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The Marrakesh Treaty in the context of the global regime of information policies


Addresses the accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities in the context of the Emerging Global Information Policy Regime. It highlights the Marrakesh Treaty as a disruptive innovation that contributes to meeting the objectives established by the Agenda 2030 regarding building effective, responsible, and inclusive institutions at all levels. It discusses the concern of the Information Science field with advances in studies with social relevance under the influence of the cross-cutting framework that comprises information infrastructures, the “modularity” in digital platforms, and the importance of collaborative networks in the production and dissemination of collections accessible to people with disabilities. Its aim is to reflect on these actions and their ruptures in the practice of information professionals and the transformations that the library itself undergoes as a protagonist in this process. It uses a narrative literature review as a methodological approach, with the research identified as exploratory, of a descriptive-analytical nature. It concludes that the establishment of information policies is fundamental in the sense that they provide normative security for the implementation of institutional policies aimed at promoting better practices of accessibility and inclusion in social institutions such as libraries.

people with disabilities; global information regime; information policy; Marrakesh Treaty

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil