MacArthur (1988)
Investigate whether the submission of comments to the UKASB (on 28 proposals) is related to any economic issue (impact on accounting numbers) or political issue (political costs hypothesis). |
Fogarty (1992)
Analyze the existence and operating process of the FASB using institutional theory. |
Kenny and Larson (1993)
Investigate lobbying on the exposure draft regarding joint ventures. |
Meier, Alam and Pearson (1993)
Investigate lobbying undertaken by audit firms on seven proposed standards affecting banks and savings and loan associations. |
Tutticci, Dustan and Holmes (1994)
Understand the Australian standard-setting due process by performing content analysis of submissions on the exposure draft regarding intangible assets. |
Weetman, Davie and Collins (1996)
Answer questions such as (a) Can the strategies of lobbyists be identified? (b) What are the possible reasons why non-lobbying companies do not submit comments? |
Tandy and Wilburn (1996)
Investigate the participation of the academic community in the standard-setting process by analyzing letters submitted on the discussion memorandums and exposure drafts for SFAS 1-117. |
Larson (1997)
Investigate the characteristics of respondents and analyze significant differences between lobbying companies and non-lobbying companies with regard to company size, country of origin of the respondents (13 countries) and listing on stock exchanges (U.S.) |
McLeay, Ordelheide and Young (2000)
Examine the impact of lobbying activities on German accounting regulation with respect to the positions of preparers, auditors and scholars. |
Hill, Shelton and Stevens (2002)
Investigate lobbying activities in the issuing process of SFAS 123 (Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation) |
Larson (2002)
Establish a framework based on institutional theory for evaluating whether the Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC) has been effective and legitimate. |
Georgiou (2004)
Analyze the effectiveness of lobbying during different stages of the regulatory process, i.e., earlier stages (formation of the discussion agenda of the board) and later stages (period of public consultation regarding the draft standard). |
Georgiou (2005)
Capture the trend in lobbying strategy by companies over the long-term by analyzing a series of events (setting of several standards) over time. |
Larson (2008)
Investigate whether political pressures rather than highly technical discussions decisively affected the issuance of SIC 12, which addresses the consolidation of special purpose entities. This study is grounded on institutional theory. |
Chatham, Larson and Vietze (2010)
Analyze the comments submitted on the discussion paper regarding financial instruments to identify the main issues cited by respondents,in light of the fact that the European Union rejected full adoption of IAS 39, which in turn required additional effort by the IASB to reverse the situation. This study is grounded on institutional theory. |
Georgiou (2010)
Investigate the nature and volume of participation by UK investment fund managers in the standard-setting process of the IASB during 2001-2006. |
Stenka and Taylor (2010)
Understand the complexity of lobbying activities on four exposure drafts. Lobbyists are classified into two groups (corporate and non-corporate) and analyses are performed with the use of ANOVA and univariate regression. |
Hansen (2011)
Provide evidence on how the IASB generates its standards in the presence of lobbyists with different preferences. Comment letters (629 letters) submitted during five public consultation organized by the IASB were used. |
Larson and Kenny (2011)
Investigate the behavior of the IASB when issuing accounting standards regarding voluntary financial donations received from its constituents. |
Bengtsson (2011)
Use institutional theory to investigate how the IASB responded to political pressure from the European Union following the global financial crisis as observed based on financial instrument standards. |
Koh (2011)
Examine the characteristics of firms regarding the decision to lobby or not. For firms that submitted opinions on the FASB stock option standard, the study analyzed whether lobbying was for or against the standard under discussion. |
Giner and Arce (2012)
Analyze the behavior of lobbyists based on institutional theory and evaluate lobbyists' influence on the decisions of the IASB regarding IFRS 2. |
Tavares, Anjo, Paulo and Carter (2013)
Investigate the most frequent opinions submitted to the IASB/FASB regarding Revised Exposure Draft - Revenue from Contracts with Customers. |
Matos, Gonçalves, Niyama, e Marques (2013)
Investigate whether standards with a higher level of inconsistency with local GAAPs were changed/approved in accordance with the geographical participation of the IASB board member. |
Oliveira, Costa Júnior e Silva (2013)
Analyze the public consultation process of the accounting pronouncements committee (comitê de pronunciamentos contábeis - cpc) during 2007 to 2011. The study concludes that the cpc focused its efforts on obtaining maximum convergence with ifrs. |