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In the present issue of Trabalho, Educação e Saúde the reader will find texts that emphasize the relationship education and health from different perspectives.

Both Eduardo Stotz' text, published in the section Memory, and the interview with Professor Victor Valla focused on the intersections between these two fields and, in particular, on the debate about popular education in health. Stotz leads us through the development of popular education in health as a social movement with a technical and political character that developed its structure in a class society where education and health are produced and distributed in a markedly unequal way. We have yet another opportunity to analyse this movement in the interview with Victor Valla, who, in his more than 40 years working in Brazil, has devoted himself to understanding the processes of popular education in health and contributed to strengthening them. To conduct the interview, Trabalho, Educação e Saúde counted on the collaboration of Professor Eymard Vasconcelos, a researcher with important contributions in this field.

The articles by Maria Auxiliadora Barroso and Victoria Brant Ribeiro presenting some results of qualitative research projects offer yet another perspective on the relationship education and health; here, emphasis is given to the training of professionals. The first article, based on a study carried out in the ambit of the Programme for the Training of Local Surveillance Agents (Proformar) focuses on the training of this professional. The second investigates proposals for curricular innovation in medical training. Both researchers point to the existence of contradictions in the relationship between the training process and the practices prevailing in the health institutions. These same contradictions are identified in the conclusions of the research carried out by Mônica Bernardino, Danaé Conversani, Cláudia Bógus and Adriana Feliciano, in which the authors discuss the opinions of the professionals that make up the teams of the Family Health Programme of São Carlos (SP) and in particular their views about the training and activities implemented by the programme.

The articulation between the fields of work and of health is found in two articles in this issue. Opposing the approaches in which the reflections on the workers' health are grounded on risk prevention, Flavia Marchiori, Maria Elizabeth de Barros and Sonia de Oliveira present a research project about the educational worker in which emphasis is given to the relationship between subjectivity and health and, in particular, to the importance of debating all information that can help to reshape the life and work situations in schools.

Using data from the 2000 Demographic Census, IBGE, and from the Annual Relation of Social Information (Rais), Ministry of Labour and Employment, the article by Claudio Dedecca, Eliane Rosandiski, Marcelo de Carvalho and Carolina Barbieri discusses the role the health sector plays in job creation and in the improvement of professional qualifications in the area.

Distance education (EaD) is the focus of the debate in this issue. Milta Torrez, Maria Luiza Belloni and Marta Brovelli affirm that this teaching modality plays a significant role in the democratization of education in so far as it increases the possibilities of access to learning. They warn us, however, against the risks of commercialising EaD and remind us that, as it should be in all educational processes, it must be grounded on a political project that valorises social rights.

The narrative, by Silvina Malvarez and Alcira Martínez about their almost ten years' experience in the organization of the Network of Health Technicians involving 21 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, is found in the section Account. In the essay "Ethics means limits", Bianca Antunes Cortes, drawing a parallel between Martin Buber's, Emmanuel Lévinas' and Hans Jonas' philosophical thought, adds a few touches that make us reflect upon the centrality of the relationship I-Other when the issue is ethics and its articulation with the contemporary production of scientific knowledge.

In this issue of Trabalho, Educação e Saúde, we will also find three book-reviews: Jurgo Santomé's A educação em tempos de neoliberalismo, by Carlos Roberto Alexandre; Marcelo Gurgel's Introdução à economia da saúde, by Carlos da Silva; and Jadete Lampert's Tendências de mudanças na formação médica no Brasil: tipologia das escolas, by Valéria Romano.

The Editors

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    01 Nov 2012
  • Date of issue
    Mar 2005
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio Avenida Brasil, 4.365, 21040-360 Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3865-9850/9853, Fax: (55 21) 2560-8279 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil