Acessibilidade / Reportar erro


One of the factors demonstrating the importance of REM is the number of accesses to its internet site, around 4.3 million viewers, with some articles receiving as many as 170 million visits. With the support of SciElo, the adoption of English as the magazine’s official language, and the participation of the Open Access System, doors were opened for foreign researchers and many now seek to publish their articles in our magazine. The new system (ScholarOne) for receiving the articles permits greater speed in evaluating the articles presented, although some small problems have occurred because I and others have not yet become totally familiarized with the system.

Along with this progress, it has been necessary to increase our associated editorial staff (see Notes in REM), who in my opinion are a first class team where each editor contributes with distinct aptitudes, talents and outlooks of their respective responsibilities. It is my desire that the new editors, together with those who have been with us for some time, use their special skills to reflect their leadership through REM, giving a personal touch to the objectives of the magazine.

I read some time ago that an English statesman once said that when little is required of people, little is received. As such, when great demands are made, the results are satisfying and the scientific community can only benefit from them. Each one of us (authors and editors) is in a position to improve REM: there is no way we can solve all the problems the world presents, but it is possible to create a great scientific impact.

Prof. Jório Coelho


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    25 July 2014
  • Date of issue
    June 2014
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