The present study analyses the reproductive aspects of Sphoeroides greeleyi (Gilbert, 1900), such as morphology and histochemistry of carbohydrates in the oogenesis phases, maturity scale, time and type of spawn, sexual rate and first ripened mature size for females. From the monthly captured animais (Nov 1998 to Nov 1999) the morphometric data (entire length and total weight) were extracted and the sex and the gonadal maturity were determined. Some ovaries were prepared for microscopic analysis that charac-terized six phases for the development of the ovarian folheies. Through the carbohydrates analysis the acid carbohydrates could be related to the oogenesis maintenance and the neutral carbohydrates to the beginning of embryonic development. A maturity scale containing six stages of gonadal development was determined. The reproductive period is between August and January and the spawn time is from October to January. The first ripened mature size for females oceurs between 6,5cm and 7.5 cm of total length. The sexual rate shows that there are more females than males during the reproductive period.
Fish; reproduetion; histology; histochemistry
Fish; reproduetion; histology; histochemistry
Aspectos reprodutivos de Sphoeroides greeleyi (Gilbert), Pisces, Osteichthyes, Tetraodontidae, da gamboa do Baguaçu, Baia De Paranaguá, Paraná, Brasil
Reproductive aspects of Sphoeroides greeleyi (Gilbert), Tetraodontidae, from gamboa do Baguaçu, Paranaguá, State of Paraná, Brazil
Yart Damasceno SchultzI,II; Luís Fernando FavaroII; Henry Louis SpachIII
IBoisista de Iniciação Científica, PIBIC (CN Pq)
IIDepartamento de Biologia Celular, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Paraná. Caixa Postal 19031, 81531-990 Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
IIICentro de Estudos do Mar, Universidade Federal do Paraná. Avenida Beira Mar, 83255-000 Pontal do Paraná, Paraná, Brasil
The present study analyses the reproductive aspects of Sphoeroides greeleyi (Gilbert, 1900), such as morphology and histochemistry of carbohydrates in the oogenesis phases, maturity scale, time and type of spawn, sexual rate and first ripened mature size for females. From the monthly captured animais (Nov 1998 to Nov 1999) the morphometric data (entire length and total weight) were extracted and the sex and the gonadal maturity were determined. Some ovaries were prepared for microscopic analysis that charac-terized six phases for the development of the ovarian folheies. Through the carbohydrates analysis the acid carbohydrates could be related to the oogenesis maintenance and the neutral carbohydrates to the beginning of embryonic development. A maturity scale containing six stages of gonadal development was determined. The reproductive period is between August and January and the spawn time is from October to January. The first ripened mature size for females oceurs between 6,5cm and 7.5 cm of total length. The sexual rate shows that there are more females than males during the reproductive period.
Key words: Fish, reproduetion, histology, histochemistry
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Agradecimentos: CNPq e FUNPAR
Recebido em 19.XI.2000; aceito em 24.I.2002.
Referências bibliográficas
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Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
19 Maio 2009 -
Data do Fascículo
Mar 2002
19 Nov 2000 -
24 Jan 2002