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This is the fifth number of CEFAC Journal with 35 scientific contributions in the fields of audiology, language, public health, dysphagia, orofacial motricity and voice.

As for the original articles, Tsukamoto, Costa, Júnior, Pelosi, Marchiori and Fernandes present the first contribution on the Influence of antivertigo drugs on postural balance and health-related quality of life of individuals with dizziness complaints. The second contribution is from Tamanini, Ramos, Dutra and Bassanesi on the School-age hearing screening: identification of hearing impairments in first grade students. Almeida, Cola, Magnoni, França and Silva wrote the third on the Prevalence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in stroke after cardiac surgery.

The fourth contribution is from Eloi, Santos and Martins-Reis on the Disorders in oral and written language in elementary teachers' perception. Cunha, Cunha, Bezerra, Melo, Peixoto, Tashiro and Silva present the fifith contribution on the Nasal aeration and respiratory muscle strength in mouth breathers' children. Familial persistent developmental stuttering: disfluencies and prevalence is the sixth contribution written by Nogueira, Oliveira, Giacheti and Moretti-Ferreira. Queiroga, Rosal, Silva and Cordeiro present the seventh contribution Analysis of phonological processes in children from the metropolitan region of Recife. The study Therapy language and theory of multiple intelligences: research in records is the eighth contribution by Camargo and Mezzomo.

The study entitled Phonological awareness in illiterate adults is the ninth contribution from the authors Lopes and Minervino. Lamônica and Ferreira-Vasques present the tenth contribution entitled Communicative and lexical skills in children with Down Syndrome: reflections for inclusion in school. The eleventh contribution by Segin, Dias, Seabra, Teixeira and Carreiro on the Phonological awareness assessment in Williams Syndrome. The twelfth contribution by Lima and Nunes discuss the Phonological profile of children with low vision from 6 to 9 years old at an institution for the blind in the city of Salvador - BA. Relationship between masking level difference test and acoustic reflex findings in children with phonological disorder is the thirteenth contribution from Bartz, Ribas, Machado, Ferreira, Laux and Peruch.

The study entitled Masticatory muscle electrical activity pattern in obese and eutrophic children is the fourteenth contribution by Favero, Silva, Haeffner, Busanello-Stela and Corrêa. Santo, Arakawa, Xavier, França, Oliveira, Machado, Bastos, Bastos and Caldana present the fifteenth study on Health promotion on amazonic riverside population: experience report. The sixteenth contribution by Leonor, Santos, Mendes and Willig is on The contributions of continuing education on oropharyngeal dysphagia for pediatric nursing care at a teaching hospital. The study entitled Prevalence of teacher's voice symptoms in municipal network education in Campo Grande - MS is the seventeenth contribution authored by Hermes and Bastos. Morelli, Grillo, Lacerda, Mezadri and Baumgartel present the eighteenth contribution entitled Time of speech-language therapy in a public service versus recommended parameters.

Authors Ferreira, Ribeiro and Lima present the nineteenth contribution on Prevalence of vestibulopathy in institutionalized elderly persons in Natal-RN-Brazil. The twenty contribution is on the Influence of choral singing on the voice-related quality of life of public health service users from the authors Lobo, Gomes, Santos, Klein, Rocha and Silva. The theme Index of workability and effort-reward imbalance related to voice disorder in teachers in the state of Alagoas from the authors Ferracciu, Santos, Barros, Teixeira and Almeida is the twenty-first contribution.

The literature review article entitled Factors in childhood and adolescence that may influence the auditory processing: a systematic review authored by Carvalho, Novelli and Colella-Santos is the twenty-second contribution. Pediatric test of speech intelligibility with ipsilateral competitive message: narrative review about its applicability from the authors Vellozo, Filha, Costa, Biaggio and Garcia is the twenty-third contribution. Resende, Dobelin, Oliveira and Luchesi present the twenty-fourth contribution entitled Oropharyngeal dysphagia: analyses of brazilians and americans protocols of fluoroscopy.

The use of electrical stimulation in speech therapy clinical: an integrative literature review is the twenty-fifth contribution from the authors Santos, Gama, Silvério and Oliveira. The twenty-sixth contribution is from Pedrosa, Dourado and Lemos entitled Lexical development, speech language disorders and school performance: literature review.

The implications of the cochlear implant for development of language skills: a literature reviewauthored by Neves, Verdu, Moret and Silva is the twenty-seventh contribution The twenty-eighth contribution is on Language in elderly people with Alzheimer's Disease: a systematic review from the authors Araújo, Lima, Nascimento, Almeida and Rosa. Gastroesophageal reflux and swallowing in newborns and infants: integrative review of literature is the twenty-ninth contribution from the authors Puccini and Berretin-Felix. Speech, language and hearing sciences and the family health strategy: the state of the art authored by Zanin andAlbuquerque is the thirty contribution. The thirty-first contribution is from Silva, Silva and Lima intitulada Craniofacial injuries resulting from motorcycle accidents: an integrative review.

The thirty-second contribution is a case report authored by Brito and Baldrighi entitled Repercussions of speech therapy in Seckel Syndrome: study case. The thirty-third contribution authored by Bianchini, Andrade, Damasceno, Souza and Cunha is on Communication aspects in Werdning-Hoffman Syndrome: a case report. Lima, Luna, Pessoa and Alves present the thirty-fourth contribution entitled Functional gains measured by mbgr and impact on quality of life in subject submitted to orthognathic surgery: case report. The thirty-fifth and final contribution is from Cielo, Ribeiro, Lima and Gonçalves is on Auditory-vocal perceptual results after thyroplasty type i and voice therapy in a case of vocal fold paralysis.

I conclude this editorial informing the authors and reviewers of the this Journal, as previously announced, the changes will continue in the Revista CEFAC aiming to maintaining the quality of published articles, so, from December 1st, 2015 this Journal will be charged a publication fee for accepted articles. This information will be described as of this date in the item instructions to authors.

Good reading!!

Profa. Dra. Simone Aparecida Capellini

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Sep-Out 2015
ABRAMO Associação Brasileira de Motricidade Orofacial Rua Uruguaiana, 516, Cep 13026-001 Campinas SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 19 3254-0342 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil