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Dra. Mara Behlau

We are living a historical moment in which, for the first time, we had two candidate platforms running for the 2012-2013 term of the SBFa direction. Ahead of board 1 we had Dr. Irene Queiroz Marchesan, winner candidate, recognized by her unique entrepreneurship, and on board 2 Dr. Cláudia Regina Furquim de Andrade, a highly respected professor, both nationally and internationally, for the excellence of her work. We evaluate this situation as a sign of the maturity that our profession has been reaching, and the respect and harmony of the electoral process confirmed this impression. According to the current statute and by-law, it is possible to have a final election result that combines forces coming from different candidate platforms, that is, the Scientific Departments and Education Commission elected are not necessarily the groups proposed by the Executive Board that won the elections. Although this may seem strange, it is an usual practice in several scientific associations and in the government of many countries.

The results clearly indicate the preferences of speech-language pathologists and audiologists, who have made their choices regardless of the platform to which each candidate belonged. The winner platform have in its Executive Board composition, as president, Irene Queiroz Marchesan, PhD, from São Paulo; as vice-president, Ana Cristina Cortês Gama, PhD, from Minas Gerais; as first secretary, Lia Inês Marino Duarte, MsC, from São Paulo; as second secretary, Aline Epiphanio Wolf, PhD, from São José do Rio Preto; as first treasurer, Ana Elisa Moreira-Ferreira, MsC, from São Paulo; as second treasurer, Adriana Tessitore, MsC, from Campinas; as first scientific director, Marileda Cattelan Tomé, PhD, from Vale do Itajaí; and, as second scientific director, Hilton Justino, PhD, from Recife. We had never before elected a platform with such varied geographic representation, which is commendable, and will surely leave positive marks on the management of our association.

The colleagues that compose the final configuration will face the challenge to articulate a strategy based on their common interest: the advance of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, and, even more than in previous situations, they will have to use wisdom to compose interests. After the new board was inducted on January 5th, 2012, we trust the work that will be conducted by intense communication between the SBFa and its members, who currently defines its modus operandi. Dr. Irene is a natural leader, and has been effectively acting in the profession for over three decades, taking Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology knowledge in its several fields to the most remote places of this complex Brazil. Our new president, among other merits, has the strength to inspire Brazil to study and improve our professional practice. This intensely acquired experience will certainly be used in her management.

We know there is much do be done in SBFa, and we wish that the new board have strategic vision to define what is essential, critical approach to build hierarchies of procedures, and lots of energy to attend the demands of our almost 3 thousand associate members. To manage an association is to serve its members with humility, dedication, and resilience, characteristics identified in many of the elected members.

We emphasize that, during the election process, both president candidates expressed the desire that the editorship of the SBFa's journals remained with the current editors, Dr. Fernanda Dreux Miranda Fernandes ahead this publication, the Revista da SBFa, and me ahead the Jornal da SBFa. This strategy was confirmed after the induction of the board, and both of us, willingly, will remain working in this that is a crucial challenge for the current moment of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology in Brazil. We thank both colleagues that anticipated this measure and provided tranquility to conduct the editorial tasks.

We congratulate all the elected colleagues and wish an excellent term, with all our support.

Mara Behlau

Executive Editor of the RSBF

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    02 Mar 2012
  • Date of issue
    Mar 2012
Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia Al. Jaú, 684 - 7º andar, 01420-001 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3873-4211 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil