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Determinantes para la internacionalización de empresas cárnicas mexicanas


This article discusses the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) competing in global markets. The main objective of the empirical research presented is to identify the determinants that enable Mexican companies classified as TIF (Tipo Inspección Federal) to export their products to international markets. The research methods used included a Likert scale survey, targeting CEOs and managers in the Mexican meat industry, and the probit econometric technique that demonstrate two hypotheses. The results suggest that food safety (HACCP- H14) is an important factor for exporting, and customer-supplier satisfaction (SCPEXP- H12) makes it possible to aspire to internationalization. These findings support classical internationalization theories, such as the Uppsala model, which are discussed in the theoretical framework.

SMEs internationalization; meat industry; innovation; network trust; food safety


Este artículo analiza la importancia de que las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME) compitan en los mercados globales. El principal objetivo de esta investigación empírica es encontrar los determinantes que permiten a las empresas mexicanas clasificadas como TIF (Tipo Inspección Federal) exportar sus productos a los mercados internacionales. Los métodos implementados fueron: 1) una encuesta con escalas Likert dirigida a directores generales y gerentes de la industria cárnica mexicana; y 2) la técnica econométrica probit que ayudó a demostrar dos hipótesis como determinantes para la internacionalización de las PYME. Los resultados sugieren que la seguridad alimentaria (HACCP-H14) es un factor relevante para exportar y la satisfacción cliente-proveedor (SCPEXP-H12) posibilita aspirar a la internacionalización. Estos hallazgos respaldan las teorías clásicas de internacionalización, como el modelo Uppsala, que se analizan en el marco teórico.

Palabras clave:
internacionalización de PYME; industria cárnica; innovación agroalimentaria; red de confianza; seguridad alimentaria


Este artigo aborda a relevância de as PMEs competirem nos mercados globais. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa empírica é encontrar os determinantes que permitem às empresas mexicanas TIF (Tipo Inspección Federal) exportar seus produtos nos mercados internacionais. Os principais métodos implementados foram: 1) uma pesquisa com escalas Likert realizada na indústria de carnes mexicana, considerando como público-alvo CEOs e gerentes; 2) a técnica econométrica probit que ajudou a demonstrar duas hipótesis como determinantes para a internacionalização das PMEs. Os resultados sugerem que a segurança dos alimentos (HACCP- H14) é relevante para a exportação e a satisfação de consumidores e fornecedores (SCPEXP- H12) estimula a internacionalização. Esses resultados também complementam as teorias clássicas de internacionalização descritas no referencial teórico, como o modelo Uppsala.

Internacionalização de empresas; indústria da carne; inovação agroalimentar; rede de confiança; segurança dos alimentos.


The meat sector is an important area of study due to the significance of the agrifood industry in the economy, as demonstrated by its resilience during crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. In industrialized countries, the meat sector is particularly relevant due to its role in daily consumption as a rich source of protein. According to Godfray et al. (2018)Godfray, H. C. J., Aveyard, P., Garnett, T., Hall, J. W., Key, T. J., Lorimer, J. & Jebb, S. A. (2018). Meat consumption, health, and the environment. Science, 361(6399), eaam5324.
, meat provides energy and essential nutrients such as proteins, zinc, and vitamin B12.

The global demand for protein makes the meat sector a relevant field of focus for companies. To effectively compete in international markets, companies must understand the needs of these markets and be aware of current production conditions to provide high-quality goods and services to both individual consumers and business customers in different countries.

To achieve success in international markets, companies can follow theoretical models such as the Uppsala model of sequential processes proposed by Johanson and Wiedershem-Paul (1975)Johanson, F., Wiedersheim-Paul (October 1975). The Internationalization of the Firm - Four Swedish Cases. Journal of Management Studies.
, the innovation model proposed by Bikey and Tesar (1977), or the “Born Global” model of companies by Knight and Carvusgill (1996)Knight, G. and Cavusgil, T. (1996). “The Born Global Firm: A Challenge to Traditional Internationalization Theory.” Advances in International Marketing. 8, 11-26.
. However, a considerable number of Mexican companies have reported difficulty in internationalizing and satisfying customers from other countries, which is observed by the country’s significant deficit in net meat exports. Therefore, this research aims to identify the determinants that enable meat SMEs to go global and export their products.

We propose a probability model to understand how likely a company is to export based on certain variables, categories, and items. The contribution of this research is twofold. First, it identifies two determinants for achieving internationalization and their respective capacity to stimulate exports when increasing effort or investment. Second, it complements the Uppsala model by identifying food safety and customer-supplier satisfaction as factors that encourage companies to export.

Therefore, our research question is: what are the determining factors for the internationalization of Mexican TIF meat small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? In addition to the main objective state above, this research seeks e 1) To analyze the variables and items that can determine the internationalization for TIF meat SMEs; 2) To analyze the degree of association between the dependent variable “internationalization” and the item “innovation”; 3) To analyze the degree of association between the dependent variable “internationalization” and “food safety” (only one item which is the HACCP method); 4) To analyze the degree of association between the dependent variable “internationalization” and the item “trust.”

The appropriate quantitative method for this research, which has a binary dependent variable (internationalization), is the probabilistic model. Our findings suggest that food safety (HACCP- H14) is important in encouraging exports, and customer-supplier satisfaction (SCPEXP- H12) is necessary for internationalization. This article is structured as follows: the next section presents a literature review and the study’s theoretical basis. The subsequent section describes the methodology and data used, followed by the results and, finally, the conclusion.


Several studies have examined the internationalization of meat firms from various perspectives, including both large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Our research focuses specifically on meat SMEs in Mexico. According to the statistical compendium prepared by the Consejo Mexicano de la Carne (Mexican Meat Council) (2021Consejo Mexicano de la Carne [Mexican Meat Council] (2021). Compendio estadístico 2021.
), Mexico is a significant player in the global meat industry, ranking as the nineth largest exporter , as shown in Table 1.

Table 1
Main meat exporting and importing countries

On the other hand, our model proposes several variables, categories, and items for analysis, which are supported by prior internationalization studies and theoretical models. We will first discuss the theoretical background of internationalization, followed by details on the variables of innovation, food safety, and trust.

The internationalization strategies are diverse and broad, as suggested in the research of Santos et al. (2020)Santos, A.B; Batalha, M.O; Larue, B. (2020). The internationalization process of agrifood firms: a proposed conceptual framework. British Food Journal, 123(4), 1513-1530.
. For the authors, meat processing firms tend to follow a dual internationalization pattern: 1) Distribution-oriented foreign direct investment (FDI), which is usually established gradually; and 2) Horizontal FDI, which is the establishment of foreign production facilities and tends to be conducted through a fast-paced expansion mode.

Another interesting research in Brazil by Santos and Batalha (2022)Santos, A. B., & Batalha, M. O. (2022). The internationalization of meatpacking firms: a competence-based approach. British Food Journal, 125(2), 731-751.
, found that the internationalization process of meatpacking firms is assisted by four principal competencies: technical, production, sales, and logistics. The study reveals that these companies tend to pursue either a raw material seeker or local taste supplier strategy.

In addition, Magaña Magaña et al. (2020)Magaña Magaña, M. Á., Leyva Morales, C. E., Alonzo Solís, J. F., & Leyva Pech, C. G. (2020). Indicators of the competitiveness of Mexican beef in the world market. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 11(3), 669-685.
emphasize that beef exports do not depend on quality products or institutional factors but result from volatile events related to the exchange rate and the imposition of non-tariff barriers on competing countries.

Table 2 (appendix) summarizes relevant prior studies that explain how enterprises around the world achieve international markets using different strategies. For example, Brazilian studies by Pigatto (2015)Pigatto, G., & Pigatto, G. A. S. (2015). The strategy for internationalization of Brazilian meat industries and the role of the Development Bank. Gepec Report, 19(2), 126-146.
and Neto (2019)Neto, O. A. (2019). The spatial strategy for the internationalization of brazilian companies in the meatpacking sector: the case of jbs and minerva. Boletim Goiano de Geografia, 39, 1-25.
indicate that large and transnational companies use strategies such as acquisitions in various countries and directing resources toward nations with an optimal position in production and certain international trade restrictions.

Table 2
Research within the context of diverse strategies and factors that impact on the internationalization of global meat companies

Moreover, the research by Shahriar et al. (2019)Shahriar, S., Qian, L., & Kea, S. (2019). Determinants of exports in China’s meat industry: A gravity model analysis. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(11), 2544-2565.
highlights the role of China’s World Trade Organization membership and engagement in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), as well as the role of macroeconomic variables in boosting the development of the meat industry and enabling large-scale exports of meat products.

These previous studies focused on multinational and large companies, and there is little mention of SMEs. These firms may face more challenges and barriers to exporting. Our research aims to address this gap by examining the determinants that enable meat SMEs to compete in global markets from a different perspective.

We intend to add new variables, categories, and items corresponding to innovation, food safety, and trust that have not been tested previously to internationalize Mexican meat SMEs. It is important to highlight that unlike previous studies, we calculate the probabilities of entering the global meat market.

The Uppsala model and the innovation model

First, it is worth mentioning that the theoretical models that provide the most support for this research are the Uppsala model (Model U) and the Innovation model (Model I). These models have generic explanations. They are somewhat ambiguous since they are not detailed with such precision for each industry-sector of the economy. For example, Andersen (1993)Andersen, O. (1993). On the internationalization process of firms: A critical analysis. Journal of international business studies, 24(2), 209-231.
notes that Model U includes potential indicators but disregards operational definitions. Additionally, the author mentions uncertainty regarding the classification of procedures and variables.

These models describe a step-by-step process of internationalization, which is typical for SMEs. The steps must be taken progressively, creating the ideal conditions for the company to begin exporting.

Another interesting model, more applicable to large firms, was proposed by Melitz (2003)Melitz, M. J. (2003). The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity. Econometrica, 71(6), 1695-1725.
. This model explains how relocating resources can increase a company’s commercial capacities and reduce costs, leading to greater aggregate productivity and financial benefits. This may involve relocating production to another location or country or reversing a previous relocation.

Relationship between trust and the Uppsala model

The Uppsala model is a theoretical framework that outlines a series of sequential steps for companies to enter global markets. This model is applicable to all types of companies but is particularly relevant for SMEs. Many SMEs do not initially set out to globalize their business; they gradually expand into international markets over time, step by step.

Another important element in the updated Uppsala model of Johanson and Vahlne (2009)Johanson, J., & Vahlne, J. E. (2009). The Uppsala internationalization process model revisited: From liability of foreignness to liability of outsidership. Journal of international business studies, 40(9), 1411-1431.
is the “network position.” This factor was identified in the original model as “market commitment.” Authors assume that the internationalization process takes place within a network. Relationships are characterized by specific levels of knowledge, trust, and commitment that may be unevenly distributed among the parties involved and, therefore, may differ in how they promote successful internationalization. However, a potentially rewarding process is that in which the company’s outcome for learning, trusting, and commitment building is to obtain a more favorable network position and establish partnerships.

Thus, we decided to add a category in our model consistent with trust and commitment building named customer and supplier satisfaction. Based on the Uppsala model, we believe these factors are basic pillars to compete in new markets and obtain a better network position.

The innovation model of internationalization

According to the innovation model (Model I) of internationalization, the desire to enter global markets and offer products is already considered an innovation, which is driven by the intentions and decisions of the company CEO or owner.

Several authors have contributed to this school of thought (Ws, 1962; Andersen, 1993Andersen, O. (1993). On the internationalization process of firms: A critical analysis. Journal of international business studies, 24(2), 209-231.
; Bilkey & Teaser, 1977; Cavusgil, 1980Cavusgil, S. T. (1980). On the internationalization process of the firm. European research, 6, 273-281.
; Reid, 1981Reid, Stan D. (1981). The decision-maker and export entry and expansion. Journal of International Business Studies, 12(Fall), 101-12.
). This model indicates that companies begin to internationalize by submitting an export innovation, then export regularly to a “psychologically closer” country, and finally export to other nations that are psychologically “further away” (Bilkey & Tesar, 1977Bilkey, W. J., & Tesar, G. (1977). The export behavior of smaller-sized Wisconsin manufacturing firms. Journal of International Business Studies, 8(1), 93-98.
, p. 93).

These innovation models also lead to knowledge acquisition, and not only at the stage of entering an external market. The beginning of internationalization is the acquisition of knowledge to introduce innovations and new developments related to management. Table 3 shows different phases of the Model I of internationalization.

Table 3
Different phases of the Model I

On the other hand, the Oslo Manual (OECD/Eurostat, 2018OECD/Eurostat (2018), Oslo Manual 2018: Guidelines for Collecting, Reporting and Using Data on Innovation, 4th Edition, The Measurement of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Activities, OECD Publishing, Paris/Eurostat, Luxembourg,
, p. 20) proposes indicators that might be considered innovations. Its definition of innovation is:

“An innovation is a new or improved product or process (or combination thereof) that differs significantly from the unit’s previous products or processes and has been made available to potential users (product) or put into use by the unit (process).”

Furthermore, the Oslo Manual is considered an important reference to determine factors and variables that measure organizational innovation. Table 4 shows the indicators from the Oslo Manual to measure the degree of innovation in companies. We have used them as a base to create the categories and items for our proposed model.

Table 4
Innovation indicators

Matarazzo et al. (2020)Matarazzo, M., Penco, L., & Raith, M. (2020). Growth Strategies & Internationalization for SMEs: an introduction to the special issue. Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 38(3), 15-19.
explained an interesting context about the combination of digitalization and internationalization, particularly effective in promoting SMEs’ growth on a global scale. The benefits of digital technologies for SMEs extend beyond the internet and include establishing strong relationships with international customers, such as through social networks. Another remarkable research suggests that innovation is important for agrifood companies to export. Ensuring the traceability of products is crucial for consumers’ safety and trust. Thus, a new technological tool is necessary to improve traceability that can be developed through an innovation strategy (García-Álvarez et al., 2019García-Álvarez de Perea, J., Ramírez-García, C., & Del Cubo-Molina, A. (2019). Internationalization business models and patterns of SMEs and MNEs: A qualitative multi-case study in the agrifood sector. Sustainability, 11(10), 2755.

According to García-Álvarez et al. (2019)García-Álvarez de Perea, J., Ramírez-García, C., & Del Cubo-Molina, A. (2019). Internationalization business models and patterns of SMEs and MNEs: A qualitative multi-case study in the agrifood sector. Sustainability, 11(10), 2755.
, a competitive environment facilitates the development of collaborative innovation in SMEs. This innovation directs products, processes, and organizational innovation toward meeting the consumers’ demands. In addition, Barreiro (2011)Barreiro, D. (2011). Study of competitiveness in the European Union meat sector. eurocarne, (199), 56-60.
emphasizes the freedom to innovate through the European Commission. He expresses the ambition to make the European food industry competitive by promoting innovation. This can reduce producers’ costs by taking advantage of distribution.

Alternatively, a quantitative study made on producers in Southern Brazil by Oaigen et al. (2013)Oaigen, R. P., Barcellos, J. O. J. J., Soares, J. C. D. R., Lampert, V. D. N., Gottschall, C. S., Marques, P. R., & Tavares, H. R. (2013). Beef cattle production system competitiveness in the South of Brazil. Archivos de Zootecnia, 62(238), 161-170.
concluded that the meat production systems are competitive due to the attitude of entrepreneurs, mainly regarding the use of production technology and management tools, which is very satisfactory.

Sereia and Câmara (2015)Sereia, V. J., Stal, E., & Câmara, M. R. G. D. (2015). Fatores determinantes da inovação nas empresas agroindustriais de carne. Nova Economia, 25(3), 647-672.
conducted a study in the Brazilian state of Paraná, examining the companies’ decision to innovate. They concluded that these companies prioritized adopting new process technologies, which led to the development of new products. However, the emphasis was on the adoption of new production processes.

Nevertheless, what is product innovation in the meat industry? According to an interview with Chris DuBois, vice president of a Chicago-based market research firm (Mitchel, 2019Mitchel, R. (2019, January 15). Adding value - and sales - to meat departments. Super market news.
), the value-added meat products department is leading in sales. Value-added products include marinated cuts, cooked ribs, kabobs, corned beef, fresh hamburgers, and shaved steak for use in tacos, fajitas, stir-fries, and sandwiches (Mitchel, 2019Mitchel, R. (2019, January 15). Adding value - and sales - to meat departments. Super market news.

Food safety literature

Food safety has become a requirement for trading food products in other countries, leading many companies to adopt appropriate processes such as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP). This is important to customers and consumers because food must meet hygiene and sanitation standards to prevent illnesses. According to Davidson et al. (2017)Davidson, R. K., Antunes, W., Madslien, E. H., Belenguer, J., Gerevini, M., Torroba Perez, T., & Prugger, R. (2017). From food defence to food supply chain integrity. British Food Journal, 119(1), 52-66.
, food safety involves ensuring that food is safe to eat and free from dangerous levels of harmful infectious and toxic agents. Further, according to the research by Santos et al. (2020)Santos, A.B; Batalha, M.O; Larue, B. (2020). The internationalization process of agrifood firms: a proposed conceptual framework. British Food Journal, 123(4), 1513-1530.
, food safety issues play a central role in internationalization decisions.

Achieving food safety can be a significant factor in the internationalization of meat companies. However, it is not easy as many certifications must be met to export products to other countries, with some countries having more stringent requirements than others.

In Mexico, the most basic certification is the TIF, which certifies certain capacities and processes for food safety. However, this certification is not always enough for exporting. TIF companies represent a starting point for food safety, which is why these Mexican companies were chosen as the focus of this research.

The study by Murphy et al. (2015)Murphy, R. G. L., Howard, S. T., Woerner, D. R., Pendell, D. L., Dixon, C. L., Desimone, T. L., ... & Belk, K. E. (2015). Definition, willingness-to-pay, and ranking of quality attributes of US pork as defined by importers in Asia and Mexico. Journal of animal Science, 93(1), 433-441.
defines importers willingness to pay for pork in 7 predetermined quality categories (food safety, customer service, eating quality, product specification, packaging and condition on arrival, visual characteristics, and production history). In addition, the authors conducted a survey between November 2009 and April 2010 in China, Japan, Hong Kong, Russia, and Mexico, concluding that:

  1. More than 70% of respondents in Hong Kong/China, Japan, and Mexico responded that purchase price influenced the decision to buy imported pork.

  2. Food safety was the most important quality category (price was not included as part of quality) for imported pork, followed by customer specifications.

On the other hand, Pond et al. (2016)Pond, A., Miller, M. F., Echeverry, A., Huerta, N., Calle, A., Lozano, M. R.. & Brashears, M. M. (2016). Salmonella and E. coli O157: H7 prevalence and generic E. coli and coliform quantitative baseline in raw pork and beef in retail channels in Mexico. Food Protection Trends, 36(1), 8-17.
, in their article on Mexico, describe that foodborne diseases are the leading cause of mortality in preschool children (1 to 4 years) in Mexico. In children aged 5 to 14 years, foodborne diseases are the tenth leading cause of death. In a study by Varela et al. (2007)Varela-Hernández, J. J., Cabrera-Diaz, E., Cardona-López, M. A., Ibarra-Velázquez, L. M., Rangel-Villalobos, H., Castillo, A... & RamírezÁlvarez, A. (2007). Isolation and characterization of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157: H7 and non-O157 from beef carcasses at a slaughter plant in Mexico. International journal of food microbiology, 113(2), 237-241.
to determine food safety, they also investigated the contamination of beef carcasses in a slaughter plant in Guadalajara, Mexico. The results of the study showed noticeable bacterial contamination.

Finally, after showing our theoretical support for our proposed model, Table 5 presents the hypotheses we intend to confirm or reject in this empirical study.

Table 5
Definition of the Items and Hypotheses of the probit model


Table 6 complements the previous section and provides the theoretical support for the variables, categories, and items proposed in our model.

Table 6
Theoretical support for each variable and item
Table 7
Results of the Cronbach’s Alpha test
Table 8
Results of the correlation matrix

n image of our proposed probit model for internationalization is shown in Figure 1(classification of the model), which presents the generic variables, the categories, and the fourteen items (hypotheses).

Figure 1
Classification of the model

Figure 1 also shows each hypothesis, represented by the letter “H” followed by a number that refers to the hypothesis number. The descriptions of the items and hypotheses for the probit model were presented above in Table 5.

Our research focused on TIF meat SMEs. Of the 99 companies surveyed, 47% currently export products. The questionnaires were answered by the companies’ CEOs or owners based on their experience in the industry. The survey aimed to gather insights, opinions, or evaluations from decision-makers within the SMEs and understand their opinions on the variables and items related to achieving internationalization.

The 5-point Likert scale was used to capture levels of affirmation or refusal with options regarding frequency (from never to always), importance (from not important to very important), agreement (from strongly disagree to strongly agree), among others. This scale was adopted since “Likert built his scale as a means to capture an infinite number of attitudes in an ordinal scale format” (Likert, 1932, in Rinkert, 2014Rinker, T. (2014). On the Treatment of Likert Data CEP 510: Psychometric Theory in Education. New York: University at Buffalo.: 2), where the premise is to approximate measurement of respondent’s perceptions for statistical analysis purposes.

In this research, as we will see later, discrete and non-continuous values were captured, so the technique is used for practical purposes rather than discussing the nature of its use or its suitability; the technique also obeys the sample size and the statistical properties of the sample (such as whether it has a normal distribution, bias, or measures of dispersion) rather than theoretically. This study uses the Likert scale to statistically process ordinal data and propose non-linear probability models. Descriptive statistics were added later to account for the behavior of each variable used in the model, frequency, and contingency tables. Likewise, the dependent variable is dichotomous; it only contains two values: a company that exports (value one) and a company that does not export (value zero).


There were 463 TIF meat companies in Mexico at the time of the research. We sent an email to the “National Service of Health, Safety, and Food Quality” (SENASICA) requesting support in distributing a survey to the managers and owners of these companies. The survey was sent electronically in 2021, and SENASICA distributed it to TIF meat companies via a link in Google Forms (85% percent of these companies were SMEs, those firms answered the survey). Out of the 393 SMEs that received the survey, only 99 responded, representing 25% of the TIF meat SMEs in Mexico.

Quantitative method

As previously mentioned, the technique implemented was a probit regression (probability regression). This is suitable for our research since it allows us to execute Likert scales with a set of independent variables (our items) and a binary dependent variable. For this research, the binary variable was a response from the companies’ CEO’ or owners, where they answered YES or NO if their company currently exports, i.e., we assume: E (Y|X)=P (Y=1|X)=Φ (β0+β1X).

This technique determines the likelihood of a company to export based on the results of the proposed items, which are presented in the form of Likert scales. The technique provides a probability value indicating the likelihood of a company to export based on its responses to the survey items.

Hanck et al. (2019)Hanck, C., Arnold, M., Gerber, A., & Schmelzer, M. (2019). Introduction to Econometrics with R. University of Duisburg-Essen, 1-9. comment that the Probit coefficient β1 is the change in Z associated with a one-unit change in X. Although the effect on Z of a change in X is linear, the link between Z and the dependent variable Y is not linear since Φ is a non-linear function of X.

This technique was used in other studies to determine the exports of certain sectors in various countries. For example, Serrano et al. (2016)Serrano, R., Acero, I., & Fernandez-Olmos, M. (2016). Networks and export performance of agrifood firms: New evidence linking micro and macro determinants. Agricultural Economics, 62(10), 459-470.
used a longitudinal panel in Spain between 1994 and 2012. It was composed of a sample of 342 Spanish companies involved in the food, meat, beverage, and tobacco industries. In this case, a dynamic Heckman-Probit model was implemented. Their results find that SMEs can achieve internationalization through business collaboration.

In a study on Brazilian SMEs furniture manufacturers, Boehe (2013)Boehe, D. (2013). Collaborate at home to win abroad: How does access to local network resources influence export behavior? Journal of Small Business Management, 51(2), 167-182.
used a probit model with a binary dependent variable (propensity to export) to test the hypotheses. The author found that the local collaborative intensity of a firm is positively related to its export intensity and that both relationships are moderated by the firm’s distance from the local network center.

Furthermore, since the relationship of the independent values vs. the binary variable is not linear, the model will show a Mc Fadden’s Pseudo R-squared. Therefore, we do not use the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) approach. Rather, the parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood, which is reached through an iterative process in the STATA software used to execute this model.

Probit model equation

The proposed equation for running the probit model treats each Likert-scaled item as a variable to determine whether these items explain the internationalization of Mexican meat companies. The marginal effects and beta coefficients will be calculated to provide a probability for each item (variable X) with respect to internationalization (Y). This will allow us to determine whether the supports our hypotheses.

Proposed probit model equation:

P ( Export = 1 I x ) = G ( β 0 + β 1 ad 1 + β 2 ad 2 + β 3 adexp + β 4 ctech + β 5 cinprods + β 6 innovaprod + β 7 inprodex + β 8 icomp + β 9 icomp 2 + β 10 scli + β 11 spro + β 12 scpexp + β 13 comuniexp + β 14 haccp )

Application of the model

The methodology we used to run our model is outlined below:

  1. Cronbach’s Alpha test was conducted to assess the validity of our questionnaire and the correlations between all the items of the variables. Table 7 shows the results, which indicate that our instrument is reliable for conducting a survey with TIF meat SMEs, with a value of 0.88, i.e., close to 1.

  2. Next, we ran correlations based on the values of the items quantified in Likert scales before executing our probit model. This allowed us to identify and remove items with high correlations to avoid multicollinearity issues within the model. Table 8 shows the results of the correlation matrix.

There were no outliers or abnormalities in the correlation matrix that could negatively impact the model or its significance. Therefore, all items were categorized and used to run the probit model and calculate marginal effects. The probit model was executed as shown in Table 9 (all variables).

Table 9
Probit results

Despite having a stable pseudo-R-squared value of 0.78, several items were insignificant and may have affected the significance of other items or variables. The items labeled “adexp,” “ctech,” and “inprodex” were found to be the least significant, with P values close to 1, indicating that they have little influence on internationalization. Additionally, we discarded the item labeled “AD1” because it had a negative marginal effect on internationalization, which does not align with theory and does not make sense. We also discarded the item labeled ICOMP because sharing information with customers and suppliers had a similar impact, so it was unnecessary to include them separately. Running the model without this item improved its performance.

The probit model was run again, excluding items with high P-values. The selected variables can be seen in Table 9 above. The items SCPEXP and HACCP were significant in explaining the internationalization of meat companies (values emphasized in Table 9).

Marginal effects were calculated to determine the variability or relationship of change between the items and Y. This provides a better interpretation of the beta coefficients estimated using the probit technique. The results of the marginal effects can be see emphasized in the same Table 9.

Factor analysis

Additionally, as a measure to corroborate the classification of the explanatory variables of the model, we implemented an exploratory factor analysis. This allowed us to validate the internal structure of the classification of the variables through factor loadings. It is worth mentioning that this method yields maximum factor loadings that can be repeated in more than one factor.


After calculating the marginal effects, we identified the significant items that explain the internationalization of TIF meat SMEs. The interpretation of the statistically significant items in the probit model suggests the following:

  1. If Mexican TIF meat SMEs willing to export their products double the efforts to generate customer-supplier satisfaction “SCPEXP” (H12), the likelihood of these firms’ achieving internationalization increases by 8%.

  2. If Mexican TIF meat SMEs double their efforts to ensure food safety using the “HACCP” method (H14), their likelihood of going global increases by 12%.

Only two hypotheses (H12 and H14) were confirmed. The rest of the hypotheses (H1-H11) and H13 were rejected because they do not explain the internationalization of Mexican TIF meat SMEs.

It is interesting to note that, despite the broad theoretical support for Model I (innovation and sequential steps for internationalization), the results suggest that certain aspects of innovation, such as the adoption of technology, product innovation, and collaboration to innovate, do not explain the meat firms’ ability to compete in global markets. This could indicate that other factors may be more important for the internationalization of firms in this particular sector. It would be interesting to explore this topic further and identify other factors that may play a role in the internationalization of firms in the meat food sector.

The results of the probit model were somewhat unexpected in terms of innovation. However, it is valuable to discover that none of the proposed items significantly explain internationalization. This information can be used to advise CEOs and business owners that this may not be the most effective way to compete in global markets. It is possible that a different type of innovation, such as marketing innovation, may be more effective in attracting potential customers and sales abroad, as suggested by the results of Tanasiichuk et al. (2020)Tanasiichuk, A., Hromova, O., Abdullaieva, A., Holovchuk, Y., & Sokoliuk, K. (2020). Strategy of internationalization by Ukrainian meat producers’ implementation. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 9(1), 339-339.
. This is also supported by the classic theoretical model of Cavusgil (1980)Cavusgil, S. T. (1980). On the internationalization process of the firm. European research, 6, 273-281.
, which suggests that innovative marketing activities can help achieve internationalization.

According to Barney’s (1991) theory of resources and capabilities, acquiring technologies such as machinery and software can provide a company with valuable and differentiated resources, which can help it achieve better competencies. Nonetheless, this study found that this does not work for achieving internationalization. It may be that having advanced machinery is not enough if the company does not have effective marketing management or trained human resources to enter foreign markets. Similarly, product innovation alone may not be sufficient for exporting, as it must be combined with a global vision from the owner, directors, or managers. This relationship between management capabilities and internationalization has been demonstrated in many studies, which is why it was not considered in this research.

As we mentioned previously, trust is an essential component of conducting business, particularly in the context of international transactions. The Uppsala model, a widely accepted theoretical framework for understanding the internationalization process of firms, emphasizes the importance of trust in overcoming psychological barriers such as distance, language, and customs. This is supported by empirical research, including studies by Paterson et al. (2008)Paterson, I., Maguire, H., & Al-Hakim, L. (2008). Analysing trust as a means of improving the effectiveness of the virtual supply chain. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 5(3/4), 325-348.
and Fischer (2013)Fischer, C. (2013). Trust and communication in European agrifood chains. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18(2), 208-218.
, which have demonstrated the role of trust in facilitating global transactions.

However, for the probit quantitative method, and given the Likert scales we used to empirically demonstrate the causality between these hypothesized item of trust: (ICOMP-H8; ICOMP2 -H9; SCLI-H10; SPRO-H11; COMMUNICACP-H12; SCPEXP-H13), we found that most items were not determinants and reliable in explaining the internationalization of Mexican meat companies. Only SCPEXP (Customer and supplier satisfaction to aspire to export) was a determinant, which, with a confidence level of 95% and an error margin of 5%, explains and predicts firms’ internationalization.

This item is expressed as follows to be answered with a Likert scale from 1 to 5:

“Thanks to the satisfaction of customers and/or suppliers, meat companies aspire to compete in global markets”

In the food industry, customer-supplier satisfaction is achieved through the fulfillment of quality standards, timely order fulfillment, high service levels, and the efficient management of business relationships.

If foreign customers trust Mexican producers and the service they provide, then the likelihood that they will recommend their products to others within their network may increase. According to our results, there is an 8% increase in this probability. This can open doors for Mexican companies. However, as mentioned in the theoretical framework, trust is built over time and requires consistent effort to maintain, much like interpersonal relationships. We had hoped for more statistically significant results regarding the role of trust in explaining internationalization.

The food safety variable is composed of only one item (HACCP- H14 - P value 0.002). It was mentioned previously that this variable-item could be a determinant for internationalization. Therefore, H14 is confirmed.

The odd fact is that no studies or empirical research were found that have defined this variable as a determinant in exporting through quantitative techniques in agrifood industries. Thus, this research contributes due to its innovative approach, considering that HACCP processes (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System) are fundamental for internationalization in the food sector, including meat.

Although international certifications associated with the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) were not considered necessary for achieving export success, it is important to note that processes based on the HACCP method can help companies obtain various types of certifications, both local and international. Some may question why other items were not included in this research. It was not necessary because the HACCP method proved to be a reliable and significant predictor of internationalization within our model.

Our results can encourage future research to consider this variable as fundamental and for companies in the Mexican meat sector to increase their efforts to improve their competencies and capacities with global standards in order to reach new commercial horizons.

Also, after running the marginal effects in the STATA software, this yields a beta coefficient of 0.118, suggesting that with a double effort to implement HACCP processes, the probability of internationalization of these companies increases by 12%.

Based on this empirical evidence, the meat industry and SENASICA, in particular, which is the institution that regulates food safety in Mexico and that supported this research to carry out the distribution of the survey, will be very enthusiastic. It will be encouraging for SENASICA to know that their effort and work is relevant not only to export but in general to have a world free of contaminants that are harmful to human health.

This 12% probability was the highest among all the statistically significant items, indicating that this variable carries more weight. It is hoped that Mexican companies will be able to effectively implement processes based on the HACCP method.

Considering the exploratory factor analysis, we were inquisitive to understand the classification of the variables in each of the seven categories. After performing the analysis, we obtained seven factors (equivalent to the seven categories of our model). Consequently, we appreciate that some items can be combined to form a factor. These values range from 0 to 1, in which the maximum factor loading is 1. In Table 10, darker shades of gray indicate higher loadings:

Table 10
Factor analysis results
  1. In factor 1, we can observe that items SCPEXP and COMUNIEXP can be combined to form a single factor. This is relevant because, in our model, SCPEXP was a determining factor in achieving internationalization. By linking it with effective communication, companies can provide better customer service, make partnerships, and reach more countries through networks.

  2. From factors 2 to 5, we see that the new factors (combined elements) make clear sense because of their similarities. Sharing information with customers and suppliers is summarized in one factor (ICOMP, ICOMP2). It also makes sense for customer and supplier satisfaction to be combined into a single factor (SPRO, SCLI). The same applies to the acquisition of machinery and digital platforms (AD1, AD2). Finally, as far as inter-company collaboration is concerned, it falls under factor 5.

  3. Another piece of information that is consistent for us is the HACCP item, which was also a statistically significant determinant for exporting and should not be combined with another factor (uniqueness).


This research is significant for both SENASICA and TIF companies due to the findings and outcomes that have been discussed. In modern times, it is important to establish connections between academia, industry, and government institutions. This was one of the initial goals of this research, and it has been achieved.

The most important results of this empirical study can be summarized as follows:

  • Food safety, as measured by the implementation of the HACCP system (H14), is crucial for competing in global markets (P-value 0.002). This finding contributes to the literature as no previous study has achieved this objective. While the theoretical relevance of food safety was discussed extensively in this research, the results obtained using the probit model provide empirical support.

  • It is found that if companies increase the effort to satisfy their customers and suppliers, they can aspire to internationalize (SCPEXP, H12) and P-Value 0.05. This could be because more trust is generated within the internationalization network (primary intermediaries, secondary intermediaries, customers, and final consumers).

  • Our factor analysis revealed that a combination of SCPEXP and COMMUNICACP items can be effective for meat companies looking to build trust with their customers. This will enable customers to help expand their network base abroad. To achieve this, it is recommended that companies establish effective communication channels via email and video calls, address questions promptly, and provide post-sales service. Ultimately, this will help meat companies to reach new horizons.

This research makes a valuable contribution to the field of knowledge and the research line of enterprise internationalization. Classic models such as Uppsala model (Model-U) and the innovation model (Model I) are generic, and their principles may not apply to all industries in the economy. In the case of the meat products industry, safety is a fundamental concern, and customer-supplier satisfaction is a key element in building trust. These findings could serve as a complement to the Uppsala model.

Finally, the findings of this research could be applied to other types of food, whether agricultural or industrial. As discussed in the theoretical framework, food safety is a universal concern that applies to all types of food. These probabilities should be considered in future research on this topic.

One limitation of our research is that our former target sample was 135 companies to run the model. However, only 99 answered the survey with Likert scales. Everything possible was done through SENASICA, but it was not enough. Therefore, future research could consider a larger sample. Besides, the study of national or state companies should be included to understand their strategies.

  • Evaluated through a double-anonymized peer review. The reviewers did not authorize disclosure of their peer review report


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Ad hoc Associate Editor: Maria Fernandez-Moya

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 Feb 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    18 Jan 2023
  • Accepted
    23 Oct 2023
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