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Listening is both complicated and subtle. It's necessary that we create room, so that other people - in their speech, gestures, logic and emotion can pierce into our feelings and be welcomed into our personal structure.

As nurses, we participate in this beautiful process of trying to understand another person. This happens when attention is given to the affective/emotional aspects of a person with Fournier Syndrome - even if we . have some obvious physical aspects to take care of. It also happens when we try to understand the meaning of being comfortable or not in the perspective of a person who has had a heart attack, allowing us to prevent people from having them. Also suggesting new ways to improve the educational development of nurses. Another situation is when we try to understand the motives that lead people to burn their bodies as self-punishment and show them important aspects of their mental and physical recovery, and when childbirth is made easier and smoother for teenage mothers.

By listening more, we give attention to families. In an article, authors discuss some concepts that give basis to the system analysis approach in nursing care and provide practical examples that make their understanding and usage easier.

Fernando Pessoa, the poet, knew well about listening and often referred to "what is heard between the words", that's why we are concerned with the expression of suffering and happiness of our technicians and assistant nurses who work at the Intensive Care Unit, and how they deal with this suffering.

We listen to our students to understand the meaning of tests to them. We also listen to our fellow nurses when asking them about changes in the institutions and notice certain contradictions between their reality and their desires. We know that changes cause conflicts and instability. By analyzing these contradictions we can make progress, including an advance in the implementation of the psychiatric Reform and mental health services. We are aware of our mistakes and go on learning. For example, by realizing the relation between hospital infection and the death of hospitalized children (30,4%). We plan and reflect on our future, when we think about using tablets of paraformaldeido over, in order to cut costs, and when we realize that growing expenses with hemodialise is due to the increase of the life time of patients (60% are still living after 4 years of hemodialise), and not related to a growing demand for therapy.

That's where the beauty of a profession comes from: For as the writer and educator Ruben Alves says, "Our own beauty meets with other people's beauty at a counterpoint."...

... If possible with the lightness of a bird and not of a feather, since we have clear objectives, intentions and goals.

Emiko Yoshikawa Egry, RN, PhD,



Maria Júlia Paes Silva, RN, PhD

Publishing Comission of Nursing School


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    12 Dec 2008
  • Date of issue
    June 2002
Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 419 , 05403-000 São Paulo - SP/ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3061-7553, - São Paulo - SP - Brazil