This essay proposes to reestablish the place Joaquim Manuel de Macedo’s second book, O moço loiro, published in 1845, occupies within the formation of Brazilian literary repertoire. The structure of this sentimental novel (also known as urban or romantic novel) is based on a generational divide. On the one hand, youngsters act according to the values of a new time; on the other, elders, who see themselves as more reasonable, distrust this new behavior. Unlike other novels by Macedo, in which the older side of the spectrum assumes the moral responsibility of the narrative in its climax, O moço loiro pushes a more liberal perspective. This progressive shift, so to speak, however, cannot be sustained in the context of a conservative restauration as is the case of Brazil during the second half of 1840s’.
Keywords: Joaquim Manuel de Macedo; Literary form; Conservatism