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Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Volume: 43, Número: 1, Publicado: 2004
  • Documento sem título Apresentação

    Coracini, Maria José R. F.; Scaramucci, Matilde V. R.
  • Construção de saberes conceituais e integradores sobre escrita, texto e gênero por professores de português em formação continuada Artigos

    Rafael, Edmilson Luiz

    Resumo em Francês:

    Prenant en compte le grand intérêt de la Linguistique Apliquée à l'étude des conceptions que les professeurs ont de leur objet d'enseignement et aux connaissances qui sont utilisées dans les pratiques scolaires, nous avons pour but dans ce travail de vérifier comment les professeurs en formation continue (un cours de spécialisation) utilisent, en textes académiques comme par exemple des mémoires, des connaissances d'ordre conceptuel sur écriture, texte et genre textuel. Les résultats signalent un rapprochement entre les connaissances des concepts acquis pendant le Cours de Spécialisation et la connaissnce construite par les professeurs sur leur objet d'analyse. À notre avis, cet effet est positif puisqu'il a été créé à partir de situations de réflexion sur le rapport théorico-pratique auxquelles les professeurs ont participé pendant les activités académiques proposées par le Cours.
  • Crenças e valores sobre a escrita em manuais escolares de língua materna para o ensino médio Artigos

    Bunzen, Clécio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Based on new studies of literacy (Barton, Hamilton, Kleiman, Rojo,Signorini, Sreeet), this paper was designed to provide the discussion of the set of values and beliefs about writing identified in three secondary school textbooks for mother-tongue Portuguese. In the first part of the article, we comment briefly on the relations between school literacy, the culture of writing and textbooks. After that, we analyze six chapters of the textbooks which are concerned with writing, the history of writing, or the relation between writing and the spoken language. The analysis suggests the existence of a set of beliefs which may help understand writing practices within school literacy. On the one hand, we have observed that students in secondary schools are commonly treated as non-writers and/or non-readers. This attitude serves not only as a model of autonomous literacy (Street, 1984), but also as a model of society. On the other hand, the textbooks are themselves in conflict in relation to values and beliefs about writing, such as what good writing is and the kind of writing that should be taught in the secondary school. Considering these issues, our research suggests that understanding (des)established values and beliefs about writing has become a crucial aspect of the teaching and learning process, at least insofar as inculcating patterns of behavior and values actually reproduces and consolidates the social order.
  • A prática de análise lingüística no livro didático: uma proposta pós-PCN Artigos

    Silva, Wagner Rodrigues

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this paper we aim to examine how the linguistic analysis directives proposed by the National Curricular Parameters to the Portuguese Language Teaching are incorporated by Portuguese textbooks. The data shows that although the teacher's handbook suggests the development of the reflection literacy, some linguistic analysis exercises in the student's textbook still point to the development of the recognition literacy.
  • Negociando certeza e incerteza em escrita acadêmica em inglês Artigos

    Recski, Leonardo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Expressing claims with an adequate degree of certainty and uncertainty is one of the major setbacks for foreign language students writing academic essays in English. In order to differentiate beliefs from facts and evaluate statements in satisfactory and persuasive ways authors have to make use of epistemic comments which exert a crucial role in academic writing. However, regardless of its significance, little is known about how foreign language learners present their claims in their writing. This article compares exponents of doubt and certainty in the essays of 67 Brazilian speaking university students writing in English with those of 52 British and American learners of similar age and educational level in a corpus of about 68,000 words. A meticulous analysis of the essays reveals that the Brazilian writers deviate considerably from their native speaker counterparts in employing a more restricted variety of items, being much more assertive in relation to their propositions and demonstrating greater difficulties in transmitting an exact degree of assurance. This paper stresses a number of issues raised by the study and makes some pedagogical recommendations for developing skills in this central pragmatic area.
  • Leitura em língua materna na escola: por uma abordagem sócio-interacional Artigos

    Silva, Silvio Ribeiro da

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Las actividades de lectura y de comprensión de textos que son, por lo general, desarrolladas en el aula del portugués como lengua materna siguen una perspectiva descodificadora. Son presentadas preguntas a los alumnos cuyas respuestas suelen ser de sencilla identificación en el texto, no ofreciendo desafío. Los estudiantes sólo tienen la tarea de ejecutar las actividades propuestas, a fuerza de no tener la oportunidad de experimentar distintas ideas de lectura, quedándose los alumnos restringidos a aquel modo descodificador de leer y comprender los textos. En este artículo, intentamos ofrecer un parámetro de lo que sería una clase de lectura y comprensión de textos basada en una idea más detallada y específica del lenguaje, sujeto, texto y lectura. Esperamos les proporcionar a los lectores alternativas de tratamiento metodológico que permiten superar la práctica de la lectura como descodificadora y el pretexto al desarrollo de actividades gramaticales, dando al acto de leer la configuración de oportunidades de desarrollo cognitivo y cultural. Presentamos una muestra como resultados muy favorables, no una "receta mágica".
  • Estratégias utilizadas por brasileiros para a realização de /α~/ e /ε~/: análise auditiva do timbre Artigos

    Fraga, Letícia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This research presents an auditory analysis of pronunciation of the nasal vowels of the French language by Brazilian students. The results of this study show particular characteristics of the Brazilians, especially the influence of Portuguese in the learning of French.
  • Língua Materna (LM): um recurso mediacional importante na sala de aula de aprendizagem de Língua Estrangeira (LE) Artigos

    Terra, Márcia Regina

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this paper is to discuss the sociointeractional uses of the Mother Tongue (MT) by 9 adult learners and this researcher-teacher in Foreign Language (FL) classroom concrete situations. Based on data results it is proposed that MT is a valuable resource to be considered in FL teaching-learning process.
  • Do método à autonomia do fazer crítico Artigos

    Menegazzo, Rosana E.; Xavier, Rosely Perez

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article revisits the notion of method and tracks the second/foreign language teaching based on the application of methods. It also brings the postmethod condition up which redefines the relation between theorizers and practitioners (Kumaravadivelu, 1994), and emphasizes the need for the teachers to reflect on the principles and conceptions that underlie their pedagogical and methodological decisions, so that they can generate their own knowledge, change attitudes, improve their teaching and get better learning results. Reflective thinking is therefore seen as a step towards autonomy that requires the teachers' involvement with their own teaching, the school they work, and the students they teach.
  • Yes, nós temos computador - ideologia e formação de professores na era da informação Artigos

    Moreira, Francisca Helga Savir

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article explores the complex relationship between information and communication technologies (ICTs), educational policies and the EFL teacher's education and practice in Brazil. In a context where the English language and computer literacy have increasingly been regarded as requirements for effective participation in society, some important questions remain not only unanswered but also dangerously obscured. Our intention is to cast light on some of these questions: How technological innovations have been introduced and adapted to Brazil's reality, particularly in the educational scenario? What ideological principles are embedded in this process? How should teachers be prepared to perform fully given the new requirements that emerge in a contradictory and fragmented context? Which principles should guide teacher education reform in a postmodern world shaped by constant change?
  • O ensino do espanhol no Brasil: um pouco de sua história Artigos

    Camargo, Moacir Lopes de

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Este trabajo presenta un breve histórico de la enseñanza de la lengua española en Brasil. En ese histórico, comento el surgimiento del MERCOSUR, lo que impulsiona(ó) la enseñanza y aprendizaje del español, y discuto, también, el discurso hegemónico presente en ese deseo de aprender el idioma en foco.
  • Atividade, linguagem e trabalho: oposições conceituais na teoria da atividade Artigos

    Martins, Carla Macedo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper examines, in the textual production of the so-called Activity Theory (from Charles Goodwin, Yrjö Engeström, Reijo Miettinen e Michael Cole), the theoretical and methodological dispute between marxism and postmodern trends, concerning the notions of activity, language and labour. The paper analyses polyphonic and discourse-ideological effects in the mentioned production, pointing out an attempt to sweep marxism away from Vigotski, Luria e Leontev. Also, the paper discusses the consequences to language and labour studies.
  • Identidades e suas impossibilidades Artigos

    Beato, Zelina

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study was designed to examine an essay written by Stuart Hall, a social scientist from Jamaica, whose academic productions in the field of cultural studies are classic. The paper considers his ideas from the points of view of Jacques Derrida, as expressed in the book The Monolinguism of the Other. In this study, we are concerned with the topic of identity, especially language and citizenship.
  • O lugar da língua materna na constituição identitária do sujeito bilíngüe Artigos

    Cavallari, Juliana Santana

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze and comprehend the position of the mother tongue (Portuguese) in the construction of the identity of bilingual subjects, taking into account the strong presence of English as a foreign language in our society. The answers given by four bilingual subjects to a questionnaire designed for this study were analyzed. The discursive analysis of the data shows that the contact between the mother tongue and the foreign language affects the imaginary representations about both languages, as well as the representations about their speakers.
  • Linguagem & comunicação social: Visões da lingüística moderna Notas E Resenhas

    Mattos, Maria Augusta Bastos de
UNICAMP. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, n.571 - Cidade Universitária - CEP: 13083-859, Telefone: (+55) 19 - 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil