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Agroecological transitions in four community experiences in Santiago del Estero, Argentina: their possible viability and emancipatory potential from multiple alternatives


Agroecology is a term that has an epistemic or emancipatory power, insofar as it is capable of creating new knowledge and alternative views to the vision imposed by the capital of the world and nature. The four experiences that will be analyzed in this article, are located in some way in what is called the agroecological transition processes. Although, in principle, this term is strongly associated with the development of agricultural practices and focuses on productive, ecological and technological elements that may be useful to advance in the agroecological transition processes, it is necessary to expand the dimensions to other levels related to the daily life of the actors who carry out these practices. Precisely the present work seeks to contribute elements to understand the forms that agroecological transitions can assume, based on four ongoing experiences that are located in the province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. As a final contribution, the main dimensions that are transversal to them and are of great importance for accompanying transition processes and the subsequent design of social, economic, ecological and/or technical alternatives are identified.

Agroecology; food sovereignty; agroecological transitions.

Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) CEP: 19060-900, +55 (18) 3229-5664 - Presidente Prudente - SP - Brazil