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Update on Musculoskeletal Pain Management


Pain is the most common complaint reported to orthopedists in the outpatient clinic, emergency room, or booth. Numerous publications report the inadequate management of both acute and chronic pain by health professionals. This updated article aims to provide information about musculoskeletal pain, its classification, evaluation, diagnosis, and the multimodal therapeutic approach for each case. For acute pain, adequate control allows for earlier rehabilitation to work and reduces the rates of pain chronification. For chronic pain, the goal is to reduce its intensity and improve the quality of life. Currently, some procedures are increasingly used and aided by imaging tests for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

acute pain; chronic pain; musculoskeletal pain; pain management; postoperative pain


A dor é a queixa mais comum recebida pelo ortopedista no ambulatório e/ou emergência. Inúmeras publicações relatam o manejo inadequado tanto da dor aguda quanto da dor crônica pelos profissionais da saúde. O objetivo desse artigo de atualização é trazer informações sobre a dor musculoesquelética, sua classificação, avaliação, diagnóstico e abordagem terapêutica multimodal para cada situação. Desta maneira, nas dores agudas seu controle adequado possibilita um trabalho de reabilitação mais precoce, bem como diminui os índices de cronificação da dor. Nas dores crônicas sua abordagem além da diminuição de sua intensidade, visa também melhorar a qualidade de vida. Atualmente alguns procedimentos estão sendo cada vez mais utilizados com auxílio de aparato de imagem com objetivo diagnóstico e terapêutico.

dor aguda; dor crônica; dor musculoesquelética; manejo da dor; dor pós-operatória


One in every five adults in the world experiences pain. Pain is the chief complaint leading subjects to seek medical services at an outpatient and emergency level. It results in disability on an individual level and a high economic impact on society.11 Rice ASC, Smith BH, Blyth FM. Pain and the global burden of disease. Pain 2016;157(04):791–796,22 Henschke N, Kamper SJ, Maher CG. The epidemiology and economic consequences of pain. Mayo Clin Proc 2015;90(01):139–147

According to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IAPS), pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience resulting from actual or potential tissue damage or similarly associated with it.33 Raja SN, Carr DB, Cohen M, et al. The revised International Association for the Study of Pain definition of pain: concepts, challenges, and compromises. Pain 2020;161(09):1976–1982 Pain classification relies on time (acute or chronic) and its pathophysiology (nociceptive, neuropathic, nociplastic, or mixed). The principles for treating cancer and non-cancer pain are different. Therefore, this article discusses the assessment and management of non-cancer musculoskeletal pain.

Pathophysiology of Pain

Pain is an experience perceived by the central nervous system. This perception requires information to reach the brain through neuronal pathways and circuits. Thus, pain perception by the somatosensory cortex begins in the periphery. The painful stimulus transforms into mechanical, thermal, or chemical stimuli through neuronal signaling (transduction). These stimuli, in turn, are preferentially relied on by type A-delta or C neural (transmission) for the first synaptic connection with neurons from the posterior horn of the spinal cord (PHSC). In PHSC, inhibitory and excitatory stimuli (modulation) from the peripheral and central nervous system influence pain information (descending inhibitory system).44 Chapman CR, Vierck CJ. The Transition of Acute Postoperative Pain to Chronic Pain: An Integrative Overview of Research on Mechanisms. J Pain 2017;18(04):359.e1–359.e38

To understand this pathophysiology, we must define nociception as the perception of a painful stimulus depending on the integrity of the previously mentioned pathways. In contrast to nociception, pain is a complex experience involving several neuronal modulation phenomena.55 Woller SA, Eddinger KA, Corr M, Yaksh TL. An overview of pathways encoding nociception. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2017;35(5, Suppl 107)40–46

Patients often present painful complaints with no correlation with complementary tests despite the lack of structural changes in imaging. The justification for their complaints may lie in a phenomenon known as sensitization, defined as an increase in the excitability of the cell membrane of sensory neurons in the face of painful stimuli, which may be peripheral (nerve ending) or central (PHSC and the entire neuroaxis).66 Cohen SP, Vase L, Hooten WM. Chronic pain: an update on burden, best practices, and new advances. Lancet 2021;397(10289): 2082–2097


Chronic pain prevalence rates range from 11% to 40% in the American population (average, 20.4%). In the United Kingdom, the prevalence of chronic pain is 43.5%, and the rate of moderate to disabling pain ranges from 10.4% to 14.3%. Brazilian data indicate that the prevalence of chronic pain ranges from 23.02 to 76.17% (average rate, 45.59%), affecting more females. The highest prevalence in Brazil occurs in the Midwest region (56.25%). Regarding the IASP mechanism classification, nociceptive, neuropathic, and nociplastic pain prevalence is 36.70%, 14.5%, and 12.5%, respectively.77 Aguiar DP, Souza CP, Barbosa WJ, Santos-Júnior FF, Oliveira AS. Prevalência de dor crônica no Brasil: revisão sistemática. BrJP São Paulo 2021;4(03):257–267

Pain Classification

The correct identification of the type of pain is essential for the appropriate therapeutic choice since each has a different treatment.88 Fletcher D, Stamer UM, Pogatzki-Zahn E, et al; euCPSP group for the Clinical Trial Network group of the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Chronic postsurgical pain in Europe: An observational study. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2015;32(10):725–734 IASP reformulated the international classification of diseases (ICD- 11) to favor research and diagnoses and improve the interpretation of several chronic pain syndromes. Fig. 1 and 2 show the new division.99 Treede RD, Rief W, Barke A, et al. Chronic pain as a symptom or a disease: the IASP Classification of Chronic Pain for the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Pain 2019;160(01): 19–27

Fig. 1
CID-11 classification of chronic pain.1111 Merskey H, Bogduk N, Eds. Classification of chronic pain descriptions of chronic pain syndromes and definitions of pain terms. 2nd ed. Seattle (WA): International Association for the Study of Pain;; 1994
Fig. 2
Subdivision of chronic pain syndromes per CID-11.1111 Merskey H, Bogduk N, Eds. Classification of chronic pain descriptions of chronic pain syndromes and definitions of pain terms. 2nd ed. Seattle (WA): International Association for the Study of Pain;; 1994

Regarding Evolution Time

Acute pain is a normal physiological response of the body to painful stimuli. It is a self-limited and short-lasting condition, often for less than three months, ceasing at the end of affected tissue healing and repair.88 Fletcher D, Stamer UM, Pogatzki-Zahn E, et al; euCPSP group for the Clinical Trial Network group of the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Chronic postsurgical pain in Europe: An observational study. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2015;32(10):725–734,1010 Chou R, Gordon DB, de Leon-Casasola OA, et al. Management of Postoperative Pain: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American Pain Society, the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, and the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ Committee on Regional Anesthesia, Executive Committee, and Administrative Council. J Pain 2016;17(02):131–157

Chronic pain persists beyond the regular healing time or more than three months and presents all the repercussions potentially associated with it.

Regarding the Type of Pain

  • Nociceptive pain arises from actual or potential damage to non-neural tissues.1111 Merskey H, Bogduk N, Eds. Classification of chronic pain descriptions of chronic pain syndromes and definitions of pain terms. 2nd ed. Seattle (WA): International Association for the Study of Pain;; 1994 It occurs in acute traumatic and postoperative pain. The most commonly used medication classes for its treatment are simple or opioid analgesic agents, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and muscle relaxants (Table 1).66 Cohen SP, Vase L, Hooten WM. Chronic pain: an update on burden, best practices, and new advances. Lancet 2021;397(10289): 2082–2097

  • Neuropathic pain (NP) results from an injury or dys-function of peripheral or central nervous system structures, as in disc herniation with root compression and carpal tunnel syndrome (Table 2).1212 Moisset X, Bouhassira D, Avez Couturier J, et al. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain: Systematic review and French recommendations. Rev Neurol (Paris) 2020;176(05):325–352 The clinical manifestations include burning pain, painful cold, electric shock, itching, and pins and needles sensation. In addition, the neurological examination reveals hyperalgesia, hyperpathy, and allodynia. The leading treatment for this pain consists of adjuvant medications (tricyclic antidepressants, dual antidepressants, and gabapentinoid anticonvulsants). Opioids are reserved for analgesia at the beginning of treatment until the adjustment of the adjuvant dose and to allow rehabilitation when analgesia is insufficient.88 Fletcher D, Stamer UM, Pogatzki-Zahn E, et al; euCPSP group for the Clinical Trial Network group of the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Chronic postsurgical pain in Europe: An observational study. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2015;32(10):725–734 Please refer to Fig. 3.–1212 Moisset X, Bouhassira D, Avez Couturier J, et al. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain: Systematic review and French recommendations. Rev Neurol (Paris) 2020;176(05):325–352

  • Nociplastic pain is the more recently described pain. It has no association with any tissue injury (neural or not). Examples of nociplastic pain include migraine and fibromyalgia. Its treatment relies on multimodal and interdisciplinary approaches.1212 Moisset X, Bouhassira D, Avez Couturier J, et al. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain: Systematic review and French recommendations. Rev Neurol (Paris) 2020;176(05):325–352

  • Mixed pain combines the pain types described above in a single subject.44 Chapman CR, Vierck CJ. The Transition of Acute Postoperative Pain to Chronic Pain: An Integrative Overview of Research on Mechanisms. J Pain 2017;18(04):359.e1–359.e38

Table 1
Main medications recommended for nociceptive pain in adults.
Table 2
First-line drugs for neuropathic pain treatment according the main guidelines4949 Überall MA, Eerdekens M, Hollanders E, Bösl I, Sabatschus I. Lidocaine 700 mg medicated plaster for postherpetic neuralgia: real-world data from the German Pain e-Registry. Pain Manag (Lond) 2022;12(02):195–209
Fig. 3
Guidelines from the 2020 French recommendations for neuropathic pain treatment.1717 World Health Organization. Cancer pain relief. Geneva Albany, NY: World Health Organization; WHO Publications Center USA distributor; 1986

Pain Assessment and Diagnosis

Patient assessment must be complete, with anamnesis, physical examination, and subsidiary tests. It is critical to determine when, how, and any factors improving or worsening pain, and the previously prescribed treatments and their outcomes. It is also fundamental to describe the actual definition of whether or not a clinical-radiological correlation can establish a causal relationship to pain. Some patients, especially those with chronic pain, already tried many treatments, and several life dimensions have been affected (quality of life, functionality, social relationships, etc.). Scales can facilitate the subjective measurement of pain (numeric verbal scale and analog verbal scale [VNS, VAS]). Neuropathy pain screening tools may help, including DN4, LANSS, and painDetect. The assessment must clarify the main mechanisms involved in pain and any causal relationship.1313 Heller GZ, Manuguerra M, Chow R. How to analyze the Visual Analogue Scale: Myths, truths and clinical relevance. Scand J Pain 2016;13:67–751616 Freynhagen R, Baron R, Gockel U, Tölle TR. painDETECT: a new screening questionnaire to identify neuropathic components in patients with back pain. Curr Med Res Opin 2006;22(10):1911–1920


Pharmacological Treatment

Diagnosis and specific causal treatment are essential for acute pain since this is a physiological function of warning of an active injury or disease. Symptomatic pain treatment adopts the World Health Organization (WHO) analgesic ladder1717 World Health Organization. Cancer pain relief. Geneva Albany, NY: World Health Organization; WHO Publications Center USA distributor; 1986 per pain intensity (VAS or VNS). The first step of the WHO analgesic ladder (Fig. 4) refers to mild pain, using simple analgesics combined with an NSAID and considering any contraindication to their use. The second step (moderate pain) employs weak opioids. The third step (severe pain) uses potent opioids. An adapted WHO analgesic ladder adds a fourth step, consisting of interventional procedures for pain control.1818 Yang J, Bauer BA, Wahner-Roedler DL, Chon TY, Xiao L. The Modified WHO Analgesic Ladder: Is It Appropriate for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain? J Pain Res 2020;13:411–417

Fig. 4
Adaptation of the WHO analgesic ladder for stepped analgesia. Medications in the first step are indicated for mild pain; those in the second step are used for moderate pain, and those in the third step treat severe pain. Later, a fourth step was added to the original ladder to address drug treatment-refractory pain.2222 Bernal W, Auzinger G, Dhawan A, Wendon J. Acute liver failure. Lancet 2010;376(9736):190–201,2323 Hamerschlak N, Maluf E, Biasi Cavalcanti A, et al. Incidence and risk factors for agranulocytosis in Latin American countries–the Latin Study: a multicenter study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2008;64 (09):921–929.

Several factors result in the progression of acute to chronic pain, including pain intensity, social and psychological aspects, and even genetic factors. However, proper treatment of acute pain is essential to prevent its progression. In the orthopedic context, the type of anesthesia and the drugs used in the perioperative period can reduce the risk of chronic pain.88 Fletcher D, Stamer UM, Pogatzki-Zahn E, et al; euCPSP group for the Clinical Trial Network group of the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Chronic postsurgical pain in Europe: An observational study. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2015;32(10):725–734 Failure in medical training in pain remains a leading cause of inadequate pain management.88 Fletcher D, Stamer UM, Pogatzki-Zahn E, et al; euCPSP group for the Clinical Trial Network group of the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Chronic postsurgical pain in Europe: An observational study. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2015;32(10):725–734

All chronic pain treatment requires a multimodal approach, using pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies and different mechanisms of action with synergistic potential.1919 Crews JC. Multimodal pain management strategies for office-based and ambulatory procedures. JAMA 2002;288(05):629–632

Simple Analgesic Agents

Dipyrone (metimazole) and paracetamol are the most used medications in clinical practice. Both are analgesics and antipyretics with similar efficacy and little anti-inflamma-tory effects by inhibiting cyclooxygenases type 1 (COX-1) and type 2 (COX-2).2020 Rezende RM, França DS, Menezes GB, dos Reis WG, Bakhle YS, Francischi JN. Different mechanisms underlie the analgesic actions of paracetamol and dipyrone in a rat model of inflamma-tory pain. Br J Pharmacol 2008;153(04):760–768,2121 Lorenzetti BB, Ferreira SH. Mode of analgesic action of dipyrone: direct antagonism of inflammatory hyperalgesia. Eur J Pharmacol 1985;114(03):375–381 They present different side effect pro-files. Paracetamol can be hepatotoxic in high doses and is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the USA.2222 Bernal W, Auzinger G, Dhawan A, Wendon J. Acute liver failure. Lancet 2010;376(9736):190–201 Paracetamol is safe in dosages of up to 4 g/day. In turn, dipyrone may cause agranulocytosis as an adverse effect. Nevertheless, the incidence of this side effect is very low in Latin America.2323 Hamerschlak N, Maluf E, Biasi Cavalcanti A, et al. Incidence and risk factors for agranulocytosis in Latin American countries–the Latin Study: a multicenter study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2008;64 (09):921–929 Dipyrone and paracetamol treat acute and chronic pain and do not require dose adjustment in subjects with renal failure.2424 Sakata RK, Nunes MHG. Analgesics use for kidney failure. Rev Dor 2014;15(03):224–229

Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents

NSAID indications include acute pain, chronic pain exacerbation, and inflammatory pain from nociceptive causes. The current recommendation is to use the lowest dose possible for a few days due to the risk of side effects, especially with prolonged treatment.2525 Schug SA. Clinical pharmacology of non-opioid and opioid anal-gesics. In: Justins DM, editor. Pain 2005–An Up- date Review: Refresher Course Syllabus. Seattle: IASP Press; 2005:31–40

NSAIDs block prostaglandin synthesis by inhibiting the constitutive enzyme COX-1, generating adverse gastrointestinal effects, and COX-2, induced by the inflammatory process.2626 Whelton A. Nephrotoxicity of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: physiologic foundations and clinical implications. Am J Med 1999;106(5B):13S–24S The lower COX-2 selectivity reduces the risk of adverse gastrointestinal events and bleeding, whereas the higher COX-2 selectivity increases the chance of cardiovascular effects. NSAIDs are the most commonly used medications to treat chronic pain, even though there is no recommendation for this indication. They are contraindicated subjects with renal and hepatic insufficiency.2626 Whelton A. Nephrotoxicity of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: physiologic foundations and clinical implications. Am J Med 1999;106(5B):13S–24S

Opioid Analgesic Agents

Opioids can be typical or atypical, weak or strong (Fig. 5). Weak opioids may treat acute moderate or severe pain and chronic pain exacerbations. Strong opioids are precisely indicated in acute and severe pain and eventually for cases of difficult pain control.2727 Busse JW, Wang L, Kamaleldin M, et al. Opioids for Chronic Noncancer Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA 2018;320(23):2448–2460

Fig. 5
Opioid classification per potency and mechanism of action.3535 Gong QL, Hedner T, Hedner J, Björkman R, Nordberg G. Antinociceptive and ventilatory effects of the morphine metabolites: morphine-6-glucuronide and morphine-3-glucuronide. Eur J Pharmacol 1991;193(01):47–564141 van Tulder MW, Touray T, Furlan AD, Solway S, Bouter LM. Muscle relaxants for non-specific low back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003;2003(02):CD004252,4949 Überall MA, Eerdekens M, Hollanders E, Bösl I, Sabatschus I. Lidocaine 700 mg medicated plaster for postherpetic neuralgia: real-world data from the German Pain e-Registry. Pain Manag (Lond) 2022;12(02):195–209

Despite fears on the part of orthopedists, the rational use of opioids makes prescriptions safe. Adequate titration, research into the risk of addiction, and administration for the shortest possible time until adjuvant medications or specific treatments produce the desired effect are good practice.2828 Kraychete DC, Siqueira JTT, Zakka TRM, Garcia JBS. Recommendations for the use of opioids in Brazil: Part III. Use in special situations (postoperative pain, musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic pain, gestation and lactation). Rev Dor 2014;15(02): 126–132

In practice, use a short-acting opioid such as morphine titrated to the lowest effective dose with successive increases until pain relief. From this dose, adjust rotation calculations or even rescue doses. Rescue uses 1/10 to 1/6 of the total daily dosage for pain between intervals, as well as for controlled release presentations and equianalgesic dose for opioid rotation. Several empirical conversion tables serve as guidance. Cross-tolerance, opioid-induced hyperalgesia, or intolerable effects are criteria for opioid rotation.2929 Kraychete DC, Sakata RK. Use and rotation of opioids in chronic non-oncologic pain. Rev Bras Anestesiol 2012;62(04):554–562

Other side effects of opioids include constipation, nausea, vomiting, hyperalgesia, tolerance, and withdrawal. Constipation is intolerable and must receive prophylactic treatment, as it increases morbidity and mortality and worsens the quality of life. Constipation treatment may employ laxatives, such as lactulose, bisacodyl, senna, and polyethylene glycol, in addition to dietary changes and hydration. Older subjects warrant special care during opioid use due to the increased risk of adverse effects and falls.3030 Kraychete DC, Garcia JBS, Siqueira JTT. Recommendations for the use of opioids in Brazil: Part IV. Adverse opioid effects. Rev Dor 2014;15(03):215–223

Continued medical education is essential for what happened in the United States does not occur in Brazil.3131 García CA, Santos Garcia JB, Rosario Berenguel Cook MD, et al. Undertreatment of pain and low use of opioids in Latin America. Pain Manag (Lond) 2018;8(03):181–196


Tramadol is a weak opioid with agonist activity at opioid receptors (μ) and dual action by inhibiting serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake. It helps treat nociceptive and neuropathic pain.3232 Lee CR, McTavish D, Sorkin EM. Tramadol. A preliminary review of its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties, and therapeutic potential in acute and chronic pain states. Drugs 1993;46 (02):313–340

Its disadvantage is the decrease in the seizure threshold. Concomitant use with antidepressants, especially selective serotonin reuptake or dual antidepressants, can result in serotoninergic syndrome. It causes less constipation than codeine.

Dose adjustment is required in subjects with advanced renal failure, as it is dialyzable and safe for dialysis patients.3232 Lee CR, McTavish D, Sorkin EM. Tramadol. A preliminary review of its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties, and therapeutic potential in acute and chronic pain states. Drugs 1993;46 (02):313–340


Codeine is a morphine derivative undergoing liver metabolization into codeine-6-glucuronide and demethylation into morphine, forming active metabolites acting on opioid receptors (μ).3333 King S, Forbes K, Hanks GW, Ferro CJ, Chambers EJ. A systematic review of the use of opioid medication for those with moderate to severe cancer pain and renal impairment: a European Palliative Care Research Collaborative opioid guidelines project. Palliat Med 2011;25(05):525–552 Some patients do not have the codeine-converting enzyme and are insensitive to the medication. As its elimination is renal, it requires care in patients with renal insufficiency. Since codeine removal through dialysis is complicated, it is best to avoid it in dialysis patients.3434 Vree TB, van Dongen RT, Koopman-Kimenai PM. Codeine analgesia is due to codeine-6-glucuronide, not morphine. Int J Clin Pract 2000;54(06):395–398


Morphine is a natural opioid with agonist activity at opioid receptors (μ). It is a reference for titration and calculation of equianalgesic doses for opioid rotation. Morphine is available in immediate and controlled-release presentations.

It undergoes hepatic metabolism into morphine-3-glucuronide, morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G), diamorphine, and normorphine.3535 Gong QL, Hedner T, Hedner J, Björkman R, Nordberg G. Antinociceptive and ventilatory effects of the morphine metabolites: morphine-6-glucuronide and morphine-3-glucuronide. Eur J Pharmacol 1991;193(01):47–56 he metabolites and part of intact morphine are eliminated by the kidney, requiring dose adjustment in renal failure due to the accumulation of M6G, a component ten times more potent than the original morphine. As such, avoid it in subjects with renal failure.3535 Gong QL, Hedner T, Hedner J, Björkman R, Nordberg G. Antinociceptive and ventilatory effects of the morphine metabolites: morphine-6-glucuronide and morphine-3-glucuronide. Eur J Pharmacol 1991;193(01):47–56


Fentanil is a fat-soluble synthetic opioid with agonist activity at opioid receptors (μ). Its potency is approximately 80 times higher than morphine. It is available for intravenous, neuraxial, intramuscular, and transdermal administration. In the transdermal route, the peak of action occurs in 24 to 48 hours, and the total duration of effect lasts up to 72 hours when it requires change. As it has a slower titration, avoid it in acute postoperative pain needing faster dosage adjustment.3333 King S, Forbes K, Hanks GW, Ferro CJ, Chambers EJ. A systematic review of the use of opioid medication for those with moderate to severe cancer pain and renal impairment: a European Palliative Care Research Collaborative opioid guidelines project. Palliat Med 2011;25(05):525–552

It is metabolized in the liver, generating inactive metabolites; therefore, it is safe for patients with renal failure and on dialysis.3535 Gong QL, Hedner T, Hedner J, Björkman R, Nordberg G. Antinociceptive and ventilatory effects of the morphine metabolites: morphine-6-glucuronide and morphine-3-glucuronide. Eur J Pharmacol 1991;193(01):47–56 In addition, avoid it in subjects with severe liver failure.3535 Gong QL, Hedner T, Hedner J, Björkman R, Nordberg G. Antinociceptive and ventilatory effects of the morphine metabolites: morphine-6-glucuronide and morphine-3-glucuronide. Eur J Pharmacol 1991;193(01):47–56


Methadone is a lipid-soluble synthetic opioid with a potency about ten times higher than morphine. Since it is an agonist for opioid receptors (μ) and an antagonist for Nmethyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, methadone is a good alternative for treating neuropathic pain. It has good oral bioavailability and diffuse tissue distribution, explaining its long half-life of 8 to 59 hours. Its pharmacokinetics presents interindividual variation and erratic metabolism, with a variable conversion rate according to the dosage. Therefore, its management requires experience and care, with frequent assessment during increasing doses and longer intervals due to the risk of accumulation and respiratory depression.2525 Schug SA. Clinical pharmacology of non-opioid and opioid anal-gesics. In: Justins DM, editor. Pain 2005–An Up- date Review: Refresher Course Syllabus. Seattle: IASP Press; 2005:31–40,2929 Kraychete DC, Sakata RK. Use and rotation of opioids in chronic non-oncologic pain. Rev Bras Anestesiol 2012;62(04):554–562 Nausea is a warning sign of methadone intoxication.3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019 In patients with heart disease, increased QT interval or previous long QT intervals warrant investigation because of the risk of arrhythmia, torsades de pointes, and sudden death.2525 Schug SA. Clinical pharmacology of non-opioid and opioid anal-gesics. In: Justins DM, editor. Pain 2005–An Up- date Review: Refresher Course Syllabus. Seattle: IASP Press; 2005:31–40,2929 Kraychete DC, Sakata RK. Use and rotation of opioids in chronic non-oncologic pain. Rev Bras Anestesiol 2012;62(04):554–562

Methadone metabolization occurs in the liver and intestine, and the bile eliminates its inactive metabolites. It is safe for patients with nephropathy, under dialysis, or with liver failure, but it requires careful monitoring of side effects.2929 Kraychete DC, Sakata RK. Use and rotation of opioids in chronic non-oncologic pain. Rev Bras Anestesiol 2012;62(04):554–562,3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019


Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic opioid with agonist activity at opioid receptors (μ). It is available in a controlled-release formulation for dosage every 12 hours. It has twice the analgesic potency of morphine. In a 20 mg dose per day, oxycodone is a weak opioid. In Brazil, there is no immediate-release oxycodone available, so morphine is the rescue medication.3737 Lalovic B, Kharasch E, Hoffer C, Risler L, Liu-Chen LY, Shen DD. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of oral oxycodone in healthy human subjects: role of circulating active metabolites. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2006;79(05):461–479

Oxycodone metabolism occurs in the liver, and the drug depends on the kidney to excrete active metabolites and part of the intact compound. It is best to avoid it in patients with renal failure.3737 Lalovic B, Kharasch E, Hoffer C, Risler L, Liu-Chen LY, Shen DD. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of oral oxycodone in healthy human subjects: role of circulating active metabolites. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2006;79(05):461–479


Buprenorphine is an atypical strong opioid with partial agonist activity at opioid receptors (μ). It is 30 to 60 times more potent than morphine. The transdermal form, the only presentation available in Brazil, is a patch for application every 3 or 7 days. Patches are available in doses ranging from 5 to 40 mg. It has fewer side effects, and it is safe for older subjects.3838 Dalal S, Chitneni A, Berger AA, et al. Buprenorphine for chronic pain: A safer alternative to traditional opioids. Health Psychol Res 2021;9(01):27241


Tapentadol is a strong atypical opioid with central action for pain relief. It has a dual mechanism of action: opioid receptor agonism (μ) and inhibition of norepinephrine reuptake in PHSC. Therefore, tapentadol offers an advantage over classic opioids in chronic pain control, either nociceptive or neuropathic. Compared to other opioids, tapentadol has fewer adverse effects, especially constipation. Tapentadol is the first-line treatment option for severe chronic low back pain with a neuropathic component. It is available in sustained-release presentations for administration every 12 hours in 50 to 250-mg doses. The maximum dosage reported in studies is 500 mg/day.3939 Alshehri FS. Tapentadol: A review of experimental pharmacology studies, clinical trials, and recent findings. Drug Des Devel Ther 2023;17:851–861

Muscle Relaxing Agents

Several drugs act as central or peripheral muscle relaxants (including tizanidine, baclofen, benzodiazepines, carisoprodol, and cyclobenzaprine). Carisoprodol and cyclobenzaprine are the most prescribed muscle relaxant agents today. Carisoprodol metabolism gives rise to a toxic barbiturate known as meprobamate and, as a result, some countries have discontinued it. Cyclobenzaprine action is similar to tricyclic antidepressants, with equivalent indications and contraindications. There is evidence for its use in acute low back pain for a short period.4040 Abdel Shaheed C, Maher CG, Williams KA, McLachlan AJ. Efficacy and tolerability of muscle relaxants for low back pain: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Pain 2017;21(02): 228–237,4141 van Tulder MW, Touray T, Furlan AD, Solway S, Bouter LM. Muscle relaxants for non-specific low back pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003;2003(02):CD004252

Tricyclic and Dual Antidepressants and Gabapentinoid Anticonvulsant Agents

The main NP guidelines indicate tricyclic antidepressants, dual antidepressants, gabapentinoid anticonvulsant agents, and 5% lidocaine patches as first-line treatments. It is worth noting that the analgesic effect of these antidepressants begins in 3 to 7 days. For these indications, such drugs cause no mood improvement, which requires higher doses of tricyclic agents and would have a later action. Fig. 6 illustrates the recommended dosage, most common adverse effects, number needed to treat (NNT), and number needed to harm (NNH) for first and second-line drugs to manage localized and systemic NP.1212 Moisset X, Bouhassira D, Avez Couturier J, et al. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain: Systematic review and French recommendations. Rev Neurol (Paris) 2020;176(05):325–352,3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019,4242 Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al. Pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015;14(02):162–1734444 Hainline B, Derman W, Vernec A, et al. International Olympic Committee consensus statement on pain management in elite athletes. [published correction appears in Br J Sports Med. 2018 Jan 3;]Br J Sports Med 2017;51(17):1245–1258

Fig. 6
First- and second-line medications nociceptive pain treatment. aNumber of treatments to achieve 50% pain relief with a 95% confidence interval (82-86).

Tricyclic Antidepressants

Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, imipramine, nortriptyline, etc.) are first-line drugs to treat neuropathic pain.1212 Moisset X, Bouhassira D, Avez Couturier J, et al. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain: Systematic review and French recommendations. Rev Neurol (Paris) 2020;176(05):325–352,3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019

Amitriptyline inhibits several receptors, including muscarinic cholinergic, H1 histamine and alpha-adrenergic receptors, and norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake. Its side effects include xerostomia, weight gain, urinary retention, constipation, increased eye pressure, abnormalities in cardiac conduction, sedation, and orthostatic hypotension. Therefore, avoid amitriptyline in older patients.4545 Sabatschus I, Bösl I, Prevoo M, et al. Comparative Benefit-Risk Assessment for Lidocaine 700 mg Medicated Plaster and Pregabalin in Peripheral Neuropathic Pain Following a Structured Framework Approach. Pain Ther 2022;11(01):73–91 Monitor its use in patients with angle-closure glaucoma due to the anticholinergic effects of tricyclic antidepressants. These drugs are contraindicated in the subjects with a left bundle branch block.3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019

Nortriptyline predominantly inhibits the norepinephrine reuptake, causing fewer side effects than amitriptyline but with better tolerance.3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019 It does not require dose adjustment in renal and hepatic insufficiency patients, and nortriptyline is preferable to amitriptyline.3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019

Dual Antidepressants

Dual antidepressants are first-line drugs for treating neuropathic pain.1212 Moisset X, Bouhassira D, Avez Couturier J, et al. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain: Systematic review and French recommendations. Rev Neurol (Paris) 2020;176(05):325–352,3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019,4242 Finnerup NB, Attal N, Haroutounian S, et al. Pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015;14(02):162–1734444 Hainline B, Derman W, Vernec A, et al. International Olympic Committee consensus statement on pain management in elite athletes. [published correction appears in Br J Sports Med. 2018 Jan 3;]Br J Sports Med 2017;51(17):1245–1258 Venlafaxine can increase blood pressure and cause hyponatremia. In doses lower than 150 mg/day, it acts as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, but pain treatment requires a higher dosage.3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019 Avoid duloxetine in patients with a glomerular filtration rate lower than 30 mL/min/1.73 m22 Henschke N, Kamper SJ, Maher CG. The epidemiology and economic consequences of pain. Mayo Clin Proc 2015;90(01):139–147 and in those with a history of angle-closure glaucoma. Dual antidepressants are safer than tricyclic anti-depressants in treating pain in older subjects.3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019

Gabapentinoid anticonvulsant agents

Gabapentinoid anticonvulsant agents are first-line drugs for the treatment of neuropathic pain.4646 Menezes MS, Sakata RK, Issy AM. Anticonvulsivantes. In: Sakata RK, Issy AM, editores. Fármacos para tratamento da dor. Barueri, SP: Manole; 2008:111–138,4747 Ben-Menachem E. Pregabalin pharmacology and its relevance to clinical practice. Epilepsia 2004;45(Suppl 6):13–18 Gabapentin and pregabalin are gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) analogs but do not interact with this neurotransmitter. They bind to the alpha-2-delta subunits of calcium channels, blocking calcium entry into nerve endings and the release of excitatory neurotransmitters.4646 Menezes MS, Sakata RK, Issy AM. Anticonvulsivantes. In: Sakata RK, Issy AM, editores. Fármacos para tratamento da dor. Barueri, SP: Manole; 2008:111–138,4747 Ben-Menachem E. Pregabalin pharmacology and its relevance to clinical practice. Epilepsia 2004;45(Suppl 6):13–18 Pregabalin has a more linear and rapid absorptionwith good oral bioavailability.4646 Menezes MS, Sakata RK, Issy AM. Anticonvulsivantes. In: Sakata RK, Issy AM, editores. Fármacos para tratamento da dor. Barueri, SP: Manole; 2008:111–138,4747 Ben-Menachem E. Pregabalin pharmacology and its relevance to clinical practice. Epilepsia 2004;45(Suppl 6):13–18 These drugs may cause sedation, dizziness, and peripheral edema.4646 Menezes MS, Sakata RK, Issy AM. Anticonvulsivantes. In: Sakata RK, Issy AM, editores. Fármacos para tratamento da dor. Barueri, SP: Manole; 2008:111–138,4747 Ben-Menachem E. Pregabalin pharmacology and its relevance to clinical practice. Epilepsia 2004;45(Suppl 6):13–18 Patients with renal failure require dose adjustments. Fig. 7 shows the main differences between gabapentinoid agents.3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019,4646 Menezes MS, Sakata RK, Issy AM. Anticonvulsivantes. In: Sakata RK, Issy AM, editores. Fármacos para tratamento da dor. Barueri, SP: Manole; 2008:111–138,4747 Ben-Menachem E. Pregabalin pharmacology and its relevance to clinical practice. Epilepsia 2004;45(Suppl 6):13–18

Fig. 7
Differences between the gabapentinoid drugs available in Brazil.4747 Ben-Menachem E. Pregabalin pharmacology and its relevance to clinical practice. Epilepsia 2004;45(Suppl 6):13–18,5656 Lin J. Platelet-rich plasma injection in the treatment of frozen shoulder: A randomized controlled trial with 6-month follow-up. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2018;56(08):366–371,5757 McCormick ZL, Reddy R, Korn M, et al. A prospective randomized trial of prognostic genicular nerve blocks to determine the predictive value for the outcome of cooled radiofrequency ablation for chronic knee pain due to osteoarthritis. Pain Med 2018;19 (08):1628–1638

Topical medications

Topical medications play a significant role in nociceptive and neuropathic pain, as discussed below:

5% Lidocaine Patch

Topical lidocaine helps treat peripheral nociceptor sensitization and central nervous system hyperexcitability by blocking voltage-dependent sodium channels if used in recommended doses. Other effects on keratinocytes and immune cells or TRPV1 and TRPA1 receptor activation may contribute to the analgesic action of lidocaine.4545 Sabatschus I, Bösl I, Prevoo M, et al. Comparative Benefit-Risk Assessment for Lidocaine 700 mg Medicated Plaster and Pregabalin in Peripheral Neuropathic Pain Following a Structured Framework Approach. Pain Ther 2022;11(01):73–91

It is a first-line medication for localized NP, such as postherpetic neuralgia and traumatic peripheral nerve injury. The lack of systemic side effects makes it a great option (Table 3).1212 Moisset X, Bouhassira D, Avez Couturier J, et al. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain: Systematic review and French recommendations. Rev Neurol (Paris) 2020;176(05):325–352 The patient uses a 5% lidocaine patch for 12 hours daily (maximum, three concomitant units) for two to four weeks when response reassessment occurs.4545 Sabatschus I, Bösl I, Prevoo M, et al. Comparative Benefit-Risk Assessment for Lidocaine 700 mg Medicated Plaster and Pregabalin in Peripheral Neuropathic Pain Following a Structured Framework Approach. Pain Ther 2022;11(01):73–91 In addition to the local anesthetic effect, the patch protects against mechanical stimulation (dynamic allodynia), a common problem in neuropathic pain. It presents a good safety profile since only 3% (21 mg/unit) of the drug in each patch undergoes systemic absorption.4848 Gammaitoni AR, Alvarez NA, Galer BS. Pharmacokinetics and safety of continuously applied lidocaine patches 5%. Am J Health Syst Pharm 2002;59(22):2215–2220 It also has a more favorable risk-benefit ratio than pregabalin (300 and 600 mg daily).4949 Überall MA, Eerdekens M, Hollanders E, Bösl I, Sabatschus I. Lidocaine 700 mg medicated plaster for postherpetic neuralgia: real-world data from the German Pain e-Registry. Pain Manag (Lond) 2022;12(02):195–209 Data from a real-world study showed the efficacy and good tolerability of the 5% lidocaine patch, revealing that the treatment was significantly more effective when compared with first-line oral systemic medications.4949 Überall MA, Eerdekens M, Hollanders E, Bösl I, Sabatschus I. Lidocaine 700 mg medicated plaster for postherpetic neuralgia: real-world data from the German Pain e-Registry. Pain Manag (Lond) 2022;12(02):195–209

Table 3
Main medications used in the treatment of acute and chronic nociceptive pain2424 Sakata RK, Nunes MHG. Analgesics use for kidney failure. Rev Dor 2014;15(03):224–229,4949 Überall MA, Eerdekens M, Hollanders E, Bösl I, Sabatschus I. Lidocaine 700 mg medicated plaster for postherpetic neuralgia: real-world data from the German Pain e-Registry. Pain Manag (Lond) 2022;12(02):195–209


Capsaicin is the active compound from pepper, making it spicy. Its mechanism of action is via binding to nociceptors (sensory receptors sending signals for pain perception) in the skin and, specifically, to the TRPV1 receptor, which controls the flow of sodium and calcium ions across the cell membrane. Capsaicin binding opens the ion channel (influx of sodium and calcium ions), causing depolarization and the production of action potentials, perceived as itching, tingling, or burning sensations. In repeated applications or high concentrations, capsaicin has a long-lasting effect known as "desensitization," probably due to a series of distinct actions that overload normal cell functions and can lead to the reversible degeneration of nerve terminals. Capsaicin is available in creams with low concentrations (0.025% and 0.075%). The guidelines for neuropathic pain management recommend the 8% capsaicin patch for treating localized neuropathic pain.1212 Moisset X, Bouhassira D, Avez Couturier J, et al. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain: Systematic review and French recommendations. Rev Neurol (Paris) 2020;176(05):325–352,3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019

Topical NSAIDs

Topical NSAIDs have good potential in acute pain, with acceptable NNT. NSAIDs are among the first-line treatment for chronic pain, including hand and knee osteoarthritis. Their prolonged use is safe because of their low systemic absorption.5050 Derry S, Wiffen PJ, Kalso EA, et al. Topical analgesics for acute and chronic pain in adults - an overview of Cochrane Reviews. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2017;5(05):CD008609,5151 Bannuru RR, Osani MC, Vaysbrot EE, et al. OARSI guidelines for the non-surgical management of knee, hip, and polyarticular osteo-arthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2019;27(11):1578–1589

Non-pharmacological treatment

Non-pharmacological treatments comprise a diverse group of options to reduce pain intensity. Their primary goal is the functional improvement of the affected segment, promoting the quality of life and reintegrating the patient into social life. These treatments are frequently associated with pharmacological and interventional pain therapies within the context of a multimodal approach, seeking synergism of the positive effects of each technique. Physical activity is the leading non-pharmacological treatment, but the literature describes many others with a greater or lesser degree of evidence and good levels of biological plausibility. Nonpharmacological treatments are adjuvants in pain relief, mainly in chronic pain or patients using medications with intolerable adverse effects or contraindications. However, they require a way to interrupt pain or at least reduce it.5252 Liggieri VC, Yeng LT, Teixeira MJ, Eds. Tratado de dor, reabilitação e atividade física: Conceitos e prática clínica. São Paulo: Editora dos Editores; 2022

We must highlight that pain is multidimensional, requiring addressing within the biopsychosocial model. Further search for better evidence to support these practices and the development of new techniques for pain treatment are required.5252 Liggieri VC, Yeng LT, Teixeira MJ, Eds. Tratado de dor, reabilitação e atividade física: Conceitos e prática clínica. São Paulo: Editora dos Editores; 2022

Interventional Pain Treatment

Pain refractory to conventional multimodal and interdisciplinary treatment may require interventional procedures for control. The interventional pain treatment is the fourth step of the adapted WHO analgesic ladder.1818 Yang J, Bauer BA, Wahner-Roedler DL, Chon TY, Xiao L. The Modified WHO Analgesic Ladder: Is It Appropriate for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain? J Pain Res 2020;13:411–417 Some techniques are imaging-guided to reach a specific target (including nerves, intervertebral discs, and joints). These procedures may use chemicals (drugs), physical methods (radiofrequency), or biological products (platelet-rich plasma or concentrates of medicinal mesenchymal cells from bone marrow or fat), alone or in combination.5353 Centeno CJ, Williams CJ, Hyzy M. Interventional orthopedics in pain medicine practice. Tech Reg Anesth Main Manag 2015;19(1–2):26–315757 McCormick ZL, Reddy R, Korn M, et al. A prospective randomized trial of prognostic genicular nerve blocks to determine the predictive value for the outcome of cooled radiofrequency ablation for chronic knee pain due to osteoarthritis. Pain Med 2018;19 (08):1628–1638

Blocks and infiltrations can be diagnostic or therapeutic. The advent of better imaging methods and the rise of ultrasonography (with no radiation and easily accessible) as a diagnostic tool to assist orthopedists in medical practice resulted in the potential performance of many of these blocks on an outpatient basis, helping pain control and bridging conservative and surgical treatment. These interventions are minimally invasive, present a low incidence of adverse effects, do not require hospital admission, and have satisfactory outcomes in pain control when properly indicated. In addition, in some cases, they can postpone and avoid surgeries.5353 Centeno CJ, Williams CJ, Hyzy M. Interventional orthopedics in pain medicine practice. Tech Reg Anesth Main Manag 2015;19(1–2):26–315757 McCormick ZL, Reddy R, Korn M, et al. A prospective randomized trial of prognostic genicular nerve blocks to determine the predictive value for the outcome of cooled radiofrequency ablation for chronic knee pain due to osteoarthritis. Pain Med 2018;19 (08):1628–1638

The blocks can target the most varied structures of the human body, including the bursa, muscles, and joint sensory nerve endings and branches, such as the genicular branches of the knee in patients with osteoarthritis.5353 Centeno CJ, Williams CJ, Hyzy M. Interventional orthopedics in pain medicine practice. Tech Reg Anesth Main Manag 2015;19(1–2):26–315757 McCormick ZL, Reddy R, Korn M, et al. A prospective randomized trial of prognostic genicular nerve blocks to determine the predictive value for the outcome of cooled radiofrequency ablation for chronic knee pain due to osteoarthritis. Pain Med 2018;19 (08):1628–1638

Final considerations

The accurate diagnosis of the type of pain is paramount for its successful management Multimodal treatment, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods, is indicated for both acute and chronic pain to optimize analgesia and reduce adverse effects from using smaller doses of each medication.3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019

The "start low and go slow" approach is essential for all medications to minimize adverse effects and increase treatment acceptance and adherence. It is critical to warn the patients of the risk of the most significant side effects, especially at the beginning of treatment. Most drugs, especially for NP treatment, act on the central nervous system, causing adverse events, particularly in the early titration phases.3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019

To choose a treatment, consider the main therapeutic actions of each medication/intervention and their side effects. Selecting a medication within the first line requires conditioning the drug to the patient's demand. Remember that topical therapy can be an option due to its low side effect profile and effectiveness comparable to systemic drugs; a medication with sedative effects can help treat insomnia; and a drug with anxiolytic or non-sedating antidepressant action can help minimize the fatigue and lack of daytime motivation.3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019

In acute or chronic pain refractory to conventional treatment, interventional procedures can help with analgesia. However, regardless of the selected treatment, the goal must be pain control to allow rehabilitation and improve function and quality of life.3636 Kobayashi R, Luzo MVM, Cohen M. Tratado de dor musculoesquelética. São Paulo: Alef; 2019 Thus, aligning patients’ expectations on treatment will lead to better outcomes.

  • Financial Support
    This study received no financial support.


The authors thank Alessandro Queiroz de Mesquita, Chin An Lin, and Rosana Fontana for reviewing this manuscript.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    17 June 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    29 Apr 2020
  • Accepted
    25 Aug 2023
Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Al. Lorena, 427 14º andar, 01424-000 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel.: 55 11 2137-5400 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil