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The CEPEn and the production and dissemination of Brazilian Nursing knowledge


The CEPEn and the production and dissemination of Brazilian Nursing knowledge

Isabel Cristina Kowal Olm Cunha

Scientific Editor. CEPEn Temporary Director

The Nursing Research and Studies Center (Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Enfermagem CEPEn) is dedicated to the development of institutional projects, programs and researches, as well as to disseminate them, and to keep its Documental and Historical Collection. Thus, the Director´s Task Plan for the 2004-7 period aims to keep, to amplify, to articulate, and to disseminate, conjugational wide verbs that must result in production, preservation and partnerships.

Studies and researches, initial step of this Center´s actions, deserves an in-depth looking, not only to products, but to those who produce them, how they make and disseminate them.

Researches that aim to bring the category reality to the puclic are being articulated, and from them it can be highlighted the "Brazilian Nursing Profile", whose partnership is in negotiation with the National Health Ministry, that will launch a descriptive sight in several aspects about nurses, technicians and nurses aides. This attentive look, far from just a visible and perceived reality portrait, will bring relevant contribuition to discuss the work in health, and another issues.

The research nurse´s articulation is accomplished by means of interchange with the Post-Graduation programs and nursing representative research bodies, discussing and contributing with debates on the human resources education and the research areas for the category.

The National Semminar of Nursing Research (Seminário Nacional de Pesquisa em Enfermagem SENPE), in its 13th edition to be held this year in July, in São Luiz, Maranhão, is the priviledged place where research nurses and related professionals might reflect and propose actions to consolidate research results and to make them feasible. The stategy of realizing the semminar out of big productive research centers is remarkable, considering it aims to stimulate and to strenghten new centers development.

The preservation of CEPEn Collection is more than to preserve relevant documents, it is a great challenge. To make available the gratest Brazilian Database of Nursing Thesis, as well documents that tell our history, requires a colective effort, to be obtained only in conjunction with daring partnerships.

With this view, in its 80 years, the ABEn (Brazilian Nursing Society) forsees to make available their historical collection in a good condition, establishing partnership with the Brazilian Nursing History Research Center (Núcleo de Pesquisa em História da Enfermagem Brasileira NUPHEBRAS) from Anna Nery Nursing School, for the recovery and organization of text, phonic, and photographic documentation.

The ABEn partnership with schools and the Regional Library of Medicine (Biblioteca Regional de Medicina BIREME) supported by PAHO, allowed to establish the Virtual Library of Health Nursing project (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde - BVS Enfermagem), which has been started in previous administrations and will gather its first results along this year, through several subprojects to make available full-text journal articles, thesis databases, bibliometry and another.

The participation with other national and international scientific societies are highligths that have been pursued, in distinction with the Brazilian Society for Science Progress (Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência - SBPC). Discussions in science, technology, health, and education wide-subjects take part of this meetings agenda to be presented in the Annual Summitt to be held in Fortaleza, in July, where National and Regional ABEn directories will have relevant participation.

Thus, we consider that the work carried out by CPEn in favor of nursing category, is relevant because it pursues the increase in visibility both in internal and external scenarios - so you can not be in the outside margin. Join us and add your effort to build the Brazilian Nursing History!

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 Aug 2008
  • Date of issue
    Feb 2005
Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem SGA Norte Quadra 603 Conj. "B" - Av. L2 Norte 70830-102 Brasília, DF, Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3226-0653, Fax: (55 61) 3225-4473 - Brasília - DF - Brazil