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Turner syndrome and neuropsychological abnormalities: a review and case series

Síndrome de Turner e alterações neuropsicológicas: uma revisão e série de casos



The objective of this study was to establish the genotype-phenotype correlation between karyotype results and the neurological and psychiatric alterations presented in patients with Turner syndrome (TS).


A retrospective study was conducted on the medical records of 10/140 patients with TS and neurophysiological abnormalities seen at a university hospital in southern Brazil. In addition, a literature review spanning the period from January 1, 2012 to January 1, 2023 was carried out using the PubMed and Virtual Health Library databases.


Our study showed a potential correlation between neurological and psychiatric alterations in patients with TS. These findings are in accordance with those described in literature such as a high prevalence of learning or intellectual disabilities. However, our sample found more seizure episodes than those reported in other studies.


The correlation established could be due to X chromosome dose–effect, as the review suggests that sex chromosome number and hormonal development can be associated with verbal, social, and cognitive skills or impairments.

Turner syndrome; Neurodevelopmental delay; Intellectual disability; Learning disabilities; Monosomy X



O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a correlação genótipo-fenótipo entre os resultados de cariótipos e as alterações neurológicas e psiquiátricas apresentadas em pacientes com síndrome de Turner (ST).


Um estudo retrospectivo foi conduzido nos registros médicos de 10/140 pacientes com ST e deficiências neuropsicológicas atendidos pelo Serviço de Genética Clínica de um hospital do sul do Brasil. Ademais, uma revisão foi realizada pelas plataformas científicas PubMed e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) de artigos publicados entre 1o de janeiro de 2012 e 1o de janeiro de 2023. Foram selecionados 14 artigos em uma análise em duas etapas.


Nossa pesquisa mostrou potencial correlação entre alterações neurológicas e psiquiátricas em pacientes com ST. Esses achados corroboram os descritos por outros autores — como a elevada prevalência de dificuldades de aprendizagem ou intelectuais. Entretanto, nossa amostra encontrou mais episódios convulsivos do que os descritos em outros estudos.


A correlação estabelecida pode ser devida ao efeito dose-dependente do cromossomo X, visto que nossa revisão sugere que o número de cromossomos sexuais ou o desenvolvimento hormonal está associado a habilidades ou deficiências verbais, sociais e cognitivas.

Síndrome de Turner; Atraso do neurodesenvolvimento; Deficiência intelectual; Dificuldade de aprendizagem; Monossomia X


Turner syndrome (TS), also referred to as congenital ovarian hypoplasia syndrome, was first described by Henri Turner and is characterized by the complete or partial deletion, or nonfunctioning, of one X chromosome in women.11. Turner HH. A syndrome of infantilism, congenital webbed neck, and cubitus valgus. Endocrinology. 1938;23:566-74.
,22. Davenport ML, Hooper SR, Zeger M. Turner syndrome in childhood. In: Mazzocco MM, Ross JL, editors. Neurogenetic developmental disorders: variation of manifestation in childhood. Cambridge: MIT Press; 2007. p. 3-45. The cytogenetic causes of the syndrome are diverse. While half of the TS population has complete monosomy (45,X), some may display isochromosome Xq, ring chromosomes, and Xp or Xq deletion.33. Wolff DJ, Van Dyke DL, Powell CM; Working Group of the ACMG Laboratory Quality Assurance Committee. Laboratory guideline for Turner syndrome. Genet Med. 2010;12:52-5.
Even Y chromosome mosaicism may be found.

TS is the most common female sex chromosome aneuploidy (SCA), and it has an incidence of 1 in 2,000 live births.44. Cui X, Cui Y, Shi L, Luan J, Zhou X, Han J. A basic understanding of Turner syndrome: incidence, complications, diagnosis, and treatment. Intractable Rare Dis Res. 2018;7:223-8.
,55. Nielsen J, Wohlert M. Sex chromosome abnormalities found among 34,910 newborn children: results from a 13-year incidence study in Arhus, Denmark. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser. 1990;26:209-23. PMID: 2090319. However, we highlight that these data may present a bias due to the underdiagnosis or the delayed diagnosis of the syndrome in girls with a mild phenotype.66. Gunther DF, Eugster E, Zagar AJ, Bryant CG, Davenport ML, Quigley CA. Ascertainment bias in Turner syndrome: new insights from girls who were diagnosed incidentally in prenatal life. Pediatrics. 2004;114:640-4.
,77. Hutaff-Lee C, Cordeiro L, Tartaglia N. Cognitive and medical features of chromosomal aneuploidy. Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;111:273-9.
The main clinical features of TS encompass short stature, caused by a deletion or inactivation of the short stature homeobox (SHOX) gene (Xp22.33), and congenital ovarian hypoplasia, but cardiac malformations, decreased auditory acuity, and renal abnormalities are frequent.88. Kikkeri SN, Nagalli S [homepage on the Internet]. Turner syndrome. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island: StatPearls Publishing; 2022 [cited 2022 July 8]. Available from:
,99. Barrenäs ML, Nylén O, Hanson C. The influence of karyotype on the auricle, otitis media and hearing in Turner syndrome. Hear Res. 1999;138:163-70.
Furthermore, patients can develop neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as seizures, shyness, learning difficulties, and cognitive impairment.88. Kikkeri SN, Nagalli S [homepage on the Internet]. Turner syndrome. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island: StatPearls Publishing; 2022 [cited 2022 July 8]. Available from:

The syndrome can be traced prenatally with abnormal obstetric ultrasound findings, such as nuchal cystic hygroma, increased nuchal translucency, cardiac malformations, poly- or oligohydramnios, and nonimmune fetal hydrops. It can also be identified in newborn females presenting lymphedema of the hands and feet, webbed neck, nail dysplasia, narrow and high-arched palate, and short fourth metacarpals or metatarsals. Other traits include spaced nipples, low hairline at the neck, and cubitus valgus.88. Kikkeri SN, Nagalli S [homepage on the Internet]. Turner syndrome. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island: StatPearls Publishing; 2022 [cited 2022 July 8]. Available from:

It is established that SCAs are associated with neuropsychological disabilities, which include neurodevelopmental, neurological disorders, or behavioral alterations. Other examples of sex chromosome disorders are the Klinefelter syndrome (KS) (47,XXY), the 47,XYY syndrome, and trisomies or even tetrasomies of the X chromosome. However, the only monosomy compatible with human life is TS.77. Hutaff-Lee C, Cordeiro L, Tartaglia N. Cognitive and medical features of chromosomal aneuploidy. Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;111:273-9.
,1010. Green T, Flash S, Reiss AL. Sex differences in psychiatric disorders: what we can learn from sex chromosome aneuploidies. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019;44:9-21.

Neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), are associated with structural and functional changes in neural circuit, including the X chromosome.1111. Assaf M, Jagannathan K, Calhoun VD, Miller L, Stevens MC, Sahl R, et al. Abnormal functional connectivity of default mode sub-networks in autism spectrum disorder patients. Neuroimage. 2010;53:247-56.

12. Minshew NJ, Keller TA. The nature of brain dysfunction in autism: functional brain imaging studies. Curr Opin Neurol. 2010;23:124-30.

13. Bush G. Cingulate, frontal, and parietal cortical dysfunction in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2011;69:1160-7.

14. Castellanos FX, Proal E. Large-scale brain systems in ADHD: beyond the prefrontal-striatal model. Trends Cogn Sci. 2012;16:17-26.

15. Cortese S, Kelly C, Chabernaud C, Proal E, Di Martino A, Milham MP, et al. Toward systems neuroscience of ADHD: a meta-analysis of 55 fMRI studies. Am J Psychiatry. 2012;169:1038-55.
-1616. Anagnostou E, Taylor MJ. Review of neuroimaging in autism spectrum disorders: what have we learned and where we go from here. Mol Autism. 2011;2:4.
But TS is known to present specific neurocognitive deficits (e.g., problems with visuospatial organization, general and specific learning disabilities, mostly with calculations, attention, and memory).88. Kikkeri SN, Nagalli S [homepage on the Internet]. Turner syndrome. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island: StatPearls Publishing; 2022 [cited 2022 July 8]. Available from:
,1717. Baker JM, Reiss AL. A meta-analysis of math performance in Turner syndrome. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2016;58:123-30.
Additionally, patients are described with social anxiety, severe shyness, low self-esteem, and reduced social interaction, perhaps correlated with impaired development of secondary sexual characters.1818. Morel A, Demily C. Cognition sociale dans les troubles neuro-génétiques de l’enfant: revue de la littérature. Arch Pediatr. 2017;24:757-65.
We will discuss the main neurological changes and cognitive impairments throughout this article.

This article aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge by conducting a case-series analysis of TS patients with neuropsychological abnormalities within the context of the Clinical Genetics Hospital Service in the south of Brazil. The study seeks to establish a genotype-phenotype correlation by examining the clinical and cytogenetic findings of the studied patients combined with a literature review in article databases with scientific database platforms.


A total of 140 female patients with TS were seen by the UFCSPA Clinical Genetics Service at San Antonio Children’s Hospital (HCSA) in southern Brazil, from 1975 to 2019. The medical records of these patients were screened for phenotypic alterations and neurological conditions, such as epilepsy and neurodevelopmental disorders, including intellectual disabilities and global developmental delay. From this pool, 10 individuals (7%) with neurophysiological abnormalities were selected as the study sample. The case study performed is retrospective through the analysis of medical records in order to correlate genotype-phenotype. However, given the broad time range covered by the examined records, there is a lack of standardization of neurodevelopmental disorders diagnosis.

A literature review was conducted to gather information on TS, delayed neuropsychomotor development, and intellectual disability through PubMed (Medline) and Virtual Health Library (Lilacs/Medline) for articles published between January 1, 2012 and January 1, 2023. The articles were indexed using DeCs and Mesh descriptors, and the exact search terms used were: ((“turner syndrome”) OR (“turner syndrome”[MeSH Terms])) AND ((“intellectual disability”) OR (“intellectual disability”[MeSH Terms])); review and systematic review; and ((intellectual disability[MeSH Terms]) OR (neurodevelopmental disorders[MeSH Terms])) AND (turner syndrome[MeSH Terms], in which 16 articles were selected. On the BVS platform, the terms used were (turner syndrome) AND (developmental disorders), and (turner syndrome) AND (intellectual disability), in which 13 articles were selected.

Articles were selected in a two-step analysis: title and abstract screening followed by a full-text read. The inclusion criteria were original articles or literature reviews, with or without a case report description, written about TS and delayed neuropsychomotor development or intellectual disability. Articles written in English, Spanish, and French were also included. It excluded articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria, articles that were not found with full text, and repeated articles-both in PubMed and BVS platforms. Finally, a total of 14 articles were selected from PubMed and BVS scientific platforms.


Among the sample, the distribution of karyotype was as follows: 45,X (40%), 45,X/46,X+mar (20%), 46,X,del(Xq24q28) (10%), 46,i(X)(q10) (10%), 45,X/46,X,i(X)(q10) (10%), 45,X/46,XX (10%). In Figure 1, it is possible to identify cytogenetic findings.

Figure 1
Frequency of different karyotypes in patients with Turner syndrome neuropsychological abnormalities population at the Clinical Genetics Hospital Service in the south of Brazil.

Our sample showed different neuropsychological abnormalities, as specified in Figure 2. Half of the sample (50%) showed seizures-one or more episodes. Almost half (40%) showed learning disabilities, which were mostly intellectual disabilities and cognitive impairments. Only one case (10%) had delayed neuropsychomotor development.

Figure 2
Frequency of clinical findings and karyotype prevalence in patients with Turner syndrome and neuropsychological abnormalities at the Clinical Genetics Hospital Service in the south of Brazil.

As shown in Figure 1, our sample showed a heterogeneous chromosomal constitution. The most frequent karyotype was X monosomy (45,X) in 40% of cases. The second with higher frequency was mosaicism with a marker chromosome (45,X/46,X+mar) in 20% of cases. Regarding clinical findings, the most common neuropsychological abnormalities were seizures-either one or more episodes. In Tables 1 and 2, we can also identify the most prevalent neuropsychiatric findings, such as those in our own sample and those in other literature review studies. The age of diagnosis is presented in Table 1.

Table 1
Original sample review of genotype-phenotype correlation in patients with Turner syndrome and neuropsychological findings.
Table 2
Literature review of genotype-phenotype correlation in patients with TS and neuropsychological findings.


The findings of our research corroborate those found by other authors — analyzed on Table 21919. Hu Q, Chai H, Shu W, Li P. Human ring chromosome registry for cases in the Chinese population: re-emphasizing cytogenomic and clinical heterogeneity and reviewing diagnostic and treatment strategies. Mol Cytogenet. 2018;11:19.

20. Kostopoulou E, Dastamani A, Güemes M, Clement E, Caiulo S, Shanmugananda P, et al. Syndromic forms of hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia-A 15-year follow-up study. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2021;94:399-412.

21. Jhang KM, Chang TM, Chen M, Liu CS. Generalized epilepsy in a patient with mosaic Turner syndrome: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2014;2:109.
-2222. Santana Hernández EE, Tamayo Chang VJ, Márquez Ibáñez N, Guerra Batista VS, Heres Zalazar AI. Presentación de una paciente con diagnóstico de mosaico Turner y embarazo. Correo Cient Méd Holguín. 2013;17:202-7. — showing a high prevalence of learning or intellectual disabilities (40%). However, our sample found more seizure episodes than those described in Table 2, but we must also consider that not all seizure episodes may have been reported in those studies. This bias may explain this low frequency. Besides, one of the reviewed articles studied only TS patients with mosaicism.1919. Hu Q, Chai H, Shu W, Li P. Human ring chromosome registry for cases in the Chinese population: re-emphasizing cytogenomic and clinical heterogeneity and reviewing diagnostic and treatment strategies. Mol Cytogenet. 2018;11:19.

Patients with SCAs are known to have learning disability, such as cognitive impairment. Verbal skills are usually conserved or even improved in TS, while XXY, XYY, and XXX trisomies show difficulty in these skills. Our review suggests that maybe sex chromosome number or hormonal development can be associated with verbal skills or impairments, leading to a dose-dependent effect. On the contrary, visuospatial skills are preserved in XXY and XYY trisomies, but reduced in TS and XXX. So, perhaps this preservation of visuospatial abilities could be explained by a Y chromosome or protection from male hormonal development.1010. Green T, Flash S, Reiss AL. Sex differences in psychiatric disorders: what we can learn from sex chromosome aneuploidies. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019;44:9-21.
Executive skills are reduced in both TS and KS, so the dose-dependent effect does not explain this outcome.2323. Karipidis II, Hong DS. Specific learning disorders in sex chromosome aneuploidies: neural circuits of literacy and mathematics. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 2020;184:518-30.

X-linked syndromes have an increased risk of intellectual disability (ID) and correspond to 5–10% of every ID case.2424. Lubs HA, Stevenson RE, Schwartz CE. Fragile X and X-linked intellectual disability: four decades of discovery. Am J Hum Genet. 2012;90:579-90.
,2525. Tzschach A, Grasshoff U, Beck-Woedl S, Dufke C, Bauer C, Kehrer M, et al. Next-generation sequencing in X-linked intellectual disability. Eur J Hum Genet. 2015;23:1513-8.
Development disorders such as ASD and ADHD are described in literature having an association with X chromosome and its neural circuit.1111. Assaf M, Jagannathan K, Calhoun VD, Miller L, Stevens MC, Sahl R, et al. Abnormal functional connectivity of default mode sub-networks in autism spectrum disorder patients. Neuroimage. 2010;53:247-56.

12. Minshew NJ, Keller TA. The nature of brain dysfunction in autism: functional brain imaging studies. Curr Opin Neurol. 2010;23:124-30.

13. Bush G. Cingulate, frontal, and parietal cortical dysfunction in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2011;69:1160-7.

14. Castellanos FX, Proal E. Large-scale brain systems in ADHD: beyond the prefrontal-striatal model. Trends Cogn Sci. 2012;16:17-26.

15. Cortese S, Kelly C, Chabernaud C, Proal E, Di Martino A, Milham MP, et al. Toward systems neuroscience of ADHD: a meta-analysis of 55 fMRI studies. Am J Psychiatry. 2012;169:1038-55.
-1616. Anagnostou E, Taylor MJ. Review of neuroimaging in autism spectrum disorders: what have we learned and where we go from here. Mol Autism. 2011;2:4.
Therefore, there is a high incidence of autistic behavior in X-linked syndromes, such as Rett and X-fragile syndromes.2626. Fung LK, Reiss AL. Moving toward integrative, multidimensional research in modern psychiatry: lessons learned from fragile X syndrome. Biol Psychiatry. 2016;80:100-11.

27. Caglayan AO. Genetic causes of syndromic and non-syndromic autism. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010;52:130-8.
-2828. Chaste P, Leboyer M. Autism risk factors: genes, environment, and gene-environment interactions. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2012;14:281-92.

The known mathematical learning disability present in TS is also described in X-fragile syndrome. While TS patients show a lack of speed in solving problems, the X-fragile patients could actually have difficulty in solving them. However, more research is needed on this topic.2929. Deffrennes C, Clercq M, Vallée L, Lemaître MP. Mathematical learning disability: a multiple origin? Examples of Turner and Fragile X syndromes. Arch Pediatr. 2018;25:223-8.

Social cognitive impairments are commonly found in SCAs, autosomal microdeletion, and microduplication syndromes. It can lead to functional impairment of society patient’s lives.3030. Campbell LE, McCabe KL, Melville JL, Strutt PA, Schall U. Social cognition dysfunction in adolescents with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (velo-cardio-facial syndrome): relationship with executive functioning and social competence/functioning. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2015;59:845-59.
ID is directly related to quality of life, so this may imply adaptive difficulties and social isolation, which can lead to depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric disorders.3131. Emerson E, Hatton C. Mental health of children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities in Britain. Br J Psychiatry. 2007;191:493-9.
Despite this possible cause–effect relationship between X chromosome disorders and neuropsychological changes, we should also consider the environment to which the patient was exposed and the action of autosomal genes in neurodevelopment.77. Hutaff-Lee C, Cordeiro L, Tartaglia N. Cognitive and medical features of chromosomal aneuploidy. Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;111:273-9.

Patients with TS have different learning disabilities, such as dyscalculia, executive disorders, and visuospatial deficits, which usually appear from the beginning of school age to adolescence.1818. Morel A, Demily C. Cognition sociale dans les troubles neuro-génétiques de l’enfant: revue de la littérature. Arch Pediatr. 2017;24:757-65.
,3232. Suzigan LZ, Silva RB, Guerra-Júnior G, Marini SH, Maciel-Guerra AT. Social skills in women with Turner syndrome. Scand J Psychol. 2011;52:440-7.
,3333. Baker JM, Klabunde M, Jo B, Green T, Reiss AL. On the relationship between mathematics and visuospatial processing in Turner syndrome. J Psychiatr Res. 2020;121:135-42.
However, they usually have no difficulty in recognizing facial expressions — except for fear, which could be explained by neural circuit deficits of the encephalic tonsils — neither with verbal skills nor with reading skills.1818. Morel A, Demily C. Cognition sociale dans les troubles neuro-génétiques de l’enfant: revue de la littérature. Arch Pediatr. 2017;24:757-65.
,3434. Mazzola F, Seigal A, MacAskill A, Corden B, Lawrence K, Skuse DH. Eye tracking and fear recognition deficits in Turner syndrome. Soc Neurosci. 2006;1:259-69.
Actually, these verbal skills can be improved in TS.77. Hutaff-Lee C, Cordeiro L, Tartaglia N. Cognitive and medical features of chromosomal aneuploidy. Handb Clin Neurol. 2013;111:273-9.
,3535. Rovet JF. The psychoeducational characteristics of children with Turner syndrome. J Learn Disabil. 1993;26:333-41.
,3636. Hong DS, Dunkin B, Reiss AL. Psychosocial functioning and social cognitive processing in girls with Turner syndrome. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2011;32:512-20.
Nonetheless, because TS girls have more social anxiety, they also have more difficulty in communicating and expressing themselves.

Specific difficulties in mathematics are present in this chromosomal disorder. Our literature review showed that TS mathematical performance has a speed deficit in solving math problems, as a quick answer is required. However, performance on questions that do not require explicit calculation is equivalent to that of neurotypical patients of the same age.1717. Baker JM, Reiss AL. A meta-analysis of math performance in Turner syndrome. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2016;58:123-30.
Also, counting and coding are usually preserved.3737. Bruandet M, Molko N, Cohen L, Dehaene S. A cognitive characterization of dyscalculia in Turner syndrome. Neuropsychologia. 2004;42:288-98.
,3838. Temple CM, Marriott AJ. Arithmetical ability and disability in Turner’s syndrome: a cognitive neuropsychological analysis. Dev Neuropsychol. 1998;14:47-67.
Thus, studies suggest TS patients do not have difficulty in solving problems, but need more time to complete the activity.3939. Murphy MM, Mazzocco MM. Mathematics learnings disabilities in girls with fragile X syndrome or Turner syndrome during the late elementary school. J Learn Disabil. 2008;41:29-46.
On the contrary, there are studies that really show patients having difficulty in performing addition, subtraction, and multiplication calculations.3737. Bruandet M, Molko N, Cohen L, Dehaene S. A cognitive characterization of dyscalculia in Turner syndrome. Neuropsychologia. 2004;42:288-98.
Therefore, further research is necessary to better clarify this particular disability.

TS patients also have an increased risk of developing schizophrenia and related disorders.4040. Avdic HB, Butwicka A, Nordenström A, Almqvist C, Nordenskjöld A, Engberg H, et al. Neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders in females with Turner syndrome: a population-based study. J Neurodev Disord. 2021;13:51.
According to Emerson and Hatton, patients with intellectual difficulties have a higher risk of developing psychiatric disorders.3131. Emerson E, Hatton C. Mental health of children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities in Britain. Br J Psychiatry. 2007;191:493-9.
This result corroborates previous studies carried out by other researchers.4141. Strømme P, Diseth TH. Prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses in children with mental retardation: data from a population-based study. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2000;42:266-70.

42. Dekker MC, Koot HM. DSM-IV disorders in children with borderline to moderate intellectual disability. I: prevalence and impact. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2003;42:915-22.
-4343. Wallander JL, Dekker MC, Koot HM. Psychopathology in children and adolescents with intellectual disability: measurement, prevalence, course, and risk. In: Glidden LM, editor. International review of research in mental retardation. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2003. p. 93-134. From this perspective, children with these disorders receive fewer job opportunities, live in a noninclusive society and, consequently, suffer from impaired quality of life.4444. Quilgars D, Searle BA, Keung A. Mental health and well-being. In: Bradshaw J, Mayhew E, editors. The well-being of children in the UK. 2nd ed. London: Save the Children; 2005. p. 134-60.

The prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders is increased in women with TS, and they are often described as shy and socially anxious. Many factors may contribute to this, such as the lack of secondary sexual characteristics that typically play a role in heightened social pressures during adolescence, as social motivation remains unaffected. Because of the sexual development delay, patients with TS may also present low self-esteem and are at risk for developing eating disorders.1818. Morel A, Demily C. Cognition sociale dans les troubles neuro-génétiques de l’enfant: revue de la littérature. Arch Pediatr. 2017;24:757-65.
,4545. Kiliç BG, Ergür AT, Ocal G. Depression, levels of anxiety and self-concept in girls with Turner’s syndrome. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2005;18:1111-7.

Additionally, these conditions could also be correlated with hormone deficiencies or hormonal fluctuation, as changes in estrogen and progesterone levels or their depletion increase the risk of anxiety and depression in premenstrual syndrome, postpartum, and postmenopausal periods. TS can manifest with early ovarian failure, but the real contribution of hypogonadism regarding anxiety and depression disorders is yet to be established.1010. Green T, Flash S, Reiss AL. Sex differences in psychiatric disorders: what we can learn from sex chromosome aneuploidies. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019;44:9-21.
,4646. Shors TJ, Leuner B. Estrogen-mediated effects on depression and memory formation in females. J Affect Disord. 2003;74:85-96.

The largest investigation to have been conducted into the mental health of young people with TS using standardized instruments, such as the Autism Diagnostic Interview, the Childhood Autism Rating Scale, and the Social Responsiveness Scale, found that compared to age-matched girls from the general population, they experienced higher rates of psychiatric and social skills difficulties. It was found that one-third of participants (34%) met criteria for a mental health disorder, a relative risk 2.6 times greater than typically developing girls.4747. Wolstencroft J, Mandy W, Skuse D. Mental health and neurodevelopment in children and adolescents with Turner syndrome. Womens Health (Lond). 2022;18:17455057221133635.

In the literature, ADHD has met diagnostic criteria in 13% of TS patients and ASD in 23% of participants, findings that agree with a Swedish study, which found an increased risk of clinically significant ASD in girls and women with TS. Considering relative risk (RR), it was 21.6 in ADHD and 57.5 in ASD compared to typically developing girls. Those who met ASD criteria also showed an increased risk of an associated emotional disorder (RR 2.9) and ADHD (RR 7.5) when compared with TS without ASD.4747. Wolstencroft J, Mandy W, Skuse D. Mental health and neurodevelopment in children and adolescents with Turner syndrome. Womens Health (Lond). 2022;18:17455057221133635.

A parental evaluation of TS patients using Social Responsiveness Scale-2 (SRS-2) found nearly two-thirds (61%) presenting autistic-like characteristics, which were considered to impact their day-to-day interactions, according to Wolstencroft et al.4747. Wolstencroft J, Mandy W, Skuse D. Mental health and neurodevelopment in children and adolescents with Turner syndrome. Womens Health (Lond). 2022;18:17455057221133635.
Considering both the DAWBA (Development and Well-being Behavior Assessment) and the SRS-2 parent’s analysis, approximately one in five girls met criteria for an ASD, which translates to a 57-fold RR of meeting ASD criteria in TS compared to girls from the general population.4747. Wolstencroft J, Mandy W, Skuse D. Mental health and neurodevelopment in children and adolescents with Turner syndrome. Womens Health (Lond). 2022;18:17455057221133635.
This notable finding is not found as strongly in other studies, although the risk for ASD is considerably higher, with some studies suggesting a fourfold greater risk of being diagnosed with ASD.4040. Avdic HB, Butwicka A, Nordenström A, Almqvist C, Nordenskjöld A, Engberg H, et al. Neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders in females with Turner syndrome: a population-based study. J Neurodev Disord. 2021;13:51.

It is advised that physicians who manage individuals with TS consider referring them for ASD assessment. Once the diagnosis is made, the patient should have social skills support and other therapies implemented — early intervention is the key to a good prognosis, such as gains in cognition, language, adaptive behavior, and improvements in daily living skills and social behavior.

It is hypothesized that the expression of autistic traits in TS could be influenced by epigenetic imprinting, such a point is supported by neuroimaging studies on brain development trajectories. TS individuals who inherited their single X from their mothers (~80%, Xm) present a more severe case of communication difficulties than those who inherited it from their fathers (Xp).

In the general population, the prevalence of epilepsy is slightly lower in women than in men. This small difference is not well described in the literature, so it is not possible to quantify it as a percentage.4848. Beghi E, Ding D, Giussani G [homepage on the Internet]. Global burden of epilepsy. In: Epilepsy: a public health imperative. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019. p. 9-18 [cited 2022 Jul 8]. Available from:

In TS, the neurological findings are often an integral part of the clinical symptoms. However, epilepsy and seizure reports are low. Also, the literature on them is rare, and the pathophysiological mechanism is still unclear. Research has shown the different encephalic gray matter volumes in X chromosome’s aneuploidies, including in TS.4949. Zhao H, Lian YJ. Epilepsy associated with Turner syndrome. Neurol India. 2015;63:631-3.

Raznahan et al. suggested a gradual increase in encephalic volume according to the number of X chromosomes present in the karyotypic constitution, which is called the “X chromosome dose-effect.”5050. Raznahan A, Lee NR, Greenstein D, Wallace GL, Blumenthal JD, Clasen LS, et al. Globally divergent but locally convergent X- and Y-chromosome influences on cortical development. Cereb Cortex. 2016;26:70-9.
Therefore, the neuronal pathways involved may contribute to seizures and epilepsy findings.5151. Knickmeyer RC. Turner syndrome: advances in understanding altered cognition, brain structure and function. Curr Opin Neurol. 2012;25:144-9.
,5252. Raznahan A, Lue Y, Probst F, Greenstein D, Giedd J, Wang C, et al. Triangulating the sexually dimorphic brain through high-resolution neuroimaging of murine sex chromosome aneuploidies. Brain Struct Funct. 2015;220:3581-93.
Furthermore, another explanation for epilepsy in TS could be the hormonal neuronal pathways, since sex hormone deficiency appears to influence seizure patterns.5353. Velíšková J, Desantis KA. Sex and hormonal influences on seizures and epilepsy. Horm Behav. 2013;63:267-77.

As it is a retrospective study, there are limitations regarding the number of patients that fulfill the inclusion criteria. For the same reason, the study lacks the use of specific tests that could quantify the neurophysiological abnormalities.

In conclusion, TS is the most frequent female SCA, although underdiagnosed. Our study showed that, despite being a widely known syndrome, there is still a knowledge gap that needs further research on the subject, especially regarding its association with neuropsychological findings. In addition, early diagnosis and treatment are essential to provide a better quality of life for these patients and, thus, contribute to social and economic improvements in society.

  • Funding

    This study was funded by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) financing code 001.


The database that originated the article is available with the corresponding author.


  • 1.
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Edited by


Ruth Guinsburg

Associated editors:

Sonia Regina Testa da Silva Ramos

Executive editor:

Mário Cícero Falcão

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    09 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    13 Oct 2023
  • Accepted
    29 Mar 2024
Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo R. Maria Figueiredo, 595 - 10o andar, 04002-003 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (11 55) 3284-0308; 3289-9809; 3284-0051 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil