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Disabilities in leprosy: construction and validation of instrument on knowledge and attitude of professionals

Discapacidades en la lepra: construcción y validación de un instrumento sobre el conocimiento y la actitud de los profesionales.



To develop and test the content validity of the “Knowledge and Attitudes on Assessing Degrees of Physical Disability in Leprosy” instrument.


Methodological study carried out between January and May 2019 in three stages: item generation, analysis of aggregated redundancy to the composition, and content validation, using the Delphi technique.


In the first evaluation, a relevance of ≥ 0.80 stood out for all items, except for 2.8, which was excluded. To make the instrument clearer, the sequence was renumbered from one to 32; 2.6, 3.1, and 15 were reformulated, and the others underwent modifications, except for ten and 13. After the second evaluation, all items obtained Content Validity Index > 0.90 and Kappa = 1.00.


The instrument has an excellent content validity; it is inferred that it is adequate to measure the knowledge and attitudes of professionals in the assessment of physical disabilities in leprosy.

Knowledge; Attitude; Leprosy; Validation Study; Health Education

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