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Proposal for an organizational structure to support open science


Open Science is a complex movement and it is not yet possible to establish exactly all its limits, nor to categorically state all its variations. Objective: Thus, guided by the results obtained in a desk research and by the literature reviewed, this study aimed to present a proposal, which can be considered as unprecedented, of an organizational unit to advise research institutions on the application of resources, policies, guidelines and strategies of Open Science, in collaboration with the area of scientific communication of the institution. Methodology: To elaborate the proposal, the institutional information policies of seven universities were studied, as well as the pages of Open Science services and practices in execution, their official sites and those of considered innovative initiatives. Results: elaborating an organizational chart with a possible organizational structure of an Open Science agency, listing its purposes, competences and responsibilities, as well as its possible sectors. Conclusions: The importance of an organizational unit with this purpose was identified, due to the pulverization of Open Science in universities, indicating the need for unity of institutional actions towards Open Science.

open science; scientific communication; universities - scientific research

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil