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Effect of biological soil crusts (BSCs) composition on early establishment of vascular plants in eroded soils


Biological soil crusts (BSCs), composed of lichens and bryophytes among the most conspicuous organisms, colonize and stabilize eroded soils, provide nutrients and interact with vascular plants. The effect of BSCs on germination and early establishment of plants is far from being fully understood. The relationship between BSC composition and vascular plants has been found to be species-specific. In this study, we evaluated how BSC composition affects germination and early establishment in two species of vascular plants (Jarava juncoides and Noticastrum marginatum) present in eroded areas of the Sierras Grandes de Córdoba, central Argentina. We conducted a laboratory experiment that consisted of sowing seeds of the two plant species on different types of BSC cover: Diploschistes spp. (crustose lichens), Xanthoparmelia spp. (foliose lichens), Cladonia spp. (fruticose lichens), Polytrichum sp. (bryophytes), and bare soil as control treatment. We recorded the number of germinated seeds and of established seedlings for two months. Bryophytes and lichens did not facilitate seed germination in the controlled environment; however, early establishment was not affected by the treatments. The interaction between BSCs and germination and early establishment of the studied vascular plants was found to depend on the dominant composition of the BSCs and the plant species.

Key words:
cryptogams; Jarava juncoides; lichens; mosses; Noticastrum marginatum


Las costras biológicas, compuestas por líquenes y briófitos, entre los organismos más conspicuos, son pioneras en suelos erosionados, ayudan en su estabilización, proveen nutrientes e interactúan con las plantas vasculares. No obstante, el efecto de las costras biológicas sobre la germinación y el establecimiento temprano de las plantas vasculares está lejos de ser entendido complemente, y los resultados encontrados son especie-específicos respecto a la composición de la costra y las especies de plantas vasculares que intervienen en la relación. En este estudio, nos propusimos evaluar cómo afecta la composición de la costra biológica en la germinación y el establecimiento temprano de dos especies de plantas vasculares (Noticastrum marginatum y Jarava juncoides) presentes en áreas erosionadas de las Sierras Grandes de Córdoba, en el centro de Argentina. Para tal fin se ha realizado un experimento de laboratorio colocando semillas de las dos especies de plantas sobre distintos tipos de cobertura de suelo: cubierto por Diploschistes spp. (crustoso), Xanthoparmelia spp. (folioso), Cladonia spp. (fructiculoso), Polytrichum sp. (briófito) y un tratamiento control de suelo desnudo. Se ha evaluado el número de semillas germinadas y plántulas establecidas durante dos meses, y se ha encontrado que briófitos y líquenes no facilitan la germinación de semillas en un ambiente controlado. Sin embargo, el establecimiento temprano no se vio afectado por los tratamientos.. La interacción entre las costras biológicas del suelo y la germinación y establecimiento temprano de las plantas vasculares depende de la composición dominante de la costra y de las especies de plantas.

Palabras clave:
criptógamas; Jarava juncoides; líquenes; musgos; Noticastrum marginatum.

Lichens and bryophytes are the most conspicuous components of biological soil crusts (BSCs) (Eldridge & Greene 1994Eldridge DJ & Greene RSB (1994) Microbiotic soil crusts-a review of their roles in soil and ecological processes in the rangelands of Australia. Soil Research 32: 389-415.; Belnap 2003Belnap J (2003) The world at your feet: desert biological soil crusts. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1: 181-189.; Veste 2005Veste M (2005) The importance of biological soil crusts for rehabilitation of degraded arid and semi-arid ecosystems. Science of Soil and Water Conservation 3: 42-47.); either group may be dominant, depending on the climatic conditions and microhabitat (Belnap 2003; Rivera-Aguilar et al. 2005Rivera-Aguilar V, Godinez-Alvarez H, Manuell-Cacheux I & Rodríguez-Zaragoza S (2005) Physical effects of biological soil crusts on seed germination of two desert plants under laboratory conditions. Journal of Arid Environments 63: 344-352.; Pinzón & Linares 2006Pinzón M & Linares EL (2006) Diversidad de líquenes y briófitos en la región subxerofítica de la Herrera, Mosquera (Cundinamarca-Colombia). I. Riqueza y estructura. Caldasia 28: 243-257.; Elbert et al. 2012Elbert W, Weber B, Burrows S, Steinkamp J, Büdel B, Andreae MO & Pöschl U (2012) Contribution of cryptogamic covers to the global cycles of carbon and nitrogen. Nature Geoscience 5: 459.; Navas-Romero et al. 2021Navas-Romero AL, Martinez-Carretero EE & Herrera-Moratta MA (2021) Restauración de costras biológicas del suelo: pasado, presente y futuro. Multequina 30: 25-47.). BSCs are distributed worldwide; however, most studies have been conducted in arid and semiarid areas, with temperate or tropical environments, like seasonal dry forests of South America, having received less attention (Belnap et al. 2001; Castillo-Monroy et al. 2016Castillo-Monroy AP, Benítez A, Reyes-Bueno F, Donoso DA & Cueva A (2016) Biocrust structure responds to soil variables along a tropical scrubland elevation gradient. Journal of Arid Environments 124: 31-38.).

BSCs play an important role in germination, establishment and growth of vascular plants, since they modulate infiltration, nutrient content and soil moisture (Belnap 2003Belnap J (2003) The world at your feet: desert biological soil crusts. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1: 181-189.). Several studies have shown that the effect of BSCs on vascular plants can be positive, negative or neutral (Bowker 2007Bowker MA (2007) Biological soil crust rehabilitation in theory and practice: an underexploited opportunity. Restoration Ecology 15: 13-23.). On the one hand, some studies show a correlation of lichen-dominated soils with low densities of vascular plants. The possible explanations to this correlation are inhibition of seed germination by the extracts released from lichens tissues and/or a mechanical effect of the smooth surface of the BCSs, which prevents seeds from reaching the ground (Prasse & Bornkamm 2000Prasse R & Bornkamm (2000) Effect of microbiotic soil surface crusts on emergence of vascular plants. 150: 65-75.; Sedia & Ehrenfeld 2003Sedia EG & Ehrenfeld JG (2003) Lichens and mosses promote alternate stable plant communities in the New Jersey Pinelands. Oikos 100: 447-458.; Serpe et al. 2006Serpe MD, Orm JM, Barkes T & Rosentreter R (2006) Germination and seed water status of four grasses on moss-dominated biological soil crusts from arid lands. Plant Ecology 185: 163-178.; Langhans et al. 2009Langhans TM, Storm C & Schwabe A (2009) Biological soil crusts and their microenvironment: impact on emergence, survival and establishment of seedlings. Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 204: 157-168.). By contrast, other works indicate positive effects on germination in soils dominated by BSCs (Lesica & Shelly 1992Lesica P & Shelly JS (1992) Effects of cryptogamic soil crust on the population dynamics of Arabis fecunda (Brassicaceae). The American Midland Naturalist 128: 53-60.; Defalco et al. 2001DeFalco LA, Detling JK, Tracy CR & Warren SD (2001) Physiological variation among native and exotic winter annual plants associated with microbiotic crusts in the Mojave Desert. Plant and Soil 234: 1-14.; Boeken et al. 2004Boeken B, Ariza C, Gutterman Y & Zaady E (2004) Environmental factors affecting dispersal, germination and distribution of Stipa capensis in the Negev Desert, Israel. Ecological Research 19: 533-540.; Rivera-Aguilar et al. 2005Rivera-Aguilar V, Godinez-Alvarez H, Manuell-Cacheux I & Rodríguez-Zaragoza S (2005) Physical effects of biological soil crusts on seed germination of two desert plants under laboratory conditions. Journal of Arid Environments 63: 344-352.). Recently, Zeberio & Peter (2021Zeberio JM & Peter G (2021) Costra biológica del suelo y su efecto en la germinación y establecimiento de dos especies perennes forrajeras del NE patagónico: consideraciones para la restauración ecológica. Multequina 30: 87-97.) reported that plant establishment depends on soil moisture content rather than on the presence of bryophyte-dominated BSCs. Further studies are necessary to understand plant responses to BSCs. Some studies help to understand the contradiction of the previous conclusions. For instance, Castillo-Monroy & Maestre (2011Castillo-Monroy AP & Maestre FT (2011) La costra biológica del suelo: avances recientes en el conocimiento de su estructura y función ecológica. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 84: 1-21.) reported species-specific results for the success of seed germination and seedling establishment, while other studies highlight the influence of BSC composition, since seedling emergence was found to be reduced in crustose lichen-dominated BSCs. The morphology of this type of lichens is likely to cover or “seal” the soil, reducing water availability for seed germination. Therefore, knowledge about the species involved in this relationship helps to better understand their interaction.

The landscape of the Sierras Grandes de Córdoba, Argentina, is a mosaic of forests, grasslands and rocky outcrops (Cingolani et al. 2004Cingolani AM, Renison D, Zak MR & Cabido MR (2004) Mapping vegetation in a heterogeneous mountain rangeland using Landsat data: an alternative method to define and classify land-cover units. Remote sensing of environment 92: 84-97.). The long history of livestock pressure in the area has resulted in eroded zones with variation in plant cover (Cingolani et al. 2008), with some of those zones showing different BSCs assemblages (Perazzo & Rodríguez 2019Perazzo A & Rodríguez JM (2019) Impacto del fuego en la vegetación no vascular del suelo: el caso de los bosques de Polylepis australis (Rosaceae) de Argentina central. Lilloa 56: 67-80.). A study conducted to identify the common vascular plant species present in eroded soils of the Sierras Grandes de Córdoba (Herrero 2019Herrero ML (2019) Asistiendo a la sucesión ecológica en suelos montanos erosionados. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba. 175p.) indicated that Noticastrum marginatum (Kunth) Cuatrec., Webbia (family Rosaceae) and Jarava juncoides (Speg.) Peñail. (family Poaceae), both of perennial habits (Zuloaga & Belgrano 2015Zuloaga FO & Belgrano MJ (2015) The catalogue of vascular plants of the Southern Cone and the Flora of Argentina: their contribution to the World Flora. Rodriguésia 66: 989-1024.), were very abundant and frequent in eroded areas. In addition, plants showed high percentages of germination in the laboratory and high survival when planted in eroded soils. The relationship between vascular plants and BSCs components commonly found in the Sierras Grandes has been little explored; studying this interaction may provide tools to help guide decision making regarding restoration.

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether germination and early establishment of J. juncoides and N. marginatum are influenced by the dominant component of the BSCs. We performed a laboratory experiment consisting of the following treatments: bare soil, soil covered by bryophytes, and soil covered by crustose, foliose and fruticose lichens. We expected that both germination and establishment of vascular plants commonly occurring in eroded soils (N. marginatum and J. juncoides) would be influenced by the substrate available for germination, since the morphology of BSCs differs depending on the BSC component: lichen or moss. We hypothesize that germination and early seed establishment of vascular plant species would be greater in bare soil than in soil covered by BSCs, and in moss-dominated BSCs than in lichen-dominated BSCs. Samples of soil covered by biological crusts were taken from an area in the Sierras Grandes de Córdoba, Argentina, 31°36’05.4”S, 64°51’44.8”W, 7.VI.2017. The treatments were determined according to the dominant component of the BSCs at the site: bryophytic or any of the three lichen growth forms, crustose, foliose or fruticose (including dimorphic lichens). Treatments with BSCs were composed as follows: bryophytes (Polytrichum sp.); crustose lichens (Diploschistes spp., mainly D. conceptionis and D. scruposus); foliose lichens (Xanthoparmelia spp. mainly X. taractica and X. santesonii); and fruticose lichens Cladonia spp. (mainly C. fimbriata, C. pixidata and C. melanopoda). Samples were placed on plastic trays (12 × 15 × 4 cm), with 15 trays being used for each treatment. The control treatment consisted of 15 trays containing bare soil obtained from the same collection site. Seeds (n = 10) of each of the vascular plant species, N. marginatum and J. juncoides, were placed on the surface on these substrates.

The trays were placed in a germination chamber under standardized environmental conditions: 25/15 °C and 12/12 h (light/darkness) photoperiod (Funes et al. 1999Funes G, Basconcelo S, Díaz S & Cabido M (1999) Seed size and shape are good predictors of seed persistence in soil in temperate mountain grasslands of Argentina. Seed Science Research 9: 341-345.) and regularly irrigated with distilled water to control moisture (Funes et al. 2009). Germination and early establishment were recorded every three days during two months. The criterion for germination was radicle emergence (2 mm); the results are expressed as percentage of germinated seeds (ISTA 2011). The criterion for determining early establishment was the presence of true leaves during the first two months after germination, a period considered sufficient to evaluate establishment of these species (García & Villamil 2001García FP & Villamil JMP (2001) Viabilidad, vigor, longevidad y conservación de semillas. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España. Saljen, Madrid. 16p.). Each individual was identified visually and species were identified with a pin of different color, which allowed us to measure survival. In parallel, the seeds collected in the field were subjected to a germination test in the laboratory to check their viability (Garcia & Villamil 2001). For this, 10 seeds of each vascular plant species were placed in a previously sterilized petri dish lined with filter paper moistened with distilled water. For each species, 10 repetitions were incubated in a germination chamber together with the tray samples and under the same environmental conditions. The results of this procedure showed a total percentage of germinated seeds of 83% for N. marginatum and 88% for J. juncoides.

A generalized linear model (GLM) using binomial distribution with one variable and five levels was performed to evaluate if seed germination and seedling establishment of vascular plants varied among treatments. Data on germination and seedling establishment were used as response variables. The DGC posthoc test was used. The analysis was performed using the software INFOSTAT and its interface with R.

Germination of N. marginatum seeds differed significantly among treatments (F value = 22.87; p < 0.0001). Germination was highest in the control treatment, with significant differences from the Polytrichum sp., Cladonia spp. and Xanthoparmelia spp. treatments. The lowest germination values were recorded in the Diploschistes spp. treatment, with significant differences from the remaining treatments. Germination percentages were 71% in the control treatment, and 55% in Polytrichum sp., 57% in Xanthoparmelia spp., 45% in Cladonia spp., and 13% in Diploschistes spp. treatments (Fig. 1a).

Germination of J. juncoides showed significant differences among treatments (F value = 12.76; p < 0.0001), being significantly higher in the control treatment than in the Polytrichum sp. treatment. Germination in the lichen treatments was significantly lower than in the control and in the Polytrichum sp. treatment. Germination percentages were 91% for the control, 73% for Polytrichum sp., 67% for Xanthoparmelia spp., 56% for Cladonia spp. and 55% for Diploschistes spp. (Fig. 1b).

Seedling establishment did not differ among treatments for either vascular plant species. Seedling establishment of N. marginatum was 95% in the control treatment, 100% in Polytrichum sp., 90% in Xanthoparmelia spp., 93% in Cladonia spp. and 66% in Diploschistes spp. (F value = 1.44; p = 0.2299, Fig. 2a). Seedling establishment of J. juncoides was 100% in the control treatment, 100% in Polytrichum sp., 92% in Xanthoparmelia spp., 97% in Cladonia spp. and 95% in Diploschistes spp. (F value = 0.11; p = 0.9781, Fig. 2b).

Figure 1
a-b. Percentage of seed germination - a. Noticastrum marginatum; b. Jarava juncoides. Different lower case letters indicate significant differences among treatments (posthoc DGC test). Bars represent the standard error. Abbreviations: Co = control; P = Polytrichum sp. (bryophyte); X = Xanthoparmelia spp. (foliose lichen); C = Cladonia spp. (fructicose lichen); D = Diploschistes spp. (crustose lichen).

The effect of BSCs on the germination of N. marginatum and J. juncoides was negative with respect to that of bare soil. These results agree with previous works addressing the relationship between biological crusts and germination of vascular plants (Eldridge et al. 2000Eldridge DJ, Semple WS & Koen TB (2000) Dynamics of cryptogamic soil crusts in a derived grassland in south-eastern Australia. Austral Ecology 25: 232-240.; Prasse & Bornkamm 2000Prasse R & Bornkamm (2000) Effect of microbiotic soil surface crusts on emergence of vascular plants. 150: 65-75.; Sedia & Ehrenfeld 2003Sedia EG & Ehrenfeld JG (2003) Lichens and mosses promote alternate stable plant communities in the New Jersey Pinelands. Oikos 100: 447-458.). The comparison among treatments for each species separately shows that germination of N. marginatum seeds was lower than that of J. juncoides. It has been proposed that germination on BSCs would depend on seed traits, such as size (Li et al. 2008Li XJ, Li XR, Song WM, Gao YP, Zheng JG & Jia RL (2008) Effects of crust and shrub patches on runoff, sedimentation, and related nutrient (C, N) redistribution in the desertified steppe zone of the Tengger Desert, Northern China. Geomorphology 96: 221-232.; Funk et al. 2014Funk FA, Loydi A & Peter G (2014) Effects of biological soil crusts and drought on emergence and survival of a Patagonian perennial grass in the Monte of Argentina. Journal of Arid Land 6: 735-741.), since the smaller the seed, the more likely to penetrate the layer formed by the BSCs and reach the soil (Funk et al. 2014). Seed size, shape and presence of appendage (Briggs & Morgan 2011Briggs AL & Morgan JW (2011) Seed characteristics and soil surface patch type interact to affect germination of semi-arid woodland species. Plant Ecology 212: 91-103.) were more favorable for J. juncoides in terms of the possibility of reaching the substrate through the lichen thalli and the leaves of bryophytes. Indeed, the seed of that species is elongated and thin, with a long and flexible anthecium side; anthecium is arrow-shaped, which not only favors dispersal through ectozoochory (Claure-Herrera et al. 2020Claure-Herrera AJ, Serrudo V, Blanco L, Echazu YC, Flores-Méndez DN, Aguirre E, Beck SG, Garcia E, Zenteno-Ruiz FS, Fuentes A & Pacheco LF (2020) Frecuencia de los síndromes de dispersión de semillas en un gradiente altitudinal de valle interandino en Bolivia. Ecología en Bolivia 55: 173-209.) but also helps to better penetrate the substrate. The large seeds of N. marginatum would be less likely to penetrate the cryptogam layer.

Treatments with Diploschistes spp. exhibited the lowest seed germination for both species. The thallus of this crustose lichen forms a very compact cover that attaches to the substrate, leaving little space available for seeds to reach the soil. Tavili et al. (2017Tavili A, Jafari M, Chahouki MAZ & Sohrabi M (2017) How do cryptogams affect vascular plant establishment? Cryptogamie, Bryologie 38: 313-324.) indicated that moisture is one of the main factors affecting seed germination, and that the soil moisture condition is affected by cryptogam cover. Germination of N. marginatum in crustose lichens was significantly lower than in the remaining treatments; this result may be attributed to the lichen structure mentioned above. However, no significant differences were found among crustose, foliose and fructose lichen treatments for J. juncoides. The seeds of these species may be able to germinate in the spaces between thalli of Diploschistes sp. as well as between the squamules of Cladonia spp. or the lobules of Xanthoparmelia spp.

Figure 2
a-b. Percentage of seedling establishment per treatment - a. Noticastrum marginatum; b. Jarava juncoides. Different lower case letters indicate significant differences among treatments (posthoc DGC test). Bars represent standard error. Abbreviations: Co = control; X = Xanthoparmelia spp. (foliose lichen); P = Polytrichum sp. (bryophyte); C = Cladonia spp. (fructiculose lichen); D = Diploschistes spp. (crustose lichen).

Treatments with the bryophyte showed intermediate values, with significant differences, between control and Diploschistes spp. for N. marginatum and between control and the lichen treatments for J. juncoides. Bryophytes retain water and release it slowly to the environment, providing moisture for seeds (Calabrese & Rovere 2013Calabrese G & Rovere A (2013) El rol de los musgos en la germinación de especies leñosas: Implicancias de la heterogeneidad de micro-sitios para la restauración. Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Ecología de Paisajes 4: 130-136.). Moreover, when seedling roots of vascular plants have reached the soil, their seeds can use soil water that is not available to bryophytes (Jeschke & Kiehl 2008Jeschke M & Kiehl K (2008) Effects of a dense moss layer on germination and establishment of vascular plants in newly created calcareous grasslands. Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 203: 557-566.). The cover of bryophytes provides vascular plants with a humid microclimate with reduced thermal amplitude (Turetsky 2003Turetsky MR (2003) The role of bryophytes in carbon and nitrogen cycling. The bryologist 106: 395-409.; Czarnecka 2004Czarnecka J (2004) Seed longevity and recruitment of seedlings in xerothermic grassland. Polish Journal of Ecology 52: 505-521.). However, bryophytes may negatively affect seed germination by blocking access to light (Zamfir 2000Zamfir M (2000) Effects of bryophytes and lichens on seedling emergence of alvar plants: evidence from greenhouse experiments. 88: 603-611.; Jeschke & Kiehl 2008), since a dense bryophyte cover reduces red/far red ratio of the transmitted light. Seeds can detect this proportion through Phytochrome B and, therefore, do not germinate under low values (Jeschke & Kiehl 2008). This process might explain the germination pattern found in the bryophyte treatment with respect to the other treatments.

BSCs did not have a significant effect on early seedling establishment, except for N. marginatum under Diploschistes spp., which had a slightly lower seedling establishment percentage than germination percentage. Therefore, BSCs would not act as a barrier to seedling establishment after germination.

Germination percentage of both species was higher in the control than in the BSC treatments. However, in the field, the gradual loss of bare soil due to water and wind erosion (Cingolani et al. 2013Cingolani AM, Vairetti MV, Giorgis MA, La Torre N, Whitworth-Hulse JI & Reninson D (2013) Can livestock and fires convert the sub-tropical mountain rangelands of central Argentina into a rocky desert? The Rangeland Journal 35: 285-297. ) hinders seed retention. Therefore, BSCs would be playing the role of seed retention, while also providing lower temperature and higher humidity conditions than bare soil (Verrecchia et al. 1995Verrecchia E, Yair A, Kidron GJ & Verrecchia K (1995) Physical properties of the psammophile cryptogamic crust and their consequences to the water regime of sandy soils, north-western Negev Desert, Israel. Journal of Arid Environments 29: 427-437.). In addition, our results show that germination percentage values in treatments with cryptogamic cover are also high (most of them are close to 50%, except for N. marginatum in the Diploschistes spp. treatment); therefore, succession in the natural environment may be favored by the presence of BSCs in eroded soils.


We thank Jorgelina Brasca, for the English revision. We also acknowledge the support provided by Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) through funds and infrastructure. This work was supported by ANPCyT BID-PICT.

Data availability statement

Data availability statement In accordance with Open Science communication practices, the authors inform that all data are available in


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  • Boeken B, Ariza C, Gutterman Y & Zaady E (2004) Environmental factors affecting dispersal, germination and distribution of Stipa capensis in the Negev Desert, Israel. Ecological Research 19: 533-540.
  • Bowker MA (2007) Biological soil crust rehabilitation in theory and practice: an underexploited opportunity. Restoration Ecology 15: 13-23.
  • Briggs AL & Morgan JW (2011) Seed characteristics and soil surface patch type interact to affect germination of semi-arid woodland species. Plant Ecology 212: 91-103.
  • Calabrese G & Rovere A (2013) El rol de los musgos en la germinación de especies leñosas: Implicancias de la heterogeneidad de micro-sitios para la restauración. Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Ecología de Paisajes 4: 130-136.
  • Castillo-Monroy AP & Maestre FT (2011) La costra biológica del suelo: avances recientes en el conocimiento de su estructura y función ecológica. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 84: 1-21.
  • Castillo-Monroy AP, Benítez A, Reyes-Bueno F, Donoso DA & Cueva A (2016) Biocrust structure responds to soil variables along a tropical scrubland elevation gradient. Journal of Arid Environments 124: 31-38.
  • Cingolani AM, Renison D, Zak MR & Cabido MR (2004) Mapping vegetation in a heterogeneous mountain rangeland using Landsat data: an alternative method to define and classify land-cover units. Remote sensing of environment 92: 84-97.
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  • Claure-Herrera AJ, Serrudo V, Blanco L, Echazu YC, Flores-Méndez DN, Aguirre E, Beck SG, Garcia E, Zenteno-Ruiz FS, Fuentes A & Pacheco LF (2020) Frecuencia de los síndromes de dispersión de semillas en un gradiente altitudinal de valle interandino en Bolivia. Ecología en Bolivia 55: 173-209.
  • Czarnecka J (2004) Seed longevity and recruitment of seedlings in xerothermic grassland. Polish Journal of Ecology 52: 505-521.
  • DeFalco LA, Detling JK, Tracy CR & Warren SD (2001) Physiological variation among native and exotic winter annual plants associated with microbiotic crusts in the Mojave Desert. Plant and Soil 234: 1-14.
  • Elbert W, Weber B, Burrows S, Steinkamp J, Büdel B, Andreae MO & Pöschl U (2012) Contribution of cryptogamic covers to the global cycles of carbon and nitrogen. Nature Geoscience 5: 459.
  • Eldridge DJ & Greene RSB (1994) Microbiotic soil crusts-a review of their roles in soil and ecological processes in the rangelands of Australia. Soil Research 32: 389-415.
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  • Funk FA, Loydi A & Peter G (2014) Effects of biological soil crusts and drought on emergence and survival of a Patagonian perennial grass in the Monte of Argentina. Journal of Arid Land 6: 735-741.
  • García FP & Villamil JMP (2001) Viabilidad, vigor, longevidad y conservación de semillas. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. España. Saljen, Madrid. 16p.
  • Herrero ML (2019) Asistiendo a la sucesión ecológica en suelos montanos erosionados. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba. 175p.
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  • Jeschke M & Kiehl K (2008) Effects of a dense moss layer on germination and establishment of vascular plants in newly created calcareous grasslands. Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 203: 557-566.
  • Langhans TM, Storm C & Schwabe A (2009) Biological soil crusts and their microenvironment: impact on emergence, survival and establishment of seedlings. Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 204: 157-168.
  • Li XJ, Li XR, Song WM, Gao YP, Zheng JG & Jia RL (2008) Effects of crust and shrub patches on runoff, sedimentation, and related nutrient (C, N) redistribution in the desertified steppe zone of the Tengger Desert, Northern China. Geomorphology 96: 221-232.
  • Lesica P & Shelly JS (1992) Effects of cryptogamic soil crust on the population dynamics of Arabis fecunda (Brassicaceae). The American Midland Naturalist 128: 53-60.
  • Navas-Romero AL, Martinez-Carretero EE & Herrera-Moratta MA (2021) Restauración de costras biológicas del suelo: pasado, presente y futuro. Multequina 30: 25-47.
  • Perazzo A & Rodríguez JM (2019) Impacto del fuego en la vegetación no vascular del suelo: el caso de los bosques de Polylepis australis (Rosaceae) de Argentina central. Lilloa 56: 67-80.
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Edited by

Area Editor:

Dra. Thalia Morales

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    06 Sept 2023
  • Accepted
    13 Apr 2024
Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Rua Pacheco Leão, 915 - Jardim Botânico, 22460-030 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Tel.: (55 21)3204-2148, Fax: (55 21) 3204-2071 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil