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Resistance of guava accessions to Meloidogyne enterolobii

Reação de acessos de goiabeira a Meloidogyne enterolobii


Guava is a highly important fruit crop worldwide; however, a severe phytosanitary problem caused by the parasitism of Meloidogyne enterolobii has been limiting guava yields in Brazil and in several countries. The incidence of the nematode M. enterolobii results in significant decreases in yield, often resulting in plant death in the medium term. Considering a contribution to control tools, the objective of this study was to assess the resistance of 37 accessions of Psidium guajava grown in a greenhouse to M. enterolobii. Seedlings from seeds of each accession were inoculated with 4,000 eggs of M. enterolobii when they were at the three- to six-leaf stage, in two experiments. The root system of each plant was collected at 135 days after inoculation for extracting nematode eggs. The eggs were counted in three aliquots of 1 mL plant-1, and the obtained data were subjected to analysis of variance, which showed significant differences among accessions and among plants of the same accession. Accessions were classified regarding resistance based on the reproduction factor (RF = Pf / Pi = 4,000). The P. guajava germplasm studied showed a significant variability in responses to M. enterolobii; resistant plants were identified for accessions A08, A15, A26, A13, and A30A in Experiment I and for accessions A31, A11, A16, A30A, GF3, and A08 in Experiment II; the accessions A08 and A30A stood out by presenting resistant plants in both experiments.

Root-knot nematode; Screening; Psidium guajava


A goiabeira é uma cultura de grande importância para o mundo, no entanto, um grave problema fitossanitário, causado pelo parasitismo de Meloidogyne enterolobii, tem limitado a produtividade da cultura no Brasil e em diversos países. A incidência do nematoide resulta em acentuada queda de produtividade e, na maioria das vezes, as plantas morrem em médio prazo. Visando a contribuir com ferramentas de controle, avaliou-se a reação de 37 acessos de Psidium guajava em casa de vegetação quanto à resistência a M. enterolobii. As mudas de cada acesso foram produzidas a partir de sementes e, no estádio de três a seis pares de folhas, foram submetidas à inoculação com 4.000 ovos de M. enterolobii, em dois experimentos. Cento e trinta e cinco dias após a inoculação, coletou-se o sistema radicular de cada uma das plantas para a extração de ovos. As contagens de ovos foram feitas em três alíquotas de 1 mL/planta e foram submetidas à análise de variância que indicou diferenças significativas entre acessos e entre plantas de mesmo acesso. A classificação dos acessos quanto à resistência foi feita pelo fator de reprodução (FR=Pf/Pi, Pi= 4.000). Pelo estudo do germoplasma de P. guajava, observou-se grande variabilidade quanto à reação a M. enterolobii, sendo que, no Experimento I, plantas resistentes foram encontradas nos acessos A08, A15, A26, A13 e A30A e, no Experimento II, nos acessos A31, A11, A16, A30A, GF3 e A08, com a detecção de plantas resistentes nos acessos A08 e A30A nos dois experimentos.

Nematoide-das-galhas; Screening; Psidium guajava


Guava (Psidium guajava L.) has stood out in agricultural production in Brazil, especially red-fleshed cultivars (PEREIRA et al., 2016PEREIRA, K. C. et al. Desenvolvimento de cultivares de goiabeira inoculadas com Meloidogyne enterolobii. Nematropica, 46: 54-59, 2016.). India is the largest guava producing country, followed by Pakistan, while Brazil is the fourth (POMMER; MURAKAMI, 2009POMMER, C. V.; MURAKAMI, K. Breeding guava (Psidium guajava L.). In: JAIN, S. M.; PRIYADARSHAN, P. M. (Eds.). Breeding plantation tree crops: tropical species. New York, USA: Springer Science, 2009. cap. 3, p. 83-120.; KAREEM et al., 2018KAREEM, A. et al. Morpho-genetic profiling and phylogenetic relationship of guava (Psidium guajava l.) as genetic resources in Pakistan. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 40: e-069, 2018.).

This is a predominantly outcrossing species (OLIVEIRA et al., 2020OLIVEIRA, M. L. F. et al. Analysis of the reproduction mode in Psidium spp. using the pollen: ovule ratio. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy, 43: e44062, 2020.), producing fruits containing four times more vitamin C than orange, rich in phenolic compounds responsible for antimutagenic and antioxidant activities (FRANZON et al., 2009FRANZON, R.C. et al. Araçás do gênero Psidium: principais espécies, ocorrência, descrição e usos. 1. ed. Planaltina, DF: Embrapa Cerrados, 2009, 48 p. (Documentos, 266).; QUINTAL et al., 2017QUINTAL, S. S. R. et al. Selection via mixed models in segregating guava families based on yield and quality traits. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 39: e-866, 2017.; ZAHIN; AHMAD; AQIL, 2017ZAHIN, M.; AHMAD, I.; AQIL, F. Antioxidant and antimutagenic potential of Psidium guajava leaf extracts. Drug Chemical Toxicology, 40: 146-153, 2017.). These attributes, combined with low production costs, make guava orchards economically important for small, medium, and large-scale growers (RODRÍGUEZ et al., 2010RODRÍGUEZ, N. N. et al. Genetic resources and breeding of guava (Psidium guajava L.) in Cuba. Biotecnología Aplicada, 27: 238-240, 2010.; CAVALCANTE et al., 2019CAVALCANTE, A. C. P. et al. Adubação com potássio e cálcio na nutrição e produção de goiabeira 'Paluma'. Revista Ceres, 66: 54-62, 2019.; VITTI; LIMA; MARTINES FILHO, 2020VITTI, K. A; LIMA, L. M.; MARTINES FILHO, J. G. Agricultural and economic characterization of guava production in Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 42: e-447, 2020.).

However, a severe phytosanitary problem caused by the parasitism by Meloidogyne enterolobii Yang & Eisenback (Syn.: M. mayaguensis Rammah & Hirschmann) has been limiting guava production in Brazil and worldwide (ALMEIDA; GOMES; SOUZA, 2011ALMEIDA, A. M.; GOMES, V. M.; SOUZA, R. M. Greenhouse and field assessment of rhizobacteria to control guava decline. Bragantia, 70: 837-842, 2011.; CASTRO et al., 2012CASTRO, J. M. C. et al. Reaction of Psidium accessions to the Meloidogyne enterolobii root-knot nematode. Acta Horticulturae, 959: 51-58, 2012.; ROSA; WESTERICH; WILCKEN, 2015ROSA, J. M. O; WESTERICH, J. N.; WILCKEN, S. R. S. Reprodução de Meloidogyne enterolobii em olerícolas e plantas utilizadas na adubação verde. Revista Ciência Agronômica, 46: 826-835, 2015.). The widespread and polyphagous nature of this nematode enables it to parasitize several plant species, including papaya (Carica papaya L.), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), coffee (Coffea spp.), Barbados cherry (Malpighia emarginata DC.), Psidium spp., guava, weeds, and several vegetables, making the control of this pathogen challenging (CAVALCANTE JUNIOR et al., 2021CAVALCANTI JUNIOR, E. A. et al. Reação de genótipos do gênero Psidium spp. a Meloidogyne enterolobii. Summa Phytopathologica, 46: 333-339, 2021.). Additionally, a new race of M. enterolobii was recently reported in cotton plantations in western Bahia, Brazil (SOUZA et al., 2022SOUZA, C. F. et al. Occurrence of a new race of Meloidogyne enterolobii and avirulent M. incognita populations parasitizing cotton in western Bahia state, Brazil. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 121: 101874, 2022.), as the genetic variability of pathogens is a significant challenge in control efforts. The first nematicide for controlling root-knot nematodes in guava orchards was recently approved (AGROFIT, 2021AGROFIT. Consulta de Praga/Doença. 2021. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 8 set. 2022.
), but it does not ensure success in recovering infested orchards. An aggravating factor that has been reported in studies is a complex disease known as guava decline caused by the interaction of M. enterolobii with the fungus Neocosmospora falciformis (Carrión) L. Lombard & Crous (Syn.: Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc.) (GOMES et al., 2013GOMES, V. M. et al. Guava decline: effect of root exudates from Meloidogyne enterolobii parasitized plants on Fusarium solani in vitro and on growth and development of guava seedlings under controlled conditions. Journal of Plant Pathology, 137: 393-401, 2013.; GOMES et al., 2017GOMES, V. M. et al. Inheritance of resistance to Meloidogyne enterolobii and individual selection in segregating populations of Psidium spp. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 148: 699-708, 2017.; VELOSO; CÂMARA; SOUZA, 2021VELOSO, J. S.; CÂMARA, M. P. S; SOUZA, R. M. Guava decline: updating its etiology from ‘Fusarium solani’ to Neocosmospora falciformis. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 159: 455-460, 2021.).

The interaction between these two pathogens in guava orchards has created several difficulties for growers in controlling this disease. Considering that the nematode acts as a facilitator for the fungus infection, the use of rootstocks resistant to M. enterolobii is the most suitable tool to minimize losses caused by guava decline. The cultivar BRS Guaraçá was developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa Semiarido) through the crossing between P. guajava and P. guineense to be used as a rootstock for growing guava plants in areas infested by M. enterolobii (SOUZA, SANTOS, COSTA, 2018SOUZA, R. R. C.; SANTOS, C. A. F.; COSTA, S. R. Field resistance to Meloidogyne enterolobii in a Psidium guajava × P. guineense hybrid and its compatibility as guava rootstock. Fruits, 73: 118-124, 2018.; RIBEIRO et al., 2019RIBEIRO, R. M. et al. Selection of interspecific Psidium spp. hybrids resistant to Meloidogyne enterolobii. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy, 41: e42702, 2019.).

However, exploring new tools that can assist growers in controlling this serious disease is still necessary. Therefore, studies on genetic diversity within the genus Psidium and within the species P. guajava can provide information for guava breeding programs. Some studies have shown promising results regarding responses of wild individuals of different Psidium species to the reproduction factor of pathogens, denoting variability in plant resistance, which can be interpreted as genetic diversity (COSTA FILHO et al., 2018COSTA FILHO, J. H. et al. Reaction of watermelon accessions to Meloidogyne enterolobii. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 13: 1948-1953, 2018.; OLIVEIRA et al., 2019OLIVEIRA, P. G. et al. Reaction of Psidium spp. accessions to different levels of inoculation with Meloidogyne enterolobii. Revista Caatinga, 3: 419-428, 2019.; SANTOS et al., 2020SANTOS, R. M. et al. Genetic structuring of segregating populations of Psidium spp resistant to the southern root-knot nematode by Bayesian approach as basis for the guava breeding program. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 92: e20180600, 2020.).

In this context, the objective of this study was to characterize P. guajava accessions from a Psidium Active Germplasm Bank regarding their resistance to M. enterolobii to support guava breeding programs.


Two experiments were conducted between August and November 2020 in a greenhouse with mean temperature of 28 °C and in the Laboratory of Nematology of the Embrapa Semiarido, in Petrolina, PE, Brazil (09°04'14.0"S and 40° 19'0.03.1"W).

A completely randomized experimental design with eight replications was used, considering one plant per experimental plot. Seeds from 38 P. guajava accessions were used, sourced from the Active Germplasm Bank for Psidium at the State University of Bahia, Brazil, stored in a cold chamber under temperature of 10 °C and relative humidity of 40% (Table 1). Accessions A30A, A100, A08, A13, and A14 were evaluated in Experiments I and II.

Table 1
Passport data for Psidium guajava accessions collected from four states in Brazil and used in Experiments I and II.

Seeds were distributed in trays with a vermiculite-based substrate generally used for growing vegetable seedlings, in both experiments. The trays were maintained in a greenhouse under 70% light and mean temperature of 28 °C after seeding. The seedlings were transplanted to 4-liter pots containing autoclaved sandy soil (120 °C for 50 minutes) when they exhibited three to six true leaves.

The soil was fertilized through application of 2 g of a 06-24-12 NPK formulation at 30 and 90 days after inoculation. Manual irrigation was performed to maintain soil moisture close to field capacity.

A pure population of M. enterolobii was maintained on tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L. cultivar Rutgers) grown in autoclaved soil. The M. enterolobii inoculum was prepared following the methodology proposed by Boneti and Ferraz (1981)BONETI, J. I. S.; FERRAZ, S. Modificação do método de Hussey & Barker para extração de ovos de Meloidogyne exigua de raízes de cafeeiro. Fitopatologia Brasileira, 6: 553, 1981.. After extraction, in counting chambers under an optical microscope, the suspension was adjusted for inoculation of 4,000 eggs + second-stage juveniles (J2) per plant. Inoculation was carried out at 15 days after transplanting by applying the suspension with eggs and J2 in three holes of 2 cm deep equidistant 3 cm from the plant’s stem base.

Root fresh weight (g) was determined on a digital scale at 135 days after inoculation, after removing the aerial part of the plants and washing the root system; excess water was removed using paper towels. Root length (cm) was measured with a tape measure, only in the second experiment, to assess the effects of the nematode on root system development. Roots were then processed following the methodology proposed by Boneti and Ferraz (1981)BONETI, J. I. S.; FERRAZ, S. Modificação do método de Hussey & Barker para extração de ovos de Meloidogyne exigua de raízes de cafeeiro. Fitopatologia Brasileira, 6: 553, 1981. for the extraction of eggs and J2 of M. enterolobii, which were counted in counting chambers under an inverted microscope (Nikon® TS100).

The final classification of plants and accessions regarding resistance to the nematode was based on the reproduction factor (RF = Pf/Pi, Pi=4,000) (OOSTENBRINK, 1966OOSTENBRINK, M. Major characteristics of the relation between nematodes and plants. Mededelingen Landbouw, 66: 1-46, 1966.).

The programs Genes (CRUZ, 2013CRUZ, C. D. Genes: a software package for analysis in experimental statistics and quantitative genetics. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy, 35: 271- 276, 2013.) and Sisvar (FERREIRA, 2014FERREIRA, D. F. Sisvar: a guide for its bootstrap procedures in multiple comparisons. Ciência & Agrotecnologia, 38: 109-112, 2014.) were used for analyses of variance and Scott-Knott test for grouping the variable means, and the Paleontological Statistics Program (PAST 4.03) was used for Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Pearson correlation test. Root fresh weight data, total number of eggs, and reproduction factor were transformed using the equation x+1.


Experiment I

Significant results were found for the total number of nematode eggs and reproduction factor, whereas no significant results were found for root fresh weight (Table 2). However, the total number of eggs and reproduction factor presented coefficients of variation higher than 40%, indicating that part of this variation can be connected to the response of each plant within the evaluated accessions to the nematode.

Table 2
Analysis of variance for responses of ten guava accessions to parasitism by Meloidogyne enterolobii based on root fresh weight (RFW), total number of eggs (TNE), and reproduction factor (RF).

Accessions A15, A30B, A30A, A100, and A13 presented the lowest mean total number of nematode eggs. The highest means were found for accessions A14, A90, A26, and A08 (Table 3), consequently showing the highest nematode reproduction. Accessions A30A, A100, and A13 presented mean total number of eggs and reproduction factor lower than those found for P. guajava 'Paluma', which is considered a standard for susceptibility to the nematode. This may be attributed to differences in susceptibility among commercial plant materials, which may express lower resistance to M. enterolobii compared to non-domesticated materials. The evaluated accessions in Experiment I presented no significant differences in root fresh weight.

Table 3
Root fresh weight (RFW), total number of eggs (TNE), mean reproduction factor (RF), variation between the maximum and minimum reproduction factors (VRF), number of resistant plants (NRP), and response of ten native and commercial guava accessions to inoculation with Meloidogyne enterolobii.

Considering the final root weight is essential in evaluations of nematode variables. Plants with less developed root systems may result in lower reproduction factors due to a significant nematode infestation and the susceptibility of the plant. Accession A30A, for instance, presented a mean reproduction factor of 0.26, indicating resistance according to Oostenbrink (1966)OOSTENBRINK, M. Major characteristics of the relation between nematodes and plants. Mededelingen Landbouw, 66: 1-46, 1966.. However, this accession had only 1 g of root weight at the end of the test, explaining the low reproduction factor and resistance response found. Accessions A08, A15, A26, A13, and A30A, although classified as susceptible (reproduction factor > 1), were the ones that resulted in the highest numbers of plants classified as resistant. Accession A30A stood out, with five out of eight plants exhibiting resistance.

The range of the reproduction factor for each guava accession showed low values for all evaluated accessions, reinforcing the importance of considering variation between and within accessions. Studies focused on identifying candidate materials for rootstocks and transferring genes of resistance to M. enterolobii have shown this variability (OLIVEIRA et al., 2019OLIVEIRA, P. G. et al. Reaction of Psidium spp. accessions to different levels of inoculation with Meloidogyne enterolobii. Revista Caatinga, 3: 419-428, 2019.). Miranda et al. (2012)MIRANDA, G. B. et al. Avaliação de acessos de Psidium spp. quanto à resistência a Meloidogyne enterolobii. Bragantia, 71: 52-58, 2012. assessed the response of Psidium spp. accessions, including native guava accessions, and found similar results.

According to the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) conducted using data of root fresh weight, total number of eggs, and reproduction factor, the PC1 explained 86.1%, while the PC2 explained 13.7% of the total variance of the data (Figure 1). An inverse correlation was found between the total number of eggs and root fresh weight for accessions A26, A08, A90, and A15, indicating that these accessions had greater root weight and smaller total number of eggs and reproduction factor, i.e., these accessions could be considered candidates for guava breeding programs focused on incorporating genes that confer resistance to M. enterolobii.

Figure 1
Principal component analysis: correlation among root fresh weight (RFW) of plants from Psidium guajava accessions and total number of eggs (TNE) and reproduction factor (RF) of Meloidogyne enterolobii.

Experiment II

The responses of 27 guava accessions to M. enterolobii were assessed in Experiment II. All evaluated variables were significant at a 1% by the F-test. The total number of nematode eggs and reproduction factor presented coefficients of variation higher than 50% (Table 4), emphasizing the variation in responses to the nematode among plants of different accessions. The total number of eggs and reproduction factor are the most important parameters for identifying P. guajava accessions with resistance to M. enterolobii. A significant variation in reproduction factor was found among 'Paluma' guava plants, among plants of the same accession, and among accessions (p<0.01).

Table 4
Analysis of variance for responses of 27 guava accessions to parasitism by Meloidogyne enterolobii based on root length (RL), root fresh weight (RFW), total number of eggs (TNE), and reproduction factor (RF).

Results for root length are shown in Table 5; the highest means were found for accessions GF2, A14, A13, GF3, A08, P07, and A31.

Table 5
Root length (RL), root fresh weight (RFW), total number of eggs (TNE), mean reproduction factor (RF), variation between the maximum and minimum reproduction factors (VRF), number of resistant plants (NRP), and response of 27 native and commercial guava accessions to inoculation with Meloidogyne enterolobii.

The greater root fresh weight found for 'Paluma' guava plants may be attributed to their greater vigor in root system development. Accessions P04, P02, P03, P07, P08, GF2, A06, and GF3 showed the greatest root fresh weight all in the same group. Accessions A80, A16, A30A, A31, GB, A11, and GES showed the lowest root fresh weight, also all in the same group (Table 5). This low root development can be explained by the stress caused by the nematode and the wild characteristic of the plant material used.

The lowest reproduction factors were found for accessions A80, A51, A10, P03, A13, P02, P10, A30A, GB, A16, A06, A31, P08, P05, A11, and GES. Accessions A14, A08, A13, A10, A06, A51, and A16 presented root fresh weight exceeding 10 g (Table 5). This denotes the variability of M. enterolobii reproduction in these accessions, as there was a difference in the range of reproduction factor values, despite the high availability infection sites.

Brazil is one of the centers of origin and diversification of plants of P. guajava and P. cattleianum. These plants predominantly reproduce through allogamy (CHANDRA et al., 2007CHANDRA, R. et al. Triazole mediated somatic embryogenesis in guava (P. guajava L.) cv. Allahabad Safeda. Acta Horticulturae, 735: 133-138, 2007.), as open pollination can interfere with the genetic and epigenetic regulation of the interaction with M. enterolobii, leading to diverse responses. These highlights need for further studies.

Plants from accessions A31, A11, A16, A30, GF3, and A08 showed a reproduction factor lower than 1 (RF < 1) and were considered resistant according to Oostenbrink (1966)OOSTENBRINK, M. Major characteristics of the relation between nematodes and plants. Mededelingen Landbouw, 66: 1-46, 1966.. The mean reproduction factor varied from 231.7 to 0.1 among the evaluated accessions of P. guajava, confirming results found by Cavalcante Junior et al. (2021)CAVALCANTI JUNIOR, E. A. et al. Reação de genótipos do gênero Psidium spp. a Meloidogyne enterolobii. Summa Phytopathologica, 46: 333-339, 2021.. The reproduction factor is the most essential parameter for measuring responses to nematode parasitism (SILVA et al., 2020SILVA, S. A. et al. Assessment of the most suitable nematode inoculum density and plant growth period to screen coffee genotypes for their reaction to Meloidogyne incognita. Nematology, 22: 373-380, 2020.). However, according to Miranda et al. (2012)MIRANDA, G. B. et al. Avaliação de acessos de Psidium spp. quanto à resistência a Meloidogyne enterolobii. Bragantia, 71: 52-58, 2012., these sources of variation are susceptible to experimental errors, mainly when plants are obtained by cuttings, which did not occur in the present experiment, as the seedlings were obtained from seeds.

Another important factor to consider is that guava decline is a complex disease caused by the interaction of M. enterolobii with the fungus N. falciformis (GOMES et al., 2013GOMES, V. M. et al. Guava decline: effect of root exudates from Meloidogyne enterolobii parasitized plants on Fusarium solani in vitro and on growth and development of guava seedlings under controlled conditions. Journal of Plant Pathology, 137: 393-401, 2013.). Thus, further studies are needed to identify materials with characteristics of resistance not only to M. enterolobii but also to N. falciformis.

According to the PCA conducted for Experiment II using data of root length, root fresh weight, total number of eggs, and reproduction factor, PC1 and PC2 explained more than 80% of the total variance of the data: 50.5% (PC1) and 32.9% (PC2) (Figure 2). Accessions A14, GF2, A10, A51, A08, A80, and A13 showed a positive correlation between the root fresh weight (RFW) and reproduction factor (RF). Thus, these accessions had greater RFW and RF within PC2 and, therefore, may not be candidates for guava breeding programs.

Figure 2
Principal component analysis: correlation among root length (RL) and root fresh weight (RFW) of plants from Psidium guajava accessions and total number of eggs (TNE) and reproduction factor (RF) of Meloidogyne enterolobii.

The results found showed a significant variability among the studied guava accessions, providing important information for breeding programs focused on obtaining nematode-resistant plants. The guava pollination system has a higher rate of cross-fertilization than self-fertilization, leading to high variability within P. guajava species. Oliveira et al. (2020)OLIVEIRA, M. L. F. et al. Analysis of the reproduction mode in Psidium spp. using the pollen: ovule ratio. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy, 43: e44062, 2020. emphasized that germplasm of trees and shrubs, whether allogamous or autogamous, with a high rate of allogamy, tends to present a high degree of polymorphism.


The germplasm of P. guajava exhibited variability in responses to M. enterolobii, as plants with values of nematode reproduction below 1.0 were found in accessions A08, A11, A13, A15 A16, A26, A30A, A31, and GF3, which can be utilized in guava breeding programs focused on resistance to the nematode.


This study was supported by the Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES; Funding Code 001). The authors thank the Graduate Program in Plant Genetic Resources of the State University of Feira de Santana, BA, Brazil, and the Foundation for Researcher Support of the State of Bahia.


  • AGROFIT. Consulta de Praga/Doença 2021. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 8 set. 2022.
  • ALMEIDA, A. M.; GOMES, V. M.; SOUZA, R. M. Greenhouse and field assessment of rhizobacteria to control guava decline. Bragantia, 70: 837-842, 2011.
  • BONETI, J. I. S.; FERRAZ, S. Modificação do método de Hussey & Barker para extração de ovos de Meloidogyne exigua de raízes de cafeeiro. Fitopatologia Brasileira, 6: 553, 1981.
  • CASTRO, J. M. C. et al. Reaction of Psidium accessions to the Meloidogyne enterolobii root-knot nematode. Acta Horticulturae, 959: 51-58, 2012.
  • CAVALCANTE, A. C. P. et al. Adubação com potássio e cálcio na nutrição e produção de goiabeira 'Paluma'. Revista Ceres, 66: 54-62, 2019.
  • CAVALCANTI JUNIOR, E. A. et al. Reação de genótipos do gênero Psidium spp. a Meloidogyne enterolobii Summa Phytopathologica, 46: 333-339, 2021.
  • CHANDRA, R. et al. Triazole mediated somatic embryogenesis in guava (P. guajava L.) cv. Allahabad Safeda. Acta Horticulturae, 735: 133-138, 2007.
  • COSTA FILHO, J. H. et al. Reaction of watermelon accessions to Meloidogyne enterolobii African Journal of Agricultural Research, 13: 1948-1953, 2018.
  • CRUZ, C. D. Genes: a software package for analysis in experimental statistics and quantitative genetics. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy, 35: 271- 276, 2013.
  • FERREIRA, D. F. Sisvar: a guide for its bootstrap procedures in multiple comparisons. Ciência & Agrotecnologia, 38: 109-112, 2014.
  • FRANZON, R.C. et al. Araçás do gênero Psidium: principais espécies, ocorrência, descrição e usos. 1. ed. Planaltina, DF: Embrapa Cerrados, 2009, 48 p. (Documentos, 266).
  • GOMES, V. M. et al. Guava decline: effect of root exudates from Meloidogyne enterolobii parasitized plants on Fusarium solani in vitro and on growth and development of guava seedlings under controlled conditions. Journal of Plant Pathology, 137: 393-401, 2013.
  • GOMES, V. M. et al. Inheritance of resistance to Meloidogyne enterolobii and individual selection in segregating populations of Psidium spp. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 148: 699-708, 2017.
  • KAREEM, A. et al. Morpho-genetic profiling and phylogenetic relationship of guava (Psidium guajava l.) as genetic resources in Pakistan. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 40: e-069, 2018.
  • OLIVEIRA, M. L. F. et al. Analysis of the reproduction mode in Psidium spp. using the pollen: ovule ratio. Acta Scientiarum Agronomy, 43: e44062, 2020.
  • MIRANDA, G. B. et al. Avaliação de acessos de Psidium spp. quanto à resistência a Meloidogyne enterolobii Bragantia, 71: 52-58, 2012.
  • OLIVEIRA, P. G. et al. Reaction of Psidium spp. accessions to different levels of inoculation with Meloidogyne enterolobii Revista Caatinga, 3: 419-428, 2019.
  • OOSTENBRINK, M. Major characteristics of the relation between nematodes and plants. Mededelingen Landbouw, 66: 1-46, 1966.
  • PEREIRA, K. C. et al. Desenvolvimento de cultivares de goiabeira inoculadas com Meloidogyne enterolobii Nematropica, 46: 54-59, 2016.
  • POMMER, C. V.; MURAKAMI, K. Breeding guava (Psidium guajava L.). In: JAIN, S. M.; PRIYADARSHAN, P. M. (Eds.). Breeding plantation tree crops: tropical species. New York, USA: Springer Science, 2009. cap. 3, p. 83-120.
  • QUINTAL, S. S. R. et al. Selection via mixed models in segregating guava families based on yield and quality traits. Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 39: e-866, 2017.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    02 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    12 Sept 2022
  • Accepted
    24 Oct 2023
Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido Avenida Francisco Mota, número 572, Bairro Presidente Costa e Silva, Cep: 5962-5900, Telefone: 55 (84) 3317-8297 - Mossoró - RN - Brazil