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Smeared crack models for reinforced concrete beams by finite element method


The main goal of the present work is to present a comparison between two different strategies for the computational simulation of reinforced concrete structures, both using smeared crack models to represent the behavior of the materials. As a first approach, a multidirectional smeared crack model available in DIANA has been adopted along with different softening rules for the cracked materials (brittle, linear, nonlinear of Moelands-Reinhardt and Hordijk). Additionally, the Disturbed Stress Field Model - DSFM has also been adopted to model cracked concrete as an orthotropic material with smeared rotating cracks. The finite element codes DIANA and VecTor2 have been used to evaluate the performance of the different smeared crack models to predict the behavior of reinforced concrete beams subjected primarily to flexure.

smeared crack; reinforced concrete; finite element method

O objetivo principal do trabalho é apresentar uma comparação entre distintas estratégias de simulação computacional de estruturas de concreto armado utilizando modelos de fissuração distribuída. Em uma primeira abordagem, foi adotado o modelo multidirecional de fissuração distribuída do programa DIANA empregando-se diferentes regras de amolecimento para o material fissurado (frágil, linear e não-lineares de Moelands-Reinhardt e de Hordijk). Posteriormente, foi utilizada a formulação DSFM - Disturbed Stress Field Model, modelando o concreto fissurado como um material ortotrópico com fissuras distribuídas do tipo rotacionais. Os programas DIANA e VecTor2 foram utilizados como ferramentas para avaliar a eficácia dos diferentes modelos no estudo de vigas de concreto armado submetidas a esforços de flexão.

fissuração distribuída; concreto armado; método dos elementos finitos

Smeared crack models for reinforced concrete beams by finite element method

R.c.g. MeninI; L.m. TrautweinII; T.n. BittencourtIII

IGrupo de Modelagem de Estruturas de Concreto / GMEC, Departamento de Engenharia de Estruturas e Geotécnica, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo / EPUSP,, Av. Prof. Almeida Prado tv.2, n.83 Cidade Universitária CEP 05508-900, São Paulo, Brasil

IIGrupo de Modelagem de Estruturas de Concreto / GMEC, Departamento de Engenharia de Estruturas e Geotécnica, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo / EPUSP,, Av. Prof. Almeida Prado tv.2, n.83Cidade Universitária CEP 05508-900, São Paulo, Brasil

IIIGrupo de Modelagem de Estruturas de Concreto / GMEC, Departamento de Engenharia de Estruturas e Geotécnica, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo / EPUSP,, Av. Prof. Almeida Prado tv.2, n.83, Cidade Universitária CEP 05508-900, São Paulo, Brasil


The main goal of the present work is to present a comparison between two different strategies for the computational simulation of reinforced concrete structures, both using smeared crack models to represent the behavior of the materials. As a first approach, a multidirectional smeared crack model available in DIANA has been adopted along with different softening rules for the cracked materials (brittle, linear, nonlinear of Moelands-Reinhardt and Hordijk). Additionally, the Disturbed Stress Field Model - DSFM has also been adopted to model cracked concrete as an orthotropic material with smeared rotating cracks. The finite element codes DIANA and VecTor2 have been used to evaluate the performance of the different smeared crack models to predict the behavior of reinforced concrete beams subjected primarily to flexure.

Keywords: smeared crack, reinforced concrete, finite element method.

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Received 21 December 2008

Accepted 17 March 2009

Published 26 June 2009

  • [01] Cedolin, L. e Dei Poli, S. Finite Element Studies of Shear-Critical R/C Beams. Journal of Engineering Mechanics Division, New York: ASCE, v.103, n.EM3, 1977; p.395-410.
  • [02] Bazant, Z.P. e Gambarova, P. Rough Cracks in Reinforced Concrete. Journal of the Structural Divison, New York: ASCE, v.106, 1980; p.819-842.
  • [03] Gupta, A.K. e Maestrini, S.R. Post-Cracking Behavior of Membrane Reinforced Concrete Elements Including Tension-Stiffening. Journal of Structural Engineering. New York: ASCE, v.115, n.4, 1989; p.957-976.
  • [04] Vecchio, F. Disturbed Stress Field Model for Reinforced Concrete: Formulation, ASCE, Journal of Structural Engineering, v.126, n.9, 2000; p.1070-1077.
  • [05] Bazant, Z.P. e Cedolin, L. Finite Element Modeling of Crack Band Propagation. Journal of Structural Engineering, New York: ASCE, v.109, n.1, 1983; p.69-92.
  • [06] Bazant, Z.P. e Oh, B. Crack Band Theory for Fracture Concrete. Materials & Constructions, v.16, n.93, 1983; p.155-177.
  • [07] Feenstra, P.H. e de Borst, R. Constitutive Model for Reinforced Concrete. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, New York: ASCE, v.121, n.5, 1995; p.587-595.
  • [08] Rots, J.G. e Blaauwendraad, J. Crack Models for Concrete: Discrete or Smeared? Fixed, Multi-directional or Rotating? HERON, Delft, v.34, n.1, 1989.
  • [10] Pramono, E. e Willam, K. Fracture Energy-Based Plasticity Formulation of Plain Concrete. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, New York: ASCE, v.115, n.6, 1989; p.1183-1204.
  • [12] Vecchio, F.J. e Collins, M.P. The Modified Compression Field Theory for Reinforced Concrete Elements Subject to Shear, ACI Journal, v.83, n.2, 1986; pp. 219-231.
  • [13] Walraven, J.C. Fundamental Analysis of Aggregate Interlock, ASCE: Journal of the Structural Division, v. 107, n. 11, 1981; pp. 2245-2270.
  • [14] Leonhardt, F. e Walther, R. Beiträge zur Behandlung der Schubprobleme im Stahlbetonbau. Beton-und Stahlbetonbau, v.57, n.7, Berlin, 1962; p.161-173.
  • [16] Leonhardt, F. e Walther, R. Beiträge zur Behandlung der Schubprobleme im Stahlbetonbau. Beton-und Stahlbetonbau, v.60, n.2, Berlin, 1965; p.35-42.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Sept 2014
  • Date of issue
    June 2009


  • Received
    21 Dec 2008
  • Accepted
    17 Mar 2009
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