Since 1985 the biology and behavior of Phrynops hilarii (Duméril & Bibron, 1835) at São Paulo Zoo is being studied. Feeding behavior is divided in five phases (foraging, approach, capture, dilaceration and ingestion), but not necessarily all of them happen. During phase 1 the food or prey seems to be visually located. During phase 2 the food itens and stationaty preys are approached and examined by olfaction. Moving preys are pursued and there is no olfactory examination. During phase 3 the food is captured by suction. When food is bigger than turtle mouth it is dilacerated by one or both forefeet used alternately (phase 4). Ingestion is accomplished by gradual suction (phase 5). Intra and inter-specific cleptoparasitism was observed. Success in capture and ingestion of food seems not be dependent on species or size of the turtle. Adults, young, and hatchlings of P. hilarii are primarily carnivorous and vegetables were rarely eaten.
Testudines; Chelidae; Phrynops hilarii; spotted-bellied side-necked turtle; feeding behavior; cleptoparasitism
Testudines; Chelidae; Phrynops hilarii; spotted-bellied side-necked turtle; feeding behavior; cleptoparasitism
Comportamento alimentar e dieta de Phrynops hilarii (Duméril & Bibron) em cativeiro (Reptilia, Testudines, Chelidae)
Feeding behavior and diet of Phrynops hilarii (Duméril & Bibron) in captivity (Reptilia, Testudines, Chelidae)
Flavio de Barros MolinaI,II; Mario Borges da RochaI; Luiz Antônio Beserra de Mello LulaII
ISetor de Répteis, Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo. Avenida Miguel Stefano 4241, 04301-905 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
IIBolsista da CNPq
Since 1985 the biology and behavior of Phrynops hilarii (Duméril & Bibron, 1835) at São Paulo Zoo is being studied. Feeding behavior is divided in five phases (foraging, approach, capture, dilaceration and ingestion), but not necessarily all of them happen. During phase 1 the food or prey seems to be visually located. During phase 2 the food itens and stationaty preys are approached and examined by olfaction. Moving preys are pursued and there is no olfactory examination. During phase 3 the food is captured by suction. When food is bigger than turtle mouth it is dilacerated by one or both forefeet used alternately (phase 4). Ingestion is accomplished by gradual suction (phase 5). Intra and inter-specific cleptoparasitism was observed. Success in capture and ingestion of food seems not be dependent on species or size of the turtle. Adults, young, and hatchlings of P. hilarii are primarily carnivorous and vegetables were rarely eaten.
Key words: Testudines, Chelidae, Phrynops hilarii, spotted-bellied side-necked turtle, feeding behavior, cleptoparasitism
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AGRADECIMENTOS. Ao diretor da Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo, Dr. Adayr Mafuz Saliba, e aos demais colegas desta Fundação, pelo apoio e incentivos constantes. Aos Drs Ana Maria de Souza Oliveira, Miguel Trefaut Rodrigues, Norma Gomes e Sérgio de Almeida Rodrigues, pelas discussões referentes ao comportamento alimentar e dieta dos quelônios. Ao Roberto da Rocha e Silva, pelas sugestões feitas ao manuscrito e ao Richard A. Sajdak, pelo envio de importante material bibliográfico. Ao Franco Leandro de Souza, pelas comunicações pessoais. Ao Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cienttífico e Tecnológico (CNPq), pela Bolsa de Pesquisa concedida à F.B. Molina (processo 300328/95-8).
Recebido em 10.I.1997; aceito em 05.XI.1997.
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