Medication Administration
2300/ 2380 A†
Performing double-check before medication administration (especially in Pediatrics, Oncology and Intensive Care Unit). |
Checking the nine “rights” in medication administration (right patient, right medication, right route, right time, right dose, right record, right action, right way, and right answer). |
2300 D||
Verifying if the patient corresponds to the name identified in the bracelet, to the name identified in the bed and to the name identified in the medical record. |
2300 D||
Knowing the patients and their allergies, checking if they are not allergic to the medication prescribed. |
2300/ 2390 B‡
Washing hands before preparing and administering the medication. |
2300 D||
Verifying if the diluent (type and volume) was prescribed and if the infusion rate was established, by analyzing its compatibility with the administration route and with the medication in case of intravenous administration. |
2314/ 2390 A†
Identifying in the patients what the correct connection is for the administration route prescribed in case of administration through nasogastric tube, nasoenteric tube or parenteral route. |
2300/ 2380 D||
Performing antisepsis of the application site for medication administration to be done parenterally, intravenously or through other routes. |
2314 C§
Clarifying any doubts under Nursing, prescriber or pharmacist supervision prior to administering the medication. |
2300/ 2390 D||
Evaluating the compatibility of medications and medical products used in medication administration (syringes, catheters, tubes, equipment, and others) in manuals, databases for consultation or with a pharmacist. |
2300 D||
Preparing the medication at the right time and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, ensuring its stability. |
2300/ 2380 A†
Instructing the patient about which medication is being administered (name, color, format), reason for the indication, administration frequency, expected effects and those that require follow-up and monitoring. |
2300/ 5616/ 2380/ 2390 B‡
Checking the drip rate, programming and operation of the continuous infusion pumps in case of continuous infusion medications. |
2314 B‡
Instituting the double-check practice by two professionals for calculating the dilution and administration of potentially dangerous or high-surveillance medications. |
2380 A†
Not administering medication in cases of vague prescriptions, such as: “do if necessary”, “according to medical order” or “under medical criteria”. |
2300 D||
Recording the administration time for the medication in the prescription. |
2300 C§
Recording all instances related to the medications, such as delays, cancellations, shortage, patient refusal and adverse events. |
2300/ 2380 C§
Checking whether the pharmaceutical form and administration route prescribed are appropriate for the patient's clinical condition. |
2300/ 2380/2395 D||
Performing medication crushing and suspension for administration through a nasogastric or nasoenteric tube, if necessary. |
2301 D||
Following the institution's protocol regarding the preparation of patients for exams or fasting that may interfere in the administration of the medication. |
2300 D||
Not administering or delaying the administration of doses without discussing such course of action with the prescriber in case of preparing patients for exams or fasting. |
2380/ 2390 D||
Tailoring the medication administration schedules to the routine use already established by the patient before hospitalization, whenever possible. |
2300 A†
2380 B‡
Avoiding, as far as possible, drug-drug and drug-food interactions when performing medication scheduling. |
2300/ 2380 D||
2390 A†
Following the institutional protocol regarding the care measures, so that there is no administration of medications suspended by the physician. |
2300 D||
Organizing a suitable location for preparing the medications, preferably without distraction sources, and that allows the professional to concentrate on the activity being performed. |
2300 B‡
Taking to the location, at the medication administration time, only what is prescribed to a single patient, not using a tray containing several medications for different patients. |
2300 D||
Preparing the medication immediately before administration, unless there is a special manufacturer's recommendation for a different procedure. |
2300 A†
Medication Prescribing
2390 C§
Clarifying the prescription legibility doubts directly with the prescriber. |
Paying attention to the doses written with “zero”, “comma” and "point", checking the doubts regarding the desired dose with the prescriber, since they can result in doses being ten or 100 times higher than the desired. |
2390 D||
Consulting the prescriber and asking for the prescription of a metric system unit of measure in case of doubt or inaccurate measurements. |
2390 B‡
Requesting more information to the prescriber in case of vague guidelines, such as “do if necessary”, “according to medical order” or “under medical criteria”. |
2390 D||
Following the institutional protocol regarding verification of the prescriptions during handoff. |
2300 D||
Following the Nursing prescription for the use of infusion pumps for safe medication administration. |
2300 D||
Using typed and electronic prescriptions in order to improve their readability. |
2390 B‡
Prescribing medications without using abbreviations. |
2390 B‡
Recording in the prescription any information considered relevant so that patient care is safe and effective. |
2390 C§
Medication Monitoring and Management
2390/2380 2395 C§
Identifying, at admission, the medications used by the patient before hospitalization. |
Instructing the patient not to stay with their medications in the hospital unit, in view of the risk of using duplicate doses. |
2380 D||
Observing actions, interactions and side effects of the medications. |
2380/2300 2390 C§
Recording the following in the medical record: adverse reactions, side effects or medication errors described by the patient/caregiver or observed by the team. |
2300 D||
Observing the patient carefully to identify, whenever possible, if the medication had the desired effect. |
2300/ 2380 B‡
Maintaining clear communication with the patient and/or caregiver. |
2380/2300 2395 C§
Recording all suitable monitoring parameters (vital signs, blood glucose). |
2300/ 2380 C§
Proposing a routine for internal and external transfer of patients that contemplates safety in the medication use process during the patient's transfer. |
2300 D||
Medication Distribution and Storage
2300 D||
Maintaining in the hospitalization units only the potentially dangerous or high-surveillance medications that are strictly necessary for patient care. |
Standardizing the adequate storage and complete and clear identification of all the medications that are under the care of the Nursing team. |
2300 D||
Monitoring the temperature of the medication packaging refrigerator, daily observing the minimum and maximum temperature parameters, verifying doubts with the pharmacist. |
2300 D||
Maintaining an adequate record of the vials of medications prepared that will be stored (with handling date and time, medication concentration, and name of the person in charge of preparation and validation). |
2300 D||
2380 A†
Returning non-administered medication leftovers to the pharmacy. |
2300/ 2380 D||
Control of the Medication Error Risk
2300 B‡ |
Establishing medication administration institutional protocols. |
Updating standard operating procedures regarding the medication use process. |
2300 B‡
Discussing the prevention of drug interactions with the multidisciplinary team (physician, pharmacist and nutritionist). |
2380/ 2390 D||
Updating guides for the prevention of incompatibilities between drugs and medication solutions and dilution guides. |
2300 D||