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REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON INFECTIOUS DISEASE. — Nineteenth edition. Evanston, American Academy of Pediatrics, 1982. 379p. (1982 Red Book).

The nineteenth edition of the Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases (the Red Book) continues the principles established by the American Academy of Pediatrics, namely to provide guidelines for the effective control of infectious diseases of children. Revision of the Red Book every few years is a collaborative effort of members of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, liaison representatives of the Centers for Disease Control, the Canadian Paediatric Society, the Food and Drug Administration, and consultants. Information was included for this edition up to January 1982. New sections in this edition include information about: recently described diseases caused by

Chlamydia trachomatis, coronaviruses, Legionella pneumophila, Yersinia species, and Hepatitis B and non A non B Hepatitis, Kawasaki disease and Yersinia species, and use of new vaccine and specific immune globulin preparations for hepatitis B, rabies, varicella-zoster, and pneumococcal infections. Also new are sections on diagnostic virology, information sheets for parents about immunizations, tables on etiologic agents of common pediatric diseases, and information used for isolation techniques in hospitals. The tables for use of antimicrobial agents have been revised to include new drugs and changes in dosage schedules for old drugs.

TSCHESCHE, Harald, ed. — Modern Methods in Protein Chemistry: review articles; following the Joint Meeting of the Nordic Biochemical Societies Damp/Kiel, F.R. of Germany, September 27-29, 1982. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1983. 463p. ilus. ISBN 3-11-009514-9

The intention of this volume is to attempt a survey of the present status in the different fields of analytical methods for the characterization and study of proteins. It is hoped, that the book will serve as a guideline for newcomers as well as for experienced scientists to become acquainted with the recent developments, trends and possibilities of the available analytical tools. The articles review the methodological developments up. to the present most advanced applications. The references given should enable the reader to find his orientation among the literature and to adapt the method to his own problems. Most of the subjects have been reviewed during the Joint Meeting of the Nordic Biochemical Societies, Conference A, September 30 and October 1, 1982, Damp/ Kiel, FRG. This Meeting was kindly organized and supported by the Gesellschaft für Biologische Chemie and the study group for chemical protein analysis. At this Meeting, the general opinion was that there is a trend and demand for micro — and submicroscale analytical procedures in order to facilitate the solution of many interesting biochemical problems. This trend is clearly obvious from the efforts described in this book. It is the aim of the authors to extend knowledge and their analytical experience in order to stimulate progress in the field of protein research.

JÍRA, Jindrich & KOZOJED, Václav — Toxoplasmosis 1968-1975. Stuttgart, Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1983. 2v. DM 260. — (Vorzugspreis für Bezieher der Reihe DM 220—). In deutscher und englischer Sprache. Literatur-Dokumentation/Documentation of Literature ISSN 0340-9376. Reihe 3/Teil 2 ISBN 3-437-10678-3. Vol. I: Introduction, Index of Subjects, Reference Word Index. Vol. II: Bibliography.

Em complemento à excelente bibliografia abrangendo as publicações científicas sobre Toxoplasmose de 1908 a 1967, editada pelo grupo de pesquisadores checoslovacos, liderados por J. Jíra, nova compilação è agora publicada por J. Jíra & V. Kozojed, do Instituto de Parasitologia da Academia Checoslovaca de Ciências. Em 2 volumes, inclui as publicações de 1968 a 1975, reunidas por assuntos no primeiro volume e em ordem alfabética, pelo nome do primeiro

Autor, no segundo. Cada uma das 4713 citações inclui título, local de publicação e referências a resumos ou revisões publicados. Os assuntos são distribuidos por 18 secções que incluem assuntos gerais, taxonomia, morfologia, biologia, resistência, cultivo, atividade parasitária, o hospedeiro, suas reações, toxoplasmose experimental, procedimentos para diagnóstico, toxoplasmose humana, toxoplasmose congênita, toxoplasmose adquirida do adulto, terapêutica, toxoplasmose espontânea em animais, epizootiologia e epidemiologia, prevalência e distribuição geográfica e saúde pública. Cada secção contém nota introdutória e está subdividida nos principais tópicos. Assim, em: 10. Procedimentos diagnósticos; 10.5. Testes para anticorpos; 10.5.5. Testes de hemaglutinação; 10.6. Especificidade; 10.8. Interpretação dos testes para toxoplasmose. De valor excepcional, para todos os estudiosos da toxoplasmose, esta publicação coloca nas mãos do pesquisador, conhecimentos atuais, organizados e completos, sobre cada faceta desta infecção ubiquitária. Fazemos votos para que os autores possam levar avante este monumental trabalho, conseguindo editar a compilação das publicações posteriores a 1975, de que já registraram mais de 3500 citações só no período de 1976 a 1980.

Dr. Mário E. Camargo

WOODRUFF, A.W. & WRIGHT, S.G. — Medicine in the Tropics. Second edition. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 1984. 657p. ilus. (ISBN 0 443 02590 8).

One in ten of the inhabitants of Britain, and of many other non-tropical countries, visit the tropics or sub-tropics each year. This, and the spread of air travel, results in all practitioners having patients coming to their consulting rooms or clinics with disease acquired in warm countries. Medicine in the Tropics provides an authoritative guide to the current management, particularly clinical management, of diseases contracted in the tropics and sub-tropics. It has been fully updated and thoroughly revised for this edition, with new chapters added on diseases of the cardiovascular and neurological systems. Featuring contributions from experts in the wide range of specialities within tropical medicine from all over the world, this book provides definitive coverage of the subject for postgraduates, undergraduates and health workers in tropical and non tropical regions.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Oct 2012
  • Date of issue
    June 1985
Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 470, 05403-000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil, Tel. +55 11 3061-7005 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil