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Academic Internationalization


Academic internationalization

Luz Angélica Muñoz González

Dean, Faculty of Nursing, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile

Globalization demands from higher education institutions the key process of internationalization. Within this context, universities face the challenge of analyzing the education system, as it is a strategic component to propel learning academies onto the international stage and to strengthen mechanisms of cooperation and collaboration. The global setting is marked by social, political, economical and cultural changes, along with scientific-technological advancements and the incorporation of new technologies. Meeting educational goals of the new millennium requires institutions of higher education to constantly critique and revise their missions, actions and progress, as they should be committed to integrating human capital in a comprehensive, ethical and inclusive manner(1-3).

Within this context, the internationalization of nursing education benefits the common ideals of power and resources among institutions coinciding within different realities, which leads to a continuous and mutual enrichment of opportunities and new knowledge, as well as the added value and equity of the education process. The former is made effective through the development of strategies that increase institutional mobility, attracting more international students and new sources of funding(4).

Building international networks adds visibility to the exchange between students, professors, and researchers, which strengthens the development of the nursing program. As a result, there is a reciprocal support between institutions, including social resilience and autonomy in the development of high quality academic projects(4).

The offices of international affairs play a key role, as they are committed to broadening the opportunities of academic mobility through academic and research agreements. Therefore, students attend short courses, internships and academic residencies away from their home institution, in addition to having the opportunity to obtain a double degree. When students study abroad, it is an important tool for their development as professionals, as it improves their mastery over different disciplines and technologies, offering them the opportunity to learn a new language and live among people of different cultures.

From our experience, we have advanced in the process of internationalization. The Universidad Andrés Bello Faculty of Nursing (Chile) and the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (Brazil) have formed an alliance over the past ten years and continue to establish good practices to promote the internationalization of graduate programs, including masters, doctorate and post-doctorate degrees, collaborative research proposals, publications in international journals, student visits for advice regarding their theses, research group activities, and participation in advanced courses and seminars.

These factors have permitted us to include our schools in a harmonious and collaborative educational relationship, evidencing a synergy for the consolidation of a working team based on the social construction of knowledge in our discipline.

In summary, these changes lead to new challenges that should generate innovative and flexible educational processes, with academic mobility that is contextualized and effective in a globalized world, valuing cultural, ethical, professional and social diversity.


  • 1. Silva AL. Nursing in the era of globalisation: challenges for the 21st century. Rev Latino Am Enferm. 2008;16(4):787-90.
  • 2. Angel Vargas L, Torres JP, Fonseca T. Las relaciones entre globalización, medio ambiente y salud: retos para la enfermería en el siglo XXI. Index Enferm.  2010; 19(2-3):152-6.
  • 3. Carvalho V. Globalización y competitividad: contexto desafiante para la formación de enfermería. Esc Anna Nery Rev Enferm. 2011;15(1): 171-9.
  • 4. Quintana Zavala MO, Paravic Klijn T. Internacionalización de la educación en enfermería y sus desafíos. Enferm Glob [Internet]. 2011[citado 2012 ago. 17];10(24).  Disponible en:

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    30 Jan 2013
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2012
Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 419 , 05403-000 São Paulo - SP/ Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 3061-7553, - São Paulo - SP - Brazil