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Applications of Nachbin’s Theorem concerning Dense Subalgebras of Differentiable Functions


In this paper, we give some applications of Nachbin’s Theorem (4) to approximation and interpolation in the the space of all k times continuously differentiable real functions on any open subset of the Euclidean space.

Nachbin’s theorem; approximation of differentiable functions; Stone-Weierstrass theorem; interpolation


Em 1949, Leopoldo Nachbin estabeleceu uma versão do Teorema de Stone-Weierstrass para funções diferenciáveis de classe Ck em abertos do espaço euclidiano. Neste trabalho, apresentamos algumas aplicações desse teorema relacionadas com aproximação e interpolação no espaço das funções de classe Ck munido da topologia compacto-aberta.

Teorema de Nachbin; aproximação de funções diferenciáveis; Teorema de Stone-Weierstrass; interpolação


Let Ω be an open subset of p and let k be a nonnegative integer. We denote by C k (Ω; ) the algebra of all k times continuously differentiable real functions on Ω and consider the compact open topology of order kτuk, that is, the topology of uniform convergence for the functions and all their partial derivatives up to the order k on compact subsets of Ω.

For a multi-index α=(α1,...,αp)𝒩0p of non-negative integers, let |α|:=α1+...+αp be the order of α, α!:=a1!...αp!, and for |α|p let Dα:=|α|/x1α1...xpαp represents the corresponding linear partial differential operator acting on C k (Ω; ).

The topology τuk is generated by the semi-norms σ k,Γ given by

σ k , Γ ( f ) = | α | k 1 α ! s u p { | ( D α f ) ( x ) | : x Γ } for all f C k ( Ω ; R ) ,

where Γ runs over all compact subsets of Ω. By Proposition 3, p. 8 55 L. Nachbin, ”Elements of Approximation Theory”. Van Nostrand, Princeton, NJ (1967), reprinted by Krieger, Huntington, NY (1976)., C k (Ω; ) is a topological vector space with respect to this topology.

In 1949 Nachbin 44 L. Nachbin, Sur les algèbres denses de fonctions différentiables sur une variété. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris, 228 (1949), 1549-1551. established the following interesting characterization of dense subalgebras of the space C k (Ω; ).

Theorem 1.(Nachbin) Let Ω be an open subset of ℛpand L be a subalgebra of Ck (Ω; ). Then L is dense in C k (Ω; ) if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. given x, yΩ with xy, there exists fL such that f (x) ≠ f (y);

  2. given xΩ, there exists fL such that f (x) ≠ 0;

  3. given xΩ and u p with u0 , there exists fL such that fu(x)0.

The proof of this result can be found in 33 J. Mujica, Subálgebras densas de funciones diferenciables. Cubo Matemática Educacional, 3 (2001), 121-128. and (44 L. Nachbin, Sur les algèbres denses de fonctions différentiables sur une variété. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris, 228 (1949), 1549-1551..

Our aim is to use Nachbin’s theorem to give a proof of a density theorem and a simultaneous interpolation and approximation theorem in the space C k (Ω; ).


The Urysohn’s Lemma (22 M. Moskowitz & F. Paliogiannis, ”Functions of Several Real Variables”. World Scientific, Singapore (2011). p. 281) for differentiable functions is the main tool we employed in the next lemma.

Lemma 1.Let Ω be an open subset of ℛ p , w 1 ,..., w m distinct points in Ω, and y 1 , . . . , y m distinct real numbers. If L is a dense vector subspace of C k (Ω; ), then there exists a function hL such thath(wj)=yi,j=1,...,m.

Proof. Let L be a dense linear subspace of C k (Ω; ) and S={w1,...,wm} be a subset of Ω. Consider the following linear mapping

T : C k ( Ω ; R ) R m f ( f ( w 1 ) ,..., f ( w m ) ) .

Notice that T is continuous.

For each w iS consider an open neighborhood U i ⊂ Ω of w i such that w jUi, for all ji, j ∈ {1,..., m}. It follows from the Urysohn’s Lemma for differentiable functions that there exists an infinitely differentiable function Φi:RmR,0Φi1, such that Φi(wi)=1 and Φi(x)=0, if xU i , in particular, Φi(wj)=0,ji. Let ϕi=Φi|Ω the restriction of the function Φi to the subset Ω and e i m the vector whose i th coordinate is equal to 1 and the others are equal to 0.

The linear mapping T is surjective since for any (c 1 ,..., c m ) ∈ m , we have

( c 1 ,..., c m ) = i = 1 m c i e i = i = 1 m c i ( ϕ i ( w 1 ) ,..., ϕ i ( w m ) ) = i = 1 m c i T ( ϕ i ) = T ( i = 1 m c i ϕ i ) ,

where i=1mciϕiCk(Ω;R). Moreover, T(L) is closed because it is a linear subspace of m . Then by density of L and continuity of T, it follows that

R m = T ( C k ( Ω ; R ) ) = T ( L ¯ ) T ( L ) ¯ = T ( L ) . (2.1)

Therefore, for any (y1,...,ym)Rm there exists hL such that T(h)=(y1,...,ym), that is, (h(w1),...,h(wm))=(y1,...,ym).

We give a proof of the following density result.

Theorem 2.Let V be an open subset of ℛp, L a dense subalgebra of Ck (V; ℛ), and v 1 , . . . , v n distinct points in V. Consider the open subset of ℛ p ,

Ω = V \ { v 1 ,..., v n }

and the subalgebra

M = { f | Ω : f L , f ( v 1 ) = ... = f ( v n ) = 0 } .

Then, M is dense in Ck (Ω; ℛ).

Proof. Clearly M is a subalgebra of C k (Ω; ). Let x, y be any distinct points in Ω. Consider the following subset

S = { x , y , v 1 ,..., v n }

of V. By Lemma 1 there exists hL such that h(x)=1,h(y)=1 and h(vj)=0 for j = 1, . . . , n. Then, h|ΩM and satisfies Conditions (a) and (b) of Theorem 1.

Now let z ∈ Ω and u p , u0. It follows from Lemma 1 that there exists gL such that g(z)=1 and g(vj)=0 for j = 1, . . . , n. Hence, g|ΩM. If gu(z)0 the Condition (c) of Theorem 1 is satisfied. Otherwise, notice that L is not a subset of

B = { f C k ( V ; R ) : f u ( z ) = 0 } ,

since L is a dense subalgebra of C k (V; ℛ) and B is a proper closed subalgebra of C k (V; ). Thus, there exists ϕL such that ϕu(z)0. Then, ϕgL and ϕg(vj)=0 for j = 1, . . . , n, that is, ϕg|ΩM. Moreover,

ϕ g u ( z ) = ϕ u ( z ) g ( z ) + ϕ ( z ) g u ( z ) = ϕ u ( z ) g ( z ) = ϕ u ( z ) 0.

Thus, by Theorem 1, M is dense in Ck(Ω; ).

For each positive integer l, 𝒫 l ( p , ℛ) denotes the linear subspace of C k ( p , ℛ) generated by the set of all functions of the form

p ( x ) = [ ψ ( x ) ] l , x R p ,

where ψ(Rp)*, the dual space of p . The elements of 𝒫 l ( p , ℛ) are called the l - homogeneous continuous polynomials of finite type from p into ℛ . The subspace of C k ( p , ℛ) consisting of all functions of the form

p ( x ) = p 0 + j = 1 l p j ( x ) , x R p

where p0R,pjPj(Rp,R),j=1,...,l,lN, is denoted by 𝒫( p , ℛ). Its elements are called real continuous polynomials of finite type. The polarization formula shows that 𝒫( p , ℛ) is a subalgebra of C k ( p , ℛ). Indeed, given ψ 1 and ψ 2 in ( p ),

ψ 1 ( x ) ψ 2 ( x ) = 1 4 [ ( ψ 1 ( x ) + ψ 2 ( x ) ) 2 ( ψ 1 ( x ) ψ 2 ( x ) ) 2 ]

shows that ψ 1 ψ 2𝒫 2( p , ℛ), since ψ 1 + ψ 2 and ψ 1 - ψ 2 belong to ( p ) .

Corollary 3.Let v1, . . . , vnbe distinct points in ℛp . Consider the open subset of ℛ p ,

Ω = R p \ { v 1 ,..., v n }

and the subalgebra

M = { f | Ω : f P ( R p ; R ) , f ( v 1 ) = ... = f ( v n ) = 0 } .

Then, M is dense in Ck (Ω; ℛ).

Proof. First of all, we verify that the subalgebra P( p , ℛ) is dense in C k ( p , ℛ). Given x, y p with xy, it follows from Hahn-Banach Theorem that there exists ψ ∈ ( p )* such that ψ(x) ≠ ψ(y). Since (Rp)*=P1(Rp;R)P(Rp;R), the Condition (a) of Theorem 1 is satis- fied. By definition, P( p , ℛ) contains all the constant functions. Now, let 0u=(u1,...,up)Rp. Then, there exists 0ujR,j{1,...,p}. Let Πj:RpR defined by Πj(x)=xj,xRp. Since Πjxj(x)=1 and Πjxi(x)=0 for ij, it follows that

Π j u ( x ) = i = 1 p u i Π j x i ( x ) = u j 0.

Therefore, by Theorem 1, P( p , ℛ) is dense in C k ( p , ℛ) and the assertion follows from Theorem 2.

Motivated by an extended Stone-Weierstrass theorem (see Corollary 1.1 11 F. Deutsch, Simultaneous interpolation and approximation in linear topological spaces. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 14 (1966), 1180-1190.), we give a proof of a result concerning simultaneous interpolation and approximation in C k (Ω; ℛ). The tools are the Nachbin’s Theorem and the following result due to Deutsch.

Theorem 4. (Deutsch) Let Y be a dense vector subspace of the topological vector space Z and let T 1 ,..., T n be continuous linear functionals on Z. Then for each f ∈ Z and each neighborhood U of f there is y ∈ Y such that y ∈ U and T i ( y ) = T i ( f ) , i = 1,..., n .

Theorem 5.Let Ω be an open subset of ℛp, x1, ..., xndistinct elements of Ω and L a subalgebra of Ck (Ω; ℛ) that satisfies the following conditions,

  1. given x, yΩ with xy, there exists fL such that f (x)f (y);

  2. given xΩ, there exists fL such that f (x) ≠ 0;

  3. given xΩ and u ∈ ℛ p with u ≠ 0, there exists fL such thatfu(x)0.

Then, for each eqfCk(Ω;R), and each neighborhood U of f there existsgLUsuch thatf(xi)=g(xi)for i = 1, . . . , n.

Proof. It follows from Theorem 1 that L is a dense subalgebra of the topological vector space C k (Ω; ℛ). Let S={x1,...,xn}Ω. Notice that

T i : C k ( Ω ; R ) R f f ( x i )

is a continuous linear functional for each i = 1, · · · , n. Setting Z=Ck(Ω;R) and Y = L, the conclusion follows from Theorem 4.


The author acknowledges the referees for the valuable comments and suggestions which improved the presentation of the paper.


  • 1
    F. Deutsch, Simultaneous interpolation and approximation in linear topological spaces. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 14 (1966), 1180-1190.
  • 2
    M. Moskowitz & F. Paliogiannis, ”Functions of Several Real Variables”. World Scientific, Singapore (2011).
  • 3
    J. Mujica, Subálgebras densas de funciones diferenciables. Cubo Matemática Educacional, 3 (2001), 121-128.
  • 4
    L. Nachbin, Sur les algèbres denses de fonctions différentiables sur une variété. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris, 228 (1949), 1549-1551.
  • 5
    L. Nachbin, ”Elements of Approximation Theory”. Van Nostrand, Princeton, NJ (1967), reprinted by Krieger, Huntington, NY (1976).

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Sep-Dec 2018


  • Received
    26 Dec 2017
  • Accepted
    26 Apr 2018
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