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Alpha closes its 2017 volume, presenting to the readers eight articles, unpublished fruits of the work of Brazilian and foreign researchers. In addition to the specificity of object and approach of each one, the set of texts is organized in three subgroups.

The two articles that open this issue focus on the analysis of morphosyntactic and morpho-semantic phenomena in Spanish and in Purépecha (a native language of Mexico) respectively. In the first one, Sánchez, Jaichenco and Sevilla present and discuss the results of an experiment that aimed to measure the possible influence of syntactic (order of constituents) and semantic (distributive reading) factors on the processing of agreement in Spanish. Agreement is a phenomenon widely investigated in Spanish and Portuguese varieties, but especially from a production perspective. The authors’ study explores the perspective of perception, concluding by the interaction of factors in the processing of agreement.

The study on Purépecha, in turn, focuses on the uses and values derived from the -perani suffix, which can be added to numerals. Maldonado, author of the study, shows that such numerals produce a definite reading of the noun phrases they integrate. The role of the affix in the referential system is highlighted by the absence of a definite article in Purépecha. In addition to describing how it works in Purépecha's system, the analysis reveals an organization that contrasts with that of European languages, contributing, in a possible and desirable contrastive perspective, to a better understanding of the processes of referencing that operate in language.

A second subset of four articles gravitates around the common axis of discourse, exploring different objects, issues, and theoretical-methodological approaches. Santos and Rodrigues discuss the relationship between the modes of appropriation of the discourse of others and the expression of ideological positions through the analysis of news published in newspapers Diário de Pernambuco and Jornal do Commercio regarding the then presidential candidate Eduardo Campos. They take the perspective of the Bakhtin Circle to analyze the position of the subject-journalist regarding his object of enunciation.

It is this same theoretical view that is adopted by Fuza in his study on the heterogeneity of academic writing. The author takes as hypothesis the non-pertinence of a current conception regarding the homogenization of academic-scientific writing and analyzes Brazilian scientific articles related to the various areas of knowledge. She concludes that both objective and subjective strategies and elements are present in the texts of all areas, but that this presence expresses as a gradation of greater subjectivity in texts of Humanities and less subjectivity in texts of other areas.

Soares explores the dialogue of different languages in the construction of meanings, particularly of persuasion, when analyzing linguistic and imagistic choices applied in the production of two covers of the popular newspaper Super Notícia. In a case study, based on the assumptions of Critical Discourse Analysis and Multimodality, the author reaffirms the relevance and necessity of considering multimodal interaction, which serves to create both explicit or implicit discourse at the service of ideologies.

The fourth paper on discourse proposes to investigate the role of connectors in the ‘co-construction of identity images’, choosing as the specific object of study the use of the conjunction mas in electoral debates. Taking as its theoretical basis the Modular Discourse Analysis Model, Cunha interprets the effect of the use of mas in this process, identifying two types of discursive maneuvers: attacking the opponent (heteroattack) and attacking the candidate himself (autoattack).

To conclude this issue, we have two articles on the theme of the relationship between language and teaching-learning. The text by Ninin and Magalhães results from the analysis of a corpus of discussions about didactic-pedagogical practices, by teachers participating in a training project. Based on the proposals of the ‘language of critical collaboration in agency development’ and the Critical Research on Collaboration, the authors discuss how the participants express their position about their practices, revealing a transformation process in the direction of a ‘responsive professional practice’.

Oliveira's article, which closes this edition, brings to discussion foreign languages teaching learning process. This field still poses many challenges for educators and linguists, particularly regarding the development of reception and oral production. Besides, it is marked by an expanding development and use of computer applications, platforms, portals for educational purposes, resources that place the learner as the main agent of the process. In this context, the author proposes to describe and to evaluate the potential effectiveness of English-language educational portals, particularly those aimed at learning English for specific purposes.

With this set of texts, added to those published in the two other issues of 2017, Alfa reaffirms its commitment to the dissemination of high quality research, in tune with recent developments and inquiries in our area.

As this work is an effort that depends on many, it is time to thank the authors, the generous dedication of the evaluators, the interest of the readers and the numerous technical team members that made it possible, with extreme competence, to publicize our three annual issues. The continuity of our journal depend on all of you.

May all have a useful reading and may our partnership continue and consolidate even more in 2018.

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Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Rua Quirino de Andrade, 215, 01049-010 São Paulo - SP, Tel. (55 11) 5627-0233 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil