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In the route. The direct action of the agrarian corporations during the Kirchner years (2003-2014)


In the following work, we will analyze the tendencies of the protest of the agricultural bourgeoisie over the period 2003-2014. To do this, we will empirically reconstruct, through media sources and databases, the different direct actions carried out. What we intend to find is, first, to what extent this fraction of the class appealed to the direct conflict and in which context it did it, and second, if this fraction has managed to constitute an opposing social force at some point of the period. We classified the information in certain significant variables: number of actions, duration, spatial distribution, methods, unity of the agrarian entities and results of the protests. The reconstruction allows us to sustain the hypothesis that it is a movement with little lobby capacity on its own (with the exception of the national conflict in 2008), with a remarkable heterogeneity in the demands and whose results benefited the smaller fractions.

Agrarian bourgeoisie; corporations; direct action; State.

Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) CEP: 19060-900, +55 (18) 3229-5664 - Presidente Prudente - SP - Brazil