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Open-access Intellectual Structure of Export Orientation in International Marketing: A Bibliometric Coupling


This study aims to present the structure of export orientation research and clusters over 10 years of research. The bibliometric analysis was made up of 434 articles from the Scopus database. To analyze the extracted data, three bibliometric techniques were applied: Citation Analysis, Keyword Analysis, and Bibliographic Coupling. The results show an exponential increase in research on export orientation research. The study also revealed eight clusters based on publications from the last ten years. The main themes that emerged related to export orientation research include; Marketing performance and export orientation, firm's productivity and efficiency orientation, local to global upgradation and export orientation, industrial policy, manufacturing and export orientation, technology as a stimulant for change, competitive strategy for export orientation, and value chain coordination. It allows the researcher to better understand the most common issues of the last 5 years and relate these issues to current problems in the international marketplace.

Keywords: Export orientation; bibliometric analysis; international marketing; bibliometric coupling; keywords analysis


Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar a estrutura da pesquisa de orientação para exportação e clusters ao longo de 10 anos de pesquisa. Foram utilizados 434 artigos da base de dados Scopus para a análise bibliométrica. Para analisar os dados extraídos, três técnicas bibliométricas foram aplicadas: Análise de citações, análise de palavras-chave e acoplamento bibliográfico. Os resultados mostram um aumento exponencial nas pesquisas sobre orientação à exportação. O estudo também revelou oito clusters com base nas publicações dos últimos dez anos. Os principais temas que surgiram relacionados à pesquisa de orientação para exportação incluem: Desempenho de marketing e orientação para a exportação, orientação para produtividade e eficiência da empresa, atualização local para global e orientação para exportação, política industrial, orientação para manufatura e exportação, tecnologia como estimulante de mudança, estratégia competitiva para orientação para exportação, coordenação da cadeia de valor. Permite ao pesquisador entender melhor os problemas mais comuns dos últimos 5 anos e relacionar esses problemas aos problemas atuais do mercado internacional.

Palavras-chave: Orientação para exportação; análise bibliométrica; marketing internacional; acoplamento bibliométrico; análise de palavras-chave

1. Introduction

Export orientation is a business activity that prioritizes exporting goods or services in international markets (Kaynak & Kuan, 1993). It has a significant impact on the economic growth of the country (Behyan et al., 2015; Hessels & Van Stel, 2011). Thus, firms contribute to economic growth when they are market-oriented. Governments also motivate and encourage firms or individuals by offering different export schemes and programs (Francis & Collins‐Dodd, 2004). Additional issues are required to succeed in the international market. The market orientation between domestic and international markets is evident. The pattern of market orientation in the EMO is distinct (Diamantopoulos & Cadogan, 1996). Items pertinent within a domestic setting may be of little use in an international context (Cadogan, 1995).

Moreover, internationally oriented new ventures are widely viewed as critical to economic growth and innovation (Moen, 2002). Export market orientation has a significant impact on innovation performance and business capabilities (İpek & Bıçakcıoğlu-Peynirci, 2020; Navarro-García et al., 2014). Similarly, market orientation and international orientation are positively related to export performance (Dung & Giang, 2021; Javalgi & Todd, 2011; Reimann et al., 2022). In the era of globalization and international trade, firms need to focus on finding potential markets and exporting activities to take advantage of far more opportunities in overseas markets (Murray et al., 2011). Markets in today's business environment are dynamic and companies need to constantly update their offerings (Paul & Gupta, 2014; Reimann et al., 2022). Therefore, firms considering expansion into foreign markets should conduct extensive market research (Okpara, 2009). To meet consumers' ever-changing preferences, companies must stay abreast of new market-based information, which requires a market-oriented approach (Paul & Sánchez‐Morcilio, 2019). Exporting firms should also focus more on how to achieve the best level of export orientation and how to leverage these activities to increase export success (Cadogan et al., 2016). Market orientation phenomena are critical to creating long-term competitive advantage and increased customer value, resulting in remarkable market performance (Lengler et al., 2013; Rose & Shoham, 2002; Slater & Narver, 1994). Export orientation studies enable entrepreneurs, new ventures, and SME owners or managers from emerging markets to better understand opportunities in international markets (Celik et al., 2019; Chung, 2012). Firms must recognize that entrepreneurial managerial cognition and managerial social capital of managers improve the market orientation procedure of exporters (Mostafiz et al., 2021). Market orientation of exporters maximizes cooperation while reducing dependence and relational distance between them and their main overseas distributor (Racela et al., 2007).

Export orientation is defined as "a situation in which export production receives at least as much assistance as import replacement" (Gruen, 1991). The concept of export market orientation implies the application of the marketing concept to the international market. Export orientation has received theoretical and empirical attention in the international marketing literature. Incorporating empirical studies, İpek and Bıçakcıoğlu-Peynirci (2020) critically reviewed and summarized empirical research on export market orientation, highlighting theory, context, characteristics, and methodology. Researchers have long been interested in export orientation studies, and a substantial body of knowledge has been published in this area, providing useful foundations for export orientation strategies in the international market. Indeed, a wealth of research has been conducted to investigate the factors that drive the new venture export orientation of new firms (Rialp et al., 2005; Evers, 2011). In addition, researchers in this field have focused on import-export orientation (Gubina, 2019; Gusakova et al., 2020), export orientation of firms (Kolbe et al., 2021; Pfaffermayr, 2004; Sørensen & Madsen, 2012; Were, 2011) and SME export orientation (Jin & Cho, 2018; Okpara, 2009; Pascucci et al., 2016), entrepreneur export orientation (Capelleras et al, 2018; De Clerq et al., 2007; Faroque, et al., 2020), foreign export orientation (Dichtl et al.,1984; Holzmüller & Kasper, 1990), etc.

As far as we know, no attempt has yet been made to study the bibliometric analysis of export-oriented research. Bibliometric analysis helps to examine, classify, and understand scholarly work on a particular topic or area of study by examining patterns and trends in publications (Ferreira et al., 2014). In order to organise the chaos of documentation and find literary patterns, it also looks for regularities in the structure of the literature (De Bellis, 2009). Articles, citations, and sources of information are examined (Merigó et al., 2015). In addition, bibliometric analysis is often used to obtain a comprehensive overview of the main trends in a particular journal (Merigó et al., 2015) or research area by examining the main researchers (Bonilla et al., 2015). On the other hand, it provides direct evidence of undiscovered dimensions that still need to be studied.

According to Archambault and Gagné (2004), three different types of techniques are mainly used in bibliometrics. The first involves counting the number of journal publications in a given period, which can be used as a set or subset of indicators of the output of the scientific system. In this way, the research performance of specific scientists, departments, and research organisations can be evaluated and compared (Bornmann et al., 2008). Second, citation analysis aims to determine the importance or impact of a paper, journal, or research team (Dzikowski, 2018; Garfield, 2007; Koskinen et al., 2008). Examining the frequency, patterns, and graphical representation of citations (citation networks), assessing the quality of information sources, and mapping fields of study to examine their intellectual structures are the core goals of citation analysis. It is also used to monitor information flows and the dissemination of ideas (Zhao & Strotmann, 2015). Third, citation analysis, co-word analysis, and bibliographic linkage are used to study the emergence of new fields in a scientific discipline and to establish links between them (Sequeira & Teixeira, 2011).

Despite substantial advances in the understanding of export market orientation, bibliometric analysis needs to be addressed the export market orientation literature and its intellectual structure. Therefore, to address these issues, the following research questions are drafted.

  • RQ1. What are the key growth trends in research on export orientation?

  • RQ2. Which countries, authors, and journals contributed most to the knowledge base of export orientation?

  • RQ3. What is the intellectual structure of knowledge - base on export orientation?

  • RQ4. Which articles have achieved the highest number of citations?

  • RQ5. What are the predominant research themes in the past 10 years related to export orientation?

Therefore, the aim of this research was the bibliometric analysis of 434 articles published between 1972 and 2022, focusing on export orientation in the Scopus database. Finally, this research will contribute to the literature that will help in the development of new concepts in the research dimensions of export orientation that will be considered in the future and will help future scholars to produce high impact publications in the field of export orientation and international trade by clarifying the contributing elements and identifying the most important areas in this topic

The methodological considerations used to analyze the literature on export orientation are presented in the following section, followed by the results and a discussion of the findings of the paper, then finally the conclusion, limitations, and research directions for future work are presented.

2. Methodology

2.1. Data source and data retrieval strategy

The primary aim of this paper is to uncover clusters on the keywords "export orientation" by means of bibliometric analysis. Therefore, the study presents previous trends and research on international export orientation. The relevant articles were searched in the Scopus database using some specific keywords. This database contains the most influential core academic publications in the social sciences and other subjects. Scopus is widely recognized as an influential citation index database that provides research references (Erboz et al., 2022; Martín-Martín et al., 2018; Moosa et al., 2022). The bibliometric analysis in this study began with the identification of specific keywords. According to Sharma et al. (2018), the selected keywords should be able to provide reliable information that meets the specific purpose of the analysis. In this study, the keyword "export orientation" was used to search for research publications in the Scopus database. The quotation mark was used to obtain correct search results (Liu et al., 2013). The literature records were accessed on August 23, 2022, and a CSV file containing 434 records was downloaded, with the time parameter of 1972-2022. The search was limited to a subject area (economics, econometrics and finance, social sciences, business management and accounting, decision sciences, multidisciplinary), the type of articles (articles, book chapters, conference papers, and reviews), and the language (English).

2.2. Bibliometric analysis techniques

Based on the research objectives, this study uses two types of bibliometric methods, namely performance analysis and science mapping (Cobo et al., 2011; Donthu et al., 2021). The former examines the contributions of research constituents to a particular field (Cobo et al., 2011; Donthu et al., 2021), while the latter examines the relationship between different constituents (Cobo et al., 2011; Donthu et al., 2021). The performance analysis, also called descriptive analysis, includes constituents' quantitative metrics of publications. On the other hand, scientific mapping, keyword analysis, co-occurrence analysis and bibliometric coupling techniques are used to analyze the recorded articles. VOSviewer software was used to perform the bibliometric analysis. VOSviewer uses mapping techniques to apply visual components (Van Eck & Waltman, 2019). Researchers can create new information by using mapping techniques to transform CSV-formatted publication data into graphs or clusters (Ahmi & Mohd Nasir, 2019). Researchers can also explore information from articles such as authors, locations, and institutions, as well as citation and co-citation analyzes and other features that need improvement using mapping methods (Rizzi et al., 2014). Finally, the predominant subsectors of export orientation were examined using the map of co-cited knowledge in the literature.

3. Results

3.1. Trends in publication on export orientation

The term "research frontier" in a scientific study describes the most cutting-edge, current, and future research topics or areas of study. Researchers can get the most recent information on research in this field by identifying and following research frontiers, which will help them better comprehend the field's development and forecast future research trends (Jiang & Qu, 2020). This study examined literary works that were published from 1972 to 2022.

Figure 1.
Publication trend in export orientation research

To examine the quantitative relationship and evolution path of literature, which might show the research status and development process of a discipline, bibliometric analysis aids in the use of quantitative research tools like statistics. As a result, as shown in Figure 1, this article compiled statistics on the 434 documents on export orientation. The overall number of research articles published in this area of study has been steadily increasing year after year. Before 1980, there were only two articles published, with a low growth rate and no other related studies in export orientation research. After 1980, the number of articles increased dramatically and remained static until 1989. This field's research increased at a higher rate, heated up quickly, and peaked (22 articles) in 2009. However, there was a small decrease in the number of publications during 2001 to 2004. From 2009 to 2021, the number of articles published gradually increased, only with small variations, and research on this topic has become a research hotspot, attracting increasing attention from scholars. From the figure, it can be easily seen that the percentage of publications before 1982 is much less than ten percent (10%) while after this time there is an increase in the cumulative percentage of publications.

3.2. Countries contribution

Table 1 shows the number of documents published from different countries. The total number of documents published by each country are presented a comprehensive view of export orientated research across different countries. The United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia are the three top publishers in export orientation topics. India and China are two Asian countries; it seems that these two Asian countries are focusing more on export orientation research. South Africa, and to a lesser extent Ghana, are the main producers of export orientation research in Africa. Also, a substantial number of citations corresponding to number of publications are found. However, the Russian Federation has received a low number citations comparison to other countries. There are two probable causes for this result. First off, there are more papers from nations that are highly regarded by academics and are frequently cited by other researchers. Second, the high exposure these researchers may have had to the global network of export-oriented academics may have contributed to their higher citation rates.

Table 1
Number of research papers published by countries

3.3. Contribution of authors

The quantity of publications a researcher produces in a certain area of study is a gauge of their productivity. The author's contribution to export orientation was analyzed using a VOS viewer and MS excel. Main contributing authors has made significant contributions, are identified (Table 2). Individuals and small groups contributed the most to this field. The highest number of scientific articles are published by Hessels j. (5 articles, 258 citations), Kumar N. (3 publications, 217 citations), and Van Stel A. (3 publications, 170 citations) similarly other authors has third positions in their publications respectively.

Table 2
Authors and their publications in export orientation

3.4. Contribution of Journals

During 1972 to 2022, Table 1 includes the most highly cited international journals in export orientation research. The top 10 journals' impact factors are greater than 1, and the average impact factor is greater than 5 (Table 3), indicating that many reputable academic publications are interested in this field. The total number of citations for papers published by the evaluated journal in the first two years is divided by the total number of papers published in those two years to determine the impact factor (Garfield, 2006). As shown in Table 3, Applied Economics, Small Business Economics, and World Development have more publications than other journals, with an equivalent amount of 7 publications. Even if the journals have equal number of publication journals’ citations are different. This data makes them the most influential journals, but other journals also reported substantial contribution.

Table 3
Top 10 source of export orientation publication

3.5. Keyword analysis

Keyword analysis useful for the academics to identify new concerns about the subject. Examining the article's keywords can help to identify the study goal of published publications and to apply it effectively in future research (Zou et al., 2019). Figure 2 represents network map of keywords used by the author in their studies. The thickness of the connecting lines, text size, and node size reveal the relationship with other terms (Sweileh et al., 2017). Export orientation along with other keywords heighted in their presence more than three times used in studies. There is a lot of proximity between terms as well, which suggests a closer connection between different keywords. Export orientation, export, innovation, manufacturing, foreign direct investment, and import substitution are the keywords with significant impact.

Figure 2.
Network visualization map of keywords analysis

The most cited paper on export orientation was published in 1995 by the author Rodrik (1995) which found the impacts of export orientation in the country’s economic growth. However, it was difficult to understand how export orientation might have been a major factor in these countries' development due to exports which were initially not significant enough to have a substantial impact on overall economic performance. Then, highly cited publications come up in different time periods and attracted scholars in the field.

3.6. Bibliometric coupling

This section displays clusters organized by topic. Scientific research articles from the last 5 years (from 2018 to 2022) were identified from the downloaded CSV file. A bibliographic coupling technique is used to identify the clusters. This technique was developed to evaluate the direction of recent contributions to the research area. This step helps to gain a better and deeper understanding of the current literature on a particular topic based on a condensed and recent time period (Andersen, 2019). The VOSViewer software is used for this analysis. Figure 3 illustrates a relatively coherent bibliographic network with seven clusters of references cited by 324 publications. These articles were published between 2018 and 2022. The link between them represents the bibliometric coupling and the nodes represent the articles. The names of the seven clusters and the main authors are listed in Table 4.

Figure 3.
Number of Clusters

Cluster 1 “Marketing performance and export orientation”, covers the maximum studies is from last 5 years studies data. Mainly concerned with the export performance of the firms and growth aspiration, these motivations lead them to become export-oriented, showing how they can improve their export performance through export-oriented marketing strategies. Dubey and Das (2022) examined how governance, a stand-in for network effects, affected small and medium-sized businesses' (SME) expansion into new markets. The effect of supply network degree, closeness, and betweenness, centralities on firm performance, and export-orientation, was investigated by Lau et al. (2020). The most intriguing discovery is that new market development is not always supported by governance institutions. Nurkayin and Ardyan (2018) looked at how factors like export focus, new technology, low levels of competition, and product novelty influence aspirations for entrepreneurial growth that are restrained by financial resources.

Cluster 2, “Firm's productivity and efficiency orientation” conceptualized based on the objective of the studies. For instance, in Roosevelt (2021) who re-evaluates the link between certain firm-level characteristics and firms' propensity to export, taking into account how national-level political, economic, and geographic conditions affect these relationships. Malikov et al. (2020) provided a workable identification strategy, whereby the firm's degree of export orientation provides the needed (excluded) relevant independent exogenous variation in endogenous freely varying inputs, thus allowing us to identify the production function. Tzeremes (2019) showed that, up to a certain point, lower export shares enhance countries’ technological catch-up levels. The results also reveal that higher export shares affect positively their technological change levels. Setiawan et al. (2019) investigated the technical efficiency (TE) of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and its determinants in the Indonesian manufacturing sector covering comprehensive subsectors.

Cluster 3, “Local to global upgradation and export orientation”, the studies mentioned in this cluster focus the aspects of international trade and industrial development of local firms which aspiring to be global players. Fu et al. (2021) investigate the adoption of technology among clothing manufacturers in Bangladesh, while Lee et al. (2021) examined the development paths of the automotive sector in Malaysia, Thailand, and China. Pietrzak et al. (2020) explore the barriers to upgrading the position of local producers in the global value chain, while Ali et al. (2018) analyze the performance of firms with respect to their export orientation. Finally, Seenaiah and Rath (2018) examine the determinants of innovation in selected manufacturing firms in India and suggest policy implications for boosting innovation through export orientation and R&D investment. Overall, these studies contribute to our understanding of the factors that influence industrial development and competitiveness in a globalized world.

Cluster 4, “industrial policy, manufacturing and export orientation” three sources in this cluster discuss various factors that contributed to the economic success of certain countries or regions. Cherif and Hasanov (2020) identify three key principles behind economic miracles, including the support of domestic producers in sophisticated industries, export orientation, and fierce competition with strict accountability. Oqubay (2019) analyzes the challenges and potential for structural transformation in the manufacturing sector based on evidence from the past 25 years. Jones (2019) discusses the factors that contributed to Korea's high growth rate, including export orientation, Confucian culture, correct price setting, intelligent government intervention, and technological change.

Cluster 5 “technology as a stimulant for change”, in this cluster, studies are conducted by Singla focusing technology. Several key technology push (TP) strategies influencing sustainable development were estimated and extracted by Singla et al. in 2019. The importance of various technological push (TP) and demand pull (DP) practices significant for attaining sustainable development was assessed by Singla et al. (2018a) in a separate study. Singla et al. (2018b) The goal of the study is to evaluate how different technology push (TP) tactics impact sustainable development. In order to achieve sustainable development, the studies concentrated on technological push strategy, innovative capability, research and development, corporate strategy, and export orientation. Corporate strategy and inventive capability are two TP strategies that are discovered to be significant in the current setting. It is also agreed that manufacturing companies need to manage some TP-DP processes more aggressively.

Cluster 6, “competitive strategy for export orientation” conceptualized base on the studies of Dinh et al. (2019) measured the impact of product diversification and capital structure on firm performance, and Blazquez and Domenech (2018) examined the viability of monitoring firm export orientation from automatically retrieved web variables.

Cluster 7 “Value chain coordination” conceptualized only on the basis of two studies. Both the studies are conducted in an Albanian context, relating export orientation. Xhoxhi et al. (2020) focused on how intermediaries' power affects contract farming decisions, while Keco et al. (2019) analyzed the value chain coordination of greenhouse vegetables. Accordingly, greenhouse vegetables have a strong export orientation. Studies focuses only on one sector with export orientation.

Table 4
Clusters and contributing authors

4. Conclusion

Export Orientation has developed a relatively extensive knowledge base and theoretical contributions since its first publication. It is important to analyze and understand the current status and trends of export-oriented research. This study can help identify new research concerns and provide indications of scientific research topics, academic innovations, and the development of international trade. The results of this bibliometric analysis can also help future scholars produce high-impact publications in the field of export orientation and international trade.

This paper emphasizes the importance of export orientation and recommends to researchers that export orientation must be thoroughly studied in order to achieve a country's intended international trade goals. Moreover, research on export orientation remains important for any country that wants to maintain its trade balance and be competitive in the global market. This article had several shortcomings in terms of providing reference and suggestions for scholars interested in this topic as well as decision-makers from governments and businesses, as well as contributing to a more in-depth study. Finally, the percentage of GDP spent on research, the number of research institutions, the number of established scientific journals, and English as the primary language for publication all contribute to improved research documentation.

5. Implications

This study is useful for researchers and policy makers who want to learn more about the embodied flows associated with export orientation. Overall, this is an important research topic whose scope needs to be broadened to address international trade and firms' market orientation more comprehensively. This paper attempts to clarify how the literature has evolved and what contributions have been made in terms of journals, authors, bibliometric linkages, and country contributions, which is crucial for academic and policy implementation.

The analysis of export orientation based on bibliometric studies can provide useful guidance for the formulation and implementation of both export marketing plans and national programs for export growth. The study shows that despite the fact that export is at the center of international trade among countries' research interests, export-related issues receive less attention in emerging economies. The lack of meaningful studies from emerging markets sends an important message to these countries: companies that allocate adequate resources to export marketing research are more likely to succeed in export markets. Consequently, effective national export policies need to be formulated with a focus on promoting ongoing export activities, and policies need to be regularly evaluated and updated based on market developments and export-oriented research. The study also highlights the need for exporting firms in developing countries to focus on developing and maintaining well-structured export learning capabilities that are most effective in a competitive and turbulent export environment.

For building high customer value, and achieving sustainable competitive advantage, market orientation is important for a company to achieve remarkable success in the market. Therefore, exporting companies in both developed and developing countries should be aware of the current trends in export orientation literature to ensure that export performance is improved through export learning capabilities, taking into account several things. Companies need to develop their export orientation by focusing on issues specific to the foreign market environment, as the international market has a more complex environmental structure than the domestic market. It is also important to remember that a great performance achieved in the domestic market cannot be easily transferred to the foreign market; therefore, enterprises must focus on research and development to maximize their competitive advantage in the international market.

With the increasing influence of globalization and international trade, companies also need to seize more opportunities in foreign markets, which in turn highlights the importance of R&D. In terms of understanding customer needs, sustainable competitive strategies, and dealing with external influences, companies with a high level of R & D in their export operations have outperformed their competitors in foreign markets (Tung & Binh, 2022).

It is also suggested that policy makers should focus on strategies to improve exports by making better use of limited resources and learning capacities. This would help countries pool their limited resources and focus on environmentally and competitively stable markets to achieve higher performance and profitability.

Finally, export orientation research is a reliable predictor of a country's export growth. Therefore, it is critical for developing countries to better target their efforts. In order to develop more appropriate policy planning and effective and efficient export promotion programs, countries need to identify the export orientation of firms so that they can increase their competitiveness in international trade. The study's findings suggest that government institutions should make greater efforts to raise public awareness of the importance of export orientation and provide a wider range of opportunities for companies through export-oriented research. It also suggests that the government should take proactive export orientation measures to increase export growth, performance and profitability.

6. Future research direction based on recent five-years’ studies

Several scholars have long been interested in export market orientation, which has been studied both theoretically and empirically in the literature on international business. When it comes to economic development issues, the last decade has been dominated by what is now known as export-led growth or export orientation (see Figure 1). The ability to continuously improve the export structure in particular, and the commodity pattern of exports in general, are perhaps the most important elements of sustainable export-led growth, according to the recent literature of the last five years. This bibliometric study shows substantial progress in our understanding of export orientation. Notwithstanding this progress, the characteristics make it clear that additional research is needed in some areas. We explore four potential areas (sustainability, digital technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship) for future study. By filling the research gap, we can better understand each research topic and develop a clear understanding of export orientation.

Sustainability (Carreón-Gutiérrez & Saiz-Álvarez, 2019; Fang & Zhang, 2018; Fu et al., 2021; Haller et al., 2021; Kopytin et al., 2020; Kutnjak et al., 2019; Lau et al., 2020; Pietrzak et al., 2020; Singla et al., 2018a; Singla et al., 2018b; Varblane & Bormann, 2019)

  • How the benefits of adopting GSCM practices by a firm can spillover to its supply chain partners.

  • Can emerging or developed countries compare TP strategies, influencing sustainable development in manufacturing industries.

  • How technology push and demand-pull practices can support for achieving sustainable development in emerging and developed economies.

  • Modes of governance use in value chain and its institutional environment also seem to be very promising directions for future research.

  • How product newness, low competition, recent technology, and export orientation can increase the aspirations of growth for nascent and established entrepreneurs.

  • To identify relevant factors to re-examine their ambiguities and possible omissions in each of the quality management domains

  • The market power estimation model could be extended to discuss exports and subsidies issues from both theoretical and empirical perspectives.

  • Need to focus on analysis of functional upgrading in ------ GVCs of the same product.

Digital technology (Blazquez & Domenech, 2018; Brieger et al., 2022; Singla et al., 2019; Tzeremes, 2019)

  • Research related to web data mining for monitoring business export orientation

  • Technology push strategies can be attempted in other emerging and developed economies to show the dependency of sustainable development on different attributes.

  • The bi-directional causality of trade and FDI policies on countries’ productivity components can be investigated

  • Research related to technological upgrading and challenges in the Thai Automotive Industry

  • Investigate the negative effects of digitalization in the context of (international) entrepreneurship

Innovation (Chu & Hoang, 2022; Dogru & Peyrefitte, 2022; Guelich, 2020; Harrison & Pooe, 2022; Kenesheva &Alimbayev, 2018; Kazemi et al., 2021)

  • More channels through which pressures from the other stakeholders can be identified.

  • How innovation can boost export performance through an export learning orientation.

  • How the factors, including their financial resources, stakeholder demands, and interactions with the government can influence firms' strategic decisions on innovation.

Entrepreneurship (Capelleras et al., 2018; Carreón-Gutiérrez & Saiz-Álvarez, 2019; Guelich, 2020; Kazemi et al., 2019; Kanellos & Siokas, 2021; Nawaz et al., 2022)

  • The relation between the greater an entrepreneur's export orientation, and the greater their desire for growth need further study.

  • How the importance of educational attainment, acquiring current technology, and the novelty of the product all would support the company's aspirations for entrepreneurial growth.

  • Entrepreneurs running their companies learn more about how an organisation deploys growth through implementation.


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