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Evaluation of the 2004-2005 administration


We strictly followed the general guidelines to which we had committed when we took charge of the Editorial Board of Revista de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul: we edited two volumes, in a total of six issues; we maintained the Journal's national distribution to all members of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry; we held an event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of our Journal and; we partially restructured our Editorial and Consulting Board, by bringing new colleagues, experts in their specialties, who contributed a great deal. Another change in our Journal was the modification of the cover, which underwent a new layout stylization, and now presents photographs of landscapes and places in Rio Grande do Sul. We know that this decision has caused divergent opinions, after all we changed an "icon" that had been the cover of our Journal for 25 years. We respected all opinions and we believed, at the time we decided to change it, that the icons may also be reconsidered. Others may do the same.

Our strategic objectives have also been totally achieved, namely: maintaining our Journal as a major publication organ for the Brazilian psychiatric scientific production; publishing occasional international articles, which gives us great honor; maintaining the current indexation levels and acquiring new ones. With regard to the latter aspect, our current administration is proud to be part of the international SciELO. As a result, all articles may be entirely read in English, through SciELO international site. This means a substantial increase in costs with the translation of the articles into English, but we consider this to have been a crucial decision. Regarding indices, it is worth stating that our Journal is today considered Qualis A by CAPES, and our permanent objective has been: scientific rigor and seriousness, which have been acknowledged by this important national institution.

The growth of our Journal is also expressed in numbers. Over the past two years, the Revista de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul has received an increase of 61% in articles in relation to the previous administration. Another interesting index is the number of rejected articles. In the previous administration, such index was 15%; in the current administration, it is 30%. This means that we had an increase of 100% in the index of rejected articles, which is more than the excellent increase index of received articles. It confirms that we are every time more rigorous, which results in a better quality of published articles. Another very interesting fact concerns the origin of the articles. Of all the articles received, around 62% are currently from states other than Rio Grande do Sul. To us, this literally means that our Journal, despite even its name, is no longer a psychiatry journal that used to publish articles almost exclusively produced in Rio Grande do Sul. It is now effectively a publication of the psychiatric science produced nationally and, in some cases, internationally. With regard to this fact, I would like to point out that, in this current issue, the Journal starts with an excellence article, with highly original data produced by the renowned Maudsley Hospital in London. In my opinion, this is the true evidence of our maturity as a Journal, and I believe that several conquests will soon be celebrated.

I must also thank every colleague in the Editorial Board (EB), who, over the past two years, had the great responsibility of judging the articles. They were able to contribute to all authors who sent articles to our Journal, always in an ethical and impartial manner. The members of the EB are responsible for an even higher increase in the quality of our Journal. Several colleagues, in spite of not being members of the EB, have also been responsible for this, by evaluating articles due to their renowned knowledge in areas of the psychiatric science. The members of the Consulting Board were often consulted during our administration and were able to make a substantial contribution to our enhancement.

A few special words should be devoted, in this evaluation of our administration, to the competent, ethic, and always correct work done by our secretary Sandra Schmaedecke. Those who know and work together with Sandra realize that these words are not enough to thank her for everything she has done for our Journal over the past years. Sandra is already part of our Journal's successful history.

Hiring the services from Scientific/Fractal was one of the great decisions we made. The articles are very well published in our printed version in Portuguese, and have a high quality in English at the international SciELO. Scientific/Fractal, represented by the competent work done by Denise Arend, has become a major partner in our journey.

The pharmaceutical industry, another key partner at this moment, is the major responsible for maintaining our Journal with a national-wide distribution. Without the support from several laboratories, we would never be able to cover the high expenses. They may go unnoticed for the reader, but for me, as an editor, are a cause for worry. We would like to thank all who have given us their support.

I sincerely thank all authors who sent articles over the past two years for placing their trust on our Journal in order to have their articles carefully read, with respect and impartiality, and also receiving the opinion of effectively skilled people for each subarea. Articles originated from post-graduate courses, public services, clinics and private offices represent the wide-reaching impact our Journal has had on several psychiatry professionals in our country.

Finally, a word of thanks to the Board of SPRS, represented by our current President, Alfredo Cataldo Neto. Cataldo and all the Board members have given us their full support in our administration. They gave us total liberty to do what we considered to be a course correction. I also warmly thank the Board that is now ending its administration for the incentive and trust placed in our Journal.

My final words are of hope. Hope that the Revista de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul keeps advancing at large steps. Steps that have begun 26 years ago, steps that represent ethics, seriousness and pluralism. I think that our administration was able to honor this brave history. My final words are not farewell words, since I am very proud to have been invited by our future President (Dr. Laís Knijnik) to remain as the Editor of Revista de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul. I understand that this invitation, more than a personal acknowledgement, is mainly the acknowledgement of the right decisions made by this administration. It was a group work, done by several colleagues from different boards and by several professionals connected to the administrative issues of our Journal. I will remain as the Editor, representing the winning spirit of this team and in search for a constant enhancement of our Journal.

Flávio Shansis


  • Evaluation of the 2004-2005 administration

    The current issue of our Journal is the last one from the administration that started two years ago. This editorial will make a brief evaluation of this period.
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      17 Oct 2006
    • Date of issue
      Dec 2005
    Sociedade de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Ipiranga, 5311/202, 90610-001 Porto Alegre RS Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 51 3024-4846 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil