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Tourism as an instrument of forest protection in the Amazon: a multivariate analysis

El turismo como un instrumento de protección forestal en La Amazonía: un análisis multivariante


Purpose of the theme: the growing international demand for primary goods has generated exceptional opportunities for mining and agribusiness in the Amazon. In many cases, this is causing a progressive loss of land cover. Many strategies are proposed to contain regional deforestation, including tourism, which is seen as a more sustainable alternative economic activity for the region. Objective: the purpose of this study was to estimate the relative importance of tourism to the deforestation rates in the Amazon biome in 2015-2016. Methodology and approach: a cross-sectional study was conducted for the 91 geographical micro-regions of the biome, to which multiple linear regression associated to covariance decomposition was applied with Pratt’s Measure. Results: the results suggest that deforestation is due to livestock farming, agriculture, logging, rural settlements, protected areas and, among others, tourism. The study identified an inverse correlation between tourism and annual deforestation rates in the biome. Originality: the results of this study allow the proposition of the responsible development of tourism as a strategy for the protection of the forest cover of the Amazon.

Regional development; Deforestation; Conservation; Land use.

Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Turismo Rua Silveira Martins, 115 - cj. 71, Centro, Cep: 01019-000, Tel: 11 3105-5370 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil