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SOCIAL EXPERIENCE AND US MUSICAL THEATRE ON SÃO PAULO’S STAGES 1 1 A first version of this text was presented at the 42nd annual meeting of ANPOCS. My thanks for the valuable comments from the people present, especially Bernardo Ricupero, Simone Meucci and Heloisa Pontes. The text was transformed into Chapter 2 of my doctoral thesis, Atos da diferença: trânsitos teatrais entre São Paulo e Nova York no início do século XXI, presented at the University of São Paulo (2018) under the supervision of Lilia Schwarcz. This article is based on the thesis version. I thank the generous suggestions of both the anonymous reviewers and the journal’s editors. Their comments helped me improve and develop these ideas.



At the turn of the twenty-first century, Broadway musicals began to be produced in many countries outside the United States. In Brazil, particularly the city of São Paulo, new laws, business interests, and the fascination of some artists with US productions converged to enable the creation of a new system of musicals. In this article I examine the social elements I consider fundamental to understanding the proliferation of musicals in recent years. My description focuses especially on how some actors orchestrated multiple procedures and interests to organize a unique and fertile setting that changed the city’s theatrical production. In the process, I explore theatre as an expressive form that acts as a thermometer of social desires and practices.

Social experience; musical theatre; São Paulo; Broadway

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Largo do São Francisco de Paula, 1, sala 420, cep: 20051-070 - 2224-8965 ramal 215 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil