Open-access Evidence of a new ordered vacancy crystal structure in the compound Cu3In7Te12


The crystal structure of the ordered vacancy compound (OVC) Cu3In7Te12 is analyzed using powder X-ray diffraction data. It is found that this OVC crystallizes with a chalcopyrite-related structure, in the tetragonal space group P4 2c (Nº 112), with unit cell parameters and volume a = 6.1720(2) Å, c = 12.3597(8) Å, and V = 470.83(4) Å3. The Rietveld refinement of 28 instrumental and structural parameters led to Rp = 9.27 %, Rwp = 10.30 %, Rexp = 6.95% and S = 1.48, for 4501 step intensities and 130 independent reflections, respectively. This compound is isostructural with Cu3In7Se12, and has a defect adamantane structure.

Keywords semiconductors; ordered vacancy compounds; crystal structure; X-ray diffraction; Rietveld


The ternary compound CuInTe2, belonging to the I-III-VI2 family of chalcopyrite semiconductors, crystallize in the tetragonal space group I4 2d with unit cell parameters a = 6.1944(20) and c = 12.4157(40) Å [1]. This material has been found to be a suitable material for thermoelectric (TE) applications [2-5]. Hence, it is also expected that ordered vacancy compounds (OVC's) of the Cu-In-Te system [6], which can be described as normal tetrahedral structures with a certain fixed number of unoccupied structure sites [7] and can be generated through the formula Cu.n-3Inn+1Te2n, such as CuIn5Te8 (n = 4), CuIn3Te5 (n = 5), Cu3In7Te12 (n = 6), Cu5In9Te16 (n = 8), and Cu3In5Te9 (n = 9) [8], could also be employed for TE applications [9]. This is because most of them have low carrier concentrations [10], a tetragonal distortion parameter η (η = c/2a) close to unity [6], and also an energy gap less than about 1.2 eV [11], which are some of the conditions required to achieve promising materials for TE applications [2]. As regard to the crystal structure of these Cu-In-Te OVC's, although it has been suggested that most of them crystallize in tetragonal chalcopyrite-related structures [4,10,12-14], their actual crystal structures and corresponding space groups have not yet been established, as evidenced by a search in the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD) [15].

Hence, in the present work, the crystal structure of Cu3In7Te12 (or Cu3In7[]2Te12, where [] represents the cationic vacancy) is established from the Rietveld refinement analysis of powder X-ray diffraction data.


Polycrystalline samples of Cu3In7Te12 used in this study were prepared from the melt by the vertical Bridgman-Stockbarger technique in a multiple zone furnace. Stoichiometric mixture of highly pure components of Cu, In and Te (99.999 %) were introduced in a quartz ampoule sealed under vacuum (~ 10-3 Pa). Initially, the ampoule was heated from room temperature to 1170 K at a rate of 20 K/h. The molten mixture was then heated to 1370 K at 10 K/h and kept at this temperature for 12 h. To assure a homogeneous mixing of the melt, the ampoule was carefully agitated periodically. It was later cooled at 10 K/h to 1090 K, and at 5 K/h to 800 K. In order to guarantee the equilibrium condition of the synthetized material, the ingot was annealed at this temperature for 120 h. The furnace was then turned off and the ingot cooled down to the room temperature.

For the X-ray diffraction analysis, a small quantity of the sample, cut from the ingot, was ground mechanically in an agate mortar and pestle. The resulting fine powder was mounted on a flat zerobackground holder covered with a thin layer of petroleum jelly. The powder X-ray diffraction data was collected at 293(1) K, in θ/θ reflection mode using a Siemens D5005 diffractometer equipped with an X-ray tube (CuKα radiation: λ= 1.5418 Å; 40kV, 30mA). A fixed aperture and divergence slit of 1 mm, a 1 mm monochromator slit, and a 0.1 mm detector slit, were used. The specimen was scanned from 10°-100° 2θ, with a step size of 0.02° and counting time of 10s. Quartz was used as an external standard. The Bruker AXS analytical software was used to establish the positions of the peaks.


Figure 1 shows the resulting powder X-ray diffractogram for Cu3In7Te12. The 20 first peak positions were indexed using the program Dicvol04 [16], which gave a unique solution in a tetragonal cell. Lack of systematic absences (hkl: h+k+l), indicates a primitive type lattice. In addition, the condition hhl: l =2n+1 suggests the extension symbol P4 2c. A revision of the diffraction lines, taking into account the sample composition, unit cell parameters, and lattice-type, suggests that this material is isostructural with Cu3In7Se12. This is the first compound with the I3-III7-[]2-VI12 formula which has been reported to crystallize in a tetragonal structure with space group P4 2c (Nº 112) [17]. The resulting X-ray powder diffraction data for Cu3In7Te12 will be submitted to the Powder Diffraction File of the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) [18].

The Rietveld refinement [19] of the whole diffraction pattern was carried out using the Fullprof program [20, 21], with the unit cell parameters found in the indexing. For the refinement of Cu3In7Te12, the atomic coordinates of the compound Cu3In7Se12 [17], were used as initial model, with the cation distribution shown in Table III. The angular dependence of the peak full width at half maximum (FWHM), was described by the Cagliotti’s formula [22]. Peak shapes were described by the parameterized Thompson-Cox-Hastings pseudo-Voigt profile function [23]. The background variation was described by a polynomial with six coefficients. The thermal motion of the atoms was described by one overall isotropic temperature factor.

The results of the Rietveld refinement are summarized in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the observed, calculated, and difference profile for the final cycle of refinement. Atomic coordinates, isotropic temperature factor, bond distances, and angles are shown in Table 2. This Table also shows the Bond Valence Sum (BVS) [24,25] results for Cu3In7Te12, indicating that the oxidation state for each ion is in good agreement with the expected formal oxidation state of Cu1+, In3+ and Te2-ions.

Figure 1
Rietveld refinement plot for Cu3In7Te12. The lower trace is the difference curve between observed and calculated patterns. The Bragg reflections are indicated by vertical bars.
Table 1
Rietveld refinement results for Cu3In7Te12.
Table 2
Atomic coordinates, isotropic temperature factors, bond distances (Å) and angles (°) for Cu3In7Te12, derived from the Rietveld refinement. Bond valence sum (BVS) are also showed.

From refinement by the Rietveld method by using powder X-ray diffraction data, it has been found that this material crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4 2c, with a chalcopyrite-related structure. This consists of a three-dimensional arrangement of distorted CuTe4 and InTe4 tetrahedra connected by common faces. In this structure, each Te atom is coordinated by four cations (one Cu and three In) located at the corners of a slightly distorted tetrahedron. In the same way, each cation is tetrahedrally bonded to four anions. This array is expected for adamantane compounds [7].

The Cu-Te and In-Te bond distances for Cu3In7Te12 here obtained, are in good agreement with those reported in the ICSD database [15] for other adamantane structure compounds such as CuInTe2 [26], AgIn5Te8 [27], CuTa2InTe4 [28], Cu3NbTe4 [29], AgInTe2 [1] and CuCO2InTe4 and CuNi2InTe4 [30].

Figure 2
Unit cell diagram for the ordered vacancy compound Cu3In7Te12.


In conclusion, it is established that the ordered vacancy compound Cu3In7Te12 (or Cu3In7[]2Te12) crystallizes with a chalcopyrite-related structure in the tetragonal space group P4 2c, and represents a new semiconductor with formula I3-III7-[]2-VI12.


This work was supported by CDCHTA-ULA and FONACIT (Grant LAB-97000821).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    20 May 2019
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    05 Mar 2017
  • Accepted
    29 Sept 2017
Laboratório de Hidrogênio, Coppe - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, em cooperação com a Associação Brasileira do Hidrogênio, ABH2 Av. Moniz Aragão, 207, 21941-594, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Tel: +55 (21) 3938-8791 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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