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The articles and essays brought together in this edition of Trabalho, Educação e Saúde translate the confrontation of issues related to the health workers' training, whether by means of significant inflections in health work vis-à-vis the general characteristics these workers share in the work universe in the contemporaneous society so the totality of the social relations of production and reproduction of capitalism not to be lost, or by directly approaching the daily relationship in the work process with training in health.

The reader is presented with set of written pieces in which most analyses are dedicated to the Brazilian experience. In the opening article, the "From social control to participative management: Questions about political participation in the SHS" essay, Francini Lube Guizardi discusses political participation in the SHS based on the problematization of the options and conceptions that guide its definition "as social control, made operational by means of mechanisms of representation of interests." That way, the intention to drive a reflection on political participation in the SHS is transferred to daily institutional life, as a challenge to build modes of participative management.

Roseli Caldart, in "Field education: Notes for an analysis of the course," based on an analysis of the historical constitution of Field education, reflects the main tensions and contradictions "in the relationship between the social movements and the State, in the affirmation of an emancipatory pedagogic tradition and in the fight for public policies that ensure the peasant's access to school educations in their own territory."

The two next articles deal with the labor issue. In the "Gender and work week: analysis of the relationships between the work market and the family," authors Cláudio Dedecca, Camila Santos Matos de Freitas Ribeiro and Fernando Hajime Ishii, analyze the intensity of the total work week for men and women, "considering the conditions of occupational insertion, family income, and the family cycle." Marcia Cavalcanti Raposo Lopes, in "Subjectivity and work in the contemporaneous society," faced with the problematization of the subject-work relationship in the contemporaneous society, begins with the configuration of this relationship in Western history and discusses the "specificities of the new work processes aimed at the analysis of the different sociopolitical and subjective implications of this new reality of capitalistic productive organization."

The following articles discuss professional training in health, analyzing policies and programs such as permanent education; the process of significant learning; and the social practices developed in institutions that teach health professional education. In "Permanent education in the public health services in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina," Mônica Motta Lino, Vânia Marli Schubert Backes, Fabiane Ferraz, Marta Lenise do Prado, Geani Farias Machado Fernandes, Luiz Anildo Anacleto da Silva, and Daiana Kloh, based on the assumptions of this policy, analyze the reality of permanent education in public health services in the municipality of Florianópolis. The authors of "The most significant learning approaches for nursing students," Lucimare Ferraz, Ivete Maroso Krauzer, and Lurdes Chiossi da Silva, investigate the most significant learning approaches for nursing students at a university located in Southern Brazil. The issue covered by Glória Walkyria de Fátima Rocha and Vera Helena Ferraz de Siqueira in "Social practices for medical students in the public universities: Celebrations, events and citizenship," deals with the meanings students attribute to the "groupings formed in a public university," in which they analyze the social relations in the spaces created with "citizenship in a consumption society."

In the Account section, Carla da Silva Santana, Leonardo Martins Kebbe, Marysia Mara R. P. de Carlo, Regina Y. Dakuzaku Carretta, and Valéria Meirelles C. Elui, in "Reflections on the practice of guardianship with occupational therapy students," describe the guardianship experience created in the undergraduate course of Occupational Therapy at the University of São Paulo's Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine (FMRP-USP), "in the ambit of the guardianship practice models developed in health training, based specifically on the educational and care dimensions."

The interview, granted to Trabalho, Educação e Saúde by pediatrician and sanitarian Paulo Buss the current general coordinator of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation's International Relations Center, the former president of Fiocruz for two terms (from 2001 to 2008) who recently took-over as the president of the World Public Health Federation emphasizes the theme of the social determinants in health should be resumed. Paulo Buss discusses and emphasizes the influence the SDHs have in the international technical cooperation agendas.

Last, but not least, the journal features qualified digests of two books: Americanismo e fordismo, by Antonio Gramsci, published by Hedra, in São Paulo, in 2008, by Lúcia Maria Wanderley Neves, and Escola e democracia (commemorative edition), by Dermeval Saviani, published by Autores Associados, Campinas, also in 2008, by Marise Ramos.

We hope these articles contribute to reflection and that they allow for an active, productive, and pleasant reading experience.

Isabel Brasil Pereira

Angélica Ferreira Fonseca

Carla Macedo Martins

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    03 Oct 2012
  • Date of issue
    June 2009
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio Avenida Brasil, 4.365, 21040-360 Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3865-9850/9853, Fax: (55 21) 2560-8279 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil