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Universal equations for rainfall distributions from SCS and Huff methods

Equações universais para as distribuições de chuva dos métodos SCS e Huff


The temporal distribution of design rainfall hyetographs can be obtained through various procedures. One such method involves using temporal distribution curves to disaggregate a rainfall value of longer duration into chronological values within shorter time intervals. This is demonstrated by SCS distribution curves for durations of 6 and 24 hours and the well-known Huff curves. Another approach involves deriving temporal distribution using design hyetograph calculation methods, such as the Chicago and alternating block methods, based on Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) equations. This paper aims to combine these approaches and develop universal equations capable of accurately fitting smooth rainfall time distribution curves. The advantage is the replacement of tables, like SCS and Huff, with analytical equations, enhancing usability in spreadsheets. Furthermore, these universal equations can determine the temporal rainfall distribution using an IDF equation or fitting a specified design hyetograph like Euler type II. Four numerical examples are provided.

Rainfall distribution; SCS curves; Huff curves; IDF; Rainfall disaggregation


A distribuição temporal dos hietogramas de precipitação de projeto pode ser obtida através de diversos procedimentos. Um desses métodos envolve a utilização de curvas de distribuição temporal para desagregar um valor de precipitação de maior duração em valores cronológicos dentro de intervalos de tempo mais curtos. Isto é demonstrado pelas curvas de distribuição SCS para durações de 6 e 24 horas e pelas conhecidas curvas de Huff. Outra abordagem envolve derivar a distribuição temporal usando métodos de cálculo de hietograma de projeto, como os métodos de Chicago e de blocos alternados, com base em equações de Intensidade-Duração-Frequência (IDF). Este artigo visa combinar essas abordagens e desenvolver equações universais capazes de ajustar com precisão curvas suaves de distribuição temporal da chuva. A vantagem é a substituição de tabelas, como as do SCS e Huff, por equações analíticas, melhorando a usabilidade em planilhas. Além disso, essas equações universais podem determinar uma distribuição temporal da precipitação usando uma equação IDF ou ajustando um hietograma de projeto específico como o Euler tipo II. São fornecidos quatro exemplos numéricos.

Distribuição temporal das chuvas; Curvas SCS; Curvas Huff; IDF; Desagregação de chuvas


The availability of a standardized rainfall time distribution curve simplifies the process of obtaining rainfall heights at shorter chronological intervals from a rainfall accumulation over an extended period. Classic examples of such curves include the SCS rainfall percentage distribution curves for 24-hour rainfall, which were established for four regions in the United States (United States Department of Agriculture, 1986United States Department of Agriculture - USDA. (1986). Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds. Soil Conservation Service. USA: Engineering Division, USDA.), as well as the dimensionless Huff curves (Huff, 1990Huff, F. (1990). Time distributions of heavy rain storms in Illinois (Circular, No. 173). Champaign: Illinois State Water Survey.), which apply to both rainfall height and duration.

Typically, curves like those of SCS and Huff are presented in tabular format or integrated within more complex computer applications like TR-55 (United States Department of Agriculture, 1986United States Department of Agriculture - USDA. (1986). Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds. Soil Conservation Service. USA: Engineering Division, USDA.). Working with tabular data might be difficult for people who prefer spreadsheets. This problem can be mitigated by introducing equations that replicates such tables or distributions.

As a result, by making it compatible with handheld calculators or spreadsheets, the suggested equations intend to simplify the process of getting design hyetographs. At the same time, these universal equations connect time distribution curves, IDF equations, and coefficients for the disaggregation of daily rainfall episodes.

While examples showcasing the compatibility of the universal equations with SCS and Huff curves are provided, this article does not delve into the practical merits of these methodologies in real-world scenarios. The primary objective of the article is to illustrate the adaptability (universality) of a well-fitted model to any rainfall distribution curve. For a more in-depth understanding of the application of SCS and Huff methods, it is recommended to refer to the works of Chin (2023)Chin, D. (2023). Application of Huff Rainfall Distributions in stormwater management. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 9(1), 04022024.
, Fontoura (2019)Fontoura, J. R. (2019). Padrões de distribuição temporal das precipitações intensas no Rio Grande do Sul (Dissertação de mestrado). Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria., Yin et al. (2016)Yin, S., Xie, Y., Nearing, M. A., Guo, W., & Zhu, Z. (2016). Intra-storm temporal patterns of rainfall in China using Huff curves. Transactions of the ASABE, 59(6), 1619-1632.
, and Back (2011)Back, A. J. (2011). Time distribution of heavy rainfall events in Urussanga, Santa Catarina State. Brazil. Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 33(4), 583-588.


The methodology begins with the temporal cumulative equations of a design hyetograph, as outlined by Silveira (2016)Silveira, A. L. L. (2016). Cumulative equations for continuous time Chicago hyetograph method. RBRH, 21(3), 646-651.
, derived from the Chicago method (Keifer & Chu, 1957Keifer, C. J., & Chu, H. H. (1957). Synthetic storm pattern for drainage design. Journal of the Hydraulic Division, 83(4), 1332-1-1332-25.
). These equations consist of one for the period before the peak time and another for the period after the peak time.

Before the peak

P t = γ P T O T a t p t b + t p t γ n (1)

After the peak

P t = γ P T O T + a t t p b + t t p 1 γ n (2)

"Pt" represents the cumulative rainfall height up to the time instant "t" while "γ" is a parameter that varies between 0 and 1, determining the position of the intensity peak within the total duration. "PTOT" stands for the accumulated rainfall of the entire hyetograph, and "tp" signifies the time instant at which the rain intensity peak occurs. The parameters "a," "b," and "n" are derived from the Sherman-type Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) equation, expressed as:

i t = a t + b n (3)

The rain intensity with duration "t" is denoted as "it", with "a," "b," and "n" being parameters that define the location and probability of occurrence. The parameter "a" is commonly determined using an expression such as:

a = k T m (4)

In this case, "T" indicates the return period in years, while "k" and "m" are constants.

Given that Equations 1 and 2 reflect chronological cumulated rainfall heights through time in a continuous way with no pauses, in order to standardize the rainfall variable (expressed as a percentage of total rainfall), it suffices to divide these equations by "PTOT". The IDF equation can be used to achieve this normalization:

P T O T = i t = t T O T t T O T = a t T O T t T O T + b n (5)

Performing this normalization yields the following equations:

Before the peak

P t P T O T = γ a t p t b + t p t γ n t T O T + b n a t T O T (6)

After the peak

P t P T O T = γ + a t t p b + t t p 1 γ n t T O T + b n a t T O T (7)

Now, we can get the following equations by canceling out the "a" in the numerator with the "a" in the denominator and using an algebraic manipulation of multiplying the equation by (tTOT/tTOT)^n, where “tTOT“ is the total duration of the hyetograph, keeping in mind that tp = γ.tTOT, we reach the following equations:

Before the Peak

P t P T O T = γ γ t t T O T 1 + b t T O T n 1 + b t T O T 1 γ t t T O T n (8)

After the Peak

P t P T O T = γ + t t T O T γ 1 + b t T O T n b t T O T + t t T O T γ 1 γ n (9)

This equation preserves continuity throughout time, which means it stays valid regardless of time interval.

The ratios Pt/PTOT, t/tTOT and b/tTOT are dimensionless; thus the dimensionless expressions for the continuous time distribution curve of rainfall heights over time are given by :

Before the Peak

P t , = γ γ t , 1 + b , n 1 + b , t , γ n (10)

After the Peak

P t , = γ + t , γ 1 + b , n b , + t , γ 1 γ n (11)

Here, P (=Pt/PTOT) represents the dimensionless accumulated precipitation, ranging between 0 and 1. Similarly t´ (=t/tTOT) denotes the dimensionless time, also varying between 0 and 1. Additionally, b´ = b/tTOT, signifies the normalized parameter "b´".

The resulting equations were validated by fitting them to the SCS Type I and IA, SCS Type II and Type III distributions (United States Department of Agriculture, 1986United States Department of Agriculture - USDA. (1986). Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds. Soil Conservation Service. USA: Engineering Division, USDA.), as well as the Huff curves proposed by Huff (1990)Huff, F. (1990). Time distributions of heavy rain storms in Illinois (Circular, No. 173). Champaign: Illinois State Water Survey.. For this purpose, the SolverTM module within Microsoft ExcelTM spreadsheet software was utilized. The objective functions chosen for minimization were the Mean Squared Error (MSE) and the Mean Squared Percentage Error (MSPE). The parameters subjected to fitting were b´, n and γ.


Fitting the SCS distributions

The Type I and IA, Type II, and Type III curves account for the geographical variations in rainfall. Types I and IA reflect the maritime climate of the Pacific coast of the USA, characterized by wet winters and dry summers. The Type II distribution is applicable to almost the entire continental United States, excluding the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast regions. These regions are represented by the Type III curve, which considers tropical storms and their associated high 24-hour rainfall values. Despite being initially developed for the United States, SCS curves are frequently adopted for research in other countries. While the original curves were formulated for 24-hour durations, variations for shorter durations exist, focusing on the most intense precipitation periods.

After minimizing the Mean Squared Error (MSE) objective function, the achieved results, for both SCS 24-hour and 6-hour durations, are presented in Table 1.

Table 1
Parameters b´, n and γ of the SCS curves.

The outcomes depicted in Table 1 indicate reduced Mean Squared Percentage Error (MSPE) values, which accounts for the good visual alignments seen in Figures 1 to 4. The alignment for the Type IA 24-hour curve, on the other hand, may be slightly less marked.

Figure 1
Fitting the 24-hour SCS I and II curves.
Figure 2
Fitting the 24-hour SCS IA and III curves.
Figure 3
Fitting the 6-hour SCS I and II curves.
Figure 4
Fitting the 6-hour SCS IA and III curves.

The parameter γ, which signifies the degree of symmetry in the hyetograph (where γ = 0.5 implies perfect symmetry), is approximately 0.5 or very close to it in the Type II and Type III curves for both 6 hours and 24 hours. The conventional graphical and tabular representations of the original Type II and Type III curves also suggest this symmetry. In contrast, for the Type I and IA curves, there is an evident shift of the peak of the hyetograph. This shift is more pronounced in the 24-hour Type IA fit.

Overall, the use of the universal equation effectively quantified the differences between the curves. In terms of the γ parameter, there were clear distinctions between SCS curves I, IA, and II (for both 6 and 24-hour durations), with a resemblance between curves II and III. The parameters b′ and n play a role in shaping the curve and encompass the dynamics of rainfall processes aggregated over time (Van de Vyver and Demarée, 2010Van de Vyver, H., & Demarée, G. R. (2010). Construction of Intensity–Duration–Frequency (IDF) curves for precipitation at Lubumbashi, Congo, under the hypothesis of inadequate data. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55(4), 555-564.
). It was expected that these parameters would exhibit variability.

Fitting the HUFF distributions

Huff (1967)Huff, F. (1967). Time distribution of rainfall in heavy storms. Water Resources Research, 3(4), 1007-1019.
conducted an analysis involving 261 hourly rainfall events recorded by 49 rain gauges positioned in a triangular arrangement within a 7 x 7 grid, covering a square area of 1,036 km2 (400 mi2) in Illinois, USA, over a period of 12 years. In this study, Huff (1967)Huff, F. (1967). Time distribution of rainfall in heavy storms. Water Resources Research, 3(4), 1007-1019.
organized the rainfall data into graphs that depict dimensionless cumulative precipitation (expressed as a percentage) as a function of dimensionless cumulative duration (also expressed as a percentage). Subsequently, he grouped these graphs into four major quartiles.

The first quartile pertains to rainfall events, with their peak occurring within the initial 25% of the total duration. The second quartile involves events with peaks between the 25% and 50% duration marks. The third and fourth quartiles consist of events where the peaks fall within the ranges of 50-75% and 75-100% of the total duration, respectively. Within each of these quartiles, Huff introduced the concept of "Huff curves," which are presented in probability bundles ranging from 10% to 90%. In essence, there are four sets of graphs, each comprising nine dimensionless curves depicting temporal distributions of rainfall.

Huff (1990)Huff, F. (1990). Time distributions of heavy rain storms in Illinois (Circular, No. 173). Champaign: Illinois State Water Survey. defines probabilities as the historical frequencies of accumulated rainfall values surpassing a certain threshold. With this perspective, the 90% curve signifies the boundary where most historical data points from accumulated rainfall curves for actual events lie above it. This interpretation similarly applies to the other curves representing probabilities of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80%. In this conceptual framework, a 90% curve characterizes the realm of more common rainfall occurrences, while a 10% curve corresponds to rarer and less frequent events.

When referring studies that use the Huff concept, caution is advised because the interpretation can differ. For instance, in the study conducted by Bonta (2004)Bonta, J. V. (2004). Development and utility of Huff curves for disaggregating precipitation amounts. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 20(5), 641-653.
, there's a reversal of the concept. In his work, a 10% "Huff" curve actually corresponds to the 90% Huff curve, based on the original concept presented by Huff (1990)Huff, F. (1990). Time distributions of heavy rain storms in Illinois (Circular, No. 173). Champaign: Illinois State Water Survey.. Such discrepancies highlight the significance of clarifying the interpretation and context when discussing or using the Huff curves in different studies to ensure accurate communication and understanding.

Clearly, the original Huff curves pertain to Illinois (USA). However, Huff's (1967)Huff, F. (1967). Time distribution of rainfall in heavy storms. Water Resources Research, 3(4), 1007-1019.
contribution was to establish an analytically replicable method that could be applied to other locations. Bonta (2004)Bonta, J. V. (2004). Development and utility of Huff curves for disaggregating precipitation amounts. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 20(5), 641-653.
remarks on the challenge of selecting from the 36 available Huff curves and proposes utilizing all of them within a Monte Carlo process that is employed in rainfall-runoff models. On the other hand, Huff (1990)Huff, F. (1990). Time distributions of heavy rain storms in Illinois (Circular, No. 173). Champaign: Illinois State Water Survey. recommends employing the median curves (50% curves) for design purposes and reserves the suggestion of the 10% curves for situations involving unusual conditions in runoff generation.

The current paper refrains from delving into the specifics of how applicable the original Huff curves are to different locations, mirroring the approach taken with the SCS curves. Ideally, the collection of all 36 Huff ("Huff-like") curves should be derived using data from the particular site of interest. The proposed adaptation outlined in this paper is focused on the median Huff curves, drawing from the data explained in Huff's (1990)Huff, F. (1990). Time distributions of heavy rain storms in Illinois (Circular, No. 173). Champaign: Illinois State Water Survey. work.

Huff (1990)Huff, F. (1990). Time distributions of heavy rain storms in Illinois (Circular, No. 173). Champaign: Illinois State Water Survey. observed a predominance of first quartile curves for rainfall durations of up to 6 hours, second quartile curves for durations ranging from 6 to 12 hours, third quartile curves for durations of 12 to 24 hours, and fourth quartile curves for rainfall lasting longer than 24 hours. The outcomes achieved through the minimization of the Mean Squared Error (MSE) objective function, considering the 15 tabulated curves presented in Huff (1990)Huff, F. (1990). Time distributions of heavy rain storms in Illinois (Circular, No. 173). Champaign: Illinois State Water Survey., are shown in Table 2.

Table 2
Parameters b´, n and γ of the Huff curves.

The outcomes displayed in Table 2 demonstrate reduced Mean Squared Percentage Error (MSPE) values, which account for the good visual alignments in Figures 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Figure 5
Fitting the Huff´s point median curves of dimensionless precipitation from 1st to 4th quartile.
Figure 6
Fitting the Huff’s median areal curves of dimensionless precipitation from the 1st to the 4th quartile in the range 10 to 50 mi2.
Figure 7
Fitting the Huff’s median areal curves of dimensionless precipitation from the 1st to the 4th quartile in the range 50 to 400 mi2.
Figure 8
Fitting the Huff’s median areal curves of dimensionless precipitation from the 1st quartile 10%, 50% and 90% probabilities.

Fitting any dimensionless rainfall distribution

It is expected that the proposed analytical equations can fit any dimensionless rainfall distribution because this is S-shaped curve, a smooth function. Soldevila et al (2019)Soldevila, R. B., Bartual, R. G., & Domenech, I. A. (2019). A comparison of design storms for urban drainage system applications. Water (Basel), 11(4), 757.
presents the S-shaped rainfall curves of some classical methods like Alternating Block, Triangular and Sifalda for Valencia, Spain. Another method like these is Euler's Type II hyetograph, which is more recent (DWA Rules and Standards, 2006DWA Rules and Standards – DWA. (2006). Standard DWA-A 118E. Hydraulic dimensioning and verification of drain and sewer systems. German: DWA Rules and Standards.). It is recommended for modelling sewer systems in Germany, being a hyetograph with the highest precipitation intensity located at 0.3 times the total duration of precipitation.

There are no generalized dimensionless precipitation curves for these methods, so it is not possible to fit representative equations in advance as was done for SCS and Huff. However, the proposed equations can be fit to dimensionless hyetographs already calculated by these methods.

Following are four examples of fitting the equations proposed for the synthesis of hyetographs based on SCS and Huff curves, and Chicago and Euler II distributions.


Example 1: Calculating the cumulative time distribution curve with a 60-minute time step for a 250 mm rainfall in 24 hours, utilizing the proposed analytical equations for 24-hour SCS I curve:


The necessary parameters come from Table 1:

b´= 0.001466

n = 0.608

γ = 0.410

With the given parameters, the two equations for calculating the dimensionless cumulated rainfall height using Equations 10 and 11 are as follows :

Before Peak

P t , = 0.410 0.410 t , 1 + 0.001466 0.608 1 + 0.001466 t , 0.410 0.608 (12)

After Peak

P t , = 0.410 + t , 0.410 1 + 0.001466 0.608 0.001466 + t , 0.410 0.590 0.608 (13)

It should be remembered that P represents the cumulative dimensionless rainfall height and t´ represents the cumulative dimensionless duration. Table 3 presents the results, where the fourth column displays the disaggregated precipitation values (in mm), denoted as Pcalc = P * Ptot (where Ptot = 250 mm). For the sake of comparison, the sixth column showcases the discrepancy between the calculated precipitation at each duration and the values from the original tables of the 24-hour SCS Type I distribution (fifth column). This comparison demonstrates a strong agreement between the calculated values and the original data.

Table 3
Solution of Example 1.

Example 2: Calculating the cumulative time distribution curve using 10-minute time steps for a 120 mm rainfall over 100 minutes, using analytical equations of the first quartile point median Huff curve (1QPt parameters from Table 2):


The necessary parameters come from Table 2:

b´= 0.000116

n = 0.651

γ = 0.048

Using these parameters, we can formulate the two equations for calculating the dimensionless rainfall height by combining Equations 10 and 11:

Before Peak

P t , = 0.048 0.048 t , 1 + 0.000116 0.651 1 + 0.000116 t , 0.048 0.651 (14)

After Peak

P t , = 0.048 + t , 0.048 1 + 0.000116 0.651 0.000116 + t , 0.048 0.952 0.651 (15)

Table 4 presents the outcomes, where the fourth column displays the values of accumulated precipitation over the time intervals, denoted as Pcalc = Pt´*Ptot (where Ptot = 120 mm). For purposes of comparison, the fifth column exhibits the corresponding precipitation values using Huff's point median curve table for the first quartile (Huff, 1990Huff, F. (1990). Time distributions of heavy rain storms in Illinois (Circular, No. 173). Champaign: Illinois State Water Survey.). The final column in Table 4 illustrates the discrepancy between the calculated cumulative precipitation at each duration and the actual values, demonstrating the robust agreement achieved through the utilization of Equations 10 and 11.

Table 4
Solution of Example 2.

Example 3: Calculating a cumulative design hyetograph from a Sherman-Type IDF.


As an illustrative instance, the following Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) relationship is employed, with a total duration of 90 minutes, a return period of 50 years and a time step of 10 minutes. The parameter γ is set to 0.35.

i t = 1100 T R 0.15 t + 30 0.75 (16)

To obtain the equations we then have:

b´ =b/tTOT = 30/90=0.3333

n = 0.75

γ = 0.35

Equations 10 and 11 then become:

Before Peak

P t , = 0.35 0.35 t , 1 + 0.3333 0.75 1 + 0.3333 t , 0.35 0.75 (17)

After Peak

P t , = 0.35 + t , 0.35 1 + 0.3333 0.75 0.3333 + t , 0.35 0.65 0.75 (18)

Recalling that Pt´ = Pt/PTOT. With the provided data, the aforementioned IDF yields a value of PTOT = 64.29 mm.

Table 5 shows the results of applying the equations.

Table 5
Solution to Example 3.

The same example, addressed differently but yielding the same results, was presented in Silveira's work (2016).

Example 4: Fitting cumulative rainfall equations for a Euler Type II hyetograph.


Table 6 shows in third column a five-minute cumulative hyetograph presented in DWA (DWA Rules and Standards, 2006DWA Rules and Standards – DWA. (2006). Standard DWA-A 118E. Hydraulic dimensioning and verification of drain and sewer systems. German: DWA Rules and Standards.). In fourth column, the same hyetograph is presented in a dimensionless form.

Table 6
Solution to Example 4.

Equations 10 and 11 that fit this Euler type II hyetograph had the following parameters:

b´ = 0

n = 0.721

γ = 0.221

Equations 10 and 11 then become:

Before Peak

P t , = 0.221 0.221 t , 1 t , 0.221 0.721 (19)

After Peak

P t , = 0.221 + t , 0.221 t , 0.221 0.779 0.721 (20)

Pt’ in in the fifth column shows the good results provided by the fitted universal equations.


The equations here called universal, due to their versatility in fitting dimensionless accumulated precipitation curves, demonstrated excellent performance in the adjustment of the traditional SCS Type I, IA, II and III curves, as well as the historic Huff curves for Illinois (median curves have been adjusted). In addition to these methods, other adjustment possibilities have been shown.

The advantage of the presented analytical equations lies in their simplicity of use within spreadsheets, along with the capability to generate dimensionless accumulated precipitation curves for any dimensionless time interval ranging from zero to one. As a result, in cases where fitting is applied to SCS Type I, IA, II and III curves, as well as Huff curves, these equations can effectively replace existing tables. This substitution not only minimizes interpolation requirements for various time subdivision scenarios but also ensures minimal error introduction.

The suggested equations demonstrated remarkable adaptability in fitting cumulative rainfall curves, allowing them to be utilized for representing pre-existing curves in specific locations, established by any method (like Euler type II, for example).

Furthermore, the universal curves introduced here can be employed without modifications to construct cumulative hyetographs of varying durations. given a Sherman-type IDF, the return period, and the peak position (in cases where the peak position is absent, it can be assumed that γ = 0.5).

The potential of these universal equations is illustrated through four solved numerical examples.


  • Back, A. J. (2011). Time distribution of heavy rainfall events in Urussanga, Santa Catarina State. Brazil. Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy, 33(4), 583-588.
  • Bonta, J. V. (2004). Development and utility of Huff curves for disaggregating precipitation amounts. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 20(5), 641-653.
  • Chin, D. (2023). Application of Huff Rainfall Distributions in stormwater management. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 9(1), 04022024.
  • DWA Rules and Standards – DWA. (2006). Standard DWA-A 118E. Hydraulic dimensioning and verification of drain and sewer systems German: DWA Rules and Standards.
  • Fontoura, J. R. (2019). Padrões de distribuição temporal das precipitações intensas no Rio Grande do Sul (Dissertação de mestrado). Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria.
  • Huff, F. (1967). Time distribution of rainfall in heavy storms. Water Resources Research, 3(4), 1007-1019.
  • Huff, F. (1990). Time distributions of heavy rain storms in Illinois (Circular, No. 173). Champaign: Illinois State Water Survey.
  • Keifer, C. J., & Chu, H. H. (1957). Synthetic storm pattern for drainage design. Journal of the Hydraulic Division, 83(4), 1332-1-1332-25.
  • Silveira, A. L. L. (2016). Cumulative equations for continuous time Chicago hyetograph method. RBRH, 21(3), 646-651.
  • Soldevila, R. B., Bartual, R. G., & Domenech, I. A. (2019). A comparison of design storms for urban drainage system applications. Water (Basel), 11(4), 757.
  • United States Department of Agriculture - USDA. (1986). Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds. Soil Conservation Service USA: Engineering Division, USDA.
  • Van de Vyver, H., & Demarée, G. R. (2010). Construction of Intensity–Duration–Frequency (IDF) curves for precipitation at Lubumbashi, Congo, under the hypothesis of inadequate data. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55(4), 555-564.
  • Yin, S., Xie, Y., Nearing, M. A., Guo, W., & Zhu, Z. (2016). Intra-storm temporal patterns of rainfall in China using Huff curves. Transactions of the ASABE, 59(6), 1619-1632.

Edited by

Editor-in-Chief: Adilson Pinheiro
Associated Editor: Priscilla Macedo Moura

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    02 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    02 Sept 2023
  • Reviewed
    22 Apr 2024
  • Accepted
    11 June 2024
Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, CEP: 91501-970, Tel: (51) 3493 2233, Fax: (51) 3308 6652 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil