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Ensino de enfermagem médico-cirúrgica: uma abordagem por alterações fisiológicas

This study approaches the methodology used in medical-surgical nursing discipline, EEUSP, to teach the programatic contents. The authors justify the theoricalpractical approach for physiologia changes categories. After, they present the concept of nursing problems and theirs use to base the global nursing care. Finally they approach various changes included in the programatic contents, and present finals considerations about the stage of this methodology and specific recomendations for its implementation.

Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem SGA Norte Quadra 603 Conj. "B" - Av. L2 Norte 70830-102 Brasília, DF, Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 3226-0653, Fax: (55 61) 3225-4473 - Brasília - DF - Brazil