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Organizational changes in ABEn and the Center for Social Communication and Publications

The changes in the organizational structure of the Brazilian Nursing Association (ABEn, acronym in Portuguese), implemented through its new Social Statute, which was approved in the National Assembly of Delegates held in the capital city of Natal in 2013, have improved and somewhat given a new order to the activities of social communication and publications of ABEn so as to adjust to modern times. The main change is that the Board of Publications and Social Communication is now referred to as the Center for Social Communication and Publications, assuming activities that, over the years, have contributed to consolidating the name of the ABEn among nursing professionals and civil society. Those activities are performed through a variety of means, listed below.

  • The official ABEn email (<>), which anyone can use to contact the entity to request information and/or for the dissemination of information, as well as to make suggestions and complaints.

  • The ABEn website (<>) and the "talk to us" section. On the site, ABEn members, and the whole nursing community, have access to the latest news, information about the events held by ABEn; national and international nursing events; links to periodic ABEn publications and to the Center of Education, Center of Nursing Studies and Research, Center for Practice Development, and Center for Social Communication and Publications; access to the video library of ABEn, the History Memory Center, and the legal documents of ABEn.

  • The ABEn Information Newspaper, published quarterly both in print and online. Its goal is to disseminate the news related to the social participation of ABEn, events being held, administrative activities, rendering of accounts, and others. The newspaper includes news about a wide range of ABEn activities, including its participation in social movements, the representation of the entity in settings where health policies and actions are defined, facts from ABEn events as well as the preparation of future events; management working plans, management reports, financial statements, and others.

  • ABEn e-newspaper, available on the homepage and sent to members by email. It is published biweekly, aiming to accelerate and increase accessibility to news of a more urgent nature.

  • Facebook fanpage, which, as a social network, is used to provide ABEn information that are specifically of interest of the members.

Regarding the activities related to the print publication of books and journals, it is highlighted that the Brazilian Nursing Journal (Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem - REBEn) and the History of Nursing Online Journal (História de Enfermagem Revista Eletrônica - HERE) are aiming at their consolidation and sustainability.

More specifically regarding REBEn, thanks to the effort of its technical team - editorial board, ad hoc consultants, associate editors, scientific editor and executive editor - and to the trust of researchers, authors and readers, the journal has leaped in quality, now ranked as Qualis A2 in the CAPES classification, and recently being indexed on PubMed, EBSCO and ProQuest.

The team develops a working plan, in line with the goals of the 2010-2013 and 2013-2016 administration of ABEn, which includes the continuous professionalization and qualification of the journal, increasing its visibility and the impact of its articles on the scientific community as well as in changing the situation of the profession and of the health of Brazilian people.

Aiming to reach its goals, REBEn will soon adopt a new system for the management, submission and edition of articles: SholarOne, developed by Thomson Reuters and made available by SciELO to it indexed journals. The new system permits greater functionality, improving the process of evaluation and editing; and increasing the trustworthiness of the journal in the international scenario.

All steps are being taken to assure the smoothest possible transition for authors of manuscripts that will be submitted in the future, as well as for the editors and body of ad hoc consultants. Authors who have already submitted their manuscripts in the current system can rest at ease, because all submissions made through the previous system will continue in the editing flow, with no need for any actions regarding the new system.

Another change in the path of REBEn is the future requirement to submit the English version of the approved manuscripts. This condition is essential for the published articles to be understood by readers from other countries, and, thus, increase the visibility of the production disseminated through the REBEn.

The challenges to keep an up-to-date flow of news about ABEn and the scientific topics and subjects of interest to the members and society are known and are being progressively dealt with. The National ABEn Directors work together in collaboration, counting on the partnership with Section ABEn, to produce and disseminate information in the broader way possible. It is also expected that all of those comprising the Brazilian Nursing will contribute so that the social communication vehicles and ABEn publications continue providing the elements that are essential and indispensible not only to strengthen the profession, but also for the advancements of the Brazilian society as a whole.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Mar-Apr 2014
Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem SGA Norte Quadra 603 Conj. "B" - Av. L2 Norte 70830-102 Brasília, DF, Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3226-0653, Fax: (55 61) 3225-4473 - Brasília - DF - Brazil