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Influence of music on the behavior of children during dental care

Influência da música no comportamento de crianças frente ao atendimento odontológico



To evaluate the role of music as a distraction technique to minimize anxiety during dental care in children aged 7 to 9 years when submitted to local anesthetic procedure.


This study was carried out in the Dentistry Module of the State University of Southwestern Bahia, located in the city of Jequié, Bahia, Brazil. It was performed through the application of the Facial Image Scale, measurement of heart rate and blood pressure with the aid of the digital sphygmomanometer at two different times during pediatric dentistry care with and without the influence of classical music. Data were tabulated in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software, version 21.0, expressed as medians and interquartile range. For inferential statistics, the Shapiro-Wilk normality test was used and the analysis of the effect of music was calculated using the paired T-tests and Wilcoxon, considering a significance level of 95%.


The sample consisted of 7 children, mostly male, with a median of 8 years of age. Regarding the psychophysiological variables, no significant variations were observed compared to before and after in the groups with music and without music.


In this study, no differences were found regarding the reduction of anxiety in the group in which music was used. Additional studies with a representative sample are needed.

Indexing terms
Anxiety; Music therapy; Pediatric dentistry



avaliar o papel da música como técnica de distração para minimizar a ansiedade durante o atendimento odontológico em crianças de 7 a 9 anos de idade quando submetidas a procedimento anestésico local.


Este estudo foi realizado no Módulo de Odontologia da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, situado na cidade de Jequié – BA. Foi realizado a partir da aplicação da Facial Image Scale, mensuração da frequência cardíaca e pressão arterial com auxílio do esfigmomanômetro digital em dois momentos distintos ao longo do atendimento em odontopediatria com e sem a influência da música clássica. Os dados foram tabulados no software Statistical Package for Social Sciences, versão 21.0, expressos como medianas e intervalo interquartílico. Para a estatística inferencial, utilizou-se o teste de normalidade Shapiro-Wilk e a análise do efeito da música foi calculada utilizando os testes T-pareado e o Wilcoxon, considerando nível de significância de 95%.


A amostra foi constituída por 7 crianças, pertencendo sua maioria ao sexo masculino, com uma mediana de 8 anos de idade. Em relação às variáveis psicofisiológicas, não foram observadas variações significativas em comparação ao antes e depois nos grupos com música e sem música.


Neste estudo não foram encontradas diferenças no que diz respeito à redução da ansiedade no grupo em que a música foi utilizada, havendo necessidade de estudos adicionais, com amostra representativa.

Termos de indexação
Ansiedade; Musicoterapia; Odontopediatria


Pediatric dentistry is a specialty of dentistry that requires from the professional a broad and diverse knowledge related to psychosocial aspects concerning the growth and development of children and adolescents, which are not restricted to the application of mere techniques, but above all know how to deal with emotions, leading the child/adolescent to a positive attitude, accepting and understanding their role, as a fundamental part for the success of dental treatment [11 Gonçalves MR, Percinoto C, Castro AM, Sundefeld MLMM, Machado AS. Avaliação da ansiedade e do comportamento de crianças frente a procedimentos odontológicos e sua correlação com os fatores influenciadores. RPG Rev Pós-Grad Fac Odontol Univ São Paulo. 2003;10(2):131-40.].

Among the emotions and feelings experienced by children and adolescents, especially when faced with the dental situation, fear and anxiety occupy a prominent place [22 Winer GA. A review and analysis of children’s fearful behavior in dental settings. Child Devel. 1982;53(5):1111-33.,33 Weinstein P, Getz T, Ratener P, Domoto P. The effect of dentists’ behaviors on fear-related behaviors in children. J Am Dental Assoc. 1982;104(1):32-8.
]. Anxiety is defined as a response to some future situation that presents itself as a threat to the individual, and may be related to the age of the children, their socio-cultural background and/or dental experiences of them and/or their parents, which interferes with the management and care of patients [22 Winer GA. A review and analysis of children’s fearful behavior in dental settings. Child Devel. 1982;53(5):1111-33.,44 Klingberg G, Broberg AG. Dental fear/anxiety and dental behaviour management problems in children and adolescents: a review of prevalence and concomitant psychological factors. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2007;17(6):391-406.

5 Cohen SM, Fiske J, Newton JT. The impact of dental anxiety on daily living. Br Dent J. 2000;189(7):385-90.
-66 Singh K, Moraes A, Ambrosano G. Medo, ansiedade controle relacionados ao tratamento odontológico. Pesq Odont Bras. 2000;14(2):131-6.].

On the other hand, fear is a biological function that responds to certain objects and situations, being part of the children’s development. This fear can come from experiences lived in the past and can be transmitted to children by people close to them or by the media. It is usually transient and does not produce major disturbances in the children’s life, however many fears present at this stage of life can persist for long periods and cause various problems for the children and their families [33 Weinstein P, Getz T, Ratener P, Domoto P. The effect of dentists’ behaviors on fear-related behaviors in children. J Am Dental Assoc. 1982;104(1):32-8.
,66 Singh K, Moraes A, Ambrosano G. Medo, ansiedade controle relacionados ao tratamento odontológico. Pesq Odont Bras. 2000;14(2):131-6.,77 Moraes ABA, Gil IA. A criança e o medo do tratamento odontológico. In: Odontopediatria clínica. 2 ed. São Paulo: Santos, 1990.].

In moments of anxiety, the individual presents psychophysiological changes, which occur at the level of the autonomic nervous system (tachycardia, increased blood pressure, sweating, and xerostomia, among others) [88 Matsuoka H, Chiba I, Sakano Y, Saito I, Abiko Y. The effect of cognitive appraisal for stressors on the oral health-related QOL of dry mouth patients. BioPsychoSocial Med. 2014;8:24.]. Thus, it is important that the professional has sensitivity and technical capacity to identify these changes and their relationship with the behavior of the child/adolescent, with a view to a better clinical management in pediatric dental care [99 Muinelo-Lorenzo J, Sanfeliu JO, Alegre SV, Lombardia FL, Cepeda XL, Suarez-Cunqueiro MM. Haemodynamic response and psychometric test measuring dental anxiety in a spanish population in galicia. Oral Health &Prev Dent. 2014;12(1):3-12.

10 Wells R, Outhred T, Heathers JA, Quintana DS, Kemp AH. Matter over mind: a randomised-controlled trial of single-session biofeedback training on performance anxiety and heart rate variability in musicians. PloSOne. 2012;7(10):e46597.
-1111 Yfanti K, Kitraki E, Emmanouil D, Pandis N, Papagiannoulis L. Psychometric and biohormonal indices of dental anxiety in children. A prospective cohort study. Stress. 2014;17(4):296-304.

For the assessment of anxiety in children and adolescents, instruments are available, used in national and international studies. The Facial Image Scale (FIS), which consists of an image containing 5 distinct faces, which refer to feelings from happiness to sadness, presents easy execution and has been recommended for children and adolescents from 3 to 18 years of age [1212 Buchanan H, Niven N. Validation of a facial image scale to assess child dental anxiety. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2002;12(1):47-52.]. There is also the Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) which consists OF 4 questions that can add up to 4 to 20 points, where 12 represents low level of anxiety, 12-14 moderate and above or at 15 high level of anxiety [1313 Hu LW, Gorenstein C, Fuentes D. Portuguese version of Corah’s Dental Anxiety Scale: transcultural adaptation and reliability analysis. Depress Anxiety. 2007;24(7):467-71.
]. Another option is the Venham Picture Test (VPT) which is indicated for children/adolescents from 3 to 18 years old, consisting of 8 figures, each with 2 children, who present expression ranging from anxiety to happiness, according to what is shown in the illustrations. Each selected anxious image is worth one point, and the higher the score, the higher the level of anxiety [1414 Venham LL, Gaulin-Kremer E. A self-report measure of situational anxiety for young children. Pediatr Dent. 1979;1(2):91-6.].

In addition to these instruments, the distraction technique has been pointed out in the literature as an alternative to prevent, reduce and even eliminate the effects of anxiety during dental visits. This method aims to divert the patient’s attention from more invasive procedures, and can be performed with the help of music or videos during clinical care [1515 Marwah N, Prabhakar AR, Raju OS. Music distraction--its efficacy in management of anxious pediatric dental patients. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2005;23(4):168-70.

16 Dahlquist LM, McKenna KD, Jones KK, Dillinger L, Weiss KE, Ackerman CS. Active and passive distraction using a head-mounted display helmet: effects on cold pressor pain in children. Health Psychol. 2007;26(6):794-801.

17 Nuvvula S, Alahari S, Kamatham R, Challa RR. Effect of audiovisual distraction with 3D video glasses on dental anxiety of children experiencing administration of local analgesia: a randomised clinical trial. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2015;16(1):43-50.
-1818 Rodríguez J. Control de la ansiedad en consulta de odontología. Rev Fac Odontol Univ Latina Costa Rica. 2011;2(5):9-16.].

It is important to consider that music has the ability to mask dental noises, such as those of high rotation, which frighten many patients [1919 Terpack S, Granbois A. Soothing dental anxiety: music therapy and the dentally anxious patient. Access. 2014;28(1):14-5.]. In addition, according to the studies researched, music can influence the cardiovascular and respiratory system, promote changes in blood pressure, temperature and, depending on the musical style, contribute to the reduction of anxiety, fear and other tensions [2020 Bernardi L, Porta C, Sleight P. Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and respiratory changes induced by different types of music in musicians and non-musicians: the importance of silence. Heart. 2006;92(4):445-52.

For this reason, conducting studies that address the effects of alternative therapies in reducing negative feelings during dental care is of great relevance [99 Muinelo-Lorenzo J, Sanfeliu JO, Alegre SV, Lombardia FL, Cepeda XL, Suarez-Cunqueiro MM. Haemodynamic response and psychometric test measuring dental anxiety in a spanish population in galicia. Oral Health &Prev Dent. 2014;12(1):3-12.
,1111 Yfanti K, Kitraki E, Emmanouil D, Pandis N, Papagiannoulis L. Psychometric and biohormonal indices of dental anxiety in children. A prospective cohort study. Stress. 2014;17(4):296-304.
]. It is also extremely necessary to know the symptoms and techniques that can circumvent and/or reduce anxiety, to promote a better quality of clinical care [1717 Nuvvula S, Alahari S, Kamatham R, Challa RR. Effect of audiovisual distraction with 3D video glasses on dental anxiety of children experiencing administration of local analgesia: a randomised clinical trial. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2015;16(1):43-50.
,1818 Rodríguez J. Control de la ansiedad en consulta de odontología. Rev Fac Odontol Univ Latina Costa Rica. 2011;2(5):9-16.]. Given the above, the present study aimed to evaluate the role of music as a distraction technique to mitigate anxiety during pediatric dental care.


This is a pilot, quantitative, cross-sectional study. It was carried out in the Dentistry Module of the State University of southwestern Bahia, located in the city of Jequié, Bahia, Brazil, which is 365 km from the capital Salvador. Jequié has a population of 151,895 people, a population density of 47.07 inhab/km2 and a Municipal Human Development Index of 0.665, according to the IBGE website (2010). The Dentistry module was founded in 2003 with the objective of being a field for supervised practical performance of UESB undergraduate professors. This served an average of 3,000 people throughout 2017, covering specialties such as: pediatric dentistry, endodontics, periodontics, dentistry and dental prosthesis.

The study population consisted of children aged between 7 and 9 years old who, for some reason, sought dental care at the school clinic of UESB. Children with limiting cognitive and/or mental and visual alterations, confirmed by medical and/or psychological evaluation, were excluded from the study in order to avoid possible biases in the result. As an inclusion criterion, infant patients who required invasive dental care (requiring the use of local anesthesia) were included.

It was performed using the software G Power version in which assuming an error of 5%, power of 80% and adding 20% for probable losses, it reached a minimum of 63 participants.

The instrument used was the Facial Image Scale (FIS), created in the last decade, being formed by an image containing 5 distinct faces, which refer to feelings from happiness to sadness, presents easy execution and has been recommended for children and adolescents from 3 to 18 years of age [1212 Buchanan H, Niven N. Validation of a facial image scale to assess child dental anxiety. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2002;12(1):47-52.]. The evaluation is performed by scoring with 1 the face selected as most positive and 5 for the face chosen as most negative. Thus, the higher the score, the higher the child’s anxiety level.

Physiological changes such as blood pressure and heart rate were also evaluated. To measure these, the Premium® LP200 digital sphygmomanometer was used, which is able to measure BP and heart rate simultaneously. Increasingly, the use of this instrument has been recommended by health associations [2121 MacDonald E, Froggatt P, Lawrence G, Blair S. Are automated blood pressure monitors accurate enough to calculate the ankle brachial pressure index? J Clin Monit Comput. 2008;22(5):381-4.
]. According to research studies, these devices have specificity close to 90% and sensitivity close to 80%. These values are acceptable for research purposes [2222 Menezes AM, Dumith SC, Noal RB, Nunes AP, Mendonca FI, Araujo CL, et al. Validity of a wrist digital monitor for blood pressure measurement in comparison to a mercury sphygmomanometer. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2010;94(3):345-9.].

After undergoing a clinical evaluation, children were selected in which there was need for intervention with anesthesia in more than one session of care, with authorization granted by the guardians to participate in the study, by signing the informed consent form and the consent form by the child/adolescent. These children were attended by dental students, supervised by a faculty advisor, and were instructed to point out the corresponding face of the Facial Image Scale (FIS) anxiety scale that reproduced their emotional state, in two moments: when sitting in the clinical chair, before performing any procedure and after anesthesia. At these times, physiological data such as blood pressure and heart rate were also measured.

The appointments were divided into two groups: group A and B, one with the presence of music (Symphony 40 in G minor K550 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) and another without musical stimulation. The same child participated in both groups. Sound distraction was applied with the aid of an mp3 player and headset in volume 10 of the device 70 decibels allowing the child to listen to the Dental Surgeon and the music simultaneously.

Descriptive statistics were used to express the results as medians and interquartile range. For inferential statistics, the Shapiro-Wilk normality test was performed. The analysis of the effect of music was calculated using the paired T test, when the variables presented normal distribution and the Wilcoxon test, when manifested non-normal. The significance level established was α=0.05. Data were tabulated and analyzed in the Software: SPSS version 21.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences, IBM Corp. Chicago, IL, USA).

The study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of the State University of Southwest Bahia, receiving approval under protocol number 2,783,574 (CAAE 90810218.0.0000.0055).


The sample consisted of 7 children, mostly male, with a median of 8 years of age. As shown in table 1.

Table 1
Data of those surveyed according to sex and age in the city of Jequié. Bahia, 2018.
Table 2
Distribution of children surveyed according to the visit to the dentist and receipt of local anesthesia, Jequié, Bahia, 2018.

Regarding the first contact with the Dental Surgeon, 42.9% stated that they had never had a consultation, and only 29.6% (n = 2) of the total children had already undergone the anesthetic procedure.

Regarding the psychophysiological variables (Tables 3 and 4), no significant variations were observed compared to before and after in the groups with music and without music.

Table 3
Distribution of children surveyed according to psychophysiological variables, FIS scale in the absence of music in the city of Jequié, Bahia, 2018.
Table 4
Distribution of children surveyed according to psychophysiological variables, FIS scale and presence of music in the city of Jequié, Bahia, 2018.

In table 3 and 4, in which physiological data on blood pressure and heart rate were compared according to the FIS scale, no significant differences were observed, regardless of the presence of music.


We sought to evaluate the children’s response to local dental procedure anxiety under the influence of music. In the dental field, which generates stress and fear, anxiety can provoke different responses to the autonomic nervous system, being able to lead to changes in blood pressure, heart rate and emotional [88 Matsuoka H, Chiba I, Sakano Y, Saito I, Abiko Y. The effect of cognitive appraisal for stressors on the oral health-related QOL of dry mouth patients. BioPsychoSocial Med. 2014;8:24.], which can hinder and/or prevent the work of the Dental Surgeon [2323 de Góes MPS, Domingues MCD, Couto GBL, Barreira AK. Ansiedade, medo e sinais vitais dos pacientes infantis. Odontol Clín-Cient. 2010;9(1):39-44.]. In this sense, the professional can use devices that can reduce or eliminate these changes, such as music, which was the option chosen in the present study.

To measure anxiety, we chose to use the Facial Anxiety Scale (FIS), similarly to the study conducted by Ferreira and Oliveira [2424 Ferreira H, Oliveira A. Anxiety among children and their companions and relatives in dental treatment. Rev Odontol Univ Cid São Paulo. 2016;29(1):6-17.], because it presents itself efficiently in the measurement of anxiety with image [2525 Buchanan H, Niven N. Further evidence for the validity of the facial image scale. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2003;13:368-9.
] in children when clinical evaluation is desired and mainly because it is simple to perform.

The instruments used in the measurement of physiological data consisted of: digital sphygmomanometer, which was used to measure systolic and diastolic BP, according to the study by González and Otazú [2626 González M, Otazú C. Efectos cardio-respiratorios en niños de 6 a 12 años en su primeira visita odontológica. Odontol Pediatr. 2015;14(1):48-57.]; the music of choice was the classical one, specifically, the Symphony 40 in G minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [2121 MacDonald E, Froggatt P, Lawrence G, Blair S. Are automated blood pressure monitors accurate enough to calculate the ankle brachial pressure index? J Clin Monit Comput. 2008;22(5):381-4.
] because it brings greater health benefits and consequently prolongs the life of the individual according to the study by Trappe [2727 Trappe HJ. The effects of music on the cardiovascular system and cardiovascular health. Heart. 2010;96(23):1868-71.
], while contributing to the reduction of anxiety, as observed in the study by Bernardi et al. [2020 Bernardi L, Porta C, Sleight P. Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and respiratory changes induced by different types of music in musicians and non-musicians: the importance of silence. Heart. 2006;92(4):445-52.

The results evaluated in this study, despite the sample size, showed no significant difference between the before and after anesthesia in the care of children submitted to contact with music. That is, there was no statistical difference between the groups regarding the change in blood pressure and heart rate in relation to the degree of anxiety measured by the FIS scale. These data corroborate those found in the research carried out by Aitken et al. [2828 Aitken JC, Wilson S, Coury D, Moursi AM. The effect of music distraction on pain, anxiety and behavior in pediatric dental patients. Pediatr Dent. 2002;24(2):114-8.] when evaluating the effects of agitated and relaxing music during the restorative procedure with local anesthesia in 45 children, aged 4 to 6 years, using heart rate as a parameter.

It is necessary to consider whether classical music would be the most indicated as a prevention strategy or even anxiety control, since a certain musical style may not be part of the daily lives of children or even suffer criticism or rejection by the family itself. Still, with regard to the maintenance of the anxiety condition, it can be explained by the fact that local anesthesia is a procedure associated with pain and generates anxiety [2929 Costa RSM, Ribeiro SN, Cabral ED. Fatores determinantes de experiência dolorosa durante atendimento odontológico. Rev Dor. 2012;13(4):365-370.], which may be exerting a greater influence on the child’s body than music or even occur independently of it.

It was also noted that during the anesthetic procedure, when they were not submitted to musical appreciation, all children were collaborative and did not cry. However, in the service in which classical music was used, two children resisted and cried during the service. It is prudent to consider that, faced with the reality of the Brazilian child, who often does not have access to cultural activities, including classical music, not familiarizing with this type of listening can neutralize any effect that music can offer. It is noteworthy that the diversification of the musical style as well as allowing the choice of music by the children can be a positive factor for collaborative behavior and object of future investigations and a diversification in the musical style or even some music chosen by the children should be considered.

Unlike our results, Brant [3030 Brant MO. A música como estratégia de distração durante atendimento odontológico de crianças: um ensaio clínico cruzado randomizado [dissertação]. Belo Horizonte: Universi-dade Federal de Minas Gerais; 2015.] in their research when evaluating 34 children who underwent a procedure with modified atraumatic restorative treatment (mART), with the parameters: blood oxygenation, arterial BP and HR, with and without the influence of classical music, observed a significant reduction (p=0.045) in blood oxygenation indexes in care with musical effects compared to without the effects. Similarly, Marwah et al. [1515 Marwah N, Prabhakar AR, Raju OS. Music distraction--its efficacy in management of anxious pediatric dental patients. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2005;23(4):168-70.
] carried out research with the objective of verifying whether the use of music was effective in controlling anxiety; to this end, they counted on the participation of 40 children aged between 4 and 8 years and verified that there was a reduction in the pulse rate of the musical group when compared with the control group, that is, music acted as an anxiety attenuating factor.

It is important to consider some limitations of the present study, such as the inequality in the resourcefulness and conduct of care by undergraduate students during pediatric dentistry clinics, the influence of neighboring care due to the proximity between the care boxes, which are performed concomitantly, in addition to family and social history, factors that greatly contribute to high levels of fear and anxiety.

Because this is a pilot study, in this investigation, about 10% of the total sample was evaluated, a factor that contributed to a low power of the study, which could not reveal the difference between the groups under the degree of statistical significance considered. Still, it is important to emphasize that other comparisons were also not possible, such as the search for differences with sex and age. In view of the above, it is necessary to carry out additional studies, with a representative sample and in a controlled dental environment, with bond formation.


It is possible to conclude that, under the conditions in which this study was carried out, classical music did not interfere in the reduction of children’s anxiety when they underwent pediatric dental care.

How to cite this article


  • 1
    Gonçalves MR, Percinoto C, Castro AM, Sundefeld MLMM, Machado AS. Avaliação da ansiedade e do comportamento de crianças frente a procedimentos odontológicos e sua correlação com os fatores influenciadores. RPG Rev Pós-Grad Fac Odontol Univ São Paulo. 2003;10(2):131-40.
  • 2
    Winer GA. A review and analysis of children’s fearful behavior in dental settings. Child Devel. 1982;53(5):1111-33.
  • 3
    Weinstein P, Getz T, Ratener P, Domoto P. The effect of dentists’ behaviors on fear-related behaviors in children. J Am Dental Assoc. 1982;104(1):32-8.
  • 4
    Klingberg G, Broberg AG. Dental fear/anxiety and dental behaviour management problems in children and adolescents: a review of prevalence and concomitant psychological factors. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2007;17(6):391-406.
  • 5
    Cohen SM, Fiske J, Newton JT. The impact of dental anxiety on daily living. Br Dent J. 2000;189(7):385-90.
  • 6
    Singh K, Moraes A, Ambrosano G. Medo, ansiedade controle relacionados ao tratamento odontológico. Pesq Odont Bras. 2000;14(2):131-6.
  • 7
    Moraes ABA, Gil IA. A criança e o medo do tratamento odontológico. In: Odontopediatria clínica. 2 ed. São Paulo: Santos, 1990.
  • 8
    Matsuoka H, Chiba I, Sakano Y, Saito I, Abiko Y. The effect of cognitive appraisal for stressors on the oral health-related QOL of dry mouth patients. BioPsychoSocial Med. 2014;8:24.
  • 9
    Muinelo-Lorenzo J, Sanfeliu JO, Alegre SV, Lombardia FL, Cepeda XL, Suarez-Cunqueiro MM. Haemodynamic response and psychometric test measuring dental anxiety in a spanish population in galicia. Oral Health &Prev Dent. 2014;12(1):3-12.
  • 10
    Wells R, Outhred T, Heathers JA, Quintana DS, Kemp AH. Matter over mind: a randomised-controlled trial of single-session biofeedback training on performance anxiety and heart rate variability in musicians. PloSOne. 2012;7(10):e46597.
  • 11
    Yfanti K, Kitraki E, Emmanouil D, Pandis N, Papagiannoulis L. Psychometric and biohormonal indices of dental anxiety in children. A prospective cohort study. Stress. 2014;17(4):296-304.
  • 12
    Buchanan H, Niven N. Validation of a facial image scale to assess child dental anxiety. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2002;12(1):47-52.
  • 13
    Hu LW, Gorenstein C, Fuentes D. Portuguese version of Corah’s Dental Anxiety Scale: transcultural adaptation and reliability analysis. Depress Anxiety. 2007;24(7):467-71.
  • 14
    Venham LL, Gaulin-Kremer E. A self-report measure of situational anxiety for young children. Pediatr Dent. 1979;1(2):91-6.
  • 15
    Marwah N, Prabhakar AR, Raju OS. Music distraction--its efficacy in management of anxious pediatric dental patients. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2005;23(4):168-70.
  • 16
    Dahlquist LM, McKenna KD, Jones KK, Dillinger L, Weiss KE, Ackerman CS. Active and passive distraction using a head-mounted display helmet: effects on cold pressor pain in children. Health Psychol. 2007;26(6):794-801.
  • 17
    Nuvvula S, Alahari S, Kamatham R, Challa RR. Effect of audiovisual distraction with 3D video glasses on dental anxiety of children experiencing administration of local analgesia: a randomised clinical trial. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2015;16(1):43-50.
  • 18
    Rodríguez J. Control de la ansiedad en consulta de odontología. Rev Fac Odontol Univ Latina Costa Rica. 2011;2(5):9-16.
  • 19
    Terpack S, Granbois A. Soothing dental anxiety: music therapy and the dentally anxious patient. Access. 2014;28(1):14-5.
  • 20
    Bernardi L, Porta C, Sleight P. Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and respiratory changes induced by different types of music in musicians and non-musicians: the importance of silence. Heart. 2006;92(4):445-52.
  • 21
    MacDonald E, Froggatt P, Lawrence G, Blair S. Are automated blood pressure monitors accurate enough to calculate the ankle brachial pressure index? J Clin Monit Comput. 2008;22(5):381-4.
  • 22
    Menezes AM, Dumith SC, Noal RB, Nunes AP, Mendonca FI, Araujo CL, et al. Validity of a wrist digital monitor for blood pressure measurement in comparison to a mercury sphygmomanometer. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2010;94(3):345-9.
  • 23
    de Góes MPS, Domingues MCD, Couto GBL, Barreira AK. Ansiedade, medo e sinais vitais dos pacientes infantis. Odontol Clín-Cient. 2010;9(1):39-44.
  • 24
    Ferreira H, Oliveira A. Anxiety among children and their companions and relatives in dental treatment. Rev Odontol Univ Cid São Paulo. 2016;29(1):6-17.
  • 25
    Buchanan H, Niven N. Further evidence for the validity of the facial image scale. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2003;13:368-9.
  • 26
    González M, Otazú C. Efectos cardio-respiratorios en niños de 6 a 12 años en su primeira visita odontológica. Odontol Pediatr. 2015;14(1):48-57.
  • 27
    Trappe HJ. The effects of music on the cardiovascular system and cardiovascular health. Heart. 2010;96(23):1868-71.
  • 28
    Aitken JC, Wilson S, Coury D, Moursi AM. The effect of music distraction on pain, anxiety and behavior in pediatric dental patients. Pediatr Dent. 2002;24(2):114-8.
  • 29
    Costa RSM, Ribeiro SN, Cabral ED. Fatores determinantes de experiência dolorosa durante atendimento odontológico. Rev Dor. 2012;13(4):365-370.
  • 30
    Brant MO. A música como estratégia de distração durante atendimento odontológico de crianças: um ensaio clínico cruzado randomizado [dissertação]. Belo Horizonte: Universi-dade Federal de Minas Gerais; 2015.

Edited by

Assistant editor: Luciana Butini Oliveira

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    30 Oct 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    26 June 2023
  • Accepted
    06 July 2023
Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil