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BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, Volume: 21, Número: 3, Publicado: 2024
  • Digital Leadership: Much Ado about Nothing? Research Article

    Diniz, Daniela Martins; Carvalho Neto, Antônio Moreira de; Sant'Anna, Anderson de Souza

    Resumo em Inglês:

    ABSTRACT Objective: this study analyzes the theory of digital leadership, comparing it with other related theories in the field. This work results from 15 years of reflections by a group of researchers who have been studying leadership in Brazil. The question that guided this study was: Are new leadership attributes necessary, or will individuals capable of leading in the 4.0 Revolution combine existing attributes found in the literature? Methods: this is a theoretical study that provides a critical and comparative review of some theories in the field of leadership. Results: digital leadership reinforces several attributes highlighted in previous theories, whether in behavioral approach, by emphasizing the leader’s importance in creating conditions for people’s development; in relational theory, by establishing trust relationships with people, creating multilateral relational networks; in transformational theory, by articulating a collective vision legitimized by followers; or in situational theory, by being able to adapt to rapidly changing contexts. Therefore, the theory of digital leadership does not add anything really new. Conclusions: ‘digital leadership’ is a combination of behavioral, transformational, relational, and situational attributes with the addition of contextual variables from the 4.0 Revolution.
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