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The objective of this study is to present conceptual approaches that associate information, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation with the potential to promote interdisciplinary scientific development. It is justified by the demands of the environment of the startups involved in activities directly related to the flow of internal and external information. The study is characterized as an exploratory, descriptive and analytical research using the SystematicSearchFlow (SSF) method and the search conducted in the Web of Science and Scopus, in may 2017. As a result, a relevant portfolio of 20 articles categorized according to dominant models of information study proposed by Araújo (2014). It was verified that the conceptual interweaving of the theme "information, technology and innovation" is also present in other areas of knowledge, which allows the expansion of knowledge about the subject. It is considered that future studies will may address how and how much the paradigms describe and are or no sufficient in information production and management in the new environments characterized by startups in specific environments as well as in the gray literature.

Interdisciplinarity; Information Science; Startups; Epistemology in Information Science


Objetiva-se neste estudo evidenciar aproximações conceituais de abordagens que associem informação, tecnologia, empreendedorismo e inovação com potencial de promover o desenvolvimento científico interdisciplinar. Justifica-se pelas demandas do ambiente das startups envolvidas em atividades diretamente relacionadas ao fluxo de informações internas e externas. Caracteriza-se o estudo como uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e analítica, com uso do método SystematicSearchFlow (SSF) e busca realizada na Web of Science e Scopus, em maio de 2018. Como resultado obteve-se um portfólio relevante de 20 artigos categorizados à luz dos modelos dominantes de estudo da informação propostos por Araújo (2014). Verificou-se que o entrelaçamento conceitual do tema “informação, tecnologia e inovação” encontra-se presente também em outras áreas do conhecimento, o que permite a expansão do conhecimento sobre o assunto. Considera-se que futuros estudos poderão abordar como e quanto os paradigmas descrevem, e são ou não suficientes na produção e gestão da informação nos novos ambientes caracterizados pelas startups em ambientes específicos, bem como na literatura cinzenta.

Interdisciplinaridade; Ciência da Informação; Startups; Epistemologia em Ciência da Informação


Information Science is challenged to expand its contributions to scientific approaches that involve information, technology, and innovation on issues arising from these interactions, and do not always emerge or are only being developed within the traditional field of research.

In these new socioeconomic contexts and in order to respond to these challenges, it is necessary to establish broad and disciplined processes for the development of interdisciplinary conceptual interfaces, from which it can contribute and receive contributions from other areas that address the aforementioned terms.

Contemporary society demands a science allied with technology capable of promoting innovation, and the conceptual proposal of Information Science presented by Saracevic (1996SARACEVIC, T. Ciência da Informação: origem, evolução e relações. Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, Belo Horizonte, v.1,n,1,p.41-62,jan./jun.,1996. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2016.
) meets the current demand when he says that the field is dedicated to scientific research and professional practice. It addresses the problems of knowledge registration and its effective communication between human beings, in the context of social, institutional and/or individual information use and needs. Scientific research involves the components, elements and structures related to the uses and need of information.

Goulart (2004GOULART, A. Informação: precisamos definir esse termo. Observatório da Imprensa, n. 286, jul. 2004. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10/12/16.
) argues that information is the key to survival in our computerized society, and understanding its nature and meaning is the first step in order to control it and use it for social and individual progress. According to Francelin and Pellegatti (2004FRANCELIN, M. M.; PELLEGATTI, C. Filosofia da informação: reflexos e reflexões. Transinformação, Campinas, v. 16, n. 2, p. 123-132, maio/ago. 2004., p.124), in a formal provision, the phenomenon of information is studied in diverse disciplines, thus confirming the complex interdisciplinary ramifications and manifestations associated with it.

In this sense, it is necessary to delimit and to explain in the studies in Information Science and for the purpose of an effective interdisciplinarity, that disciplines and concepts are being used in a determined investigation in order to reduce the noises, to favor the science and an adequate theoretical foundation of the studies.

Therefore, this study aims to demonstrate conceptual approaches of that associate information, technology and innovation with the potential to promote interdisciplinary scientific development.

It is assumed that the Philosophy of Technology and Administration have fundamental contributions to interdisciplinary approaches that involve entrepreneurship and innovation, since they are fields traditionally associated with Information Science.

Philosophy in studying technology subsidizes the understanding of the evolution of artifacts used for communication from the earliest days of humanity and critically allows a look beyond economic pragmatism. And in the Administration, the study of innovation subsidizes the understanding of the occurrence of this as a field for entrepreneurship and intraentrepreneurship.

In view of the above, the proposed epistemological analysis may subsidize the Information Science to meet the area of Philosophy relating it to concepts of technology, and Administration relating it to concepts of innovation, according to Chart 1.

Chart 1
Areas, subareas and research concepts Source:

Through Chart 1 it is possible to visualize the correlations of each area for the proposed concepts. It is important to note that, according to Paim et. al.. (2001PAIM, I. et. al. Interdisciplinaridade na Ciência da Informação: início de um diálogo. Perspectiva da Ciência da Informação, Belo Horizonte, v. 6, n. 1, p. 19-26, jan./jun. 2001., p. 19):

[...]The use of concepts imported from other domains of knowledge occurs very frequently in the science of information, but appropriations are mostly made in an uncritical, superficial, inadequate way, constituting mere mechanical extrapolations and often arising of passing fads. As a consequence, there are constant misrepresentations of original concepts (terms, notions, categories, metaphors), lack of conceptual organization, consistency and pertinence.

It is in the sense of a conceptual convergence of the term information that this article will seek to analyze the interfaces in the scientific literature found in the Web of Science and Scopus databases in the light of the dominant models of information study proposed by Araújo (2014ARAÚJO, C. A. A. Arquivologia, biblioteconomia, museologia e ciência da informação: o diálogo possível. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Profissionais da Informação (ABRAINFO), 2014.). It is emphasized that both bases are interdisciplinary and represent the elite of the world science, being the second one of greater coverage of the scientific production.


This study is characterized as exploratory, descriptive and analytical research. Exploratory because it establishes the proposed correlations with the goal of looking for associated patterns and ideas between the terms in the cited bases. Descriptive, because it seeks to explain the behavior of phenomena to identify and obtain information about the characteristics of the question. And analytical because it is a continuation of descriptive research when analyzing and explaining how the facts are happening. (COLLIS; HUSSEY, 2005COLLIS, Jill; HUSSEY, Roger. Pesquisa em Administração. 2. ed. São Paulo: Ed. Bookman, 2005.).

From the terms presented, it was tried to establish search criteria in the selected databases mentioned in the introduction. In order to systematize the search, the SystematicSearchFlow (SSF) method of Ferenhof and Fernandes (2016FERENHOF, H. A.; FERNANDES, R. F. Desmistificando a revisão de literatura como base para redação científica: método SSF. Revista ACB, v. 21, n. 3, p. 550-563, ago. /nov. 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 dez. 2016.
p. 556) was used, which consists of a systematization of the search process based on scientific data "in order to guarantee repeatability and avoid bias researcher. "(Image 1). Thus, this method can be used for a literature review that subsidizes the identification of relevant scientific production.

Image 1
SSF Method - SystematicSearchFlow

Following the 4 phases (Research protocol, Analysis, Synthesis and Writing) and 8 activities established by the SSF method according to image 1, the search protocol was defined in phase 1. Regarding activity 1, the search strategy used was the definition of the logical operator "AND" to retrieve documents that contained the terms established in the research, and the use of the "quotation marks" to retrieve the exact terms.

Regarding activity 2, the research was carried out in May 2018 by articles published in the 5-year delimitation (2012-2016), using the keywords information AND startup AND technology AND innovation, at the Scopus bases where it recovered 14 documents, and Web of Science with 24 documents retrieved. The total number of documents in this activity was 38.

Regarding activity 3, the bibliographic organizer software used was EndNote®. In this activity, duplicate documents were eliminated, with unavailable links and attachments, which did not refer to articles (reference to books, for example), since the intention was to retrieve scientific articles published in periodicals and events in the period from 2012 to 2016.

Regarding activity 4, standardization of the selection of retrieved articles, the titles, abstracts and keywords of each article were read.

Regarding activity 5, the portfolio of selected articles was 20 articles to be read and analyzed in full, which are presented in detail according to activities 6, 7 and 8 of the SSF method in section 4, corresponding to the results.


The development and use of technologies and techniques for recording information and communication accompany changes in civilizations and living in society, being constantly improved (BLATTMANN; FRAGOSO, 2003BLATTMANN, U.; FRAGOSO, G.M. Emoção em tecnologia da informação e da comunicação. In: BLATTMANN, U.; FRAGOSO, G.M.(Org.). O zapear a informação em bibliotecas e na Internet. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2003.).

However the technologies and techniques of a society are more than just objects of record (palpable artifact), they are a result or final state of processes that are often continuous and even imperceptible.

Cupani (2013CUPANI, A. Filosofia da tecnologia: um convite. 2. ed. Florianópolis: Ed. da UFSC, 2013.) mentions that technology presents itself not only in the form of objects and sets of goals, but also as systems, as processes, ways of proceeding and even as a certain mentality.

And Ihde (1990IHDE, D. Technology and the lifeworld from garden to earth. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990. Cap. 5.) presents the man-technology relationship in the sense of continuous integration. The author means a relation of incorporation I - technology - world, when he affirms that the technology becomes practically imperceptible, for example, in the case of the individual that uses contact lenses or owns brand step, obturation and; of a hermeneutic relation in I - technology - world, when the technology is more noticeable, for example, in the case of the individual who performs the reading of a text, obtaining the information by the written record, but in counterpart perceiving the limitations established in the perspectives addressed.

It also presents a third relation in which technology stands out from the world and the subject that makes its use, it becomes almost autonomous, for example, in the case of artificial intelligence, in which the computer is perceived as equivalent to the human being.

Ferré (1995FERRÉ, F. Philosophy of Technology. (orig.1988). Athens-London: The University of Georgia Press, 1995. Cap. 1 a 4.) distinguishes practical intelligence and theoretical intelligence, differentiating them and exemplifying that the former encompasses the intelligence present in the daily life of human beings and animals in general, and the second as intelligence that goes beyond everyday life, being the concern about what is being done. It can be inferred that through the combination of Practical and Theoretical Intelligence, man improves the ways of communicating and recording ideas.

It is considered that in the organization and systematization of the information of these technical processes of practical and theoretical intelligence, gradually incorporated into the scientific and technological development that the need to acquire, store, process and disseminate information becomes a critical factor for success.

Information Science emerges as an area that investigates the behavior and properties of information, being linked to the set of knowledge regarding origin, collection, organization, storage, retrieval, interpretation , transmission, transformation and use of information (BORKO, 1968BORKO, H. Information Science: what is it? American Documentation, v.19, n.1, p.3-5, Jan. 1968., ZINS, 2007ZINS, C. Knowledge map of information science. Journal of The American Society for Information Science and Technology, New York, v. 58, n. 4, p. 526-535, 2007. ISSN 15322882. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 dez. 2016.

And in turn, entrepreneurship "consists in the pleasure of realizing with synergism and innovation any personal or organizational project, in permanent challenge to the opportunities and risks" (BAGGIO, BAGGIO, 2014BAGGIO, A. F.; BAGGIO, D. K. Empreendedorismo: conceitos e definições. Revista de Empreendedorismo, Inovação e Tecnologia, v.1, n. 1, p. 25-38, 2014. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em 1 jul. 2016.
). In this way, the generation of new knowledge, capable of modifying something that already exists, product or service, according to the Oslo Manual (OECD, 2005), promotes innovation, that is, when there is "introduction of a good or new or significantly improved service with regard to its intended characteristics or uses. "

The initial approaches to entrepreneurship were associated with companies, but "[...] has had its meaning extended to human manifestations aimed at the realization of new organizational projects independent or linked to an already existing organization." (GIMENEZ, FERREIRA, RAMOS, 2008GIMENEZ, F. A. P.; FERREIRA, J. M.; RAMOS, S. C. Configuração empreendedora ou configurações empreendedoras? Indo um pouco além de Mintzberg. In: ENCONTRO DA ASSOCIAÇÃO NACIONAL DE PÓS GRADUAÇÃO E PESQUISA EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO (ENANPAD), 32, 2008, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Rio de Janeiro: ANPAD, 2008. p.1., p.1).

In these new environments, decision-making is focused on the entrepreneur, but is also heavily influenced by venture capital managers whenever this capital is used (NAKAMURA; FORTE; AGUIAR, 2006NAKAMURA, W.; FORTE, D.; AGUIAR, J. Análise do Processo Decisório dos Gestores de Capital de Risco no Brasil In: ENCONTRO ANUAL DA ASSOCIAÇÃO NACIONAL DOS PROGRAMAS DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ADMINISTRAÇÃO, 31, 2007, Rio de Janeiro. Anais... Salvador, 2006.).

In this perspective, among the contributions of Information Science is the possibility to highlight and systematize information to promote communication processes capable of fostering scientific and technological development.

Specifically, the new organizational arrangements are directly related to the intensive use of information where the startups are organized, which are new, embryonic or still under construction, with promising projects related to research, investigation and development of innovative ideas and entrepreneurship.

Startup is a term used for new companies, even embryonic or still in the process of being set up, which count on promising projects, linked to the research, research and development of innovative ideas with low initial costs, being highly scalable, that is, having an expectation of very big growth when they work out. Some companies directly linked to information and communication such as Google and Yahoo are considered startups.

Gihaty (2016GIHATY, Y. O que é uma startup? São Paulo : Exame-Abril, 3 fev. 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 dez. 2016.
) claims that term emerged during the so-called "Internet bubble" between 1996 and 2001 and defines a Startup as a replicable and scalable business model created by people to work in conditions of extreme uncertainty.

For Ries (2012RIES, E. A startup enxuta. São Paulo: Leya, 2012.) startups are companies or human institutions that are built in the most diverse branches, emerging spontaneously in risk and uncertainty and having in essence the innovation to create products and services which intend to revolutionize the market.

The startup environment involves activities directly related to the exchange of internal and external information available in several formats, many of which simultaneously, which has been little discussed in the literature on Information Science.

Dynamic, the environment involves intense volume of data used in informational interactions, which raises the need for environmental monitoring studies on the flow of information relevant to companies from the relevant sources and suitable for access and use in a timely manner.

To that end, it is fundamental to understand how the scientific literature of various areas categorizes or gathers production around the current paradigms in Information Science, which helps reduce communication noises and obtain standards that, according to Jannuzzi (1999JANNUZZI, C. A. S. C. Informação tecnológica e para negócios no Brasil: conceitos e terminologias. 1999. 139 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Campinas, 1999., 24) occur due to the diversity of applications of concepts and terms.

Araújo (2014ARAÚJO, C. A. A. Arquivologia, biblioteconomia, museologia e ciência da informação: o diálogo possível. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Profissionais da Informação (ABRAINFO), 2014.), referring to the systematizations of the information concept of Miguel Ángel Rendón Rojas, Tefko Saracevi, Anders Orom, Jan Carolos Fernández Molina and Félix de Moya Anegón, Jesse Shera, Armando Malheiro da Silva and Fernanda Dias Ribeiro, Rafael Capurro, Jean -Michel Salaün and Clément Arsenaut, proposed a categorization in three dominant models of information study:

  • Physical Model (positivist) - Referring to the physical paradigm of information, to the study of documents, of physically tangible informational items. Involving little or no cognitive processing.

  • Semantic model (cognitive) - Regarding the cognitive paradigm, the study of what changes an initial knowledge in the subject's mind. Result of interaction between two cognitive structures.

  • Pragmatic (sociological) model - Regarding the social paradigm, to the study and valuation of the context of registered knowledge. The information exists in a context.

Thus, these three dominant models of the study of information by Information Science, elucidated by Araújo (2014ARAÚJO, C. A. A. Arquivologia, biblioteconomia, museologia e ciência da informação: o diálogo possível. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Profissionais da Informação (ABRAINFO), 2014.), contribute to the understanding of how information can be categorized in the technological and innovative context of the startups ecosystem.


It is noteworthy at this point that, after activity 4, initially described in the methodological procedures (standardization of the selection of the retrieved articles), the titles, abstracts and keywords of each article were read and then the activity 5, a portfolio of 20 articles was read and analyzed in its entirety for the accomplishment of activity 6 (data consolidation), according to Chart 2.

Chart 2
Portfolio of complete articles

Phase 2 of the SSF method corresponded to the analysis. Thus, with the portfolio defined in phase 1, the work was initiated by analyzing whether the authorship of the articles were repeated, which can be observed does not occur, according to Chart 2. Regarding the year of publication: there were more publications related to the year 2015 search, totalizing 6 publications; followed by the year 2016 with 5 publications; 2014 with 4 publications; 2013 with 3; and 2012 with 2 publications. As for journals and events, these also do not repeat themselves.

Of the articles retrieved, only one belongs to a periodical of the area of Information Science, being Profesional de la Informacion, with the article by Salaverria (2015SALAVERRIA, R. Labs as a formula for media innovation. Profesional De La Informacion, v. 24, n. 4, p. 397-404, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 ago. 2016.
), entitled Labs as a formula for media innovation. At this point, a horizon of future research that encompasses contexts of entrepreneurship is emphasized, emphasizing not only the technical and entrepreneurial attributions of the information professional, but also the theoretical knowledge of the area of Information Science.

Following phase 3 of the SSF method (activity 7), Chart 3 shows the themes of the articles retrieved with the dominant Araujo information study models (2014ARAÚJO, C. A. A. Arquivologia, biblioteconomia, museologia e ciência da informação: o diálogo possível. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Profissionais da Informação (ABRAINFO), 2014.). For a better visualization of the crisscrossing, the excerpts taken from the articles mentioning the information were graphed in gray in the specific part of relation with the model (s), and the same was done in the identification of the models.

Chart 3
List of recovered articles in the light of the dominant models of information study of Araújo (2014ARAÚJO, C. A. A. Arquivologia, biblioteconomia, museologia e ciência da informação: o diálogo possível. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Profissionais da Informação (ABRAINFO), 2014.)

The cross-references to the term "information" in the articles found in the light of the models established by Araújo (2014ARAÚJO, C. A. A. Arquivologia, biblioteconomia, museologia e ciência da informação: o diálogo possível. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Profissionais da Informação (ABRAINFO), 2014.) were followed, to phase 4 of the SSF method, being carried out activity 8, that is, the consolidation of results (FERENHOF, FERNANDES, 2016FERENHOF, H. A.; FERNANDES, R. F. Desmistificando a revisão de literatura como base para redação científica: método SSF. Revista ACB, v. 21, n. 3, p. 550-563, ago. /nov. 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 dez. 2016.

Of the 20 articles analyzed, 8 mention the term information from the perspective of the three models, physical, semantic and pragmatic; 4 from the perspective of the physical and pragmatic models; 4 from the perspective of the physical model; 2 from the perspective of the physical and semantic models; 1 from the perspective of a semantic model and; 1 from the perspective of semantic and pragmatic models.

It is noticeable that the term information more verified in the articles is from the perspective of the physical model, present in 18 articles. It can be considered comprehensible when referring to the beginning of Information Science and to the establishment of the first information concept that was "linked to its physical and physical dimension, being the phenomenon studied from a quantitative and positivist perspective. ” (ARAÚJO, 2014ARAÚJO, C. A. A. Arquivologia, biblioteconomia, museologia e ciência da informação: o diálogo possível. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Profissionais da Informação (ABRAINFO), 2014., p. 145).

Then the most noticeable model was the pragmatic one, consisting of 13 articles. According to Araújo (2014ARAÚJO, C. A. A. Arquivologia, biblioteconomia, museologia e ciência da informação: o diálogo possível. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Profissionais da Informação (ABRAINFO), 2014., p. 146), trends "imply a greater degree of complexity and abstraction, with the insertion of information in the scope of human action and in the context of concrete sociocultural contexts." In the case of the startups ecosystem, the concept itself justifies the presence of the model, since startups are innovative companies, based on technology to serve their public (SOARES, 2016SOARES, J. Saiba mais sobre o que são e como funcionam as start-ups. Folha de São Paulo, 24 jul. 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 jul. 2016.

Although the semantic model ranked third in the cross-over analysis, it was noticeable in 12 articles. Justifiable occurrence, because in this model information is associated with the interaction between data and knowledge, "and its study related to the identification of meanings, interpretations" (ARAÚJO, 2014ARAÚJO, C. A. A. Arquivologia, biblioteconomia, museologia e ciência da informação: o diálogo possível. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Profissionais da Informação (ABRAINFO), 2014., p.145). In the technology and innovation segment, this process of identification and interpretation is carried out all the time to draw up a new service and / or product.

With the presentation and discussion of the results concluded, the section of the final considerations follows.


Based on the goal of highlighting conceptual approaches that associate information, technology and innovation in the context of startups, with potential to promote interdisciplinary scientific development, it was verified that the interlacing of themes is also present in other areas of knowledge, as can be seen in the results presented in Charts 2 and 3, which allows the expansion of scientific knowledge on the subject.

The retrieved scientific output can be considered representative for the development of interdisciplinary conceptual interfaces, from which it becomes able to contribute and receive contributions from other areas that address the terms cited. Thus, Araújo (2014ARAÚJO, C. A. A. Arquivologia, biblioteconomia, museologia e ciência da informação: o diálogo possível. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos. São Paulo: Associação Brasileira de Profissionais da Informação (ABRAINFO), 2014., p.147), after presentation of the three models of information study, was empirically and limited to the scope of this study, when he said that "they are complementary, more than exclusive".

It is noteworthy that, even if representative, the recovered scientific production is still small compared to other themes, a fact that may be related to the recent scientific approach of the theme. Future studies may address how and how much the paradigms describe and if they are or not sufficient in information production and management in new environments characterized by startups in their specificities as well as in the gray literature (theses and dissertations, reports etc.).


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    AB. Information theory and library theory

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 Mar 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    05 Sept 2018
  • Accepted
    14 Oct 2018
  • Published
    23 Oct 2018
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 421 - 1º andar Biblioteca Central César Lattes - Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz - CEP: 13083-859 , Tel: +55 19 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil