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Construction and validation of a scenario for sedation training in the emergency room for pediatric surgical procedures by in-situ simulation



sedation and analgesia are fundamental procedures for children undergoing invasive interventions, and complications must be avoided during their implementation. In situ simulation allows, in turn, training in real practice environments to improve the technical and non-technical skills of professionals for such procedures. Although it is a very useful tool, it is often not used due to lack of preparation for its planning and application.


develop and validate an in situ simulation scenario in pediatric emergency care using sedation to perform an invasive procedure.


descriptive study of construction and content validation of an in situ simulation scenario, using the Delphi method, following the following steps: 1) definition of the problem and selection of experts; 2) development of the initial document; 3) rounds for validation with analysis of responses and feedback (until consensus is reached by the Content Validation Index); 4) final report. Results: The experts indicated suggestions that were duly used and the scenario obtained, in all items, a CVI greater than 80.0%, demonstrating its high validity and reliability. By using experts to validate the scenario, their insights guarantee greater precision and reliability in scenario construction engineering.


It is expected that this study will allow the replication of the scenario in different training contexts, facilitating and encouraging professional training based on a scenario model based on best evidence and practices.

Simulation Training; Emergency Medicine; Pediatrics



a sedação e analgesia são procedimentos fundamentais para crianças submetidas a intervenções invasivas, devendo-se evitar complicações durante sua realização. A simulação in situ permite, por sua vez, capacitações nos ambientes reais de prática para aprimorar as competências técnicas e não técnicas dos profissionais para tais procedimentos. Embora seja uma ferramenta de grande utilidade, muitas vezes não é aproveitada pelo despreparo para seu planejamento e aplicação.


elaborar e validar um cenário de simulação in situ no atendimento de urgências pediátricas com uso de sedação para realização de procedimento invasivo.


estudo descritivo de construção e validação de conteúdo de um cenário de simulação in situ, por meio do método Delphi, seguindo os seguintes passos: 1) definição do problema e seleção de especialistas; 2) desenvolvimento do documento inicial; 3) rodadas para validação com análise das respostas e feedback (até obtenção do consenso pelo Índice de Validação de Conteúdo); 4) relatório final. Resultados: Os especialistas indicaram sugestões devidamente aproveitadas e o cenário obteve, em todos os itens, um IVC maior que 80,0% demonstrando sua alta validade e confiabilidade. Ao usar especialistas para validar o cenário, seus insights garatem maior precisão e confiabilidade à engenharia de construção dos cenários.


espera-se, que este estudo permita a replicação do cenário em diferentes contextos de formação facilitando e incentivando a capacitação profissional a partir de um modelo de cenário baseado em melhores evidências e práticas.

Treinamento por Simulação; Medicina de Emergência; Pediatria


In health care, the training of professionals for teamwork, especially for acting in crisis situations and acquiring for knowledge of the multiple aspects involved, results in prevention, mitigation, and learning in the face of risk situations and avoidable adverse events11 Savage C, Andrew Gaffney F, Hussainalkhateeb L, Ackheim PO, Henricson G, Antoniadou I, et al. Safer paediatric surgical teams: A 5-year evaluation of crew resource management implementation and outcomes. Int J Qual Health Care. 2017;29(6):853-60. doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzx113.
,22 Siems A, Cartron A, Watson A, McCarter R, Levin A. Improving Pediatric Rapid Response Team Performance Through Crew Resource Management Training of Team Leaders. Hosp Pediatr. 2017;7(2):88-95. doi: 10.1542/hpeds.2016-0111.

In this sense, sedation and analgesia deserve to be highlighted, since they are important for pediatric patients undergoing invasive procedures, as the need for pediatric sedation has increased considerably, in parallel with the growing volume of procedures performed by different specialists in areas outside the Operating Room (OR), especially in the Emergency Room (ER). Moreover, the administration of sedation has evolved and, in addition to traditional narcotic agents, now includes broader options of agents and routes of administration, increasing the complexity of the challenges faced by professionals during its performance33 Gozal D, Mason KP. Pediatric Sedation: A Global Challenge. Int J Pediatr. 2010;2010:1-15. doi: 10.1155/2010/701257.

Thus, the training of the team to conduct these procedures in children, especially in the ER, is extremely relevant, as the lack of specific training can result in potential risks, including adverse events and complications during the procedure44 Kamran Khan; Serena Tolhurst-Cleaver; Sara White; William Simpson. Simulation in Healthcare Education. Building a Simulation Programme: A Practical Guide. Vol. 50. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE); 2007. 1-44 p. ISBN: 978-1-903934-63-0..

In this context, in-situ simulation emerges as an important tool, both to assess the competence and effectiveness of the team, and to provide feedback to improve clinical practice55 Lee MO, Schertzer K, Khanna K, Wang NE, Camargo CA, Sebok-Syer SS. Using In Situ Simulations to Improve Pediatric Patient Safety in Emergency Departments. Acad Med. 2021;96(3):395-8. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003807.

In-situ simulation is a training technique that involves the enacting of clinical scenarios, seeking realism by approximating real situations, being carried out in the health care environments themselves, such as ERs, intensive care units, outpatient clinics, ORs, and others. Thus, it allows the team to be trained in an environment like the real one, using the equipment and facilities available in the service itself66 Riley W, Davis S, Miller KM, Hansen H, Sweet RM. Detecting breaches in defensive barriers using in situ simulation for obstetric emergencies. Qual Saf Health Care. 2010;19 Suppl 3. doi: 10.1136/qshc.2010.040311.
,77 Waseem M, Horsley E. A Novice Guide to Applications of Simulation in the Pediatric Emergency Department. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2020;36(6):e362-7. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000001643.

Its use helps to improve the competence of the multidisciplinary and multiprofessional team, allowing professionals to experience complex and challenging situations in a controlled environment, where it is possible to practice and improve technical and non-technical skills, in addition to training specific procedures. It can therefore help improve the quality and safety of care, especially in stressful situations with time pressure, such as emergencies55 Lee MO, Schertzer K, Khanna K, Wang NE, Camargo CA, Sebok-Syer SS. Using In Situ Simulations to Improve Pediatric Patient Safety in Emergency Departments. Acad Med. 2021;96(3):395-8. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003807.
,88 Shaikh U, Natale JE, Till DA, Julie IM. "Good Catch, Kiddo"-Enhancing Patient Safety in the Pediatric Emergency Department Through Simulation. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2022;38(1):e283-6. doi: 10.54143/jbmede.v3i3.101.

Furthermore, with in-situ simulations, it is possible to identify and correct flaws in the care process and in adherence to protocols, reducing errors and complications, in a safe environment for clinical practice. This provides the opportunity to evaluate critical factors, such as communication, leadership, and teamwork, which are essential for this type of care66 Riley W, Davis S, Miller KM, Hansen H, Sweet RM. Detecting breaches in defensive barriers using in situ simulation for obstetric emergencies. Qual Saf Health Care. 2010;19 Suppl 3. doi: 10.1136/qshc.2010.040311.

Several studies have highlighted the effectiveness of in-situ simulation to improve staff performance in pediatric emergency situations. One of these was carried out by McLaughlin et al.99 McLaughlin CM, Wieck MM, Barin EN, Rake A, Burke R V., Roesly HB, et al. Impact of simulation-based training on perceived provider confidence in acute multidisciplinary pediatric trauma resuscitation. Pediatr Surg Int. 2018;34(12):1353-62. doi: 10.1007/s00383-018-4361-y.
and evaluated the impact of in-situ simulation on improving the quality of this care in a children’s hospital. The results indicated that the in-situ simulation significantly improved team effectiveness in several types of competencies, including leadership, communication, and teamwork.

From this perspective, the main objective of this study was to develop and validate an in-situ simulation scenario with the use of sedation for an invasive procedure in a pediatric patient in the emergency room, which can be replicated and used in training of multidisciplinary teams from different health services.


This is a descriptive study of content validation, which worked with an in-situ simulation scenario, whose data are an excerpt from a larger study entitled “The in-situ simulation for evaluation and feedback of pediatric emergency care by a multidisciplinary and multiprofessional team”, object of a dissertation. We used the Delphi method, a research approach to evaluate the content reliability, relevance, and consistency through consensus by a panel of experts. Its steps were: 1) definition of the problem and selection of experts; 2) development of the initial document; 3) rounds for validation with analysis of responses and feedback (until consensus is reached); 4) final report1010 Fehring R. Methods to Validate Nursing Diagnoses. Heart Lung. 1987;16(6 Pt 1):625-9.,1111 Zarili TFT, Castanheira ERL, Nunes LO, Sanine PR, Carrapato JFL, Machado DF, et al. Delphi technique in the validation process of the national application of the questionnaire for primary care assessment (Qualiab). Saude e Sociedade. 2021;30(2). doi: 10.1590/S0104-12902021190505.

For the elaboration of the scenarios, we applied the methodology of construction engineering of the simulated cases proposed by Pereira Júnior and Lima1212 Pereira Junior GA, Lima SF. Engenharia da construção das estações simuladas: passo a passo para a elaboração das estações simuladas. in Simulação em saúde para ensino e avaliação: conceitos e práticas. In 2021. p. 63-75. doi: 10.4322/978-65-86819-11-3.
, where the planning and organization of the process is carried out in three stages:

  • I) Choice of the clinical case to be transformed into a simulated activity, emphasizing that at the beginning of structuring a scenario, it is important to define the problem to be worked on, which may be associated with the curricular contents or situations related to the work of professionals in health services, whether these are recognized by them (based on the needs and expectations of those who are preparing the simulated station) or secondary to demands of the health context (administrative, scientific, social, and political studies).

  • II) Assembly of the 19 items of the order for the simulated station (Table 1), which is the beginning of the transformation of the clinical case into a station, allowing the evaluation of its pertinence, interactions, and feasibility, considering that after the definition of these items, there is already a series of information and elements that allow the visualization of the future station.

Table 1
Order Structuring Items for Simulated Scenarios.

III) Construction of the simulated station (Table 2), using the model for the integral script of the simulated scenario, where there are the instructions of the scenario and tasks of the student/candidate, guidelines to the evaluator/facilitator, list of materials and equipment, map of disposition of furniture and human resources within the physical environment of the simulated station, script of the simulated patient (if the scenic simulation is used), evaluator/facilitator decision flowchart, and standardized evaluation instrument (checklist).

Table 2
Structuring items of the complete simulated station.

In this study, after the elaboration of the case using the engineering method of the construction of simulated scenarios1212 Pereira Junior GA, Lima SF. Engenharia da construção das estações simuladas: passo a passo para a elaboração das estações simuladas. in Simulação em saúde para ensino e avaliação: conceitos e práticas. In 2021. p. 63-75. doi: 10.4322/978-65-86819-11-3.
, we validated the constructed scenario. To this end, we invited 18 professionals, randomly selected based on their expertise in the area, considering articles published in the areas of simulation and pediatric emergency, and research in the curricula available on the Lattes Platform of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). To avoid bias, we invited professionals from different backgrounds in health.

Twelve experts with training in medicine and nursing and experience in simulation applied to the medical-hospital area in pediatrics and/or emergency and/or intensive care accepted to participate.

The validation process with the committee of experts took place in June 2023, in a virtual environment through the Google Forms® platform, and those who answered the complete instrument were considered as participants.

Each evaluator received the scenario set up with all the items and was instructed to perform the analysis according to the criteria proposed by Pasquali1313 Pasquali Luiz et al. Instrumentação psicológica: instrumentos e prática. 2010. ISBN: 8536321067.. Thus, they were evaluated by the experts considering 1) feasibility, 2) objectivity, 3) simplicity, 4) clarity, 5) relevance, and 6) accuracy.

We used a Likert-type scale with five response alternatives to evaluate each Pasquali criterion: 1 - Strongly disagree; 2- Disagree; 3- Neither agree nor disagree; 4- Agree; 5- Strongly agree.

We analyzed the set of answers from these experts to identify the level of agreement between them, and the answers “4” and “5” of each item evaluated were considered for validation purposes, since they indicate agreement by the evaluators. At the end of each item of the simulated scenario, a space was made available for comments and suggestions.

The collected data were treated and analyzed using Microsoft Excel® software, version 2019. For the validation of the clinical scenario sections, we calculated the Content Validity Index (CVI), which measures the proportion or percentage of specialists who agree on certain aspects of an instrument1414 Trindade CS, Kato SK, Gurgel LG, Reppold CT. The process of constructing and establishing content validity evidence for the Equalis-OAS. Aval. psicol. 2018;17(2):271-7. doi: 10.15689/ap.2018.1702.14501.13.
and is computed by summing the responses of the Likert scale and dividing by the total number of responses (Figure 1). Items that obtained 80% or more agreement among experts were considered validated1515 Coluci MZO, Alexandre NMC, Milani D. Construção de instrumentos de medida na área da saúde. Ciênc. saúde coletiva. 2015;20(3):925-36. doi: 10.1590/1413-81232015203.04332013.

Figure 1
Calculation of CVI based on the concordant answers given by the experts.

In this equation for calculating the CVI, we have the NE, which refers to the number of specialists who agree with a parameter, and the N, which translates the total number of specialists participating in the research1616 Wilson FR, Pan W, Schumsky DA. Recalculation of the critical values for Lawshe's content validity ratio. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 2012;45(3):197-210. doi: 10.1177/0748175612440286.

All ethical aspects were complied with, and the project was approved by the Ethics in Research Committee (CEP) of the Universidade do Oeste Paulista, under opinion No. 5.743.901 and CAAE 63842122.0.0000.5515.


In the scenario validation stage for the development of the study, the evaluators were asked to fill in sociodemographic information to characterize the participants. We had 12 specialists, of whom eight were women and four men, five from nursing and seven from medicine. All of them had at least six years of professional experience in the area of study and specialization, two with lato senso and 10 with stricto senso1717 Lima SF, D'A, Junior E, Augusto R, Da Silva R, Alves G, et al. Conhecimentos básicos para estruturação do treinamento de habilidades e da elaboração das estações simuladas. in Simulação em saúde para ensino e avaliação: conceitos e práticas..

The simulated scenario (Table 3) was elaborated according to the methodology of construction engineering of the simulated cases proposed by Pereira Júnior and Lima12 and started with the recognition of the problem or the clinical situation to be addressed. We then chose sedation for the invasive procedure in a pediatric patient in the ER, based on the researchers’ previous care experience.

Tabela 3
Cenário simulado de sedação pediátrica.

The scenario was proposed using a mannequin of low complexity, technology, and cost, with the assembly of a bed in the emergency room with a patient on a stretcher, with a cardiac monitor, pulse oximetry, in spontaneous ventilation, with a nasal catheter or O2 mask without a reservoir coupled to a flowmeter, and peripheral venipuncture. In this proposal, if the service does not have a simulated children’s mannequin, one can opt for a low-cost mannequin (shop children’s mannequin, prepared according to the instructions of the making off - Figure 2, available at the link ).

Figure 2
Shop mannequin adapted to the scenario.

We should note that the setting of the scenario must ensure the necessary realism for the proposed simulation, and the mannequin/simulator must wear a shirt, shorts, and slippers, with a nasal catheter or non-rebreathing O2 mask, and the multiparametric monitor and pulse oximeter attached to the patient.

Team professionals should be at the discretion of the service, and may include nurses, physicians, physiotherapists, nursing technicians, and others.

Before starting the simulated scenario, the pre-briefing should be carried out, at which time the facilitator can identify the expectations of the participants and guide them about the physical space, equipment, materials, and simulators, as well as the behavior they may have in the development of the simulated scenario.

In the pre-briefing, with the entire team properly positioned, the facilitator should offer the following guidelines:

  • a) An in-situ simulation will be carried out to evaluate the multidisciplinary team in the workplace, instead of taking everyone to the simulation laboratory.

  • b) The behavior of the team members should be routine for the clinical situation that will be simulated, and the greater the “suspension of disbelief” regarding the realism of the planned scenario, the easier and more natural everyone’s performance will be1818 Huffman JL, McNeil G, Bismilla Z, Lai A. Essentials of Scenario Building for Simulation- Based Education. Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Pediatrics. Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation. Springer, Cham. p. 19-29. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-24187-6_2.

  • c) Explanation of the simulated scenario set up and of the roles to be played by the multidisciplinary team, as well as guidance on the physical space, equipment, consumables, and simulator/mannequin.

  • d) The simulation will have five stages: I) pre-briefing (the current phase), II) briefing, III) scenario development, IV) scenario closure, and V) immediate feedback (right after closing). If the simulated scenario is being recorded, the feedback may also be delayed.

  • e) The development of the scenario should follow the decision flowchart of the evaluator/facilitator (Figure 3) and the standardized evaluation checklist (Chart 3).

Figure 3
Flowchart for evaluator/facilitator decision-making.

The facilitator must deliver the material for the assembly of the scenario and the simulated patient, describing it as follows: the simulated scenario is mounted on a bed in the emergency room with the patient on a stretcher, with a cardiac monitor and pulse oximetry installed, on spontaneous ventilation with a nasal catheter or O2 mask without a reservoir coupled to the flowmeter, and venous access by peripheral puncture on the left forearm.

The team professionals who will provide the care, whose organization will be at the discretion of the service (nursing, doctors, nursing technicians, and physiotherapists), must be identified by badges of different colors.

The necessary material should be provided and checked by those involved soon after the start of the simulation scenario. The choice of materials and equipment with their packaging is at the discretion of the team.

For the beginning of the simulated scenario, the professionals participating in the simulation scenario will be to the right of the patient, identified with badges that show the professional function of each. The facilitator will be positioned at the lower end of the stretcher. Towards the patient’s left foot, the filming assistant will be able to have a full view of the monitor, patient, staff, and devices. The two evaluators, one with a technical checklist and the other with a non-technical one, are on the opposite side of the participants (Figure 4).

Figure 4
Orientation to the team’s position in the scenario.

Figure 5
Printouts to be used in the application of the simulated scenario.

In the case of a sedation scenario for an invasive procedure in a pediatric patient, the parameters of the monitor become especially important to work with fidelity and realism, and can be simulated through a high-tech mannequin system, by an application projected on a television or monitor, delivered in printouts, or even narrated by the facilitator. In this scenario, we decided to include the printed format to facilitate its reproduction.

In the briefing, when the specific orientations of the scenario that would be developed for the multidisciplinary team should be carried out, the clinical case, the tasks to be performed, and the duration of the simulated scenario should be briefly presented, with the reading of the following case:

Child, male, five years old, 20kg, admitted to the emergency room of a hospital, fasting for six hours, requiring chest drainage. He presents with inhalational support of O2 at 2L/min, maintaining pulse oximetry around 99%. Minimal respiratory effort, febrile and tachycardic. On physical examination, the patient presented diffuse and bilateral rales and decreased breath sounds at the base of the right hemithorax. Supportive care was performed, the sepsis protocol was initiated, and then a simple chest X-ray was performed (Printout 2), which showed a 2⁄3 veiling of the right hemithorax, compatible with voluminous pleural effusion, with indication for puncture and thoracic drainage. An evaluation of the surgical team was requested to perform the procedure. The care team should provide the necessary preparation and materials for its execution. The surgeon has the function of performing the puncture and thoracic drainage procedure. The sedation/analgesia of the patient will be the responsibility of the pediatrician.

The definition of the task or tasks is an essential step to achieve execution success in the scenario and should be set based on the learning or assessment objectives. They should have clear language, be direct, and state what should be done and in how much time.

Thus, the activities proposed for this scenario were:

In the next 15 to 20 minutes, the multidisciplinary team should perform the following tasks:

  • - Identify and prepare the necessary equipment for the medical procedure.

  • - Perform patient sedation for the procedure in the emergency room.

  • - In case of complications, identify and perform the necessary immediate conducts, including emergency procedures, according to the standard technique.

  • - Follow the facilitator’s instructions.

The facilitator should inform that the monitoring data will be presented in the form of printed materials.

After the start of the simulated scenario, the facilitator should pay attention to:

  • a) When the professionals ask about the clinical parameters and/or physical examination of the patient, Printout 3 should be shown with the vital signs - O2 sat. 91%, HR 113 bpm, RR 26 irpm, T 37ºC, BP 119 x 69 mmHg; the parameters should be narrated;

  • b) When those involved in the care are going to administer any medication, they should say out loud the medication and the dose, then the facilitator will answer: “Medication performed”;

  • c) The moment to inform the expected complications.

Team members are expected to explain the procedure to the simulated family member at the beginning of the scenario, and ask them to leave the room momentarily, in which case space should be guaranteed for the team to organize themselves in case they perform this movement.

The facilitator must be aware of the critical actions that must be carried out by the participants, since they signal whether the objectives of the simulated scenario are being achieved.

The first expected complication is the malfunction of the venous access, with extravasation of the infused contents and incomplete infusion of the medication, with lack of effectiveness in sedation for the execution of the procedure, resulting in psychomotor agitation, with impossibility of performing the procedure. The facilitator should trigger the crisis when the nursing team verifies that the sedative drug was administered at the request of the pediatrician. The surgeon will be on hand and will arrive as soon as the simulated patient is ready for the procedure.

The facilitator should verbally explain the first complication, with the clinical picture of psychomotor agitation of the patient, and complaint of pain at the site of access and the physical examination of the patient, when requested, and show the Printout 34 with the vital signs - O2 sat. 90%, HR 120 bpm, RR 30 irpm, T 37ºC, PA 123 x 72mmHg.

The team should determine the surgeon’s inability to continue the procedure - motor agitation, tachycardia (HR rises from 100 to 120 bpm, RR, from 22 to 28 ipm), maintaining saturation of 90% - and complaint of pain at the site of access.

The facilitator should talk about extravasation in the peripheral access if questioned about it and verbally request the dose of the medications administered during the procedure. With the expected actions of the care team (new access established and new effective administration of drugs), the facilitator should report on the effectiveness of the procedures performed.

Throughout the service, the simulated family member, guided by the script:

Will demonstrate anxiety and request contact with the team. At the moment of the first complication, he will enter the scene with a cell phone in his hand, because he heard the patient’s complaint, and will start to instigate the following aspects: a) “Why are they taking so long?” b) “Why doesn’t anyone tell me what’s going on?” and c) “I need to talk to the team now, otherwise I’m going to invade the place”. The team should take appropriate action if the family member has not been previously informed. If the team has not taken any action, the simulated family member must enter the set with his cell phone on and say, “Look, I’m filming everything.” The team should provide clarification to the family member, ask him to stop filming, and say that there is no authorization for filming in this location. After proper guidance, the family member puts the cell phone away, thanks, and leaves the scene.

The second complication, after obtaining a new venous access, is the lowering of the level of consciousness and the need for ventilatory support (manual ventilation with AMBU, followed by maintenance with an O2 mask with a reservoir), with the infusion of a new sedative drug.

When announcing the second complication, the facilitator hands out Printout 5 and narrates the following parameters: HR 120 bpm, RR 14 irpm, O2 sat. 85%, T 37ºC, BP 100 x 62mmHg, with lowered level of consciousness.

The expected action of the team is a brief period of ventilation with a mask and AMBU, changing the oxygen delivery device, removing the catheter, and placing the mask with a reservoir at 5 L/minute. In this case, the facilitator will confirm the effectiveness of ventilation by handing out Printout 5, which shows the improvement in vital signs: PO2 93%, HR 104 bpm, RR 22 irpm, Tax 37ºC, BP 110x60mmHg.

When the second complication is resolved (patient sedated and with effective ventilation), the facilitator should authorize the procedure, ending the scenario.

All the necessary materials during the cases’ care must be provided for the development of the simulated scenario.

The resources available for the simulated in-situ scenario are:

  • - Materials for emergency surgical procedures;

  • - Simulated family member wanting attention and talking to professionals during the complication;

  • - Material for continuous monitoring of the patient (the monitor’s data will be narrated and presented in printouts by the facilitator);

  • - Identification of material for professionals;

  • - Filming materials;

  • - Professionals working in the target sector of the simulation;

  • - Supplies for peripheral venous access, invasive and non-invasive ventilation, and sedation.

The goal is to perform the chest drainage procedure in the emergency room, but the procedure technique will not be evaluated.

Regarding the closure of the scenario, the facilitator should inform that the simulated case will be closed as soon as the patient’s vital signs are close to normal and at a good level of sedation, after the satisfactory resolution of the two complications, at which time the facilitator should verbalize that the surgeon can start the procedure. The case should also be closed if there is no identification or if there is no solution to the second complication after five minutes.

The experts’ individual evaluation of the scenario is shown in Table 4, where all items had a CVI equal to or greater than 0.8, which indicates the validation of the data by the experts. The agreement among the experts ranged from 91 to 100%, pointing to contents’ reliability, relevance, and consistency1616 Wilson FR, Pan W, Schumsky DA. Recalculation of the critical values for Lawshe's content validity ratio. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 2012;45(3):197-210. doi: 10.1177/0748175612440286.

Tabela 4
Experts’ scores for the criteria of each item, with the respective content verification indexes and agreement percentage.

The experts also indicated eight suggestions for improvements for the clinical case and five for the checklist, all of which were duly incorporated.


Clinical simulation is an active teaching-learning strategy that reproduces real-world situations and helps learners to consolidate knowledge and develop technical and non-technical skills1919 Watts PI, McDermott DS, Alinier G, Charnetski M, Ludlow J, Horsley E, et al. Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best PracticeTM Simulation Design. Clin Simul Nurs. 2021;58:14-21. doi: 10.1016/j.ecns.2021.08.009.
. It offers a practical experience, recreating relatively common situations (airway obstruction, laryngospasm, and bronchospasm) and rare situations (cardiovascular collapse, aspiration, and anaphylaxis), ranging from the simple recreation of clinical scenarios2020 Deshpande GG, Podolej GS, Shaikh N. Simulation in Pediatric Procedural Sedation. In: Sedation and Analgesia for the Pediatric Intensivist. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2021. p. 489-507. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-52555-2_36

21 Babl FE, Krieser D, Belousoff J, Theophilos T. Evaluation of a paediatric procedural sedation training and credentialing programme: sustainability of change. Emergency Medicine Journal. 2010;27(8):577-81. doi: 10.1136/emj.2009.077024.
-2222 Tobin CD, Clark CA, McEvoy MD, Reves JG, Schaefer JJ, Wolf BJ, et al. An Approach to Moderate Sedation Simulation Training. Simulation in Healthcare: The Simul Healthc. 2013;8(2):114-23. doi: 10.1097/SIH.0b013e3182786209.

Simulation can develop the skills of the professionals who will use it, support the identification of means to predict and prevent adverse events, and better develop teamwork, since the ability to use, organize, and direct a team is important in crisis management2222 Tobin CD, Clark CA, McEvoy MD, Reves JG, Schaefer JJ, Wolf BJ, et al. An Approach to Moderate Sedation Simulation Training. Simulation in Healthcare: The Simul Healthc. 2013;8(2):114-23. doi: 10.1097/SIH.0b013e3182786209.

In-situ simulation has been increasingly used in different medical specialties and training contexts, improving teamwork and individual learning, and offering greater realism and transferability at a lower cost, as it does not require expenses with the implementation and maintenance of a simulation center. In addition, its use improves performance in real clinical scenarios, helping to reveal important latent risks and allowing the implementation of corrective measures2323 Santos MMCJ dos, Lima SF, Vieira CFG, Slullitel A, Santos ECN, Pereira Júnior GA. Simulação in situ e suas diferentes aplicações na área da saúde: uma revisão integrativa. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2023;47(4). doi: 10.1590/1981-5271v47.4-2022-0196.

However, it has often been applied without a specific design that considers the educational needs, clinical demands, and available resources, which minimizes its impacts2424 Fabro K, Schaffer M, Scharton J. The development, implementation, and evaluation of an end-of-life simulation experience for baccalaureate nursing students. Nurs Educ Perspect. 2014;35(1):19-25. doi: 10.5480/11-593.1.

A recent review study on the use of in-situ simulation worldwide concluded that there is still much to expand as to the use of this resource, especially in Brazil, which reinforces the relevance of the scenario presented2323 Santos MMCJ dos, Lima SF, Vieira CFG, Slullitel A, Santos ECN, Pereira Júnior GA. Simulação in situ e suas diferentes aplicações na área da saúde: uma revisão integrativa. Rev Bras Educ Med. 2023;47(4). doi: 10.1590/1981-5271v47.4-2022-0196.

Studies have shown that when simulation is well planned and meaningful to the participants, it increases the level of confidence and self-efficacy, reinforces knowledge, improves skills for care, communication, and interpersonal relationships, develops critical thinking and clinical judgment, promotes empathy, and allows reflection on actions2424 Fabro K, Schaffer M, Scharton J. The development, implementation, and evaluation of an end-of-life simulation experience for baccalaureate nursing students. Nurs Educ Perspect. 2014;35(1):19-25. doi: 10.5480/11-593.1.
,2525 Bortolato-Major C, Perez Arthur J, Mattei ÂT, Mantovani MDF, Cestari Felix JV, Boostel R. Contribuições da simulação para estudantes de graduação em enfermagem. Rev enferm UFPE on line. 2018;12(6):1751-62. doi: 10.5205/1981-8963-v12i6a230633p1751-1762-2018.

It is noteworthy that the structuring of the simulated scenarios requires prior, intentional, systematic, and thorough planning of the proposed activity1212 Pereira Junior GA, Lima SF. Engenharia da construção das estações simuladas: passo a passo para a elaboração das estações simuladas. in Simulação em saúde para ensino e avaliação: conceitos e práticas. In 2021. p. 63-75. doi: 10.4322/978-65-86819-11-3.
,1717 Lima SF, D'A, Junior E, Augusto R, Da Silva R, Alves G, et al. Conhecimentos básicos para estruturação do treinamento de habilidades e da elaboração das estações simuladas. in Simulação em saúde para ensino e avaliação: conceitos e práticas., and its validation is of great relevance, as it guarantees the content’s quality and validity, in addition to supporting the objectives and expected results2626 Nadolski RJ, Hummel HGK, van den Brink HJ, Hoefakker RE, Slootmaker A, Kurvers HJ, et al. EMERGO: A methodology and toolkit for developing serious games in higher education. Simul Gaming. 2008;39(3):338-52. doi: 10.1177/1046878108319278.
,2727 Alinier G. Developing High-Fidelity Health Care Simulation Scenarios: A Guide for Educators and Professionals. Simul Gaming. 2011;42(1):9-26. doi: 10.1177/104687810935568.

The overall goal of scenario engineering should be to facilitate the delivery and achievement of a set of clear learning outcomes while maintaining fidelity at the highest possible level44 Kamran Khan; Serena Tolhurst-Cleaver; Sara White; William Simpson. Simulation in Healthcare Education. Building a Simulation Programme: A Practical Guide. Vol. 50. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE); 2007. 1-44 p. ISBN: 978-1-903934-63-0..

At the beginning of structuring a scenario, it is of great importance to define the problem to be addressed and the simulation’s target audience, and in this sense, sedation and analgesia are important steps for pediatric patients undergoing invasive procedures2828 Ramalho CE, Bretas PMC, Schvartsman C, Reis AG. Sedação e analgesia para procedimentos no pronto-socorro de pediatria. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2017:93 Suppl 1:2-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jped.2017.07.009.
. The objective of sedation and analgesia is to achieve a state of consciousness that allows the patient to remain with the airway open and minimize pain and discomfort2828 Ramalho CE, Bretas PMC, Schvartsman C, Reis AG. Sedação e analgesia para procedimentos no pronto-socorro de pediatria. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2017:93 Suppl 1:2-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jped.2017.07.009.
,2929 Silva S de L e, Ferreira AR, Oliveira AMLS e, Valerio FC, Jacome LU, Godoi BC de, et al. Procedural sedation in children and adolescents: recommendations based on grade system. Rev Med Minas Gerais 2017; 27 (Supl 3): S77-S86. doi: 10.5935/2238-3182.20170035.

Pediatric sedation continues to be a growing challenge, as the need for the procedure to be performed by different medical specialties in different hospital sectors increases concomitantly with the emergence of new agents and access routes33 Gozal D, Mason KP. Pediatric Sedation: A Global Challenge. Int J Pediatr. 2010;2010:1-15. doi: 10.1155/2010/701257.
,3030 Cravero JP, Beach ML, Blike GT, Gallagher SM, Hertzog JH. The Incidence and Nature of Adverse Events During Pediatric Sedation/Anesthesia With Propofol for Procedures Outside the Operating Room: A Report From the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium. Anesth Analg. 2009;108(3):795-804. doi: 10.1213/ane.0b013e31818fc334.

In emergency medicine, this is a common practice supported by the fact that physicians already have skills in sedation, airway management, and cardiovascular resuscitation33 Gozal D, Mason KP. Pediatric Sedation: A Global Challenge. Int J Pediatr. 2010;2010:1-15. doi: 10.1155/2010/701257.
,3131 Sahyoun C, Cantais A, Gervaix A, Bressan S, Löllgen R, Krauss B, et al. Pediatric procedural sedation and analgesia in the emergency department: surveying the current European practice. Eur J Pediatr. 2021;180(6):1799-813. doi: 10.1007/s00431-021-03930-6.

Training of the team to conduct sedation for invasive procedures in children, especially in the emergency room, is of great importance, because the lack of specific training can result in potential risks, including adverse events and complications during the procedure2828 Ramalho CE, Bretas PMC, Schvartsman C, Reis AG. Sedação e analgesia para procedimentos no pronto-socorro de pediatria. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2017:93 Suppl 1:2-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jped.2017.07.009.

Among the potential complications of pediatric sedation are: respiratory depression, which is the most common and can cause hypoxemia, apnea, and even cardia arrest; cardiovascular instability, with changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiac output (particularly dangerous in children with previous cardiovascular disease); allergic reactions to some sedatives; increased risk of aspiration, especially in children with gastrointestinal or respiratory problems; delayed recovery in response to some agents; and rare neurological complications, including seizures or stroke. Moreover, medication errors during the administration of sedation can lead to incorrect dosage, discomfort, anxiety, and suffering due to inadequate sedation, and excessive sedation, with consequent respiratory depression and cardiovascular instability3232 Coté CJ, Karl HW, Notterman DA, Weinberg JA, McCloskey C. Adverse Sedation Events in Pediatrics: Analysis of Medications Used for Sedation. Pediatrics. 2000;106(4):633-44. doi:10.1542/peds.106.4.633.

33 Peña BMG, Krauss B. Adverse events of procedural sedation and analgesia in a pediatric emergency department. Ann Emerg Med. 1999;34(4):483-91. doi: 10.1016/s0196-0644(99)80050-x.
-3434 Bellolio MF, Puls HA, Anderson JL, Gilani WI, Murad MH, Barrionuevo P, et al. Incidence of adverse events in paediatric procedural sedation in the emergency department: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2016;6(6):e011384. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011384.

Several studies therefore highlight the need for training emergency physicians to perform pediatric sedation, ensure the safety and efficacy of the procedure, and reduce the risk of adverse events33 Gozal D, Mason KP. Pediatric Sedation: A Global Challenge. Int J Pediatr. 2010;2010:1-15. doi: 10.1155/2010/701257.
,3535 Ramalho CE, Bretas PMC, Schvartsman C, Reis AG. Sedation and analgesia for procedures in the pediatric emergency room. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2017;93:2-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jped.2017.07.009.
,3636 McCoy S, Lyttle MD, Hartshorn S, Larkin P, Brenner M, O'Sullivan R. A qualitative study of the barriers to procedural sedation practices in paediatric emergency medicine in the UK and Ireland. Emergency Medicine Journal. 2016;33(8):527-32. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2015-205418.

Thus, to ensure the safe and efficient administration of sedation in a manner adapted to the individual needs of each child, the team must acquire essential skills and knowledge to promptly identify and address any eventuality, which can be properly worked on in the simulation2828 Ramalho CE, Bretas PMC, Schvartsman C, Reis AG. Sedação e analgesia para procedimentos no pronto-socorro de pediatria. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2017:93 Suppl 1:2-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jped.2017.07.009.

The construction and validation of the in-situ simulation scenario on emergencies common to pediatric care practice may support future training and evaluations aimed at the multidisciplinary team involved in this theme. However, we point out as limitations of the study the non-validation of the results, which is optional for the method used, and consequently the non-presentation of the data resulting from the application of the scenario. Nonetheless, we emphasize that the application of the scenario will consist of a future stage of the study3737 Skulmoski GJ, Hartman FT, Krahn J. The Delphi Method for Graduate Research. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research. 2007;6:1-21. doi: 10.28945/199.
,3838 Linstone HA, Turoff M. The Delphi method : techniques and applications. 1975. p. 1-620. doi: 10.2307/3150755.


In this work, we constructed an in-situ simulation scenario and validated it in situations of pediatric emergency care with sedation for surgical procedures, considering the relevance of the team’s preparation to conduct these procedures.

Twelve specialists, with extensive experience in the areas of clinical simulation, participated in the validation process and the adapted simulation scenario proved to be adequate, obtaining an overall CVI value >0.80 among the specialists, pointing to the reliability of the scenario.

There was a consensus on the consistency of the proposed scenario, and its replication by other professionals, facilitators, teachers, and scholars, will impact on time savings in planning and ensure greater reliability in the training process.

We hope that this study will allow the use of the scenario in different training contexts, facilitating and encouraging professional training based on a scenario model grounded on best evidence and practices.


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    Fabro K, Schaffer M, Scharton J. The development, implementation, and evaluation of an end-of-life simulation experience for baccalaureate nursing students. Nurs Educ Perspect. 2014;35(1):19-25. doi: 10.5480/11-593.1.
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    Bortolato-Major C, Perez Arthur J, Mattei ÂT, Mantovani MDF, Cestari Felix JV, Boostel R. Contribuições da simulação para estudantes de graduação em enfermagem. Rev enferm UFPE on line. 2018;12(6):1751-62. doi: 10.5205/1981-8963-v12i6a230633p1751-1762-2018.
  • 26
    Nadolski RJ, Hummel HGK, van den Brink HJ, Hoefakker RE, Slootmaker A, Kurvers HJ, et al. EMERGO: A methodology and toolkit for developing serious games in higher education. Simul Gaming. 2008;39(3):338-52. doi: 10.1177/1046878108319278.
  • 27
    Alinier G. Developing High-Fidelity Health Care Simulation Scenarios: A Guide for Educators and Professionals. Simul Gaming. 2011;42(1):9-26. doi: 10.1177/104687810935568.
  • 28
    Ramalho CE, Bretas PMC, Schvartsman C, Reis AG. Sedação e analgesia para procedimentos no pronto-socorro de pediatria. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2017:93 Suppl 1:2-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jped.2017.07.009.
  • 29
    Silva S de L e, Ferreira AR, Oliveira AMLS e, Valerio FC, Jacome LU, Godoi BC de, et al. Procedural sedation in children and adolescents: recommendations based on grade system. Rev Med Minas Gerais 2017; 27 (Supl 3): S77-S86. doi: 10.5935/2238-3182.20170035.
  • 30
    Cravero JP, Beach ML, Blike GT, Gallagher SM, Hertzog JH. The Incidence and Nature of Adverse Events During Pediatric Sedation/Anesthesia With Propofol for Procedures Outside the Operating Room: A Report From the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium. Anesth Analg. 2009;108(3):795-804. doi: 10.1213/ane.0b013e31818fc334.
  • 31
    Sahyoun C, Cantais A, Gervaix A, Bressan S, Löllgen R, Krauss B, et al. Pediatric procedural sedation and analgesia in the emergency department: surveying the current European practice. Eur J Pediatr. 2021;180(6):1799-813. doi: 10.1007/s00431-021-03930-6.
  • 32
    Coté CJ, Karl HW, Notterman DA, Weinberg JA, McCloskey C. Adverse Sedation Events in Pediatrics: Analysis of Medications Used for Sedation. Pediatrics. 2000;106(4):633-44. doi:10.1542/peds.106.4.633.
  • 33
    Peña BMG, Krauss B. Adverse events of procedural sedation and analgesia in a pediatric emergency department. Ann Emerg Med. 1999;34(4):483-91. doi: 10.1016/s0196-0644(99)80050-x.
  • 34
    Bellolio MF, Puls HA, Anderson JL, Gilani WI, Murad MH, Barrionuevo P, et al. Incidence of adverse events in paediatric procedural sedation in the emergency department: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2016;6(6):e011384. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011384.
  • 35
    Ramalho CE, Bretas PMC, Schvartsman C, Reis AG. Sedation and analgesia for procedures in the pediatric emergency room. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2017;93:2-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jped.2017.07.009.
  • 36
    McCoy S, Lyttle MD, Hartshorn S, Larkin P, Brenner M, O'Sullivan R. A qualitative study of the barriers to procedural sedation practices in paediatric emergency medicine in the UK and Ireland. Emergency Medicine Journal. 2016;33(8):527-32. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2015-205418.
  • 37
    Skulmoski GJ, Hartman FT, Krahn J. The Delphi Method for Graduate Research. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research. 2007;6:1-21. doi: 10.28945/199.
  • 38
    Linstone HA, Turoff M. The Delphi method : techniques and applications. 1975. p. 1-620. doi: 10.2307/3150755.
  • Funding source:


Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 July 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    12 Dec 2023
  • Accepted
    06 May 2024
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