Open-access Prevention of hypothermia in newborn submitted to surgical procedures: an integrative review

Prevención de la hipotermia en recién nacido procedimientos quirúrgicos: revisión integrative


Objective:  to discuss in the scientific literature the strategies used to prevent hypothermia in newborns undergoing surgical procedures.

Methods  this is an integrative literature review, with structured search in April and May 2020 in 08 databases, using the descriptors: Hypothermia; Surgical Procedures, Operative; Infant, Newborn; Protocols. Four primary studies were selected and analyzed using three instruments to assess the methodological quality of the Joanna Briggs Institute and content analysis.

Results:  Among the strategies used, the following stand out: room temperature control; establishment of humidification and quality of air conditioning cleanliness; use of a heated incubator or cradle; use of thermal mattress; use of caps and blanket; heated fluids; temperature monitoring and abdominal organ coverage.

Conclusion  good hypothermia prevention strategies were identified, despite the small number of publications on this topic; thus, it points out the need for research with strong evidence.

Descriptors: Infant, Newborn; Hypothermia; Surgical Procedures, Operative; Disease Prevention; Neonatal Nursing

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