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Motivators for using on-demand vehicle sharing services in Brazil


This study focused on the analysis of motivators for the use of on-demand travel modes in Brazil. The methodological procedures included the use of combined methods of probabilistic sampling and pre-tests to design the research instrument and use of the IBM SPSS Statistics software, for data treatment which used, among others, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The five major regions of Brazil were considered in this research, totaling 2150 interviews, indicating the existence of fourteen motivators for use involving the economic, social, environmental, and technological dimensions, however, only six variables comprise the structuring nucleus of demand and are based on an element of economic order (Reduced Tariff), one of a socioeconomic nature (Expectation of Benefits) and four technological drivers (Technological Availability, Convenience of Time and Boarding in addition to Data Security), which figure as utilitarian indicators, corroborating the results of international studies and contrasting those that signal hedonistic elements as relevant. In this sense, the study presents advances in establishing parameters of consumer choice based on the use of platforms aimed at displacement, figuring as an indicator of the reasons for use and their scaling of relevance in the users’ decision-making process.

Consumer Behavior; Sharing Economy; Technology


O estudo focou-se na análise dos motivadores de uso dos modais de deslocamento sob demanda no Brasil. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluíram a utilização de métodos combinados de amostragem probabilística e pré-testes para delineamento do instrumento de pesquisa e uso do software IBM SPSS Statistics, para tratamento dos dados valendo-se, entre outros, das análises fatoriais exploratória e confirmatória. Foram contempladas as cinco grandes regiões do Brasil, totalizando 2150 entrevistas, as quais indicaram a existência de quatorze motivadores de uso envolvendo as dimensões econômicas, sociais, ambientais e tecnológicas, contudo apenas seis variáveis compõem o núcleo estruturante da demanda e pautando-se em um elemento de ordem econômica (Tarifa Reduzida), um de natureza socioeconômica (Expectativa de Benefícios) e quatro direcionadores tecnológicos (Disponibilidade Tecnológica, Conveniência de Tempo e de Embarque além da Segurança de Dados), os quais figuram como indicadores utilitaristas, corroborando os resultados de estudos internacionais e contrapondo-se aos que sinalizam elementos hedonistas como relevantes. Nesse sentido, o estudo apresenta avanços ao estabelecer parâmetros de escolha do consumidor a partir do uso de plataformas voltadas ao deslocamento, figurando como indicador das razões de uso e seu escalonamento de relevância no processo decisório dos usuários.

Comportamento do Consumidor; Economia Compartilhada; Tecnologia


Changes in consumer behavior, combined with the set of technological developments and their impacts on the daily lives of individuals and organizations, as well as fluctuations and changes in the individual economic situation, fostered the emergence of the embryo that is now understood as vehicle sharing services on-demand, which presents itself as a distinctive model based on the logic of access to an asset rather than its property, consisting of five strictly connected pillars: People, technology, cost, idleness, and temporality of use, which leads individuals, for example, to lend or borrow - involving or not involving money - instead of aiming to own something.

Considering a set of factors triggered in the relations between companies and people - especially when associated with crises; changes in consumer behavior concerning their purchasing power toward understand ingthe ownership and enjoyment of goods or services, in addition to technological advances and the development of connective platforms.

The volume of applications offering travel on-demand has increased considerably in Brazil. The national market accommodates companies such as Uber and 99 Taxi, but it also serves niches such as Lady Driver (women), Eu Vô (elderly), Garupa (small and medium-sized cities), Jaubra (periphery) among other niches (Microsoft Store, 2020Microsoft Store. (2020). Sharing Economy. Recovered on October 12, 2020 from

Given the context of expansion and evolution of the offer, it was necessary to research the motivators for the use of means of travel on-demand, characterized by the use of an application program to request a vehicle for urban displacement, in this case, as a way of understanding the consumer’s decision-making.

The study focused on the discussion of motivators for the use of modes of travel on-demand in Brazil. To achieve this objective, the structuring of the target audience and the locations of incidence, we opted for combined methods of probabilistic sampling, in addition to carrying out pre-tests to assemble the research instrument.

The research regarding the motivators for the use of on-demand travel modes presents a relevant contribution to the field of studies when discussing the set of conditioning elements of consumer decision-making, particularly considering that a consistent part of national studies (Mann et al., 2018Mann, F. C. F. (2018). Economia compartilhada e consumo colaborativo no Brasil: análise das motivações e características dos seus participantes. Dissertação de mestrado. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói.; Sampaio et al., 2018Sampaio, L. C., Fischer, W., & Miura, M. N. (2018). Comportamento do consumidor na economia compartilhada: por que as pessoas participam? In Anais do XXIX Encontro Nacional dos Cursos de Graduação em Administração. São Paulo: ANGRAD.; Santos et al., 2019Santos, A. S., Nascimento, J. C. H. B., Rabelo Neto, A., & Barbosa, F. L. S. (2019). Determinantes da adesão aos serviços de mobilidade compartilhada: uma investigação empírica no contexto brasileiro. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana, 11, e20190033.
) and international (Nelson & Sadowsky, 2017Nelson, E. & Sadowsky, N. (2017) Estimating the Impact of Ride-Hailing App Services on Public Transportation: Use in Major US Urban Areas. Bowdoin College Economics Department Working Paper Series, v. 2.; Henao, 2017Henao, A. (2017) Impacts of Ridesourcing - Lyft and Uber - on Transportation Including VMT, Mode Replacement, Parking, and Travel Behavior. Thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy degree - University of Colorado at Denver, Civil Engineering Program.) analyze partial aspects of the consumption relationship, such as research focused on the social aspect (Arruda et al., 2016Arruda, H., Bandeira, E., Leocádio, A., & Rebouças, S. (2016). Consumo Colaborativo e Valores Pessoais: O Caso da Bicicleta Compartilhada. Revista Brasileira de Marketing. 15. 683-698.
), the environmental aspect, (Bezerro & Santiago, 2017Bezerro, E. B. E., & Santiago, M. R. (2017). Relações de consumo na pós-modernidade: o consumo colaborativo como instrumento de sustentabilidade. Revista de Direito da Cidade, 9(2), 463-481.) and even the economic aspect(Cassel, 2018Cassel, D. L. (2018) Caracterização dos Serviços de Ridesourcing e a Relação com o Transporte Público Coletivo: Estudo de Caso em Porto Alegre. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS.) of the offer, without, however, questioning the set of factors inducing the demand as a whole.

Finally, it is indicated that the main contributions of this study to both the theoretical field and professional practice are centered on the categorization and hierarchy of motivators that predict the consumption of platform commuting services compared to international studies, in addition to questioning the cost and non-possession roles as central drivers of consumption. It is emphasized that the answer to both hypotheses represents an important theoretical leap in national terms, considering the impacts that this type of service has achieved in the country.

The results indicated the existence of social and economic motivators influenced by technology, whose utilitarian nature, as opposed to the hedonistic aspect of consumption, indicates cost as an element of the first magnitude, in addition to the technological facilitator and the final objectives with the movement at the expense of the displacement itself.


The Sharing Economy has usually been defined as any activity that involves obtaining, offering, or even sharing access to goods or services, coordinated from community services in a virtual environment, being labeled with different names, such as collaborative consumption, access, or platform economy, in addition to the gig economy (Belk, 2014Belk, R. (2014). You are what you can access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online. Journal of Business Research, 67(8), 1595-1600.

The Sharing Economy has, as main characteristics, online collaboration, exchanges based on mutual benefits, the notion of online sharing, and the ideology of consumption (Hamari et al., 2015Hamari, J., Sjöklint, M. & Ukkonen, A. (2015). The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(9), 2047-2059.
), whereas the on-demand applications offered by travel services are usually called ride-hailing or ride-sourcing, as they connect the demanders of a given product or service - in this case, mobility- with providers through technological resources such as platforms and applications. These companies are named as Transportation Network Companies (TNC’s) (Henao, 2017Henao, A. (2017) Impacts of Ridesourcing - Lyft and Uber - on Transportation Including VMT, Mode Replacement, Parking, and Travel Behavior. Thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy degree - University of Colorado at Denver, Civil Engineering Program.; Cassel, 2018Cassel, D. L. (2018) Caracterização dos Serviços de Ridesourcing e a Relação com o Transporte Público Coletivo: Estudo de Caso em Porto Alegre. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS.).

This type of offer has reshaped the way people move in cities (NTU, 2019NTU. Revista NTUurbano (2019). Associação Nacional das Empresas de Transportes Urbanos. Brasília.) considering the way the offer is made available, based on technology, which allows for an easier service request, with reduced prices and security, with accelerated proliferation, especially in cities with deficient public transport and high level of demand (Rayle et al., 2016Rayle, L.; Dai, D.; Chan, N.; Cervero, R. e Shaheen, S. (2016) Just a better taxi? A survey-based comparison of taxis, transit, and ridesourcing services in San Francisco. Transport Policy, 45, 168-178.
; Coelho et al., 2017Coelho, L A. A.; Silva, L. A. S., Andrade, M. O., & Maia, M. L. A. (2017). Perfil Socioeconômico dos Usuários da Uber e Fatores Relevantes que Influenciam a Avaliação desse Serviço no Brasil. Anais do XXXI Congresso Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transporte, ANPET, Recife, v. 1.).

It is necessary to distinguish between the different formats of access to goods and services, sometimes mistakenly associated with the sharing economy, they are:

  1. Collaborative Economy: the economic system of decentralized networks and markets that provides underutilized assets combining needs and availability, avoiding traditional intermediaries (Botsman, 2013Botsman, R. (2013). ‘The Sharing Economy Lacks A Shared Definition. Fast Company, 21 November. Recovered on December 19, 2020 from

  2. Sharing Economy: an economic system based on the exchange of underutilized goods/services that include money or not and that occurs directly between people (Eckhardt & Bardhi, 2015Eckhardt, G. M., & Bardhi, F. (2015). The sharing economy isn’t about sharing at all. Harvard Business Review, 28. January. Recovered on June 14, 2020 from
    ; Frenken & Schor, 2017Frenken, K. & Schor, J. (2017). Putting the sharing economy into perspective. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 3-10.

  3. Collaborative consumption: emerges as the reinvention of rent, loan, exchange, sharing, donation, based on technology, positioning itself as a phenomenon of technological impact (Dubois et al., 2014Dubois, E. A., Schor, J. B., & Carfagna, L. B. (2014). New cultures of connection in a Boston Time Bank. In J. Schor (Ed.), Sustainable lifestyles and the quest for plentitude: Case studies of the new economy (95-124). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.).

  4. On-demand services or Ridehailing: platforms that connect customers to mobility providers immediately (Botsman, 2017Botsman, R. (2017) Who can you trust? How technology brought us together and why it might drive us apart. Hachette.).

Sharing economics is a term commonly, and incorrectly, associated with the idea that there is an efficient model of linking supply to demand without, however, actually sharing or collaborating in the process (Ertz & Leblanc-Proulx, 2018Ertz, M., & Leblanc-Proulx, S. (2018). Sustainability in the collaborative economy: A bibliometric analysis reveals emerging interest. Journal of Cleaner Production, 196, 1073-1085.
). In the context of commuting, it is necessary to defer the nature of the Uber or 99 Taxi offer that bring the logic of purchasing on-demand for a service, that is, they do not represent an underutilized asset, from the Wazecarpool offer, for example, which makes available a “Vacant seat” due to the cost of traveling (Schor, 2016Schor, J. (2016), Debating the Sharing Economy. Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics. 4(3): 7-22.
; Standing et al., 2018Standing, C., Standing, S. & Biermann, S. (2018). The implications of the sharing economy for transport. Transport Reviews, 1-17.

Botsman (2013Botsman, R. (2013). ‘The Sharing Economy Lacks A Shared Definition. Fast Company, 21 November. Recovered on December 19, 2020 from
) points out that, by mistake, all these offers are commonly launched under the same umbrella, indicating part of the structural change in consumer behavior and indicates the existence of 3 possible types of systems. The first is the redistribution market in which the asset is reused by a new owner; the second refers to the collaborative lifestyle, in which people with similar interests help each other from the technological facilitator, and the third refers to the payment for the benefit of the product or service and not its possession.

It is observed that the ascendancy of this business model occurs first in countries with a high degree of industrialization, specifically in highly saturated markets for consumer goods. In this context, collaborative consumption started to offer consumers the exchange of the current logic, based on the ownership of something for access to a good or service. (Botsman & Rogers, 2010Botsman, R., & Rogers, R. (2010). What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of the Collaborative Consumption. New York (NY): Harper Business.).

In developing countries, however, the situation is different. In those where there is a greater economic escalation or lack of environmental and social awareness, acquisitions can still occur from ownership (Belk, 2014Belk, R. (2014). You are what you can access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online. Journal of Business Research, 67(8), 1595-1600.
), and according to Retamal (2019Retamal, M. (2019). Collaborative consumption practices in Southeast Asian cities: Prospects for growth and sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 222, 143-152. ) “... in emerging economies, the situation of (...) rapid growth of the middle class leads to the search for access or possession of consumer goods for the first time ”, which indicates a potential for the area because, in places where the economic crisis is installed, in some way - property or access - they can lead people consumption of goods at different levels and forms (Dubois et al., 2014Dubois, E. A., Schor, J. B., & Carfagna, L. B. (2014). New cultures of connection in a Boston Time Bank. In J. Schor (Ed.), Sustainable lifestyles and the quest for plentitude: Case studies of the new economy (95-124). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.; Hamari et al., 2015Hamari, J., Sjöklint, M. & Ukkonen, A. (2015). The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(9), 2047-2059.
; Godelnik, 2017Godelnik, R. (2017). Millennials and the sharing economy: Lessons from a “buy nothing new, share everything month” project. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 40-52.

From the digital sharing of information, goods, and even services, the consumer’s relationship with the possession or ownership of something becomes dematerialized, the goods gain a connotation of intangibility, changing the level of desire to own something, which has migrated to use and thus obsolescence becomes faster and the previous logic of possessing something loses strength (Botsman & Rogers, 2010Botsman, R., & Rogers, R. (2010). What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of the Collaborative Consumption. New York (NY): Harper Business.; Belk, 2014Belk, R. (2014). You are what you can access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online. Journal of Business Research, 67(8), 1595-1600.

Besides, aspects such as cost and non-possession are pointed out, especially in countries whose users would present beacons based on environmental and social aspects (Ward et al. 2019Ward, J., Michalek, J. J., Azevedo, I. L., Samaras, C., & Ferreira, P. (2019) Effects of on-demand ridesourcing on vehicle ownership, fuel consumption, vehicle miles traveled, and emissions per capita in U.S. States. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 108, 289-301.
; Tirachini & Ríoc, 2019Tirachini, A. & Ríoc, M. (2019) Ride-hailing in Santiago de Chile: Users’ characterization and effects on travel behavior. Transport Policy, 82, 46-57.
) among their decision-making elements, and thus, made it relevant to understand whether such a phenomenon occurs in Brazil (Freitas et al., 2016Freitas, C. S., Petrini, M. C., & Silveira, L. M. (2016). Desvendando o consumo colaborativo: Uma proposta de tipologia. In Anais do 9º Congresso Latino-Americano no Varejo. São Paulo: FGV-EAESP.; Rayle et al., 2016Rayle, L.; Dai, D.; Chan, N.; Cervero, R. e Shaheen, S. (2016) Just a better taxi? A survey-based comparison of taxis, transit, and ridesourcing services in San Francisco. Transport Policy, 45, 168-178.
; Coelho et al., 2017Coelho, L A. A.; Silva, L. A. S., Andrade, M. O., & Maia, M. L. A. (2017). Perfil Socioeconômico dos Usuários da Uber e Fatores Relevantes que Influenciam a Avaliação desse Serviço no Brasil. Anais do XXXI Congresso Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transporte, ANPET, Recife, v. 1.), which would indicate the utilitarian or hedonistic character of consumption.

International studies such as those by Dubois et al., 2014Dubois, E. A., Schor, J. B., & Carfagna, L. B. (2014). New cultures of connection in a Boston Time Bank. In J. Schor (Ed.), Sustainable lifestyles and the quest for plentitude: Case studies of the new economy (95-124). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.; Frenken & Schor, 2017Frenken, K. & Schor, J. (2017). Putting the sharing economy into perspective. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 3-10.
; Böcker & Meelen, 2017Böcker, L., & Meelen, T. (2017). Sharing for people, planet or profit? Analyzing motivations for intended sharing economy participation. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 28-39.
; Casey & Galor, 2017Casey, G., & Galor, O. (2017). Is faster economic growth compatible with reductions in carbon emissions? The role of diminished population growth. Environmental Research Letters, 12(1),
; Yaraghi & Ravi, 2017Yaraghi, N. & Ravi, S. (2017). The Current and Future State of the Sharing Economy. SSRN Electronic Journal.
; Godelnik, 2017Godelnik, R. (2017). Millennials and the sharing economy: Lessons from a “buy nothing new, share everything month” project. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 40-52.
and nationals such as those of Coelho et al., 2017Coelho, L A. A.; Silva, L. A. S., Andrade, M. O., & Maia, M. L. A. (2017). Perfil Socioeconômico dos Usuários da Uber e Fatores Relevantes que Influenciam a Avaliação desse Serviço no Brasil. Anais do XXXI Congresso Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transporte, ANPET, Recife, v. 1. and Sampaio et al., 2018Sampaio, L. C., Fischer, W., & Miura, M. N. (2018). Comportamento do consumidor na economia compartilhada: por que as pessoas participam? In Anais do XXIX Encontro Nacional dos Cursos de Graduação em Administração. São Paulo: ANGRAD. point directly or indirectly to both cost and non-possession as elements to be observed.

Stephany (2015Stephany, A (2015). The business of sharing: Making it in the new sharing economy. London: Springer.) indicated that the values ​​associated with underutilized goods when made available to the community through digital media would have the consequence of reducing the need for possession, and, in turn, Bucher et al. (2016Bucher E., Fieseler C., Lutz C. (2016). What’s mine is yours (for a nominal fee)-Exploring the spectrum of utilitarian to altruistic motives for Internet-mediated sharing. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, 316-326.) identified that materialism, sociability, and volunteering would be predictors of the motivation to share and that the social aspect has the greatest impact, followed by the moral and monetary elements. Maurer et al. (2016Maurer, A. M., Figueiró, P. S., Campos, S. A. P., Silva, V. S., & Barcellos, M. D. (2015). Yes, we also can! O desenvolvimento de iniciativas de consumo colaborativo no Brasil. BASE: Revista de Administração e Contabilidade da UNISINOS, 12(1), 68-80.) in a national study, indicates that participation in the sharing economy underlies a rational behavior of maximizing utility, which Hamari et al. (2016) complement by indicating that the replacement of the exclusive ownership of goods by a service of Low-cost sharing is a latent phenomenon.

For Bellotti (2015Bellotti, V., Ambard, A., Turner, D., Gossmann, C., Demkova, K., & Carroll, J. M. (2015). A Muddle of Models of Motivation for Using Peer-to-Peer Economy Systems. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’15.
) the efficient use of assets will help to prevent imminent shortages by promoting reuse and sustainability, indicated by the lack of ownership and having a reduced cost threshold due to the reuse and sustainability inserted in the model, a point corroborated by Botsman & Rogers (2010Botsman, R., & Rogers, R. (2010). What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of the Collaborative Consumption. New York (NY): Harper Business.) that indicate the positive environmental and social effects of sharing, and this indication is complemented by another national study by Da Silveira et al. (2016Da Silveira, L. M., Petrini, M., Dos Santos, A.C.M.Z. (2016). Economia compartilhada e consumo colaborativo: o que estamos pesquisando? REGE-Revista de Gestão, 23(4) 298-305.) which indicates that the shared economy combines elements of an economic nature, in this case, reduced cost, with environmental and social aspects, which are indicated by the lack of ownership among others. Given these notes, the following hypothesis is generated:

  • H1: cost and non-possession are the main elements of vehicle sharing services on demand in Brazil.

In answering this hypothesis, the study fills the gap that concerns Brazilian’s perception of not owning a vehicle, considering the national culture of vehicle ownership (Mann, 2018Mann, F. C. F. (2018). Economia compartilhada e consumo colaborativo no Brasil: análise das motivações e características dos seus participantes. Dissertação de mestrado. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói.; NTU, 2019NTU. Revista NTUurbano (2019). Associação Nacional das Empresas de Transportes Urbanos. Brasília.) and the use of forms of shared mobility on demand that have the cost between its elements of consideration of exponential relevance (Arruda et al., 2016Arruda, H., Bandeira, E., Leocádio, A., & Rebouças, S. (2016). Consumo Colaborativo e Valores Pessoais: O Caso da Bicicleta Compartilhada. Revista Brasileira de Marketing. 15. 683-698.
; Bezerro & Santiago, 2017Bezerro, E. B. E., & Santiago, M. R. (2017). Relações de consumo na pós-modernidade: o consumo colaborativo como instrumento de sustentabilidade. Revista de Direito da Cidade, 9(2), 463-481.; Santos et al., 2019Santos, A. S., Nascimento, J. C. H. B., Rabelo Neto, A., & Barbosa, F. L. S. (2019). Determinantes da adesão aos serviços de mobilidade compartilhada: uma investigação empírica no contexto brasileiro. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana, 11, e20190033.

The main companies that provide services on demand, reorganize local transport and influence the dynamics of cities, and thus influence congestion levels or even parking costs (Cassel, 2018Cassel, D. L. (2018) Caracterização dos Serviços de Ridesourcing e a Relação com o Transporte Público Coletivo: Estudo de Caso em Porto Alegre. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS.), can also change the demand for public or private transportation (Nelson & Sadowsky, 2017Nelson, E. & Sadowsky, N. (2017) Estimating the Impact of Ride-Hailing App Services on Public Transportation: Use in Major US Urban Areas. Bowdoin College Economics Department Working Paper Series, v. 2.) while it can offer transportation at a convenient time, for example (Tirachini & Ríoc, 2019Tirachini, A. & Ríoc, M. (2019) Ride-hailing in Santiago de Chile: Users’ characterization and effects on travel behavior. Transport Policy, 82, 46-57.
; Ward et al., 2019Ward, J., Michalek, J. J., Azevedo, I. L., Samaras, C., & Ferreira, P. (2019) Effects of on-demand ridesourcing on vehicle ownership, fuel consumption, vehicle miles traveled, and emissions per capita in U.S. States. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 108, 289-301.

To a large extent, the Sharing Economy has grown worldwide thanks to several information technology applications (Chahal & Kumar, 2014Chahal, N. & c, M. (2014). The impact of information communication technology and it’s Application’s usage in lodging Industry: An exploratory study. International Journal of Techno-Management Research, 2(1), 1-17) in addition to ways to access and promote the acquisition of devices such as smartphones, which promote the use of online platforms (Eckhardt & Bardhi, 2015Eckhardt, G. M., & Bardhi, F. (2015). The sharing economy isn’t about sharing at all. Harvard Business Review, 28. January. Recovered on June 14, 2020 from

The large-scale adoption of smartphones and the reduction in the communication costs of mobile devices allowed for the emergence of Mobily-on-demand (MoD.), which is capable of providing users with a reliable mode of mobility, improving virtual access, and physically reducing waiting times, and the stress associated with travel (Alonso-Mora et al., 2017Alonso-Mora, J., Samaranayake, S., Wallar, A., Frazzoli, E., & Rus, D. (2017). On-demand high-capacity ride-sharing via dynamic trip-vehicle assignment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(3), 462-467.

The cultural and social expressions instrumented by the virtualization of reality and relationships make coexistence and consumption hybrid (Castells, 2013Castells, M. (2013). A sociedade em rede. 16a. ed. São Paulo: Paz e Terra. ), allowing the transition of relations between the virtual and the real, which is something that, particularly for generations who have grown up with access to connectivity, has been provided by the availability of the Internet, has amplified the social interactions (Greenberg & Weber, 2008Greenberg, E.H., & Weber, K. (2008). Generation We: How millennial youth are taking over America and changing our world forever. Emeryville, CA: Pachatusan) and exchanges that generate sharing, as well as amplifying use at the expense of possession, and a sense of belonging to groups and causes, which is positively incorrect in forms of consumption based on access to goods and experiences (Eckhardt & Bardhi, 2015Eckhardt, G. M., & Bardhi, F. (2015). The sharing economy isn’t about sharing at all. Harvard Business Review, 28. January. Recovered on June 14, 2020 from

There are indicators from the consumer experience with the services on demand that point to the main consumption drivers being the monetary benefits (Bellotti et al., 2015Bellotti, V., Ambard, A., Turner, D., Gossmann, C., Demkova, K., & Carroll, J. M. (2015). A Muddle of Models of Motivation for Using Peer-to-Peer Economy Systems. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’15.
) coming from the reduced cost (Mohlman, 2015), minimizing information asymmetry, considering the online reputation system, and expanding the choice of products and services with better prices and higher quality (Acquier et al., 2017Acquier, A., Daudigeos, T., Pinkse, J. (2017). Promises and paradoxes of the sharing economy: an organizing framework. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change 125, 1-10.

It is possible to observe the insertion of social, economic, environmental, and technological dimensions in the embryonic process of the emergence of Sharing Economy as a field of study, based on a set of prerogatives, such as consumer concern with sustainability and yearning for new social connections, reduction production, and consumerism, in addition to the virtualization of relationships among other aspects, allowed the concept to rise and strengthen itself as an innovative business model (Botsman & Rogers, 2010Botsman, R., & Rogers, R. (2010). What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of the Collaborative Consumption. New York (NY): Harper Business.; Dubois et al., 2014Dubois, E. A., Schor, J. B., & Carfagna, L. B. (2014). New cultures of connection in a Boston Time Bank. In J. Schor (Ed.), Sustainable lifestyles and the quest for plentitude: Case studies of the new economy (95-124). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.; Schor, 2016Schor, J. (2016), Debating the Sharing Economy. Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics. 4(3): 7-22.

Finally, it is necessary to assess which are the main drivers of consumption of the service on demand, considering studies that point out the economic aspect as relevant (Frenken & Schor, 2017Frenken, K. & Schor, J. (2017). Putting the sharing economy into perspective. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 3-10.
; Böcker & Meelen, 2017Böcker, L., & Meelen, T. (2017). Sharing for people, planet or profit? Analyzing motivations for intended sharing economy participation. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 28-39.
; Godelnik, 2017Godelnik, R. (2017). Millennials and the sharing economy: Lessons from a “buy nothing new, share everything month” project. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 40-52.
) while other studies (Schor, 2016Schor, J. (2016), Debating the Sharing Economy. Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics. 4(3): 7-22.
; Yaraghi & Ravi, 2017Yaraghi, N. & Ravi, S. (2017). The Current and Future State of the Sharing Economy. SSRN Electronic Journal.
) indicate that the social or even environmental element ( Casey & Galor, 2017Casey, G., & Galor, O. (2017). Is faster economic growth compatible with reductions in carbon emissions? The role of diminished population growth. Environmental Research Letters, 12(1),
; Nijland & Meerkerk, 2017Nijland, H., & van Meerkerk, J. (2017). Mobility and environmental impacts of car sharing in the Netherlands. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions , 23, 84-91.
) as well as even the technological (Teubner & Flath, 2015Teubner, T., & Flath, C. M. (2015).The Economics of Multi-Hop Ride Sharing. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(5), 311-324.
) as motivators associated with the use of such modals. In this sense, the hypothesis arises that:

  • H2: the set of motivators associated with Sharing Economy in the context of the on-demand modals of displacement in Brazil figure in the economic, environmental, social, and technological dimensions.

In responding to this hypothesis, the study fills the categorization and hierarchy of reasons for use gap based on the consumer decision-making process, while, at the same time, indicating paths to be followed by professionals related to the area regarding consumption conditions and the importance of each dimension from the perspective of those who use this type of service.


The sample composition was determined by three probabilistic sampling methods. The sampling grid was used to satisfy the assumption of clear identification of the members of the population of interest and the exclusion of foreign elements (McBratney et al., 1981McBratney, A. B., Webster, R., & Burgess, T. M. (1981). The design of optimal sampling schemes for local estimation and mapping of regionalized variables - I. Computers & Geosciences, 7(4), 331-334.
), and in this sense, the approach for the application of the questionnaires focused on individuals with behavioral posture that was indicative of the use of the service (cell phone in the hands, stopped at selected pick-up points and carefully observing the cars that approached, in addition to those that stopped at the same locations).

Additionally, the precepts of systematic sampling were used to obtain as many sample subjects as possible, with the possibility of harmonic participation (Nezer et al., 2016Nezer, O., Bar-David, S., Gueta, T. & Carmel, Y. (2016). High-resolution species-distribution model based on systematic sampling and indirect observations. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26(2), 421-437.
), determining that every two boardings or off-boarding of observed users, the third element would be approached.

Such methods were combined with cluster sampling, as a way to determine the main incidence sites of the sample set (Zhang et al., 2016Zhang, Y; Shen, H. & Xu, S. (2016). Cluster Sampling for the demand side management of power Big Data. International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications 6(4), 114-121.
) mapped in the following locations: São Paulo (SP), Presidente Prudente (SP), Campo Grande (MS), Dourados (MS), Curitiba (PR) and Maringá (PR), which were used for the application of pre-tests, respecting the scalar representativity. In this sense, they were determined from on-site observation and an indication of autochthonous, service use centers, which generated the following set of locations: airports, shows/fairs/events, shopping centers, universities and colleges, highways, public markets, and hotels.

The pre-test had a four-dimensional questionnaire, supported by surveys in several countries, as can be observed in Table 1.

Table 1.
Factors and authors

The structuring of the questions in each factor for establishing the effectiveness of the research instrument was based on the Likert five-point scale (Norman, 2010Norman, G. (2010). Likert scales, levels of measurement and the “laws” of statistics. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 15(5), 625-632.
), in which 1 meant “irrelevant”, 2 “not very relevant”, 3 “important”, 4 “very important” and 5 “indispensable”.

The first pre-test questionnaires were applied between mid-December 2018 and mid-January 2019 for a period of one hour at each incidence point identified for validation of the research instrument, and for up to twelve hours in each previously named municipality, earning two hundred and forty-six valid samples. Two points emerged considering the set of actions and procedures.

The first is that the proportion of use was approximately 3 to 1 in the capitals, that is, in the same period, three users embarked in the capitals against one in the smaller cities, which led to the selection of 150 samples for the capitals and 50 for the municipalities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants.

The second point - from the pre-tests - deals with the dimensions considered relevant to the choice of the on-demand travel service. The set of items pointed out notably by international studies did not prove to be fully adherent to the Brazilian case, generating the need for modeling the research instrument, in this sense, it was applied according to a pre-test in the same locations between the end of January and the end of February 2019, from the following set of questions (Table 2):

Table 2.
Questionnaire adapted to the Brazilian case from the pre-tests

The survey took place between May 2019 and January 2020, obtaining 2150 valid questionnaires - from people over 18 who had already used the service more than five times - in nine Brazilian states (Belo Horizonte, Campo Grande, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Manaus, Natal, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, São Paulo) besides the Federal District and in fourteen cities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants (Balneário Camboriú (SC), Bauru (SP), Campinas (SP), Campo Largo (PR), Cascavel (PR), Dourados (MS), Feira de Santana (BA), Foz do Iguaçu (PR), Maringá (PR), Mossoró (RN), Niterói (RJ), Presidente Prudente (SP), São José (SC) and Uberlândia (MG)). The set of variables was subjected to the internal consistency test (IBM SPSS Statistics) to generate the reliability indicator (Table 3).

Table 3.
Level of internal consistency

This value indicates a high level of internal consistency of the variables (Landis, & Koch, 1977Landis, J. R., & Koch, G. G. (1977). The Measurement of Observer Agreement for Categorical Data. Biometrics, 33(1), 159.
) and indicates that the set of items shows coherence and cohesion with a factor load greater than 0.60, representing a satisfactory parameter of one-dimensionality and consistency internal. Sequentially, the following elements are presented (Table 4):

Table 4.
KMO and Bartlett test

Both the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure above 0.80 and the Bartlett sphericity test have adequate significance (Hair et al., 1987Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., & Tatham, R.L. (1987) Multivariate data analysis. New York: Macmillan.).

The data analysis relied on the use of the IBM SPSS Statistics software, using a set of indicators considering the nominal qualitative characteristics of the independent variables analyzed through the Exploratory Factor Analysis complemented by the Confirmatory Factor Analysis, to determine the inferences regarding the proposed hypotheses.


To answer the two proposed hypotheses, it is first necessary to present the data set related to the validation of a set of described elements from the sample. Such a data set helps to allocate the variables in a ranking and ordering of their degree of importance, as can be seen in Table 5:

Table 5.
Frequency of use and degree of importance

Standard deviation, variation, and asymmetric proportionality present levels considered adequate and, therefore, reliable and consistent, allowing the sequence of contextualization of the first hypothesis response.

Considering that the “Reduced Fee” (Average: 4.48 / Combined Average: 91.57% and Mode: 5) and the “Elimination of Expenses” (Average: 2.73 / Conjugated Average: 10.23% and Mode: 3), while belonging to the same category, do not present similar indicators, points to the fact that the cost, although important, divides space in the decision to use with other motivators.

The survey also found that 77.66% of the sample does not consider the possibility of scrapping or failing to purchase a vehicle for family use or work, which invalidates the second hypothesis, that is, non-possession and cost do not represent the major motivators for the use of the service within the Brazilian sample.

Studies that pointed out such elements as robust in the perception of consumers in the places where the surveys were carried out (Belk, 2014Belk, R. (2014). You are what you can access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online. Journal of Business Research, 67(8), 1595-1600.
; Eckhardt & Bardhi, 2015Eckhardt, G. M., & Bardhi, F. (2015). The sharing economy isn’t about sharing at all. Harvard Business Review, 28. January. Recovered on June 14, 2020 from
; Henao, 2017Henao, A. (2017) Impacts of Ridesourcing - Lyft and Uber - on Transportation Including VMT, Mode Replacement, Parking, and Travel Behavior. Thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy degree - University of Colorado at Denver, Civil Engineering Program.; Mann, 2018Mann, F. C. F. (2018). Economia compartilhada e consumo colaborativo no Brasil: análise das motivações e características dos seus participantes. Dissertação de mestrado. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói.) were not corroborated by this study. Besides, national surveys have shown growth in the acquisition of vehicles for private use (Rayle et al., 2016Rayle, L.; Dai, D.; Chan, N.; Cervero, R. e Shaheen, S. (2016) Just a better taxi? A survey-based comparison of taxis, transit, and ridesourcing services in San Francisco. Transport Policy, 45, 168-178.
; Sampaio et al., 2018Sampaio, L. C., Fischer, W., & Miura, M. N. (2018). Comportamento do consumidor na economia compartilhada: por que as pessoas participam? In Anais do XXIX Encontro Nacional dos Cursos de Graduação em Administração. São Paulo: ANGRAD.; Ward et al., 2019Ward, J., Michalek, J. J., Azevedo, I. L., Samaras, C., & Ferreira, P. (2019) Effects of on-demand ridesourcing on vehicle ownership, fuel consumption, vehicle miles traveled, and emissions per capita in U.S. States. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 108, 289-301.
) without disregarding the appearance of vehicle signatures in the country, which presented a considerable number of offers (Coelho et al., 2017Coelho, L A. A.; Silva, L. A. S., Andrade, M. O., & Maia, M. L. A. (2017). Perfil Socioeconômico dos Usuários da Uber e Fatores Relevantes que Influenciam a Avaliação desse Serviço no Brasil. Anais do XXXI Congresso Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transporte, ANPET, Recife, v. 1.; Santos et al., 2019Santos, A. S., Nascimento, J. C. H. B., Rabelo Neto, A., & Barbosa, F. L. S. (2019). Determinantes da adesão aos serviços de mobilidade compartilhada: uma investigação empírica no contexto brasileiro. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana, 11, e20190033.
; Tirachini, & Ríoc, 2019Tirachini, A. & Ríoc, M. (2019) Ride-hailing in Santiago de Chile: Users’ characterization and effects on travel behavior. Transport Policy, 82, 46-57.
). Such inference indicates a model of the national decision-making process distinct from the experiences of other countries.

Thus, attention shifts to the second hypothesis, which advocates the categorization of consumption drivers in Brazil, and as the first contextualization stage, Exploratory Factor Analysis was used to confirm the set of variables from the pre-tests, expressed in Table 6:

Table 6.
Communalities, component matrix and factor allocation

All values expressed in the commonality field are above 0.500 indicating the adequacy of the variables, as well as in the factors field, the explanatory order of the factors can be observed, as can be seen in Table 7.

Table 7.
Total Variation Explained

It is observed that the “Extraction sums of squared loads” and the “Rotating sums of squared loads” present adequate indices. Observe the Scree Plot (Figure 1).

Figure 1.
Scree Plot.

The set of proposed variables explains 72.40% of the decision-making process from the flexion point allocated in the fourth component, which indicates that the proposed motivators can be considered valid and indicative of the path to inferences related to the second hypothesis.

However, to give more robustness to the inferences expressed below, two models were run through Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Before this could be done, there was a need for adjustments considering the scalar nature of the data.

The first model involved the fourteen variables raised in the pre-test and confirmed during data collection and analysis, the modified model accommodated the six variables with the best indexes from the figure and the previous tables, namely Reduced Fee, Technological Availability, Expected Benefits, Convenience of Boarding, and Schedule in addition to data security. The data can be seen in Table 8.

Table 8.
Distinctive indicators between models

It is observed that Model 1 presents indicators (RMSEA: 0.188 / CFI: 0.694 / TLI: 0.608 / NFI: 0.692 / PRATIO: 0.780 / PCFI: 0.540 / PNFI: 0.542) that indicate the need to refute the model as proposed.

Whereas the modified model showed a verisimilitude rate expressed by the chi-square greater than 0.05 indicating that the distance between the observed data matrix and the estimated matrix is ​​appropriate (Carmines & Mclver, 1981Carmines, E. G., & McIver, J. P. (1981). Analyzing Models with Unobserved Variables: Analysis of Covariance Structures. In G. W. Bohrnstedt, & E. F. Borgatta (Eds.), Social Measurement: Current Issues (65-115). Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, Inc.). The RMSEA (Root-Mean-Square Error of Approximation) - which expresses the amount of variation that cannot be explained by the model - generated an index lower than 0.050, being also considered adequate.

The incremental adjustment measures had three important indicators for contextualizing the proposed model. The CFI (Comparative Fit Index), TLI (Tucker-Lewis Index) above), and NFI (Normed Fit Index) above 0.90, which indicates structural adequacy.

The Parsimony adjustment measures, expressed by PRATIO, PCFI (Parcimony Comparative Fit Index), and PNFI (Parsimony NFI) in the modified model, presented indices considered adequate by the literature (Mulaik et al., 1989Mulaik, S.A., James, L.R., Van Alstine, J., Bennet, N., Lind, S., & Stilwell, C.D. (1989). Evaluation of Goodness-of-Fit Indices for Structural Equation Models. Psychological Bulletin, 105(3), 430-45.).

From the AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) it can be inferred that the difference between the initially proposed model (5541,561) and the adjusted model (2312,562) indicates robust consistency (Akaike, 1974Akaike, H. (1974). A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 19(6), 716-723.
) of the latter in terms of responding to the study’s question regarding the motivators for using the mode of travel on-demand, giving consistency to the proposed set.

A second step in the analysis of the confirmatory analyses is related to the contextualization of a set of indicators presented sequentially (Table 9).

Table 9.
Indicators generated by the Confirmatory Factor Analysis

The p values ​​expressed in the “Regression Weights” “Variances” and “Intercepts” fields demonstrate the adequacy of the proposed model (< 0,001), as well as the data presented in the “Standardized Regression Weights” and “Squared Multiple” fields, in addition to the elements that indicate the absence of multicollinearity point to the inference of the consistency of the adjusted model. Figure 2 shows the set of relationships established by the modified model.

Figure 2.
Model modified by Confirmatory Factor Analysis.

The data presented from the visual version of the generated model shows the set of existing correlations between the variables with the Standardized RMR measured at 0.074, in addition to the consistency signaled indicated by the Regression Weights. Additionally, it is pointed out that the values ​​obtained from the variances and intercepts point to the indication that the model is consistent and adequate. From this set of elements, arising from the data, come the subsequent inferences.

The first set of motivators is formed by the Reduced Rate, Technological Availability and Expectation of Benefits, which indicate the utilitarian sense of the elements essentially linked to cost, the convenience of use, and desired end, respectively, partially aligned with the studies by Bellotti et al., 2015Bellotti, V., Ambard, A., Turner, D., Gossmann, C., Demkova, K., & Carroll, J. M. (2015). A Muddle of Models of Motivation for Using Peer-to-Peer Economy Systems. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI ’15.
; Godelnik, 2017Godelnik, R. (2017). Millennials and the sharing economy: Lessons from a “buy nothing new, share everything month” project. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 40-52.
; Nelson & Sadowsky, 2017Nelson, E. & Sadowsky, N. (2017) Estimating the Impact of Ride-Hailing App Services on Public Transportation: Use in Major US Urban Areas. Bowdoin College Economics Department Working Paper Series, v. 2.; Netter, et al.,2019Netter, S., Gjerdrum Pedersen, E. R., & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2019). Sharing Economy Revisited: Towards a New Framework for Understanding Sharing Models. Journal of Cleaner Production.
. The results of this research indicate that such elements are among the most relevant in the decision-making process for the use of Brazilians.

The second set is formed by the variables Boarding Convenience; Time Convenience and Data Security which emerged basically because the service is offered through applications and in a certain instance indicate substantial differences concerning traditional travel offers, such as public transport, taxis, and subways, which have different dynamics access and use. Such notes are corroborated by studies such as those by Schor 2016Schor, J. (2016), Debating the Sharing Economy. Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics. 4(3): 7-22.
and Netter et al., 2019Netter, S., Gjerdrum Pedersen, E. R., & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2019). Sharing Economy Revisited: Towards a New Framework for Understanding Sharing Models. Journal of Cleaner Production.
who highlight the importance and influence of technology and its impacts on consumers.

The other motivators - related to environmental and social aspects - did not adhere to the model proposed in the Confirmatory Factor Analysis in the Brazilian case, in contrast, at least partially to studies such as those by Hamari et al. 2015Hamari, J., Sjöklint, M. & Ukkonen, A. (2015). The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(9), 2047-2059.
; Bucher et al. 2017; Ertz & Leblanc-Proulx (2018Ertz, M., & Leblanc-Proulx, S. (2018). Sustainability in the collaborative economy: A bibliometric analysis reveals emerging interest. Journal of Cleaner Production, 196, 1073-1085.
) and Standing et al. 2018Standing, C., Standing, S. & Biermann, S. (2018). The implications of the sharing economy for transport. Transport Reviews, 1-17.
, among others, who present the importance of such dimensions.

The model generated indicates that the Reduced Fee has an economic character, the Expectation of Benefits is of a social and economic nature considering that the act of moving is less relevant than the completion of such action and, finally, Technological Availability; Boarding convenience; Time Convenience and Data Security are technological variables that appear as a phenomenon resulting from the provision of travel services on platforms and applications (Acquier et al., 2017Acquier, A., Daudigeos, T., Pinkse, J. (2017). Promises and paradoxes of the sharing economy: an organizing framework. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change 125, 1-10.
; Yaraghi & Ravi, 2017Yaraghi, N. & Ravi, S. (2017). The Current and Future State of the Sharing Economy. SSRN Electronic Journal.
; Sadowski, 2019Sadowski, J. (2019) When data is capital: Datafication, accumulation, and extraction. Big Data & Society. January 2019.

Thus, the second hypothesis is refuted, by indicating the absence of the environmental element in the set of use drivers, as well as the technological categorizers as elements related to access, without, however, necessarily appearing as a category of analysis in itself.


The Exploratory Factor Analysis indicated the existence of a set of motivators linked to the environmental, social, economic, and technological dimensions and was among the variables that underlie the consumers’ decision-making process, however, the Confirmatory Factor Analysis indicated that only six of them are part of the list of first-rate items in the Brazilian context, which indicates that elements of a social and environmental nature did not appear to be strongly linked to the demand process.

Such inference leads to the observation that the utilitarian sense is strongly present in the consumption decision-making process, corroborating with a wide range of international and even national studies indicating the cost, personal interests, and the technological beacon as indicators of consumer conduct.

This statement starts from conjecture that points to “Technological Availability” as an element that promotes and facilitates the offer, the “Expectation of Benefits” as a generator of experience, and the “Reduced Rate” as the denominator of the cost associated with the choice. All of them appear as sufficiently cohesive items to act, in the consumer’s value perception center, as an interconnected group, which can eventually be interconnected with the other motivators of use constantly or according to the instance of interest of use.

This means that, although the user has these three items in the first instance of influence in his decision-making process, the other motivators present in the model can be inserted as auxiliaries in the belief system.

Therefore, although the dimensions are representative, their order of importance presents distinctions, which differ, even the most relevant, from previous international studies in their entirety, showing adherence in the economic aspect, but mainly concerning the moments of use and technological facilitators.

It is noteworthy that this study brought as distinctive and innovative elements, the indication that despite the presence of three guiding dimensions - economic, social, and technological - only three variables - “Technological Availability”; “Experience expectation” and “Reduced rate” - are considered central in the context of motivating use, which represents advances in the theoretical field based on evidence that corroborates with a consistent part of international and national studies, and demonstrate the traction of consumption behavior associated with motivators of use as instrumentalists of value and reference of the decision of use.

The managerial contribution is found in the indication that the displacement itself is not relevant concerning the user’s loyalty to an application or platform, as its use decision drivers are associated with individualistic evaluations and with reduced cost support, which could lead to the consumption of another modal that offered the same set of facilitators based on technological access and with reduced cost.

The study fills gaps by revealing the reasons and nature of use by consumers, in addition to systematically categorizing the elements offered by platforms or applications and accommodated as appropriate by users, such inference is supported by robust data and capable of generating structuring, contextualization, and expansion of the understanding on the topic in the country.

Future studies, including drivers, public managers, and the attitude of the organizations that manage the platforms, may present a wide dossier on the bottlenecks and potentialities of the offer of this type of service in Brazil since this study was limited to analyzing users of travel services under demand since this study was limited to analyzing users of travel services under demand.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    12 Jan 2022
  • Date of issue
    Nov-Dec 2021


  • Received
    28 Dec 2020
  • Reviewed
    10 Feb 2021
  • Accepted
    24 Mar 2021
  • Published
    05 Nov 2021
Fucape Business School Av. Fernando Ferrari, 1358, Boa Vista, 29075-505, Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil, (27) 4009-4423 - Vitória - ES - Brazil