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Museum Information System Users Survey: propositions for the adequation of the information offer in museums from the standpoint of invisible subjects


This study aims to investigate the informational behavior of individuals that are considered invisible in the museum environment, proposing a discussion that raises attributes contemplated as important for the engagement of this public in these spaces. Hence, it gathers theoretical foundations linked to the museum information system, characterizing its audience, in addition to selecting models from Studies of Information Science Users, aiming to relate them to the scope of the museum. The result of this survey was the construction of a script consisting of direct interviews with the sample in question, which attempted to understand the informational behavior of this group in such environments. To be of service to data analysis, tools such as iFeel and Iramuteq, respectively, were used. The results showed that most of the individuals interviewed are male, black and low-income, who do not visit museums frequently because they do not understand what is exhibited well, claiming that the information given and transmitted is lacking clarity. These individuals are characterized as curious people, who seek information; however they express a feeling of unsatisfaction with the information acquired when visiting museums. As an improvement of the situation presented, it is proposed the inclusion of guides, a further working in relation to the quality of the given information, in addition to the insertion of technologies, such as information/direction boards and QRcodes.

Users Survey; museum information system; invisible audience; museums; information

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil