–1372, which included three tasks agreed on by family members and therapists. The objectives were: to improve the functionality of the RUL with gain of fine movements; to improve the palmar grip; to reduce scapular dyskinesia during abduction to pick up a toy on the shelf. At 2 months, the patient showed improvement in 2 tasks (video-compared RUL function and improvement of palmar grip in daily tasks).

In the consultation after physical therapy, we applied the disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) questionnaire.88 Orfale AG, Araújo PM, Ferraz MB, Natour J. Translation into Brazilian Portuguese, cultural adaptation and evaluation of the reliability of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire. Braz J Med Biol Res 2005;38(02):293–302 As the patient was a child, questions 7, 8, 12 and 21 could not be applied because they addressed typical adult functions. This modification led us to consider not the absolute score (38.33 points), but its weighted value (46%), classifying the dysfunction as moderate. Chart 2 lists other findings.

Chart 2
Activity assessment before and after physiotherapy

The patient maintains follow-up after 2 years, asymptomatic and with stable condition, performs the movement of thumb tweezers, despite not presenting function of the opponent muscles. The flexor musculature of the three fingers is normal, o the patient is able to play with the cell phone, dress independently and perform other daily tasks (Fig. 3). We chose not to indicate surgery at this time, although the approach can be reviewed, especially if there is loss of thumb tweezer ability, worsening of elbow stability, progressive loss of function, or pain.

Fig. 3
Illustrative images of limb functionality using electronic device and demonstrating clamp function.


Our case is illustrative of UCH because it includes a male patient and involvement of the right side.44 Panda A, Gamanagatti S, Jana M, Gupta AK. Skeletal dysplasias: A radiographic approach and review of common non-lethal skeletal dysplasias. World J Radiol 2014;6(10):808–825 In the literature, partial ulna agenesis (Bayne II) is the most frequent pheno-type, which is different from our case.11 Monteiro AV, Chiconelli JR. Deficiência ulnar congênita: conduta de tratamento. Rev Bras Ortop 1997;32(08):637–640,55 Schachinger F, Girsch W, Farr S. Soft-Tissue Distraction Prior to Single Bone Forearm Surgery in Ulnar Longitudinal Deficiency: A Report of Two Cases. J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol 2018;23(01):153–157,66 Bayne LG. Ulnar club hand (Ulnar deficiencies). In: Green DP. Operative hand surgery. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1993: 288–303 We did not identify cases similar to ours in the national literature.

The agenesis of metacarpals and phalanges observed is also reported in most studies.11 Monteiro AV, Chiconelli JR. Deficiência ulnar congênita: conduta de tratamento. Rev Bras Ortop 1997;32(08):637–640,55 Schachinger F, Girsch W, Farr S. Soft-Tissue Distraction Prior to Single Bone Forearm Surgery in Ulnar Longitudinal Deficiency: A Report of Two Cases. J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol 2018;23(01):153–157 We did not identify concomitant musculoskeletal abnormalities or limitation of elbow mobility, unlike other authors.55 Schachinger F, Girsch W, Farr S. Soft-Tissue Distraction Prior to Single Bone Forearm Surgery in Ulnar Longitudinal Deficiency: A Report of Two Cases. J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol 2018;23(01):153–157,66 Bayne LG. Ulnar club hand (Ulnar deficiencies). In: Green DP. Operative hand surgery. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1993: 288–303

The treatment in cases of UCH requires a multi-professional and individualized approach.99 Frantz DH, O'Rahilly R. Ulnar hemimelia. Artif Limbs 1971;15(02):25–35 Most children are treated without surgery, especially in unilateral UCH.99 Frantz DH, O'Rahilly R. Ulnar hemimelia. Artif Limbs 1971;15(02):25–35 In cases requiring surgery, the goal is to improve the function of the affected limb.99 Frantz DH, O'Rahilly R. Ulnar hemimelia. Artif Limbs 1971;15(02):25–35

To evaluate the gain of function, we can use objective scales (e.g. DASH) or other more subjective scales (e.g.: GAS). Although validated, the DASH questionnaire has disadvantages because it involves a longer period of application and is specific to adults. Therefore, GAS is preferred by us, because it is more practical. It involves defining a set of objectives and specifies a range of possible outcomes for each objective (on a scale that contains 5 levels, from −2 to þ2). It is used to evaluate performance after a specified intervention period.77 McDougall J, Wright V. The ICF-CY and Goal Attainment Scaling: benefits of their combined use for pediatric practice. Disabil Rehabil 2009;31(16):1362–1372

The surgical approach in the cases of Bayne II was advocated by Monteiro and Schachinger.11 Monteiro AV, Chiconelli JR. Deficiência ulnar congênita: conduta de tratamento. Rev Bras Ortop 1997;32(08):637–640,55 Schachinger F, Girsch W, Farr S. Soft-Tissue Distraction Prior to Single Bone Forearm Surgery in Ulnar Longitudinal Deficiency: A Report of Two Cases. J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol 2018;23(01):153–157 In patients with Bayne IV, conservative treatment is recommended.1010 Elhassan BT, Biafora S, Light T. Clinical manifestations of type IV ulna longitudinal dysplasia. J Hand Surg Am 2007;32(07):1024–1030 We did not identify recommendations for Bayne III. In this case, conservative treatment was chosen due to the patient's age and good response to physiotherapy with adequate adaptation to day-to-day activities.

The prognosis of UCH will depend on factors such as: unilateralism, association with syndromes, the number of fingers present, the degree of atrophy of the limbs, and the presence of sindactyly.99 Frantz DH, O'Rahilly R. Ulnar hemimelia. Artif Limbs 1971;15(02):25–35 In our case, the function of the elbow and wrist joints may worsen with growth, which justifies serial follow-ups and eventual interventions.11 Monteiro AV, Chiconelli JR. Deficiência ulnar congênita: conduta de tratamento. Rev Bras Ortop 1997;32(08):637–640 However, the follow-up of the last 2 years showed satisfactory developments.

  • Financial Support
    There was no financial support from public, commercial, or non-profit sources.
  • Study carried out at the Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e da Saúde de Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil.


  • 1
    Monteiro AV, Chiconelli JR. Deficiência ulnar congênita: conduta de tratamento. Rev Bras Ortop 1997;32(08):637–640
  • 2
    Pinto HB, Pais AP, Vitorio SC, Brandão R, Moreira AAD, Molinaro LR. Case Study of Congenital Anomalies of the Upper Limb in Reference Ambulatory Care Facility. Acta Ortop Bras 2018;26(05):325–327
  • 3
    Swanson AB. A classification for congenital limb malformations. J Hand Surg Am 1976;1(01):8–22
  • 4
    Panda A, Gamanagatti S, Jana M, Gupta AK. Skeletal dysplasias: A radiographic approach and review of common non-lethal skeletal dysplasias. World J Radiol 2014;6(10):808–825
  • 5
    Schachinger F, Girsch W, Farr S. Soft-Tissue Distraction Prior to Single Bone Forearm Surgery in Ulnar Longitudinal Deficiency: A Report of Two Cases. J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol 2018;23(01):153–157
  • 6
    Bayne LG. Ulnar club hand (Ulnar deficiencies). In: Green DP. Operative hand surgery. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1993: 288–303
  • 7
    McDougall J, Wright V. The ICF-CY and Goal Attainment Scaling: benefits of their combined use for pediatric practice. Disabil Rehabil 2009;31(16):1362–1372
  • 8
    Orfale AG, Araújo PM, Ferraz MB, Natour J. Translation into Brazilian Portuguese, cultural adaptation and evaluation of the reliability of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire. Braz J Med Biol Res 2005;38(02):293–302
  • 9
    Frantz DH, O'Rahilly R. Ulnar hemimelia. Artif Limbs 1971;15(02):25–35
  • 10
    Elhassan BT, Biafora S, Light T. Clinical manifestations of type IV ulna longitudinal dysplasia. J Hand Surg Am 2007;32(07):1024–1030

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    30 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    23 Dec 2020
  • Accepted
    07 Apr 2021
Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Al. Lorena, 427 14º andar, 01424-000 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel.: 55 11 2137-5400 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil