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Validity of nursing diagnoses/outcomes and interventions for people with heart failure



To validate the content of nursing diagnosis/outcome and intervention statements for the care of people with heart failure.


This is methodological study, according to the steps for building terminology subsets in Brazil. Survey conducted from 2019-2020. Statements and interventions were organized according to the mid-range theory for nursing in cardiovascular rehabilitation.


a total of 58 experts participated in the study. A total of 39 nursing diagnoses/outcomes and 168 interventions were validated. The statements with the highest agreement were related to rehabilitation care followed by the supervised cardiovascular rehabilitation program.


The study validated the content of statements of a terminology subset for people with heart failure, and allowed the composition of a nursing language based on a classification system recognized worldwide.

Standardized nursing terminology; Classification; Heart failure; Validation study



Validar o conteúdo dos enunciados de diagnósticos/resultados e intervenções de enfermagem para o cuidado à pessoa com insuficiência cardíaca.


Estudo metodológico, de acordo com os passos para construção de Subconjuntos Terminológicos no Brasil. Pesquisa realizada de 2019-2020. Os enunciados e intervenções foram organizados conforme a teoria de médio alcance para enfermagem em reabilitação cardiovascular.


Participaram do estudo 58 especialistas. Foram validados 39 diagnósticos/resultados e 168 intervenções. Os enunciados com maior concordância estiveram relacionados ao cuidado reabilitador seguido do programa de reabilitação cardiovascular supervisionado.


O estudo validou o conteúdo dos enunciados de um subconjunto terminológico para pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca e permitiu a composição de uma linguagem própria da enfermagem com base em um sistema de classificação reconhecido mundialmente.

Terminologia padronizada em enfermagem; Classificação; Insuficiência cardíaca; Estudo de validação



Validar el contenido de los enunciados de diagnósticos/resultados e intervenciones de enfermería para el cuidado de personas con insuficiencia cardíaca.


Estudio metodológico, de acuerdo con los pasos para la elaboración de subconjuntos terminológicos en Brasil. Investigación realizada de 2019 a 2020. Los enunciados e intervenciones fueron organizados según la teoría de rango medio en enfermería para rehabilitación cardiovascular.


Participaron en el estudio 58 especialistas. Se validaron 39 diagnósticos/resultados y 168 intervenciones. Los enunciados con mayor concordancia se relacionaron con el cuidado rehabilitador, seguido por el programa de rehabilitación cardiovascular supervisado.


El estudio validó el contenido de los enunciados de un subconjunto terminológico para personas con insuficiencia cardíaca y permitió la elaboración de un lenguaje propio de enfermería basado en un sistema de clasificación reconocido mundialmente.

Terminología normalizada de enfermería; Clasificación; Insuficiencia cardíaca; Estudio de validación


Heart failure (HF) is a clinical syndrome at the systemic level, with cardiac dysfunction due to inadequate tissue blood supply, which may present systolic or diastolic dysfunction, which can cause pulmonary or systemic congestion.(11. Comitê Coordenador da Diretriz de Insuficiência Cardíaca; Rohde LE, Montera MW, Bocchi EA, Clausell NO, Albuquerque DC, Rassi S, Colafranceschi AS, Freitas Junior AF, Ferraz AS, Biolo A, Barretto AC, Ribeiro AL, Polanczyk CA, Gualandro DM, Almeida DR, Silva ER, Figueiredo EL, Mesquita ET, Marcondes-Braga FG, Cruz FD, Ramires FJ, Atik FA, Bacal F, Souza GE, Almeida Junior GL, Ribeiro GC, Villacorta H Junior, Vieira JL, Souza Neto JD, Rossi Neto JM, Figueiredo Neto JA, Moura LA, Goldraich LA, Beck-da-Silva L, Danzmann LC, Canesin MF, Bittencourt MI, Garcia MI, Bonatto MG, Simões MV, Moreira MCV, Silva MM, Olivera Junior MT, Silvestre OM, Schwartzmann PV, Bestetti RB, Rocha RM, Simões R, Pereira SB, Mangini S, Alves SM, Ferreira SM, Issa VS, Barzilai VS, Martins WA. Diretriz Brasileira de Insuficiência Cardíaca Crônica e Aguda. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2018;111(3):436-539. Erratum in: Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019;112(1):1162.)It has a current prevalence greater than 64 million cases worldwide and an estimated economic burden of US$346.17 billion.(22. Lippi G, Sanchis-Gomar F. Global epidemiology and future trends of heart failure. AME Med J. 2020;5:15–15.)In Brazil, the mortality rate is 75.5 per 100,000 inhabitants, especially in those over 50 years of age, making it one of the main causes of hospitalization in the country.(33. Arruda VL, Machado LM, Lima JC, Silva PR. Trends in mortality from heart failure in Brazil: 1998 to 2019. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2022;25:E220021.)

A person with HF needs systematic care, highlighting the Nursing Process (NP) method, which allows clinical reasoning and critical judgment to develop a therapeutic plan directed to each person’s real needs, given the chronicity of the condition and need of ongoing care.(44. Silva RN, Brandão MA, Ferreira MA. Integrative review as a method to generate or to test nursing theory. Nurs Sci Q. 2020;33(3):258-63. Review.)

The relevance of this article lies in the perspective of give continuity and, at the same time, expand another one,(55. Araújo AA. Catálogo CIPE® para insuficiência cardíaca congestiva [dissertação]. João Pessoa: Universidade Federal da Paraíba; 2009. 89 p.,66. Araújo AA, Nóbrega MM, Garcia TR. Diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem para pacientes portadores de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva utilizando a CIPE®. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2013;47(2):385-92.)which built the first terminology subset of the Brazilian Center for the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®), with nursing diagnosis/outcome and intervention statements - at the time ICNP® Catalog - for people with chronic HF, using ICNP® version 1.0 as a basis, organized through the referred clinical condition’s pathophysiological model, which was not validated and without the propagation of a middle-range theory (MRT) and inductively classified by relevant clinical data, requiring, therefore, its refinement for application to practice and consolidation of knowledge.

With regard to cardiological nursing, the Nursing MRT for Cardiovascular Rehabilitation (Nur-MRT CVR) proposes to support the care process implemented for people after a cardiovascular event, who need to be encouraged to assume positive coping mechanisms for this process, demanding and promoting changes in health behaviors and care management by person and family, with nurses’ and nursing’s contributions so that they reach the goal of adapting to the new condition of life, comprehensively, with a view to their biopsychosocial rehabilitation, making them able to maintain everyday activities.(77. Farias MS. Reabilitação cardiovascular: proposta de uma teoria de médio alcance [dissertação]. Fortaleza: Universidade Estadual do Ceará; 2018. 134 p.)

Still, the literature recommends conducting content validity studies of these nursing diagnoses (ND), outcomes (NO) and/or interventions (NI), which focus on nurses in their daily practice in different services and for the most varied priorities of health,(88. Meneses LB, Medeiros FA, Oliveira JS, Nóbrega MM, Silva MA, Soares MJ. Validation of interventions for risk of impaired skin integrity in adult and aged patients. Rev Bras Enferm. 2020;73(4):1–7.)as in the case of HF.

Therefore, an important shortcoming is the use of specialized terminologies in HF care focused on education/rehabilitation with interventions that are sensitive to the production of clinical indicators and that integrate software for NP in a cardiology service. By proposing to validate diagnoses/outcomes and interventions, it becomes feasible to implement this subset subsidized to an MRT. Therefore, the present study aims to validate the content of ND/NO and NI statements for the care of people with HF.


This is a methodological study based on the checklist SQUIRE 2.0 adaptation,(99. Squire Promoting Excellence in Healthcare Improvement Reporting. Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence. Squire 2.0 [cited 2022 May 12]. Available from:
)referring to a master’s thesis from the Graduate Program in Nursing at the Universidade Regional do Cariri (2019-2020). The step adopted for the construction of terminology subsets in Brazil was validity of constructed statements.(1010. Nóbrega MM, Cubas MR, Medeiros AC, Carvalho MW. Reflexões sobre a validação dos subconjuntos terminológicos da CIPE®. In: Cubas MR, Nóbrega MM. Atenção primária em saúde: diagnóstico, resultado e intervenções de enfermagem. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier; 2015. pp. 25-36.,1111. Carvalho CM, Cubas MR, Nóbrega MM. Brazilian method for the development terminological subsets of ICNP®: limits and potentialities. Rev Bras Enferm. 2017;70(2):430–5.)The other steps prior to this one was published in national journals in the field.(1212. Nascimento MN, Moreira AE, Ramos NM, Gomes EB, Félix ND, Oliveira CJ. Terminologia especializada de enfermagem para cuidado à pessoa com insuficiência cardíaca crônica. Esc Anna Nery. 2021;25(2):1–8.,1313. Nascimento MN, Gomes EB, Félix ND, Rebouças CB, Nóbrega MM, Oliveira CJ. ICNP® terminology subset for the care of people with heart failure. Rev Bras Enferm. 2022;75(2):1–10.)In the present study, the contents of previously constructed statements were validated.

The study population consisted of Brazilian nurses who met the selection criteria, reaching a minimum total of four points.(1414. Félix ND, Nascimento MN, Ramos NM, Oliveira CJ, Nóbrega MM. Specialized nursing terminology for the care of people with metabolic syndrome. Esc Anna Nery. 2020;24(3):e20190345.)The sample size of experts was defined using a statistical formula, in which the confidence level was 95%; the expected proportion of experts was 90%; and the difference in the acceptable proportion in relation to what would be expected was 10%.(1515. Lopes MV, Silva VM, Araujo TL. Validation of nursing diagnosis: challenges and alternatives. Rev Bras Enferm. 2013;66(5):649–55.)Thus, the minimum number of 35 experts was determined.

To select the experts, the presentation of at least four points was considered based on the sum of the criteria:(1414. Félix ND, Nascimento MN, Ramos NM, Oliveira CJ, Nóbrega MM. Specialized nursing terminology for the care of people with metabolic syndrome. Esc Anna Nery. 2020;24(3):e20190345.)Being a nurse (02 points); having a graduate degree in nursing or related areas (02 points for each); being an author, co-author or supervisor of studies on HF, its components and/or Nursing Classification Systems, in particular, ICNP® (02 points); having professional work/residency in health, with a minimum duration of two years, with nursing consultations for people with HF (03 points). This last criterion is related to the need for nurses’ empirical knowledge in clinical practice, in a minimum amount of time to monitor service users.

Experts were identified through a search in bibliographical publications involving the subject in the search site itself and in the Plataforma Lattes of the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) through the search by subject using keywords “Cardiovascular Nursing” and “heart failure” “ICNP”. The electronic addresses were collected from scientific publications and those made available in the curriculum. Thus, 148 experts were invited to participate through formal contact, initially being sent an invitation letter, the research objectives and information regarding the time to return the response.

To carry out content analysis, an electronic questionnaire was created using Google Forms®, used in other validity studies of ICNP® terminology subsets.(1414. Félix ND, Nascimento MN, Ramos NM, Oliveira CJ, Nóbrega MM. Specialized nursing terminology for the care of people with metabolic syndrome. Esc Anna Nery. 2020;24(3):e20190345.,1616. Passinho RS, Caniçali Primo C, Fioresi M, Nóbrega MM, Brandão MA, Romero WG. Elaboration and validation of an ICNP® terminology subset for patients with acute myocardial infarction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2019;53:1–9.)The electronic questionnaire was constructed with the Informed Consent Form (ICF), containing: explanatory text about the study, its risks and benefits; participant characterization regarding personal (sex, age, federative unit of residence, maximum title, area and time of professional activity) and thematic variables (development of studies or participation in research groups involving HF/cardiovascular rehabilitation, ND/NO and NI and the ICNP®); and the content of ND/NO and NI statements to be assessed. This was sent to the e-mail of selected experts weekly, with the aim of greater feedback and participation.

Operational definitions were also built and included in the form from ND statements and tabulated in Excel for Windows®, and the statements and interventions were organized according to Nur-MRT CVR’s concepts.

To assess the relevance of ND/NO and NI statements and operational definitions, the form was organized according to Nur-MRT CVR’s concepts (Rehabilitation Care, Educational Process, Psychosocial Support For Patient And Family, Supervised Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program And Therapy Based On Exercise).(77. Farias MS. Reabilitação cardiovascular: proposta de uma teoria de médio alcance [dissertação]. Fortaleza: Universidade Estadual do Ceará; 2018. 134 p.)

Rehabilitating care is determined after a cardiovascular event. It permeates the implementation of theory based on exercise, psychosocial support and an educational process for self-care. The educational process is the way to provide health education to people with cardiovascular disease. Psychosocial support is related to patient-family care aimed at psychosocial care. The program is a specialized, multidisciplinary service that assists patients after the event, and the therapy is supervised by a trained professional.(77. Farias MS. Reabilitação cardiovascular: proposta de uma teoria de médio alcance [dissertação]. Fortaleza: Universidade Estadual do Ceará; 2018. 134 p.)

Experts’ assessment was expressed with “AGREE” or “DO NOT AGREE” with each statement presented, making it possible to score suggestions and/or changes at the end of each statement in a non-mandatory way. When considering the suggestions presented by experts, relevant aspects were added, extracted or revised according to relevance, being described in the body of results.

For data analysis regarding ND/NO and NI statements, the percentage of agreement was used, a method to calculate the pertinence of the phenomenon among experts, being the simplest measure of agreement.(1717. Alexandre NM, Coluci MZ. Validade de conteúdo nos processos de construção e adaptação de instrumentos de medidas. Cien Saude Colet. 2011;16(7):3061–8.)Due to its limitations, the use of this method is recommended, considering the acceptable agreement rate of 90% among experts.(1717. Alexandre NM, Coluci MZ. Validade de conteúdo nos processos de construção e adaptação de instrumentos de medidas. Cien Saude Colet. 2011;16(7):3061–8.)

The period for carrying out the content validity took place from August to October in 2019. At the end of this process, a compilation of valid ND/NO and NI statements was carried out, organized in tables, according to the absolute (F) and relative (%) frequency of each variable of interest.

The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Universidade Regional do Cariri (URCA) (CAAE (Certificado de Apresentação para Apreciação Ética - Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Consideration) 95228818.9.0000.5055/Opinion 2.906.881).


Content validity involved 58 experts aged between 24 and 33 years (63.8%), and mean age of 34.1 years (SD ± 9.8). Experts from 12 states participated, especially from the Northeast, 47 (81%), such as and Ceará, 38 (65.5%), and 41 (70.7%) are professors. As for length of experience, it ranged from 2 to 35 years, with an average of 9.9 (SD ± 9.9), with 7 (11.8%) having two years of experience and a master’s degree 21 (36.2%). As for production in the area, 39 presentations (67.2%), 28 articles (48.3%), 20 dissertations (34.5%) and 9 theses on cardiovascular health (15.5%) were presented. With regard to ICNP® use in their professional activities (care, teaching or as service or curricular internship supervisor), 26 (44.8%) answered that they use it or have already used it. As for the content of this subset submitted to the validity process, Table 1 stands out, referring to ND/NO and NI statements and the percentage of agreement obtained, based on their percentage.

Table 1
Validity of nursing diagnosis/outcome and intervention statements for heart failure

Of the total of 42 ND/NO statements submitted to the validity process, 39 were validated (92.9%); 34 addressed real needs; and five related to potential ones, respectively, with seven statements validated with absolute agreement (100%). Of these, four are considered real needs and two potential needs. It is emphasized that the present statements belong to all five concepts used in the organization of statements.

The three ND/NO statements that obtained low agreement for validity were classified within the Rehabilitating Care concepts, such as “Pain (Specify Type)”, “Decreased Body Mass Index” and “Deficient Food Intake”.

Of the total of 179 NI statements submitted to the validity process, 168 (94%) obtained 90% or more agreement and, of these, 43 with absolute agreement (100%). Thus, of the 11 statements that obtained low agreement, seven were classified in the Rehabilitating Care concept, two in the Psychosocial Support to Patient and Family concept, and two in the Supervised Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program concept.

Of the validated NI statements, 56 were deleted and/or were joined to other statements for being considered repetitive/similar, totaling 112 NI statements at the end. Thus, the deleted validated NI statements were characterized by 25 in the Rehabilitating Care concept, 12 in the Educational Process concept, seven in the Psychosocial Support to Patient and Family concept, nine in the Supervised Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program concept and three in the Therapy Based On Exercise concept.

Experts’ recommendation not to use two different verbs or aspects in the same intervention was accepted. Thus, “Check nasogastric catheter residues and irrigate nasogastric catheter according to routine during continuous feeding and before intermittent feeding” and “Evaluate cough, nausea and ability to swallow” were divided into “Check nasogastric catheter residues”, “Irrigate nasogastric catheter according to routine during Continuous Feeding and Before Intermittent Feeding”. “Evaluate nausea” and “Evaluate cough (sputum, secretion, color, frequency, intensity, murmurs and noise)” were deployed in new interventions.

Interventions in the Rehabilitative Care concept “Assess oral cavity condition” and “Evaluate oral problems that impair feeding and chewing (prosthesis, injury)” were integrated into “Evaluate oral cavity condition (prosthesis, injury, teeth, pain)”. In the Educational Process concept, “Strengthen communication about the disease and treatment” and “Inform side effects of medication” were integrated into “Guide person/family/caregiver about the disease, therapeutic regime and side effect of medication”. In the Psychosocial Support to Patient and Family concept, “Provide privacy for spiritual behavior” and “Provide privacy for religious behavior” were integrated into “Provide privacy for spiritual/religious behavior”. “Respect person’s religious beliefs” and “Respect person’s spiritual beliefs” were integrated into “Respect person’s spiritual/religious beliefs”. In the Supervised Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program concept, “Keep skin clean and dry” and “Keep skin hydrated” were integrated into “Keep skin clean, dry and hydrated”.

Interventions of the Rehabilitative Care concept such as “Wash hands before and after each care for person”, “Use antimicrobial soap for hand hygiene, as appropriate”, “Rotation of the puncture site” and “Use aseptic techniques in procedures” were considered by the experts as good nursing practices, being suppressed from the intervention statements, which should be intrinsic to nursing care.


This research revealed the occurrence of 39 valid diagnoses/outcomes for the care of people with HF. This number is similar to previous studies that validated ICNP® terminology subsets, such as a study that elaborated and validated 28 diagnoses and 211 interventions for the care of alcoholics.(1818. Macena AB, Subrinho LQ, Sequeira CA, Portugal FB, Siqueira MM. ICNP® terminological subset for the alcoholic person. Acta Paul Enferm. 2021;34:eAPE00035.) Another study carried out content validity of 50 ND/NO and 350 NI for breastfeeding care.(1919. Resende FZ, Almeida MV, Leite FM, Brandão MA, Cubas MR, Araújo JL, et al. Terminological subset of the International Classifi cation for Nursing practice (ICNP®) for breastfeeding support: content validation study. Acta Paul Enferm. 2019;32(1):35-45.)

There is also research that validated 52 diagnostic statements for people with metabolic syndrome(2020. Félix ND, Ramos NM, Nascimento MN, Moreira TM, Oliveira CJ. Nursing diagnoses from ICNP® for people with metabolic syndrome. Rev Bras Enferm. 2018;71(Suppl 1):467–74.) as well as a study that validated 56 ND, 99 NO and 411 NI for people with vasculogenic ulcers,(2121. Pires SM, Rodrigues AL, Bastos CB, Cubas MR. Content validation of icnp® subset enunciates for people with vasculogenic ulcers. Rev Min Enferm. 2021;25:1–11.) and research that brings the elaboration of 74 ND/NO and 213 NI for the application of NP during breastfeeding.(2222. Primo CC, Resende FZ, Garcia TR, Duran EC, Brandão MA. Subconjunto terminológico da CIPE® para assistência à mulher e à criança em processo de amamentação. Rev Gauch Enferm. 2018;39:e20170010.)

With regard to HF, research developed in 2013 with the objective of constructing ND and NI statements for patients with functional class III of the New York Heart Association (NYHA) scale, constructed 66 diagnoses and 234 interventions. However, the elaboration was not based on a theoretical model and there was no validity process, and the authors affirm the need for a content validity process by expert nurses in the area.(66. Araújo AA, Nóbrega MM, Garcia TR. Diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem para pacientes portadores de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva utilizando a CIPE®. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2013;47(2):385-92.)

Furthermore, the fact that these statements were developed based on ICNP’s current version, based on its seven axes, stands out. Carrying out the study on screen allows the debate on the care needs of people with HF, in addition to promoting the advancement of scientific knowledge through the clarification of ND/NO, and NI.

Validity depends on the clarity in which the clinical situation of patients with vascular/cardiac complications is expressed, this is related to the applicability of that activity in individuals and the clinical repercussions of their health problem.(1616. Passinho RS, Caniçali Primo C, Fioresi M, Nóbrega MM, Brandão MA, Romero WG. Elaboration and validation of an ICNP® terminology subset for patients with acute myocardial infarction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2019;53:1–9.,2121. Pires SM, Rodrigues AL, Bastos CB, Cubas MR. Content validation of icnp® subset enunciates for people with vasculogenic ulcers. Rev Min Enferm. 2021;25:1–11.)

Moreover, using a mid-range theory of nursing integrated to diagnoses/outcomes allows the standardization of language, expansion of knowledge and the possibility of generating health indicators. Thus, the current study’s relevance stands out.

With regard to the terminology subset’s clinical applicability, nurses perform nursing assessment. Thus, it identifies the needs of people with HF. The information arising from the evaluation will provide subsidies for clinical judgment and critical reasoning with subsequent decision-making for the planning and implementation of care that should modify the clinical picture and present satisfactory results. Therefore, the use of terminology subsets helps in the accurate perception and effectiveness of nursing actions.

The findings made it possible to list real and/or potential needs related to the care of people with HF, highlighting the concepts of Rehabilitating Care and Psychosocial Support for Patients and Family. Rehabilitative care is related to the occurrence of a cardiovascular event due to some clinical pathology, in turn, it is based on exercise therapy, psychosocial support for patient and family.(2323. Farias MS, Silva LF, Brandão MA, Guedes MV, Pontes KM, Lopes RO. Medium reach theory for nursing in cardiovascular rehabilitation. Rev Bras Enferm. 2021;74(3):e20190718.)

People with HF demand care related to disease control for the prevention of damage and injuries and the rehabilitation of the person being cared for, knowing that such a systemic pathology directly impacts quality of life.(2424. Tsao CW, Aday AW, Almarzooq ZI, Alonso A, Beaton AZ, Bittencourt MS, et al. Heart disease and stroke statistics-2022 update: a report from the american heart association. Circulation. 2022;145(8):e153-639. Erratum in: Circulation. 2022;146(10):e141.) Regarding nursing care, care for patients with cardiovascular complications permeates the need for safe environments, preservation of quality of life and carrying out activities of daily living.(1616. Passinho RS, Caniçali Primo C, Fioresi M, Nóbrega MM, Brandão MA, Romero WG. Elaboration and validation of an ICNP® terminology subset for patients with acute myocardial infarction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2019;53:1–9.)

Cough was also a statement with a high level of agreement among the experts in this study. Belonging to the focus axis, it is configured as a non-specific manifestation often found in these clients. It is estimated that 20.9% of adults affected by the disease have a cough.(2525. Cook S, Quint JK, Vasiljev M, Leon DA. Self-reported symptoms of chronic cough and breathlessness in working-age men in the city of Izhevsk, Russia: associations with cardiovascular disease risk factors and comorbidities. BMJ Open Respir Res. 2015;2(1):e000104.) Identifying the abnormal cough reflex in patients with HF allows for early action against cardiac phenomena that lead to arrhythmias, thereby improving clinical prognosis expectations in the rehabilitation process.(2626. Grabczak EM, Stec S, Dabrowska M, Plevkova J, Krenke R. Cough as a cause and consequence of heart dysfunction - current state of art. Physiol Res. 2020;69(Suppl 1):S105-21. Review.)

Statements related to dyspnea and fatigue were also observed in this study with a high level of agreement. For people with HF as well as other cardiovascular diseases, the supply of oxygen is essential in order to avoid dyspnea and fatigue of accessory muscles.(2727. Araújo DD, Nascimento MN, Mota EC, Ribeiro MM, Gonçalves RP, Gusmão RO, et al. Specialized nursing terminology for the care of people with COVID-19. Rev Bras Enferm. 2021 Apr 14;74Suppl 1(Suppl 1):e20200741.)

“Oedema (Specify Degree)” can also be observed as a statement strongly associated with HF, which is characterized as one of the most characteristic signs of the condition, however, becoming less specific than shortness of breath and orthopnea, for instance, with angioedema being an important complication due to angiotensin-converting enzyme overlap.(11. Comitê Coordenador da Diretriz de Insuficiência Cardíaca; Rohde LE, Montera MW, Bocchi EA, Clausell NO, Albuquerque DC, Rassi S, Colafranceschi AS, Freitas Junior AF, Ferraz AS, Biolo A, Barretto AC, Ribeiro AL, Polanczyk CA, Gualandro DM, Almeida DR, Silva ER, Figueiredo EL, Mesquita ET, Marcondes-Braga FG, Cruz FD, Ramires FJ, Atik FA, Bacal F, Souza GE, Almeida Junior GL, Ribeiro GC, Villacorta H Junior, Vieira JL, Souza Neto JD, Rossi Neto JM, Figueiredo Neto JA, Moura LA, Goldraich LA, Beck-da-Silva L, Danzmann LC, Canesin MF, Bittencourt MI, Garcia MI, Bonatto MG, Simões MV, Moreira MCV, Silva MM, Olivera Junior MT, Silvestre OM, Schwartzmann PV, Bestetti RB, Rocha RM, Simões R, Pereira SB, Mangini S, Alves SM, Ferreira SM, Issa VS, Barzilai VS, Martins WA. Diretriz Brasileira de Insuficiência Cardíaca Crônica e Aguda. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2018;111(3):436-539. Erratum in: Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019;112(1):1162.)

“Risk For Cardiogenic Shock” presents important characteristics in the clinical course of HF, being addressed in this study. Shock in HF is already a term explored in the literature;(1212. Nascimento MN, Moreira AE, Ramos NM, Gomes EB, Félix ND, Oliveira CJ. Terminologia especializada de enfermagem para cuidado à pessoa com insuficiência cardíaca crônica. Esc Anna Nery. 2021;25(2):1–8.) however, it is associated with failure of cardiac pump due to obstruction or malfunction, overloading the heart and generating significant impacts on patients’ life that can lead to death.(2424. Tsao CW, Aday AW, Almarzooq ZI, Alonso A, Beaton AZ, Bittencourt MS, et al. Heart disease and stroke statistics-2022 update: a report from the american heart association. Circulation. 2022;145(8):e153-639. Erratum in: Circulation. 2022;146(10):e141.) Avoiding complications associated with the disease and promoting rehabilitative care is essential in both intra- and extra-hospital environments.

The largest number of diagnoses/outcomes with an agreement level greater than 0.90 are in rehabilitation care, including being the area of nursing theory used with the most linked statements. Rehabilitative care concerns the recovery of possible losses that patients had during a cardiac event; this concept is supported by psychosocial assumptions, rehabilitation programs, educational process and care management.(77. Farias MS. Reabilitação cardiovascular: proposta de uma teoria de médio alcance [dissertação]. Fortaleza: Universidade Estadual do Ceará; 2018. 134 p.)

Interventions classified with maximum agreement in the assessment of the study’s experts were related to rehabilitation care (fiber intake, aspiration, tissue perfusion, presence of flatus, fluid balance, monitoring eliminations, evaluating limbs, pain and extubation) and educational (family guidance, therapeutic regime, illness and fatigue). These were also found in other studies.(1616. Passinho RS, Caniçali Primo C, Fioresi M, Nóbrega MM, Brandão MA, Romero WG. Elaboration and validation of an ICNP® terminology subset for patients with acute myocardial infarction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2019;53:1–9.,1818. Macena AB, Subrinho LQ, Sequeira CA, Portugal FB, Siqueira MM. ICNP® terminological subset for the alcoholic person. Acta Paul Enferm. 2021;34:eAPE00035.,1919. Resende FZ, Almeida MV, Leite FM, Brandão MA, Cubas MR, Araújo JL, et al. Terminological subset of the International Classifi cation for Nursing practice (ICNP®) for breastfeeding support: content validation study. Acta Paul Enferm. 2019;32(1):35-45.,2121. Pires SM, Rodrigues AL, Bastos CB, Cubas MR. Content validation of icnp® subset enunciates for people with vasculogenic ulcers. Rev Min Enferm. 2021;25:1–11.,2828. Ramos NM, Oliveira JD, Nascimento MN, Oliveira CJ, Nóbrega MM, Félix ND. Diagnósticos de enfermagem da CIPE® para vítimas de acidente vascular encefálico isquêmico. Enferm Foco. 2020;11(2):112–9.,2929. Silva LP, Primo CC, Prado TN. ICNP® terminology subset for people with tuberculosis. Rev Bras Enferm. 2021;74(2):1–9.)

Some statements had low agreement for validity and were linked to general characteristics presented in various pathologies. Thus, pain can be observed in different clinical situations and is not a factor closely linked to failure, not determining a pathognomonic sign.(11. Comitê Coordenador da Diretriz de Insuficiência Cardíaca; Rohde LE, Montera MW, Bocchi EA, Clausell NO, Albuquerque DC, Rassi S, Colafranceschi AS, Freitas Junior AF, Ferraz AS, Biolo A, Barretto AC, Ribeiro AL, Polanczyk CA, Gualandro DM, Almeida DR, Silva ER, Figueiredo EL, Mesquita ET, Marcondes-Braga FG, Cruz FD, Ramires FJ, Atik FA, Bacal F, Souza GE, Almeida Junior GL, Ribeiro GC, Villacorta H Junior, Vieira JL, Souza Neto JD, Rossi Neto JM, Figueiredo Neto JA, Moura LA, Goldraich LA, Beck-da-Silva L, Danzmann LC, Canesin MF, Bittencourt MI, Garcia MI, Bonatto MG, Simões MV, Moreira MCV, Silva MM, Olivera Junior MT, Silvestre OM, Schwartzmann PV, Bestetti RB, Rocha RM, Simões R, Pereira SB, Mangini S, Alves SM, Ferreira SM, Issa VS, Barzilai VS, Martins WA. Diretriz Brasileira de Insuficiência Cardíaca Crônica e Aguda. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2018;111(3):436-539. Erratum in: Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019;112(1):1162.)

On the other hand, pain represents a characteristic sign of cardiac patients. In acute myocardial infarction, it is an important identification sign, being essential in ICNP® terminology subsets, such as radiating pain and chest pain.(1616. Passinho RS, Caniçali Primo C, Fioresi M, Nóbrega MM, Brandão MA, Romero WG. Elaboration and validation of an ICNP® terminology subset for patients with acute myocardial infarction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2019;53:1–9.) Likewise, in other vascular pathologies there are subsets with ischemic pain(2121. Pires SM, Rodrigues AL, Bastos CB, Cubas MR. Content validation of icnp® subset enunciates for people with vasculogenic ulcers. Rev Min Enferm. 2021;25:1–11.)and acute pain.(2828. Ramos NM, Oliveira JD, Nascimento MN, Oliveira CJ, Nóbrega MM, Félix ND. Diagnósticos de enfermagem da CIPE® para vítimas de acidente vascular encefálico isquêmico. Enferm Foco. 2020;11(2):112–9.)

Another diagnosis/outcome with significant expressiveness was “Hopelessness”, reported as a deficiency in self-care that permeates the interpersonal relationships of human beings and how they develop their activities in society, with characteristics related to the scope of psychoeducation.(3030. Finkler AL, Vivian AG. Grupo focal de psicologia em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Aletheia. 2018;51(1-2):80–96.) This diagnosis is found in the care and psychosocial support to the patient and family. The NI related to this care validated by the experts was social support (preventing psychological and communication problems). Similar studies also had this intervention prevalent in the care relationship with patients.(1818. Macena AB, Subrinho LQ, Sequeira CA, Portugal FB, Siqueira MM. ICNP® terminological subset for the alcoholic person. Acta Paul Enferm. 2021;34:eAPE00035.,2929. Silva LP, Primo CC, Prado TN. ICNP® terminology subset for people with tuberculosis. Rev Bras Enferm. 2021;74(2):1–9.)

Prominent statements with absolute agreement such as “Impaired Skin Integrity” and “Risk For Impaired Skin Integrity” cover important physiological, behavioral and safety aspects of individuals and are related to the supervised cardiovascular rehabilitation program. Integrity is considered the relationship between electrolyte control, acid-base ratio, drug control, skin/wounds, operative procedures, tissue perfusion, exercise, immobility, nutritional support, education and risk classification, and assessment of vital signs.(88. Meneses LB, Medeiros FA, Oliveira JS, Nóbrega MM, Silva MA, Soares MJ. Validation of interventions for risk of impaired skin integrity in adult and aged patients. Rev Bras Enferm. 2020;73(4):1–7.) In rehabilitation care for HF, skin treatment can serve as a prognostic indicator in association with mortality.(3131. Zafrir B, Salman N, Crespo-Leiro MG, Anker SD, Coats AJ, Ferrari R, Filippatos G, Maggioni AP, Mebazaa A, Piepoli MF, Ruschitzka F, Paniagua-Martin MJ, Segovia J, Laroche C, Amir O; Heart Failure Long-Term Registry Investigators. Body surface area as a prognostic marker in chronic heart failure patients: results from the Heart Failure Registry of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology. Eur J Heart Fail. 2016;18(7):859-68. Erratum in: Eur J Heart Fail. 2017;19(3):437.)

Interventions related to cardiovascular rehabilitation/exercise therapy were (return to activities of daily living such as eating, dressing, cleaning and staying hydrated). These interventions were also found in other ICNP® terminology subsets.(1616. Passinho RS, Caniçali Primo C, Fioresi M, Nóbrega MM, Brandão MA, Romero WG. Elaboration and validation of an ICNP® terminology subset for patients with acute myocardial infarction. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2019;53:1–9.,1818. Macena AB, Subrinho LQ, Sequeira CA, Portugal FB, Siqueira MM. ICNP® terminological subset for the alcoholic person. Acta Paul Enferm. 2021;34:eAPE00035.,1919. Resende FZ, Almeida MV, Leite FM, Brandão MA, Cubas MR, Araújo JL, et al. Terminological subset of the International Classifi cation for Nursing practice (ICNP®) for breastfeeding support: content validation study. Acta Paul Enferm. 2019;32(1):35-45.,2121. Pires SM, Rodrigues AL, Bastos CB, Cubas MR. Content validation of icnp® subset enunciates for people with vasculogenic ulcers. Rev Min Enferm. 2021;25:1–11.,2828. Ramos NM, Oliveira JD, Nascimento MN, Oliveira CJ, Nóbrega MM, Félix ND. Diagnósticos de enfermagem da CIPE® para vítimas de acidente vascular encefálico isquêmico. Enferm Foco. 2020;11(2):112–9.,2929. Silva LP, Primo CC, Prado TN. ICNP® terminology subset for people with tuberculosis. Rev Bras Enferm. 2021;74(2):1–9.)

Interventions related to good practices in health and nursing do not need to be explained in areas of expertise, and should be intrinsic to any and all care. Therefore, in addition to interventions for nursing practice, strategies that address patient safety should always be implemented by expanding the role of nurses within a multidisciplinary team, using a checklist and updating/improving standardized nursing languages.(88. Meneses LB, Medeiros FA, Oliveira JS, Nóbrega MM, Silva MA, Soares MJ. Validation of interventions for risk of impaired skin integrity in adult and aged patients. Rev Bras Enferm. 2020;73(4):1–7.,3232. Im D, Aaronson E. Best practices in patient safety and communication. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2020;38(3):693-703. Review.)

As limitations, the incipience of the number of diagnostic statements/outcomes related to exercise-based therapy and the educational process is observed, this is due to the possibility of publications involving only clinical care without the perception of individuals’ holistic needs. In this sense, nurses must pay attention to educational issues and the practice of rehabilitation, which still constitute gaps in scientific knowledge in HF.(3333. Costa FB, Gama GG, Mendes AS. Autocuidado de indivíduos com insuficiência cardíaca. Rev Enferm UFSM. 2020;10:e46.)


The present study made it possible to validate the content of 39 ND/NO and 168 NI for the care of people with HF in order to verify the adequacy of statements to the target audience while improving accuracy and reliability. Also, it contemplated the contribution to the composition of a nursing language based on a worldwide recognized classification system that can subsidize care, corroborating the fact that most nursing phenomena are covered in the national and international literature, but not in the form of ND/NO and NI for people with HF. In this way, validating ND/NO and NI content for the care of people with HF will contribute to the implementation of assistance based on scientific evidence and will strengthen nursing as a science as well as providing greater security, assertiveness and autonomy to professional nursing care. The study opens precedents for new research that guide the nursing phenomena presented together with the middle range theory of cardiovascular care with a view to strengthening and elucidating nursing care to the public under study.


To the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), which granted a master’s scholarship to Maria Naiane Rolim Nascimento.


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Edited by

Associate Editor (Peer review process): Camila Takao Lopes ( Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Aug 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    10 Aug 2022
  • Accepted
    16 May 2023
Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil