Acessibilidade / Reportar erro

The role of university libraries in the context of digital information use of the vídeo channel of the Library of the Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - IF UFRJ



the theme of the experience report is the use of the video channel of the Library of the Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - IF UFRJ as a tool to develop informational skills of users. The report points to a contemporary problem regarding the use of social media in the Information Units and organization of virtual content.


it aims to evaluate the functionality of the video channel, thus aiming to frame it as a tool for disseminating information in line with the demands of the target audience.


the methodology is characterized in the exploratory typology, qualiquantitative content; and involved in its development activities related to applied methods and techniques.


the results indicated that the video channel is an important tool to train users in the use of information sources linked to the scientific scenario of Physics. It was also found that the report contributed to reaffirm the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the IF UFRJ Library, at the time that it made it possible to train users through a video sharing platform available on the Internet.


the conclusion is that the implementation of the video channel made it possible to achieve in a more agile and effective way the demands of users who use the Information Unit and the consequent development of information skills.

University library; Reference service; Internet video channel; Social media; Information and communication technology



o tema do relato de experiência é o uso do canal de vídeos da Biblioteca do Instituto de Física da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - IF UFRJ como ferramenta para desenvolver habilidades informacionais dos usuários. O relato aponta uma problemática contemporânea a respeito da utilização de mídias sociais nas Unidades de Informação e organização de conteúdos virtuais.


tem como objetivo avaliar a funcionalidade do canal de vídeos, objetivando assim enquadrá-lo como uma ferramenta de disseminação de informação em consonância com as demandas do público-alvo.


a metodologia se caracteriza na tipologia de caráter exploratório, teor qualiquantitativo; e envolveu no seu desenvolvimento atividades ligadas a métodos e técnicas aplicadas. Resultados: os resultados indicaram que o canal de vídeos é uma importante ferramenta para capacitar usuários na utilização de fontes de informação ligadas ao cenário científico da Física. Constatou-se, também, que o relato contribuiu para reafirmar o papel das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) na Biblioteca do IF UFRJ, no momento que possibilitou capacitar os usuários através de uma plataforma de compartilhamento de vídeos disponível na Internet.


a conclusão é que a implementação do canal de vídeos possibilitou alcançar de maneira mais ágil e efetiva as demandas dos usuários que utilizam a Unidade de Informação e o consequente desenvolvimento de habilidades informacionais.

Biblioteca universitária; Serviço de referência; Canal de vídeos na internet; Mídias sociais; Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação


The theme of the experience report is the use of the video channel of the Pliny Sussekind Rocha Library of the Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - IF UFRJ, identified in the report with the nomenclature Library of IF UFRJ or simply IF Library, and has the function of being a tool to develop informational skills of users. To this do so, the Library uses a video sharing platform available on the Internet1 1 YouTube is a video sharing platform created in February 2005. It hosts a wide variety of movies, music videos and home materials. The platform has developed a new way for people to entertain themselves, to educate themselves in a way they've never been seen before. YouTube channels allow the dissemination of works or information and varied teachings. On the other hand, marketing strategies are used to capture attention, sharing or even forwarding to consumption (of products or services). YouTube video playback technology is based on Adobe Flash Player. This technology allows the site to display videos with quality comparable to the most established technologies on the market (such as Windows Media Player, QuickTime and RealPlayer) that usually require a download and installation of a browser plugin for viewing. Source: Google lança novo canal Youtube Edu. Available in:,google-lanca-novo-canal-youtube-edu,1099490. Acesso em: 02 set. 2021. .

The report points to a contemporary problem about the role of University Libraries in the context of digital information. They have the function of developing skills and skills so that users know how to manage information and transform it into knowledge. That is, it signals a current and relevant issue regarding the use of social media in the Information Units and organization of virtual content.

However, According to Assmann (2000ASSMANN, H. A metamorfose do aprender na sociedade da informação. Revista Ciência da Informação, Brasília, v. 29, n. 2, p. 7-15, maio/ago. 2000., p. 8) "libraries are currently experiencing a moment of rediscovery, where they are charged to improve the quality of services provided to their users, while there is an explosion of resources and electronic information sources." According to the author, "developing assertive products and services to library users through New Information and Communication Technologies - ICTs is the challenge of the Information Age" (ASSMANN, 2000ASSMANN, H. A metamorfose do aprender na sociedade da informação. Revista Ciência da Informação, Brasília, v. 29, n. 2, p. 7-15, maio/ago. 2000., p. 8).

However, it is important to emphasize that University Libraries play a fundamental role in the educational process in the university context, based on the support of research, teaching and extension and support learning through access to information. In addition, they also present services aimed at teaching methods and techniques of search and use of information and exploitation of information resources, in order to develop the informational skills of its users.

The challenge, therefore, is to adapt the information resources to the Internet environment, thus allowing to develop informational skills in this new context, that is, what is missing is the improvement and assertive use of social media.

In this sense, it is up to the University Libraries to provide the academic community with information resources, offering differentiated services and products, such as the use of a messaging application and the use of electronic bulletin in the Reference sector, or a video channel on the Internet as a tool to develop informational skills of the target audience (PUPO, MELO, FERRES, 2008PUPO, D. T.; MELO, A. M.; FERRES, S. P. Acessibilidade: discurso e prática no cotidiano das bibliotecas. Campinas: Unicamp, 2008. 137p.).

Within this reality, it can be affirmed that there is an expressive opportunity for studies for the Reference Service in University Libraries. It is up to universities to ensure excellence in the provision of services and products. Corroborating Anjos and Martins (2012ANJOS, C. R.; MARTINS, G. L.; SILVA, K. M. C. et al. O serviço de referência da Biblioteca do Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano e Regional - IPPUR/UFRJ e seu programa de capacitação de usuários. Biblionline, João Pessoa, v. 8, n. 2, p. 90- 96, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
, p. 90) emphasize that it is the role of University Libraries, understood in this experience report as information units, which offer specialized services and products, adding value with creativity in their realization and format, without losing focus on users and on meeting their information needs.

It is from the perspective of facilitating access to scientific and technological information in the area of Physics that this report is included, which aimed at the constitution of a dynamic, agile and effective video channel, which allows the search for a whole set of digital content originating from research and teaching generated by the scientific community of the Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ.

Elaborating question is the important stage of any and all experience reports, so in order to carry out a relevant research, which generates positive developments in professional practice, it was necessary to elaborate important questions within the chosen theme that are feasible in their professional reality. Therefore, within this scenario, it was asked: what is the importance of a video channel in the context of digital information, aiming to develop users' informational skills?

The idea of developing the IF Library video channel arose from the questioning of users about the ability of the Reference Service of a University Library to satisfactorily meet their needs. Based on this questioning and the finding that the Information Unit needed a dynamic and current channel for training and dissemination of information, the need arose to develop the video channel of the IF UFRJ Library.

This fact is proven by the research of Teixeira (2018TEIXEIRA, Robson da Silva; SOUZA, Rodrigo Otávio Lopes de. Avaliação da aplicabilidade de um museu virtual como ferramenta de disseminação de informação: estudo de caso no Instituto de Física da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Ci.Inf., Brasília, DF, v.47 n.3, p.177-189, set./dez. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
, p. 178), who in the first half of 2018 prepared a survey with 176 users on the Reference Service of the Library of IF UFRJ. From this evaluation research, some results were obtained that require actions to be implemented to optimize the Reference Service, because the service was considered relevant by the academic community of IF UFRJ, which motivated the engagement of the team for the creation of the product - video channel of the Library of IF UFRJ (TEIXEIRA, 2018TEIXEIRA, Robson da Silva; SOUZA, Rodrigo Otávio Lopes de. Avaliação da aplicabilidade de um museu virtual como ferramenta de disseminação de informação: estudo de caso no Instituto de Física da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Ci.Inf., Brasília, DF, v.47 n.3, p.177-189, set./dez. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
, p. 178).

Within this perspective, it is complemented that the results of this research allowed us to conclude that, regardless of the Reference Service being computerized, there is still much work to be done. It needs constant revisions, adjustments and creation of new information channels through social media (TEIXEIRA, 2018TEIXEIRA, Robson da Silva; SOUZA, Rodrigo Otávio Lopes de. Avaliação da aplicabilidade de um museu virtual como ferramenta de disseminação de informação: estudo de caso no Instituto de Física da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Ci.Inf., Brasília, DF, v.47 n.3, p.177-189, set./dez. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
, p. 178).

Therefore, the movement to create an information and communication channel based on current social media is an initiative of information professionals of the IF UFRJ Library to face the challenges posed by the new Information and Communication Technologies, which significantly altered the way university libraries offer products and services to the target audience, making them have to reevaluate and/or adapt their products and services.

Another pertinent justification, which was present in order to develop the experience report, is focused on the "new normal", that is, during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the measures of social distancing that led educational institutions around the world to temporarily close their physical spaces, virtual media have emerge as an alternative for dissemination and possibility of being tools to offer products and services aimed at teaching methods and techniques of search and use of information and exploitation of information resources, in order to develop the informational skills of users.

Therefore, the present experience report aims to evaluate the functionality of the video channel of the IF UFRJ Library, thus aiming to frame it as an instrument for disseminating information in line with the users' demands.

Within this perspective, the following specific objectives were defined: To identify and describe the number of videos of the IF Library channel produced from October 2019 to August 2021; Identify the number of subscribers to the channel in the same period; Identify and analyze the views of these videos in the reported time period.

Thus, this experience report, for didactic purposes, is subdivided into sections that deal respectively with the University Library and the Reference Sector; history of the Library of the Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; as well as covering your video channel. The respective methodology used to create and organize the tool; and finally, it presents the results, final considerations and the list of references used.


For Batista (2011BATISTA, F. P. S. Gestão de marcas por meio das redes sociais: um estudo sobre a utilização do Facebook. 2011. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2011. 168 f. Disponível em: 172523/pt-br.php. Acesso em: 12 set. 2021.
, p. 61) "Social media are environments available on the Internet that allow individuals to share opinions, ideas, experiences and perspectives with other individuals. These media can allow both the construction of social networks and the construction of virtual communities." Given the wide possibility of interaction, the use of social media in various sectors of society gained strength and also extended to university libraries, since its functionalities provide possible features to interact, empower, disseminate and communicate with its users (PRADO; CORREA, 2016PRADO, J. M. K.; CORREA, E. C. D. Bibliotecas universitárias e presença digital: estabelecimento de diretrizes para o uso de mídias sociais. Perspectivas em ciência da informação, Belo Horizonte, v. 21, n. 3, p. 165-181, jul./set. 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 08 ago. 2021.
; Vieira; BAPTISTA; CERVERÓ, 2013VIEIRA, D. V.; BAPTISTA, S. G.; CERVERÓ, A. C. Adoção da Web 2.0 em Bibliotecas de Universidades Públicas Espanholas: perspectivas de interação do bibliotecário com as Redes Sociais - relato de pesquisa. Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, Belo Horizonte, v. 18, n. 2, p. 167-181, maio 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 06 set. 2021.

Within this context, we highlight the tool used by the Library of IF UFRJ, the internet video channel, known as a video sharing platform. According to Muriel-Torrado and Gonçalves (2017, p. 111), "videos are an ideal complement within the strategy of training users brought by social media".

It is evident that social media enables interaction and communication with the user of university libraries and is significant for the performance of the librarian as an information disseminator in the midst of an audience that is connected to various types of technologies, this is a path of approximation with real and potential users (SALCEDO; ALVES, 2018).

Therefore, as an integral part of the University, the University Library can be defined, according to Gomes (2000GOMES, H. F. O Ambiente informacional e suas tecnologias na construção dos sentidos e significados Ci. Inf., Brasília, v. 29, n. 1, p. 61-70, jan./abr. 2000. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
, p. 65) as [...] a library dedicated to providing informational support to higher education institutions to perform their teaching, research and university extension activities. This unit operates in an academic context, playing an important role for the development of the country. And it sees in the new Information and Communication Technologies a partner in this process.

In other words, Information Systems and Information and Communication Technologies in educational institutions represent, for society, potential efficiency gains in the use of resources, with impacts on productivity and competitiveness in an increasingly globalized and competitive national and international scenario. Thus, the theoretical framework was also based on some studies on Information Systems.

According to Silva (2008SILVA, P. M. Sistemas de informação em bibliotecas: o comportamento dos usuários e bibliotecários frente às novas tecnologias de informação. Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, Campinas, v. 5, n. 2, p. 1-24, jan/jun. 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
, p. 11): the Information System can be technically defined as a set of interrelated components that collects or retrieves, processes and distributes information. According to the author, information systems prioritize constantly adapting/adapting collections and files available to the needs of their users, ordering the demand in the use of the service for user satisfaction (SILVA, 2008SILVA, P. M. Sistemas de informação em bibliotecas: o comportamento dos usuários e bibliotecários frente às novas tecnologias de informação. Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, Campinas, v. 5, n. 2, p. 1-24, jan/jun. 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.

In order to understand the characteristics of the Reference and Information Service of a University Library, the study went to its definition that, according to the ideas of Alves (2006ALVES, A. P. M.; VIDOTTI, S. A. B. G. O serviço de referência e informação digital. Biblionline, João Pessoa, v. 2, n. 2, 2006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
), Reference Service is "the personal service provided by information professionals to users in the search for information".

Thus, the service represents the direct relationship between information and the user, through the librarian, who answers questions and assists with their professional knowledge. This broader conceptualization of the Reference and Information Service allows us to glimpse the Reference Sector in its completeness and the correct dissemination of available information resources.

It is believed that this thought of Burin and Hoffmann (2015BURIN, C.; HOFFMANN, S. G. Novas tecnologias nos serviços de referência em unidades de informação. 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
) comes against the role played by the Library of IF UFRJ at the time she thought about the creation of a video channel by the digital platform. That is, the University Libraries are facing a range of opportunities, via the Internet, to improve the service to its users, and the emergence of video channels is one of those ways to improve the services and products offered through the Reference Service.

Within this perspective, and having as its north the use of social media in the Reference Service of university libraries, it can be affirmed that "social media are internet sites that allow the creation and sharing of information and content by people and people, in which the consumer is both producer and consumer of information" (TORRES, 2009TORRES, C. A bíblia do marketing digital. São Paulo: Novatec, 2009. 352 p., p.113). In this sense, the digital service through social networks can be seen as a fundamental tool for the provision of reference services to users, since it optimizes the provision of services and promotes quick access to the work provided.

Digital social networks are considered as a means of possibilities, established from virtual elements and relationships between users. They are inserted in cyberspace (LÉVY, 1999LÉVY, P. Cibercultura. Tradução de Carlos Irineu da Costa. São Paulo: Editora 34, 1999. ) whose growth is brokered by the connection between computers and mobile phones. In other words, it reflects the need to train people to act in this new context of social media, aiming to ensure the development of the potential of these technologies and their use efficiently.

So to speak, "networks consist not only of people and social groups, but also of artifacts, devices and entities" (SANTAELLA; LEMOS, 2010SANTAELLA, L.; LEMOS, R. Redes sociais digitais: a cognição conectiva do Twitter.2. ed. São Paulo: Paulus, 2010.(Coleção Comunicação). 206 p. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
, p. 40), that is, they consist of the interrelationship between systems of objects, and people, because "a social network is always a set of actors and their relationships" (RECUERO, 2011RECUERO, R. Redes Sociais na Internet. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2011. (Coleção Cibercultura)., p. 69), characterizing itself as "[...] internet sites that allow the creation and sharing of information and content by people and people" (TORRES, 2009TORRES, C. A bíblia do marketing digital. São Paulo: Novatec, 2009. 352 p., p. 113), where consumers of the content sanded there are, at the same time, producers and consumers of them through information.

It can be affirmed that, in this technical-scientific-informational period, the Internet, through Information and Communication Technologies (ITCs), as a possibility of communication and information is changing the way people relate, train, learn and communicate. In this sense, a "convergence of moments" (SANTOS, 2021SANTOS, M. A natureza do espaço: técnica e tempo, razão e emoção. 4.ed. São Paulo: Edusp, 2021. (Coleção Milton Santos; 1). 392 p., p. 196) is configured in the socio-spatial substrate in which, in the same direction, media and ICT are combined, largely configuring the increase of digital social networks that become latent in contemporary culture and society.

On the other hand, in the relationships established by digital social networks there is symbolic power, that is, an "invisible power which can only be exercised with the complicity of those who do not want to know that they are subject to it or even who exercise it" (BOURDIEU, 2010BOURDIEU, P. O poder simbólico. Tradução de Fernando Tomaz. 13.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2010. 311 p., p. 7-8). In this sense, in its structuring form (communicational medium) it is possible to find the strength of educational institutions, which dominate the ideals. According to Castells, digital social networks are configured as the new form of social organization, when he says that [...] networks constitute the new social morphology of our society, and the diffusion of network logic substantially modifies the operation and results of productive processes and experience, power and culture. (CASTELLS, 2000CASTELLS, M. A sociedade em rede. Tradução de Roneide Venâncio e Klauss Brandini Gerhardt. 8. ed. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2000. v. 1. 617 p. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
, p. 497).

For Santos (2014SANTOS, V. L. C. As redes sociais digitais e sua influência na sociedade e educação contemporâneas. Holos, ano 30, vol. 6, p. 307-328, 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
), such communication and information devices represent an extremely significant symbiosis between public higher education institutions and the latent desire of individuals to relate through these communication tools. Today, it is notorious that digital networks, made possible by various communication objects (computers, mobile phones with Internet access etc.), allow people to create new social spaces of relationship

Castells (2003CASTELLS, M. A era da informação: economia, sociedade e cultura, vol. III. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2003.) also points out that social networks made possible by the Internet are generating new ways of communication, new forms of social contact, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other digital platforms. In this sense, due to the rapid rise of these devices and diverse interrelations in continuous evolution, the need for implementation of these resources in University Libraries is imposed.

Within this scenario, Ferreira (2015FERREIRA, P. A.; LUZ, C. R. M.; MACIEL, I. M. S. As redes sociais como fonte de informação: o uso do Whatsapp como ferramenta de apuração da notícia (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIÊNCIAS DA COMUNICAÇÃO, 38., Rio de Janeiro, 2015. Anais [...] Rio de Janeiro: INTERCOM, 2015.) reports the importance of using the video channel as an information and communication tool in various sectors, including the information units environment. According to the author, the use of this resource has as one of the objectives to establish a communication channel with its users, which through them empower and disseminate information (FERREIRA, 2015FERREIRA, P. A.; LUZ, C. R. M.; MACIEL, I. M. S. As redes sociais como fonte de informação: o uso do Whatsapp como ferramenta de apuração da notícia (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIÊNCIAS DA COMUNICAÇÃO, 38., Rio de Janeiro, 2015. Anais [...] Rio de Janeiro: INTERCOM, 2015.).

In this context, according to Shiozawa (2020SHIOZAWA, Pedro; UCHIDA, Ricardo Riyoiti. Social media during a pandemic: bridge orburden?.São Paulo Medical Journal, p. 1-2, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
), there has been a strong trend of growth in the use of social media, demonstrating the pioneering use of new ICT in the communication process in various environments, such as in University Libraries and/or Information Units.

Therefore, it can be affirmed that simple solutions, aimed at innovation in Reference Service in University Libraries, through the appropriation of a video channel via mobile networks, reveal how digital platforms can enhance traditional relationships between libraries and users, but not only modify the dynamics of the relationships of use of services and products of libraries, but also empower, optimize and transform them into mechanisms of excellencez


The Libraries of UFRJ comply with the standards established by the Library System of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (SiBI/UFRJ), which aims to support the teaching, research and extension programs, developing according to the institution's planning and forming its collection in line with the menus of the different disciplines offered, at the undergraduate and graduate level.

Composing the SiBI/UFRJ, the Pliny Sussekind Rocha Library, linked to the Institute of Physics, has a collection of approximately 13,000 books and 267 journal titles (national and foreign), and its target audience are undergraduate, graduate, professors and employees, totaling 2,847 users enrolled in the Library (2017-2020)2 2 Panorama of Sibi. Available in: Access: 07 Sep. 2021. .

Within this context, the video channel of the IF UFRJ Library was created in 2019 with the intention of facilitating the process of searching for information, as well as enabling a collaborative space of information and knowledge, including a range of videos aimed at the academic community of physics and related areas. Since the IF UFRJ Library is a unit with a tradition of consolidated research, the benefits that interested parties seek, such as gaining time in obtaining data or, according to Arellano (2001ARELLANO, M. A. M. Serviços de referência virtual. Ci. Inf., Brasília, v. 30, n. 2, p. 7-15, maio/ago. 2001. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
, p. 12), "useful and relevant information through specialized information sources ..." were taken into account for the elaboration of this channel. In this tuning path, the Information Units are being assigned to fulfill this function by facilitating simple and effective access to online resources.

The current Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have led to changes in access to information and consolidated the Internet as a broad and multivariate source of information. This statement is supported by the arguments of Prado, Peruzzo and Ohira (2005PRADO, N.S; PERUZZO, T; OHIRA, M.L.B. Análise dos sites das bibliotecas universitárias do estado de santa Catarina: funções e usabilidade. Revista ACB, v. 10, n. 1, p. 76-106, jan./ dez. 2005. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 ago. 2021.
, p. 77), when they say that "through the Internet many products and services began to be offered, generating greater promotion of information units". Among them, the video channels of the university libraries are highlighted, which require planning and monitoring to obtain good results. The implementation of the video channel's mission is to facilitate access for students, teachers and staff to information and provide support to teaching, research and extension activities. And in this sense, the main motivation for the development of the channel was to act according to the needs of the target audience and enable them in the use of products and services provided by the Pliny Sussekind Rocha Library of the Physics Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - IF UFRJ.


The methodology used in the present experience report was quantitative/qualitative in nature. And, when it comes to the methodology, the report is formalized in the typology of exploratory character 3 3 Exploratory research aims to become more familiar with the problem in order to make it more explicit or to construct hypotheses. Most of these studies involve: bibliographic survey, interviews with people who had practical experiences with the problem researched and analysis of examples that stimulate understanding. Source: GIL, Antônio Carlos. How to develop research projects. 5. ed.- São Paulo: Atlas, 2010. , and supported by primary documentary sources. The study also classifies as documentary research 4 4 Documentary research is a type of research that uses primary sources, that is, data and information that have not yet been treated scientificly or analially. It allows to make qualitative analyses about a given phenomenon, but it is also possible to make quantitative analyses when analyzing databases with numerical information. Source: J. R , Sá-Silva; C.D. Almeida and J. F. Mr. Guindani. "Documentary research: theoretical and methodological clues. Revista Brasileira de História & Ciências Sociais, São Leopoldo, year. I, n.I, Jul. 2009. 15 p. , and involved in its development activities that applied resources linked to methods and techniques for research.

As for the purposes, the study is descriptive, because it exposes characteristics of a given population or of a given phenomenon (users of the IF UFRJ Library), that is, information about specific and related situations in order to provide the visualization of a totality (GIL, 2007GIL, A. C. Como elaborar projetos de pesquisa. São Paulo: Atlas, 2007. 192 p.). In addition, according to Gil (2007GIL, A. C. Como elaborar projetos de pesquisa. São Paulo: Atlas, 2007. 192 p.), data collection was used, which is a methodological procedure.

Therefore, this research method was developed through procedures, and we also used a statistical survey of the videos of the IF UFRJ Library channel, which is the analysis platform.

The first methodological procedure was the data collection, that is, quantifying the existing videos in the Library channel, in the period of October 8, 2019 (date that the channel was created) and 09August 2021 (date of the post of the last video analyzed).

The second procedure consisted of identifying which were the most watched videos of the channel. To this end, it was based on the number of views of the video, through the information available at the e-mail address:, research: IF UFRJ library, number of views.

Then, the data collection was elaborated to calculate the movement of the videos in the Library channel at a given time, that is, the number of new views; new subscribers and which videos are most accessed from July 13 to August 9, 2021. In this stage, the analysis platform was also used.

The fourth methodological procedure was aimed at identifying the types of traffic source 5 5 The traffic source types report shows how visitors found your content on YouTube and external sources. The external report shows the websites (used to reference a page or a grouping of related pages accessible on the internet through a particular address) and the specific external apps (apps like Whatsapp) where visitors have found their content. Source: Google Support. Available in: Accessed: 27 Aug. 2021. , that is, what locations where users accessed the videos of the IF UFRJ Library channel.

It is worth mentioning that access can be of two types: 1. Internal: through the Youtube channel; 2. External: via social networks (message app), or email.

Finally, the last procedure analyzed the performance of the IF UFRJ Library channel, from December 14, 2020 to August 10, 2021, video performance in the first 24 hours. Analysis focus: 1. visualization, 2. impressions, 3. impression click-through rates; 4. Average viewing duration; and 5. average view percentage.


The presentation of results shows as stated earlier, the video channel of the IF UFRJ Library was created on October 8, 2019. And until August 10, 2021, it had 17 videos; 123 subscribers and 2.518 views.

Since total videos downloaded on the Library channel, 08 are aimed exclusively at developing users' informational skills (47.05%), another 03 represent lives, i.e., interviews with professors of the Institute of Physics (17.65%). Already 04 videos highlight the products and services of the If UFRJ Library (23.53%) and the last 02 videos (11.77%) are about various subjects, identified as "other" (see Graph 1).

Table 1
videos from the IF UFRJ Library channel

Among the eight videos aimed at developing information skills of users of the IF UFRJ Library, four videos were selected specifically to the development of informationcompetence of users. That is, the videos were developed with the objective of empowering the target audience of the library on the sources of information for study, research and extension. They are: Base Minerva - UFRJ, electronic catalog for access to the collection (books) of the Libraries of UFRJ. Base Minerva is an online public access catalogue that gathers and retrieves the cataloged collection in all libraries of UFRJ. Base Minerva also offers access to full texts of various dissertations and theses, as well as access to E-books

The other is an explanatory video with the step-by-step search for ebsco's E-books base. The collection contains a wide selection of multidisciplinary e-books, thus ensuring that users have access to information relevant to their research and study needs.

The third video is the step by step for research in the CAPES Portal, which is a portal of journals (scientific journals), that is, a virtual library that gathers and makes available the best of national and international scientific production. For the areas of Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics are more than 1.100 journal titles.

Finally, the video on Catalographic Form, which is a service available to graduate students of IF UFRJ in the final stage of preparation of the thesis and/or dissertation. However, it is important to emphasize that all videos produced aim to advise the user, from all academic levels, of the If UFRJ Library. Below is the description of the entire collection of social media videos of the Information Unit:

Table 2
Videos from the Youtube channel of the IF UFRJ Library

When the experience report looks at the if library channel views and having as a time frame the period of October 8, 2019 (date that the channel was created) and August 9, 2021 (date of posting of the last video analyzed), the three videos with the highest views were: Do you know the services of the IF/UFRJ Library?, with 517 views; Second: Step by step - Catalographic plug generator, with 406 views; and finally the video: Step by step - Remote Access to the CAPES Portal, with 290 views. A total of 1,213 views of the videos in the period searched; according to the table below:

Table 3
Videos from the Youtube channel of the IF UFRJ Library

This report also made a survey of data of visualizations, users enrolled in the channel and main videos accessed. The study has a cut from July 13 to August 9, 2021, for a total of 28 days.

It was noticed that the channel of the Library of IF UFRJ evaluated in this time drawing, have the following results: 235 views, 11 subscribers and 6 main videos accessed, which demonstrates the excellent performance of the channel in a short time, that is, twenty- eight days of channel analysis on the digital platform. Fact proven through the table below:

Table 4
Videos from the Youtube channel of the IF UFRJ Library

On the video sharing platform, the term traffic refers to the movement of users browsing between pages in cyberspace. That is, internet traffic deals with the flow of users. Therefore, generating traffic means attracting attention, establishing relationships, empowering, segmenting the audience and dialoguing with your target audience.

Within this scenario, the experience report analyzed the types of traffic source of the video channel of the IF UFRJ Library, that is, how visitors found the content of the channel.

Therefore, data collection generated the following results: External (36.2%); Direct or unknown origin (22.1%); Channel pages (14.0%); Youtube Search (13.2); Suggested videos (5.1%); Others (94%). As shown in chart 5 below:

Table 5
Traffic source types

The importance of videos in social networks in the context of the field of Physics is increasingly recognized, the data demonstrated that the videos of the IF Library channel are more accessed externally, that is, via social network (Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram) or by E- mail, which reinforces the successful work in the dissemination of services and products through the social networks of the IF UFRJ Library and institutional e-mail.

From the analysis of the online video platform, a list of the most viewed videos in the first 24 hours was presented, that is, it contains the main online videos that received the highest number of views within 24 hours after the launch on the IF UFRJ Library channel.

This means that when you analyzed the video channel, outlineing the videos downloaded in the period from December 14, 2020 to August 10, 2021, video performance in the first 24 hours, the following results are obtained:

Table 6
24-hour video performance

As a result of this analysis it can be affirmed that the videos with the best performances in the first twenty-four hours were: Virtual Museum of IF UFRJ; then "E-book Access Tutorial; then the video with the live IF Library with Professor Fernando Nicacio.

The fourth video in the ranking was IF Live Library with Professor Zarro, and soon after the training video on how to book books online. Then the full live with the coordinator of the degree course in Physics Professor Maurício Pamplona.

The sixth best-performing video was another user empowerment video, "the step-by- step for online book renewal" and finally another important video to develop users' informational skills, "Step by step for library loans."


The experience report addressed the video channel of the Pliny Sussekind Rocha Library of the Physics Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - IF UFRJ as a tool to develop informational skills of its users. To do so, the Library uses a video sharing platform available on the Internet.

The results of the analysis of the data collected and interpreted forwarded verifying that a significant portion of the videos downloaded in the if UFRJ Library channel are focused exclusively on the purpose of developing informational skills of its users. And, as already explained, it is worth mentioning that all the videos produced aim to advise the user of all academic levels of the If UFRJ Library.

The investigative framework elaborated by the experience report from the study of the video channel of the IF UFRJ Library identified that it is possible to affirm that the videos with the highest views deal with the training of users in the use of information sources, such as: Step by step in the elaboration of catalographic records; Remote Access to capes portal; Minerva Base - UFRJ; Explanatory video with step by step for research on the basis of Electronic Books (E-books).

When it came to the results in the analytical process and presented in detail, they pointed out to determine that the videos are more accessed externally, that is, via social network (Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram) or by E-mail, which reinforces the successful work in the dissemination through the social networks of the LIBRARY of IF UFRJ and institutional e- mail.

And when we analyzed the videos with the best performances in the first twenty-four hours, videos were found to develop the user's informational skills; such as "E-book Access Tutorial, "The Walkthrough for Online Book Renewal" and "Step by Step for Library Loans."

Having as parameter the number of views of the three videos with the most accesses (1.213 views), it can be affirmed that the if UFRJ Library channel is a tool to develop informational skills of users, because they are videos that have the function of developing skills and abilities, thus making it possible to manage the information and transform it into knowledge.

In this condition, it is stated that the video channel of the IF UFRJ Library is an important tool to empower and disseminate information to users and, mainly, allows to improve the sources of information available in the Information Unit.

The situation addressed leads us to realize the importance of this experience report that made it possible to demarcatise the quality work performed by the If UFRJ Library, a space focused on the research, teaching and extension of the academic community of the institution that remains in a state of continuation. The results also allowed optimizing the services and products offered in social media and organization of virtual content by the Library of IF UFRJ.

Therefore, all the objectives outlined for this experience report were fulfilled, the results obtained allow to prove the functionality of the video channel of the LIBRARY of IF UFRJ and, mainly, to frame it as a tool for disseminating information in line with the demands of the target audience.

The traditional way of providing reference and information products and services is still widely disseminated, however, it is believed that seeking virtual ways to better meet the user's information needs is the dynamically most effective way to provide information. It is believed that the video channel fulfills the role of disseminator of information, making the Information Unit perform a work linked to the interests of the scientific community, in addition to saving the user's time, through the optimization of the service.

Thus, the implementation of the video channel presented here made it possible to achieve in a more agile and effective way the demands of users who use the Information Unit and the consequent development of information skills, because the contemporary world requires organizations an efficient management that can be facilitated with the support of intelligent resources offered by technology and the various Information Systems available.

Thus, it is expected that this study will contribute to the reflection on the role of social media in the context of University Libraries, seeking adjustments in order to better exercise its role as a tool for training and dissemination of information.

It is also expected that the present study can contribute to the discussion about the role of new CTs in relation to the University Library environment, so that it and its professionals find through these tools ways to truly revolutionize the biblioeconomic making.


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  • 10
    JITA: DD. Academic libraries.
  • 1
    YouTube is a video sharing platform created in February 2005. It hosts a wide variety of movies, music videos and home materials. The platform has developed a new way for people to entertain themselves, to educate themselves in a way they've never been seen before. YouTube channels allow the dissemination of works or information and varied teachings. On the other hand, marketing strategies are used to capture attention, sharing or even forwarding to consumption (of products or services). YouTube video playback technology is based on Adobe Flash Player. This technology allows the site to display videos with quality comparable to the most established technologies on the market (such as Windows Media Player, QuickTime and RealPlayer) that usually require a download and installation of a browser plugin for viewing. Source: Google lança novo canal Youtube Edu. Available in:,google-lanca-novo-canal-youtube-edu,1099490. Acesso em: 02 set. 2021.
  • 2
    Panorama of Sibi. Available in: Access: 07 Sep. 2021.
  • 3
    Exploratory research aims to become more familiar with the problem in order to make it more explicit or to construct hypotheses. Most of these studies involve: bibliographic survey, interviews with people who had practical experiences with the problem researched and analysis of examples that stimulate understanding. Source: GIL, Antônio Carlos. How to develop research projects. 5. ed.- São Paulo: Atlas, 2010.
  • 4
    Documentary research is a type of research that uses primary sources, that is, data and information that have not yet been treated scientificly or analially. It allows to make qualitative analyses about a given phenomenon, but it is also possible to make quantitative analyses when analyzing databases with numerical information. Source: J. R , Sá-Silva; C.D. Almeida and J. F. Mr. Guindani. "Documentary research: theoretical and methodological clues. Revista Brasileira de História & Ciências Sociais, São Leopoldo, year. I, n.I, Jul. 2009. 15 p.
  • 5
    The traffic source types report shows how visitors found your content on YouTube and external sources. The external report shows the websites (used to reference a page or a grouping of related pages accessible on the internet through a particular address) and the specific external apps (apps like Whatsapp) where visitors have found their content. Source: Google Support. Available in: Accessed: 27 Aug. 2021.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 June 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    21 Oct 2021
  • Accepted
    12 Dec 2021
  • Published
    22 Dec 2022
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 421 - 1º andar Biblioteca Central César Lattes - Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz - CEP: 13083-859 , Tel: +55 19 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil