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An intervention device with teachers of the Centros de Estudos de Línguas (CEL): the work of teaching “French” in debate


This paper aims to describe an intervention device based on the analysis of practices carried out with a group of French teachers from the Centro de Estudos de Línguas - CEL (Language Study Centers), which is part of the public school system in the State of São Paulo. Through a linguistic-discursive analysis (Bulea & Bronckart, 2012Bulea, E., & Bronckart, J.-P. (2012). Les représentations de l’agir enseignant dans le cadre du genre entretien. Raído, 6(1), 131-149. Disponível em:
), it points out how the intervention can provide a dynamic interpretation of the activity (Bronckart, 2008bBronckart, J.-P. (2008b). Un retour nécessaire sur la question du développement. In M. Brossard, & J. Fijalkow (Eds.), Vygotski et les recherches en éducation et en didactiques (pp. 237-250). Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux. ). The study is based on the social interactionist paradigm (Vygotski, 1934/1997), in the theoretical-methodological framework of Sociodiscursive Interactionism (Bronckart, 2017Bronckart, J.-P. (2017). Développement du langage et développement psychologique. L’approche de l’interactionnisme socio-discursif. Veredas, 21(3), 30-46.
) and in the Clinic of Activity (Clot, 1999Clot, Y. (1999). La fonction psychologique du travail. PUF. ). The corpus comprises transcripts of allo-confrontation interviews (Mollo & Falzon, 2004Mollo, V., & Falzon, P. (2004). Auto- and allo-confrontation as tools for reflective activities. Applied Ergonomics, 35(6), 531-540.
; Leblanc, 2014Leblanc, S. (2014). Vidéo formation et transformations de l’activité professionnelle. Activités, 11(2), 143-171.
) and crossed self-confrontation interviews (Clot & Faïta, 2000Clot, Y., & Faïta, D. (2000). Genres et styles en analyse du travail. Concepts et méthodes. Travailler, 4, 7-42. ). The analyses presented here demonstrate how the conflict of the métier is configured discursively and corroborate the idea that the interpretive debate on teaching is likely to enable the transformation of the meanings of lived experiences.

intervention; teacher development; teaching as work; applied linguistics; crossed self-confrontation

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP PUC-SP - LAEL, Rua Monte Alegre 984, 4B-02, São Paulo, SP 05014-001, Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 3670-8374 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil