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About the journal


Basic Information


The journal Pandaemonium Germanicum, published since 1997 by the German Area of the Department of Modern Letters of the FFLCH/USP and the Post-Graduate Program in German Language and Literature, comprehends itself as a forum of academic discussion in the Germanistic field covering: German language literature, compared literature and cultural studies related to German-speaking countries, German linguistics, applied and contrastive linguistics (Portuguese/German), teaching of German as a foreign/additional language, and studies on translation logic.

Pandaemonium seeks not only to disseminate studies by Germanists from Brazil and abroad, but also to contribute to the dialogue between German studies, other languages and literatures as well as further fields of knowledge.

Pandaemonium is an open access journal published semi-annually until 2015 and three times a year from 2016 on. The manuscripts are submitted to double blind peer review. In case of divergent opinions, a third opinion is sought for. Accepted articles are throroughly edited before publishing.

Pandaemonium accepts submissions of the following types of texts in the areas outlined above:

  1. original articles in Portuguese, German, Spanish or English (minimum of 15 and maximum of 30 pages);
  2. review articles;
  3. critical reviews of dissertations, theses, translations and books of interest for the areas covered. Foreign books must have been published within the past 3 years, and Brazilian editions within the last 2 years;
  4. in exceptional cases, translations of articles and interviews with seminal authors or eminent professors in the areas covered may be included.

The journal considers texts on the topics listed above, written in continuous text and addressing specific themes in line with its calls for papers.



Indexed in

  • Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ
  • Deutsche National Bibliothek
  • Portal de Periódicos/ CAPES
  • Portal de Revistas do Sistema Integrados de Bibliotecas- Universidade de São Paulo/SIBI-USP
  • Germanistik im Netz - GiNDok
  • Redalyc
  • MLA


Intelectual Property

  • All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY-NC.
  • By submitting the manuscript, the author allows it to be published by Pandaemonium Germanicum at no charge for the journal and accepts the indicated Creative Commons license. The author holds all copyrights and patrimonial rights; in later publications, the author shall indicate the first publication in the journal.



  • Programa Editorial CNPq/CAPES (2017-2018)

  • USP's Program for Support to Scientific Periodical Publications (2020-2023)



Editorial Board


Chief editors






Associate Editors



Honorary Editor

  • Hardarik Blühdorn, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Alemanha


Scientific Board




Instructions to authors


Manuscript evaluation


Articles submitted for review for publication in Pandaemonium must not be simultaneously submitted for publication to other journals or other editorial organs.


The opinions and ideas expressed in the published articles are the responsibility of their respective authors.



Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement


Pandaemonium Germanicum strives to comply with good practices of journal editoring, as stated in the Guidelines of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE). It does not accept any form of pagiarism or unethical behavior, applying tools for their detection.



Open Access Policy


According to UNESCO’s Recommendation on Open Science (2022, p. 7), “open science  is  defined  as  an  inclusive construct that combines various movements and practices aiming to  make  multilingual  scientific  knowledge  openly  available,  accessible  and  reusable  for  everyone,  to  increase  scientific  collaborations  and  sharing  of  information for the benefits of science and society”.

Taking into account the particularities of the German Studies in Brazil, the journal Pandaemonium Germanicum adopts the following Open Science principles:

  • Open access to every published article;
  • Cost-free submission of manuscripts, no charge required;
  • Possibility of publishing papers in multiple languages (English, German, Portuguese, Spanish);
  • Support for entry-level researchers by not requiring a minimum degree for article submission;
  • Equal opportunities for authors from groups traditionally underrepresented because of gender, nationality, or socioeconomic circumstances, among others;
  • Sustainability of publishing practices by investing in the training of fellows and interns.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


The texts published by Pandaemonium comply with ABNT standards and must be submitted according to the following specific instructions:

1. Title - centered, with only initial letters of the words in uppercase. Font: Geometr231 BT 26. The title must be translated into English (Geometr231 BT 14 between square brackets).

2. Use the corresponding form or a separate file to indicate: Full name of author(s), institution, department, address of the institution, city, country, email address for correspondence, ORCID number. Ex.:

Full name, Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Letras Modernas, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 403, 05508-900, São Paulo/SP, Brasil. Email name@institution, ORCID: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.

2.1. Use the corresponding online form to inform sources of funding for the research.

3. Abstract and Summary/Resumen and/or Zusammenfassung - an abstract in English is compulsory, along with a summary in Portuguese or Spanish, for Portuguese and Spanish articles, respectively; or a Zusammenfassung in German for articles in the German language. For articles in Portuguese/Spanish, a Zusammenfassung may also be provided. A summary may also be provided for articles in German. The word Abstract/Summary/Resumen/Zusammenfassung must be inserted in Times New Roman 11, boldface, with uppercase initial letter, followed by a colon. The summary text must be typed in Times New Roman 11 font, with standard spacing and no indentation. The summary must be a minimum of 50, and maximum of 200, words in length.

Note: A summary is not required in reviews.

4. Keywords/Palavras-chave/Palabras clave/Stichwörter - should be included at the end of summaries by inserting a blank line, with a Times New Roman 11 font and standard spacing. The words Keywords/Palavras-chave/Stichwörter should be in boldface, and followed by colon. A total of 3 to 5 keywords are required for each summary, separated by semi-colons.

Note: Keywords are not required in reviews.

5. Text - in Times New Roman 12, with line and paragraph spacing of 1.5. (Spacing between paragraphs throughout the text above and below: 3 pt). Articles should contain a minimum of 15 and maximum of 30 pages. Articles containing less than 15 pages will not be reviewed. (For reviews: minimum length of 3 and maximum of 7 pages).

5.1. Paragraphs: should employ tabs (1,25 cm).

5.2. Subtitles: Geometr231 BT 19.5, no indentation, only initial letter in capitals. Numbering should be done using Arabic numerals. Second grade subtitles: font size 13,5.

5.3. Tables and illustrations (photographs, drawings, graphs etc.) must be consistent with the general standard of the text and fit within the space allocated by the author. A resolution of 72 px is recommended for images. The use of large images should be avoided.

5.4. Notes should appear at the foot of the page, and be numbered in order of appearance. Font: Times New Roman 10, standard spacing.

5.5. Emphases or highlights within the text should be made using italics. Phrases in foreign languages should be in italics. Underscores should not be used.

5.6. Citations of up to three lines should be placed between quotes (not in italics), followed by author's surname (in small capitals - not in upper case!), year of publication and page number(s). E.g.: (Lieblich 2005: 61-63). Citations longer than 3 lines should be indented 1.25 cm on the left, in Times New Roman 11 font, no quotation marks or italics, and with standard spacing, followed by the author's surname (in small capitals), year of publication and page number(s).

Some examples of citations:

Direct citation of three lines or less

Bornheim (1992:57) also affirms " Assim, a plasticidade do texto compõe-se juntamente com os recursos de que lança mão a encenação."

Indirect citation

Para o dramaturgo e diretor alemão Bertolt Brecht (1967), o teatro não deve proporcionar apenas as sensações e os impulsos que são permitidos pelo respectivo contexto histórico [...].

Citation longer than three lines

Nesse sentido, [...] Henry Giroux (apud Rajagopalan 2003: 105) argumenta que

Ensinar, nos termos de Freire, não é simplesmente estar em sala de aula, mas estar na história, na esfera mais ampla de um imaginário político que oferece aos educadores a oportunidade de uma enorme coleção de campos para mobilizar conhecimentos e desejos que podem levar a mudanças significativas na minimalização do grau de opressão na vida das pessoas.

6. Annexes - should be avoided. If included, annexes must be placed prior to the bibliographic references, preceded by the word Annexes in boldface with only the initial letter in capitals, with no indentation or numbering. Annexes should only be used when absolutely necessary.

7. Bibliographic references - (ABNT) should include only the texts cited in the paper. The words Bibliographic references, with capital B, in Geometr231 BT 19.5 font, and no indentation, should be used. Standard spacing and automatic offset should be used for bibliographic references. Font: Times New Roman 11Small capitals should be used for authors' surnames. (See examples).

Bibliographic references must not be numbered.

Important: In cases where the author(s) cite their own works, the identifications must be replaced by XXXX in the references and in the body of the text.

Examples of bibliographic references


Rajagopalan, Kanavillil. Por uma lingüística crítica: Linguagem, identidade e a questão ética. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2003.

Book chapter

Ehlich, Konrad; Rehbein, Jochen. Einige Interrelationen von Modalverben. In: Wunderlich, Dieter (ed.). Linguistische Pragmatik. 2nd ed. Wiesbaden: Athenaion,1975, p. 318-341.

Journal Article

Aubert, Francis Henrik. Modalidades de tradução: teoria e resultados. TradTerm, v. 5, n. 1, p. 99-128, 1998.

Newspaper article

Teixeira, Ivan. Gramática do louvor. In: Folha de S. Paulo, Jornal de Resenhas, year 80, n. 25.938, 8 apr. 2000, p. 4.

Dissertation and thesis

Uphoff, Dörthe. O poder do livro didático e a posição do professor no ensino de alemão como língua estrangeira. Tese (Doutorado em Linguística Aplicada) – Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2009.

Online Publication - INTERNET

NEUMANN, Gerson R. "Brasileiros sobre a Europa" - Brasil: além do centro e da periferia? In: Revista Contingentia, Porto Alegre, v. 2, nov. 2007, p. 29-35. <> (23.01.2008).

CONCLUDING REMARKS: Non-compliance with the format rules will lead to the rejection of the manuscript.



Submission of the manuscripts


The journal accepts manuscripts continuously




Universidade de São Paulo/Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas/; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Língua e Literatura Alemã Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 403, 05508-900 São Paulo/SP/ Brasil, Tel.: (55 11)3091-5028 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil